European and Extraeuropean Languages and Literatures (Classe LM-37)-Enrolled from 2021/2022 Academic Year

Master programme
A.Y. 2021/2022
LM-37 - Lingue e letterature moderne europee e americane (EN)
The aim of the course is to develop a set of high-level methodological and theoretical-scientific skills in one or two European languages and literatures, considering their evolution and forms of expression in both their original areas and in those of more recent expansion. The course leaves a wide margin for personalization and allows students to build a coherent study plan, combining foreign languages and literatures with other fields of Humanities. Depending on the approach chosen and the subject of the Master's dissertation, students will be able to organize their study plan according to specific perspectives, such as: linguistics and philology; literature and comparative studies; the historical, geographical and philosophical areas; the field of communication, editorial activity and artistic expression; anthropology, psychology and pedagogy, fields especially useful to acquire the requested credits for the training of future secondary teachers.
Graduates in European and extra-european languages and literatures develop a wealth of competences and skills that allow them to work, even with a high level of responsibility, in a variety of professional fields, especially those requiring written and oral command of foreign languages accompanied by a solid preparation in humanities.
The main employment opportunities for graduates in European and extraeuropean foreign languages and literatures are:
- translation, linguistic assessment and text editing and revising
- translators or editors in publishing houses, including multimedia publications
- translation and localization agencies for websites and web portals
- private companies, particularly in the areas of relations with multinationals, chambers of commerce and foreign companies, business intelligence and human resources management
- management services related to fairs, events, congresses, exhibition centres and cultural events
- relations with foreign cultural institutions and non-governmental organizations
- public administration offices operating in cultural contexts and in contact with similar bodies
- communication and marketing offices of private companies and public administration, especially in fields requiring the use of foreign languages
- continuation of studies with the third level of university education (Doctorate) or with a second level vocational master
- courses for secondary education teaching (if in possession of credits in appropriate groups of disciplinary fields, as stated by current legislation).
Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The main employment opportunities for graduates in European and extraeuropean foreign languages and literatures are:
- translation, linguistic assessment and text editing and revising
- translators or editors in publishing houses, including multimedia publications
- translation and localization agencies for websites and web portals
- private companies, particularly in the areas of relations with multinationals, chambers of commerce and foreign companies, business intelligence and human resources management
- management services related to fairs, events, congresses, exhibition centres and cultural events
- relations with foreign cultural institutions and non-governmental organizations
- public administration offices operating in cultural contexts and in contact with similar bodies
- communication and marketing offices of private companies and public administration, especially in fields requiring the use of foreign languages
- continuation of studies with the third level of university education (Doctorate) or with a second level vocational master
- courses for secondary education teaching (if in possession of credits in appropriate groups of disciplinary fields, as stated by current legislation).
Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
- Requisiti e conoscenze richieste per l'accesso
L'ammissione è consentita a tutti i laureati di primo livello in Atenei italiani, indipendentemente dalla classe, purché, in aggiunta al titolo, i candidati abbiano conseguito una votazione finale di almeno 90/110 e siano in possesso di alcuni requisiti minimi, espressi in CFU. L'ammissione è consentita anche ai possessori di titolo straniero, previa valutazione della congruenza del percorso formativo, oltre che in base alle competenze linguistiche e letterarie pregresse e in accordo con le procedure stabilite dall'Ateneo per il riconoscimento dei titoli conseguiti all'estero.
La verifica dei requisiti minimi è svolta da una Commissione nominata dal Corso di Studio.
I requisiti minimi sono i seguenti:
- almeno 6 CFU in insegnamenti di Glottologia o Linguistica generale (L-LIN/01)
- almeno 24 + 24 CFU (in almeno 2 annualità ciascuna) in due diverse lingue
- almeno 18 + 18 CFU (in almeno 2 annualità ciascuna) nelle due corrispondenti letterature
Per lingue e letterature si intendono insegnamenti di "Lingua" e di "Letteratura", opportunamente graduati, distinti in annualità e non iterati, e non altri insegnamenti appartenenti agli stessi Settori Scientifico Disciplinari. I due insegnamenti di lingua e quelli della corrispondente letteratura devono essere compresi fra quelli sotto elencati; in via eccezionale possono venire ammessi anche studenti che abbiano seguito nel triennio solo una delle lingue e letterature sotto elencate, avendo acquisito almeno altri 18 + 18 CFU in una lingua e letteratura diversa, e purché abbiano almeno altri 18 CFU in insegnamenti ricompresi nei Settori Scientifico Disciplinari L-FIL-LET/09-10-11-12-14-15, M-STO/01-02-03-04, SPS/05-13; in questo caso, lo studente verrà ammesso al Corso di Studio ma dovrà obbligatoriamente optare per proseguire la lingua e letteratura studiate tra quelle offerte, che sono elencate di seguito:
Lingua francese (L-LIN/04 - Lingua e traduzione - lingua francese)
Lingua inglese (L-LIN/12 - Lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese)
Lingua polacca (L-LIN/21 - Slavistica)
Lingua portoghese (L-LIN/09 - Lingua e traduzione - lingue portoghese e brasiliana)
Lingua russa (L-LIN/21 - Slavistica)
Lingua spagnola (L-LIN/07 - Lingua e traduzione - lingua spagnola)
Lingua tedesca (L-LIN/14 - Lingua e traduzione - lingua tedesca)
Lingue scandinave (L-LIN/15 - Lingue e letterature nordiche)
Letteratura angloamericana (L-LIN/11 - Lingue e letterature anglo-americane)
Letteratura francese (L-LIN/03 - Letteratura francese)
Letteratura inglese (L-LIN/10 - Letteratura inglese)
Letteratura polacca (L-LIN/21 - Slavistica)
Letteratura portoghese e brasiliana (L-LIN/08 - Letterature portoghese e brasiliana)
Letteratura russa (L-LIN/21 - Slavistica)
Letteratura spagnola (L-LIN/05 - Letteratura spagnola)
Letteratura tedesca (L-LIN/13 - Letteratura tedesca)
Letterature ispanoamericane (L-LIN/06 - Lingua e letterature ispano-americane)
Letterature scandinave (L-LIN/15 - Lingue e letterature nordiche)
Per poter essere ammessi per l'a.a. 2021-2022, i candidati dovranno essere in possesso di tutti i requisiti d'ammissione precedentemente elencati (conseguiti con la laurea di primo livello o con eventuali esami singoli indicati dalla commissione) entro il 31 dicembre 2021. La domanda di ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale deve essere presentata entro e non oltre il 27 agosto 2021, anche dai candidati che prevedono di laurearsi oltre quella data. Le immatricolazioni saranno aperte dal 15 luglio 2021 al 30 settembre 2021, mentre coloro che conseguiranno il titolo più tardi, ma comunque entro e non oltre, il 31 dicembre 2021 dovranno immatricolarsi entro il 15 gennaio 2022, avendo recuperato in tempo utile eventuali requisiti mancanti.
Al momento della presentazione della domanda di ammissione, lo studente non ancora laureato che intende iscriversi a questo Corso di Studio dovrà avere acquisito almeno 150 crediti formativi nel percorso di laurea triennale.
- Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze della preparazione personale
Una Commissione appositamente nominata dal Corso di Studio analizza curriculum, titoli e carriera pregressa dei candidati, verificandone il possesso dei requisiti minimi curriculari. Procede poi all'accertamento dell'adeguatezza della preparazione dei candidati, e convoca per un colloquio di verifica coloro che si trovino in una delle seguenti condizioni: laureati con votazione inferiore a 95/110 in una qualunque classe di Laurea Triennale; laureati con titolo conseguito oltre 10 anni prima del 31 dicembre 2021; laureati con esami delle lingue e letterature per cui richiedono l'ammissione sostenuti oltre 10 anni prima del 31 dicembre 2021; candidati in possesso di titolo estero articolato in modo sensibilmente diverso rispetto al sistema accademico italiano. Non verranno prese in considerazione domande di candidati con votazione di laurea inferiore a 90/110. Il Corso di Studio convocherà per i colloqui di verifica solo i candidati dei quali intende accertare l'adeguatezza della preparazione; ove opportuno, i colloqui potranno svolgersi anche in forma di videoconferenza. L'assenza non giustificata a tali colloqui sarà considerata al pari di una rinuncia all'ammissione. Il mancato possesso dei requisiti minimi curriculari o l'esito non positivo del colloquio di accertamento impediscono di procedere con l'immatricolazione, anche nel caso di studenti che intendano trasferirsi da altri Corsi di Studio Magistrali, di classe LM-37 o di altra classe. I candidati potranno recuperare i requisiti mancanti mediante l'iscrizione a corsi singoli, secondo le indicazioni fornite dal Corso di Studio. Solo in seguito alla completa acquisizione dei requisiti minimi, nel rispetto delle scadenze indicate ogni anno, i candidati potranno essere ammessi al Corso di Studio.
La Commissione per le ammissioni nominata dal Corso di Studio potrà valutare anche esperienze formative, di insegnamento e professionali in cui siano state mantenute o rafforzate le competenze acquisite in carriere teoricamente obsolete, e potrà derogare dai criteri generali a fronte di candidati che dimostrino una preparazione adeguata, ancorché conseguita seguendo percorsi o carriere non del tutto lineari. Dunque, previa attenta valutazione del curriculum, potrà deciderne l'ammissione anche in parziale deroga ai requisiti di cui sopra (in accordo con le raccomandazioni del D.M. 386 del 26 luglio 2007, Allegato 1, punto 3.e, laddove si contempla la possibilità di consentire l'accesso "a laureati con elevata preparazione provenienti anche da percorsi formativi non perfettamente coerenti con i requisiti richiesti in ingresso").
L'ammissione è consentita a tutti i laureati di primo livello in Atenei italiani, indipendentemente dalla classe, purché, in aggiunta al titolo, i candidati abbiano conseguito una votazione finale di almeno 90/110 e siano in possesso di alcuni requisiti minimi, espressi in CFU. L'ammissione è consentita anche ai possessori di titolo straniero, previa valutazione della congruenza del percorso formativo, oltre che in base alle competenze linguistiche e letterarie pregresse e in accordo con le procedure stabilite dall'Ateneo per il riconoscimento dei titoli conseguiti all'estero.
La verifica dei requisiti minimi è svolta da una Commissione nominata dal Corso di Studio.
I requisiti minimi sono i seguenti:
- almeno 6 CFU in insegnamenti di Glottologia o Linguistica generale (L-LIN/01)
- almeno 24 + 24 CFU (in almeno 2 annualità ciascuna) in due diverse lingue
- almeno 18 + 18 CFU (in almeno 2 annualità ciascuna) nelle due corrispondenti letterature
Per lingue e letterature si intendono insegnamenti di "Lingua" e di "Letteratura", opportunamente graduati, distinti in annualità e non iterati, e non altri insegnamenti appartenenti agli stessi Settori Scientifico Disciplinari. I due insegnamenti di lingua e quelli della corrispondente letteratura devono essere compresi fra quelli sotto elencati; in via eccezionale possono venire ammessi anche studenti che abbiano seguito nel triennio solo una delle lingue e letterature sotto elencate, avendo acquisito almeno altri 18 + 18 CFU in una lingua e letteratura diversa, e purché abbiano almeno altri 18 CFU in insegnamenti ricompresi nei Settori Scientifico Disciplinari L-FIL-LET/09-10-11-12-14-15, M-STO/01-02-03-04, SPS/05-13; in questo caso, lo studente verrà ammesso al Corso di Studio ma dovrà obbligatoriamente optare per proseguire la lingua e letteratura studiate tra quelle offerte, che sono elencate di seguito:
Lingua francese (L-LIN/04 - Lingua e traduzione - lingua francese)
Lingua inglese (L-LIN/12 - Lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese)
Lingua polacca (L-LIN/21 - Slavistica)
Lingua portoghese (L-LIN/09 - Lingua e traduzione - lingue portoghese e brasiliana)
Lingua russa (L-LIN/21 - Slavistica)
Lingua spagnola (L-LIN/07 - Lingua e traduzione - lingua spagnola)
Lingua tedesca (L-LIN/14 - Lingua e traduzione - lingua tedesca)
Lingue scandinave (L-LIN/15 - Lingue e letterature nordiche)
Letteratura angloamericana (L-LIN/11 - Lingue e letterature anglo-americane)
Letteratura francese (L-LIN/03 - Letteratura francese)
Letteratura inglese (L-LIN/10 - Letteratura inglese)
Letteratura polacca (L-LIN/21 - Slavistica)
Letteratura portoghese e brasiliana (L-LIN/08 - Letterature portoghese e brasiliana)
Letteratura russa (L-LIN/21 - Slavistica)
Letteratura spagnola (L-LIN/05 - Letteratura spagnola)
Letteratura tedesca (L-LIN/13 - Letteratura tedesca)
Letterature ispanoamericane (L-LIN/06 - Lingua e letterature ispano-americane)
Letterature scandinave (L-LIN/15 - Lingue e letterature nordiche)
Per poter essere ammessi per l'a.a. 2021-2022, i candidati dovranno essere in possesso di tutti i requisiti d'ammissione precedentemente elencati (conseguiti con la laurea di primo livello o con eventuali esami singoli indicati dalla commissione) entro il 31 dicembre 2021. La domanda di ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale deve essere presentata entro e non oltre il 27 agosto 2021, anche dai candidati che prevedono di laurearsi oltre quella data. Le immatricolazioni saranno aperte dal 15 luglio 2021 al 30 settembre 2021, mentre coloro che conseguiranno il titolo più tardi, ma comunque entro e non oltre, il 31 dicembre 2021 dovranno immatricolarsi entro il 15 gennaio 2022, avendo recuperato in tempo utile eventuali requisiti mancanti.
Al momento della presentazione della domanda di ammissione, lo studente non ancora laureato che intende iscriversi a questo Corso di Studio dovrà avere acquisito almeno 150 crediti formativi nel percorso di laurea triennale.
- Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze della preparazione personale
Una Commissione appositamente nominata dal Corso di Studio analizza curriculum, titoli e carriera pregressa dei candidati, verificandone il possesso dei requisiti minimi curriculari. Procede poi all'accertamento dell'adeguatezza della preparazione dei candidati, e convoca per un colloquio di verifica coloro che si trovino in una delle seguenti condizioni: laureati con votazione inferiore a 95/110 in una qualunque classe di Laurea Triennale; laureati con titolo conseguito oltre 10 anni prima del 31 dicembre 2021; laureati con esami delle lingue e letterature per cui richiedono l'ammissione sostenuti oltre 10 anni prima del 31 dicembre 2021; candidati in possesso di titolo estero articolato in modo sensibilmente diverso rispetto al sistema accademico italiano. Non verranno prese in considerazione domande di candidati con votazione di laurea inferiore a 90/110. Il Corso di Studio convocherà per i colloqui di verifica solo i candidati dei quali intende accertare l'adeguatezza della preparazione; ove opportuno, i colloqui potranno svolgersi anche in forma di videoconferenza. L'assenza non giustificata a tali colloqui sarà considerata al pari di una rinuncia all'ammissione. Il mancato possesso dei requisiti minimi curriculari o l'esito non positivo del colloquio di accertamento impediscono di procedere con l'immatricolazione, anche nel caso di studenti che intendano trasferirsi da altri Corsi di Studio Magistrali, di classe LM-37 o di altra classe. I candidati potranno recuperare i requisiti mancanti mediante l'iscrizione a corsi singoli, secondo le indicazioni fornite dal Corso di Studio. Solo in seguito alla completa acquisizione dei requisiti minimi, nel rispetto delle scadenze indicate ogni anno, i candidati potranno essere ammessi al Corso di Studio.
La Commissione per le ammissioni nominata dal Corso di Studio potrà valutare anche esperienze formative, di insegnamento e professionali in cui siano state mantenute o rafforzate le competenze acquisite in carriere teoricamente obsolete, e potrà derogare dai criteri generali a fronte di candidati che dimostrino una preparazione adeguata, ancorché conseguita seguendo percorsi o carriere non del tutto lineari. Dunque, previa attenta valutazione del curriculum, potrà deciderne l'ammissione anche in parziale deroga ai requisiti di cui sopra (in accordo con le raccomandazioni del D.M. 386 del 26 luglio 2007, Allegato 1, punto 3.e, laddove si contempla la possibilità di consentire l'accesso "a laureati con elevata preparazione provenienti anche da percorsi formativi non perfettamente coerenti con i requisiti richiesti in ingresso").
The Master programme in European and extraeuropean languages and literatures has always been characterized by its strong international vocation, in. The programme can boast a significant number of mobility agreements for students which is constantly increasing.
As part of the Erasmus + programme, a high number of scholarships are made available each year for study periods of a semester to an entire academic year, in agreement with many partner universities located in different European countries. Other opportunities are offered, such as Traineeship programme (working periods abroad) and joint degrees (Avignon and Mainz universities, at the moment). Bilateral agreements and conventions are also currently running with important universities in Russia and Latin America to promote student mobility outside the European Union, and more agreements are active with universities located in Canada, India and the United States.
During the abroad stay, students attend courses that are compatible with those they would have attended in their home University in Milan, following a training project designed with a tutor in the months preceding their departure, and culminating in the draft of a study contract (the Learning Agreement). Coordination with the tutors (one or more for each language area) ensures expert support and guidance throughout the process, as well as full validation of the credits acquired abroad. In addition, the abroad stay can be extremely helpful in carrying out the final project research and writing the dissertation.
The experience of university and daily life in the country of one of the elected languages and literatures represents a unique opportunity for students to improve their linguistic competence. A study abroad stay is also a period of personal and relational growth, as well as of cultural, historical and artistic advancement, which favors mutual comprehension and the integration in the complex contemporary society.
The course programme provides substantial support to interested students through specialised manuals on partner Universities and their locations, and through an orientation and tutoring service, which can be accessed in person or via email. The service is aimed at assisting in fulfilling the application, in the drafting of the Learning Agreement and in the preparation of administrative documents. For all details, please refer to the page
As part of the Erasmus + programme, a high number of scholarships are made available each year for study periods of a semester to an entire academic year, in agreement with many partner universities located in different European countries. Other opportunities are offered, such as Traineeship programme (working periods abroad) and joint degrees (Avignon and Mainz universities, at the moment). Bilateral agreements and conventions are also currently running with important universities in Russia and Latin America to promote student mobility outside the European Union, and more agreements are active with universities located in Canada, India and the United States.
During the abroad stay, students attend courses that are compatible with those they would have attended in their home University in Milan, following a training project designed with a tutor in the months preceding their departure, and culminating in the draft of a study contract (the Learning Agreement). Coordination with the tutors (one or more for each language area) ensures expert support and guidance throughout the process, as well as full validation of the credits acquired abroad. In addition, the abroad stay can be extremely helpful in carrying out the final project research and writing the dissertation.
The experience of university and daily life in the country of one of the elected languages and literatures represents a unique opportunity for students to improve their linguistic competence. A study abroad stay is also a period of personal and relational growth, as well as of cultural, historical and artistic advancement, which favors mutual comprehension and the integration in the complex contemporary society.
The course programme provides substantial support to interested students through specialised manuals on partner Universities and their locations, and through an orientation and tutoring service, which can be accessed in person or via email. The service is aimed at assisting in fulfilling the application, in the drafting of the Learning Agreement and in the preparation of administrative documents. For all details, please refer to the page
Dato il carattere seminariale di molte attività didattiche, la frequenza è fortemente consigliata per tutti gli insegnamenti e per le esercitazioni linguistiche. In alcuni casi (laboratori in presenza) è obbligatoria per poter acquisire i relativi crediti. La frequenza assidua può garantire, se previsto dal singolo insegnamento o esercitazione, la possibilità di sostenere prove intermedie o di accedere ad altre modalità di valutazione continua, che andranno a sostituire parti dell'esame finale o a contribuire alla valutazione in trentesimi. Indicazioni dettagliate per frequentanti e non frequentanti sono disponibili nelle schede di ogni insegnamento (
Courses list
Optional activities and study plan rules
b2 - Group 1a
MONOLINGUAL curriculum: opt for ONE of the following
MONOLINGUAL curriculum: opt for ONE of the following
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
English Language 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | English | year | L-LIN/12 |
French 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | French | year | L-LIN/04 |
German 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | German | year | L-LIN/14 |
Polish 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Polish | year | L-LIN/21 |
Portuguese 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Portuguese | year | L-LIN/09 |
Russian 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Russian | year | L-LIN/21 |
Scandinavian Languages 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Italian | year | L-LIN/15 |
Spanish 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Spanish | year | L-LIN/07 |
b3 - Group 1a
BILINGUAL curriculum: opt for TWO of the following
BILINGUAL curriculum: opt for TWO of the following
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
English Language 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | English | year | L-LIN/12 |
French 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | French | year | L-LIN/04 |
German 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | German | year | L-LIN/14 |
Polish 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Polish | year | L-LIN/21 |
Portuguese 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Portuguese | year | L-LIN/09 |
Russian 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Russian | year | L-LIN/21 |
Scandinavian Languages 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Italian | year | L-LIN/15 |
Spanish 1 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Spanish | year | L-LIN/07 |
be activated by the A.Y. 2022/2023
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
M.a. Degree Examination | 30 | 0 | Italian | Open sessions |
Optional activities and study plan rules
a - The M.A. programme consists of the following categories:
Core courses (8 exams, 60 credits)
Elective courses (3 exams, 18 credits)
Free choice (9 credits)
Other activities (3 credits)
Dissertation (30 credits)
Each student may opt for a monolingual or a bilingual curriculum, according to the languages and literatures accepted by the Admission Committee.
Core courses (8 exams, 60 credits)
Elective courses (3 exams, 18 credits)
Free choice (9 credits)
Other activities (3 credits)
Dissertation (30 credits)
Each student may opt for a monolingual or a bilingual curriculum, according to the languages and literatures accepted by the Admission Committee.
b1 - CORE COURSES (60 credits)
Students should acquire 48 credits in Foreign Languages and Literatures, according to this distribution:
MONOLINGUAL curriculum
- 9 credits (1st year Language exam)
- 39 credits in 5 exams (3 for 9 credits, 2 for 6 credits) among those related to the Language and Literature field chosen
BILINGUAL curriculum
- 9 + 9 credits (1st year Language exam in two different languages)
- 30 credits in 4 exams among those related to the Language and Literature fields chosen (1 for 9 credits, 1 for 6 credits each)
Please note:
- The Scandinavian Languages course (which offers practical language classes in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish) corresponds to a single course of Scandinavian Literature.
- Students choosing English Language may choose either English Literature or American Literature depending on their previous education, but may also take exams in both disciplines, taking care to sketch a coherent study plan.
- Students choosing Spanish Language may choose either Spanish Literature or Spanish-American Literature depending on their previous education, but may also take exams in both disciplines, taking care to sketch a coherent study plan.
Students should acquire 48 credits in Foreign Languages and Literatures, according to this distribution:
MONOLINGUAL curriculum
- 9 credits (1st year Language exam)
- 39 credits in 5 exams (3 for 9 credits, 2 for 6 credits) among those related to the Language and Literature field chosen
BILINGUAL curriculum
- 9 + 9 credits (1st year Language exam in two different languages)
- 30 credits in 4 exams among those related to the Language and Literature fields chosen (1 for 9 credits, 1 for 6 credits each)
Please note:
- The Scandinavian Languages course (which offers practical language classes in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish) corresponds to a single course of Scandinavian Literature.
- Students choosing English Language may choose either English Literature or American Literature depending on their previous education, but may also take exams in both disciplines, taking care to sketch a coherent study plan.
- Students choosing Spanish Language may choose either Spanish Literature or Spanish-American Literature depending on their previous education, but may also take exams in both disciplines, taking care to sketch a coherent study plan.
c - Group 1b
MONOLINGUAL curriculum: 39 credits, in 3 exams for 9 credits and two exams for 6 credits
BILINGUAL curriculum: 30 CFU in 2 exams for 9 credits and two exams for 6 credits
Credits must be acquired in exams from the following list, according to the Language and Literature field or fields chosen. An exam may be taken twice, for a maximum total of 18 credits, pending justification and permission by the tutors of the M.A. As a general rule, permission will be allowed especially for those language and literature fields which offer fewer exams, or in accordance with the subject of the final Dissertation.
Please note that the first year of the Language course is preparatory to the second year.
MONOLINGUAL curriculum: 39 credits, in 3 exams for 9 credits and two exams for 6 credits
BILINGUAL curriculum: 30 CFU in 2 exams for 9 credits and two exams for 6 credits
Credits must be acquired in exams from the following list, according to the Language and Literature field or fields chosen. An exam may be taken twice, for a maximum total of 18 credits, pending justification and permission by the tutors of the M.A. As a general rule, permission will be allowed especially for those language and literature fields which offer fewer exams, or in accordance with the subject of the final Dissertation.
Please note that the first year of the Language course is preparatory to the second year.
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Advanced English Linguistics | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/12 |
Advanced French Linguistics | 9 | 60 | French | Second semester | L-LIN/04 |
African Literature in Portuguese | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/08 |
American Literature Lm | 9 | 60 | English | First semester | L-LIN/11 |
Anglophone Literatures | 9 | 60 | English | Second semester | L-LIN/10 |
British Theatre Studies and Performance | 9 | 60 | English | Second semester | L-LIN/10 |
Catalan Language and Literature | 9 | 60 | Second semester | L-LIN/05 | |
Contemporary English Literature | 9 | 60 | English | First semester | L-LIN/10 |
Contemporary French Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/03 |
Contemporary German Literature | 9 | 60 | German | Second semester | L-LIN/13 |
Contemporary Russian Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/21 |
Contemporary Scandinavian Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/15 |
Contemporary Spanish Literature | 9 | 60 | Spanish | Second semester | L-LIN/05 |
English Language 2 (MA) | 9 | 60 | English | year | L-LIN/12 |
English Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | English | Second semester | L-LIN/10 |
Francophones Literatures | 9 | 60 | French | First semester | L-LIN/03 |
French 2 (MA) | 9 | 60 | French | year | L-LIN/04 |
French Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | French | First semester | L-LIN/03 |
French Theatre | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/03 |
German 2 (MA) | 9 | 60 | German | year | L-LIN/14 |
German Linguistics | 9 | 60 | German | First semester | L-LIN/14 |
German Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | German | First semester | L-LIN/13 |
German Literature and Intermedial Studies | 9 | 60 | German | Second semester | L-LIN/13 |
German Theatre | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/13 |
History of English Language | 9 | 60 | English | First semester | L-LIN/12 |
History of French Language | 9 | 60 | French | First semester | L-LIN/04 |
History of German Language | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/14 |
Icelandic Language and Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/15 |
Latin American Linguistics | 9 | 60 | Spanish | First semester | L-LIN/06 |
Latin American Spanish (MA) | 9 | 60 | Spanish | First semester | L-LIN/06 |
Medieval French Literature | 9 | 60 | French | First semester | L-LIN/03 |
Middle English Literature | 9 | 60 | English | First semester | L-LIN/10 |
Polish 2 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Polish | year | L-LIN/21 |
Polish Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/21 |
Portuguese 2 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Portuguese | year | L-LIN/09 |
Portuguese and Brazilian Studies (MA) | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/08 |
Pre-Columbian Civilizations | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/06 |
Russian 2 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Russian | year | L-LIN/21 |
Russian Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/21 |
Russian Theatre | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/21 |
Scandinavian Languages 2 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Italian | year | L-LIN/15 |
Scandinavian Linguistics | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/15 |
Scandinavian Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/15 |
Slavic Linguistics | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/21 |
Slavic Philology | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/21 |
Spanish 2 (MA) | 9 | 60 | Spanish | year | L-LIN/07 |
Spanish Linguistic | 9 | 60 | Spanish | First semester | L-LIN/07 |
Spanish Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | Spanish | Second semester | L-LIN/05 |
Spanish Theatre | 9 | 60 | Spanish | First semester | L-LIN/05 |
Theory and Techniques of English Translation | 9 | 60 | Italian | year | L-LIN/12 |
Theory and Techniques of French Translation | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/04 |
Theory and Techniques of German Translation | 9 | 60 | German | First semester | L-LIN/14 |
Theory and Techniques of Russian Translation | 9 | 60 | Italian | year | L-LIN/21 |
Theory and Techniques of Scandinavian Translation | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/15 |
Theory and Techniques of Spanish Translation | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/07 |
Ukrainian Language and Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | year | L-LIN/21 |
c1 - Group 2
1 exam for 6 credits in "Methodology in linguistic, philological, comparative and literary translation fields"
Please note: Theoretical Linguistics is preparatory to Contact Linguistics; Germanic Philology is preparatory to Philology and Germanic Literatures
1 exam for 6 credits in "Methodology in linguistic, philological, comparative and literary translation fields"
Please note: Theoretical Linguistics is preparatory to Contact Linguistics; Germanic Philology is preparatory to Philology and Germanic Literatures
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Comparative Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/14 |
Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/09 |
Contact Linguistics | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/01 |
Germanic Philology | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/15 |
Literary Theory and Criticism | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/14 |
Philology and Germanic Literatures | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/15 |
Romance Philology | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/09 |
Second Language Teaching | 6 | 40 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/02 |
Slavic Philology | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/21 |
Teaching English as a Foreign Language | 6 | 40 | English | Second semester | L-LIN/02 |
Teaching French as a Foreign Language | 6 | 40 | French | First semester | L-LIN/02 |
Teaching German as a Foreign Language | 6 | 40 | German | First semester | L-LIN/02 |
Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language | 6 | 40 | Spanish | Second semester | L-LIN/02 |
Textual Bibliography | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/13 |
Textual Stylistics | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/14 |
Theoretical Linguistics | 6 | 40 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/01 |
Theory of Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/14 |
c2 - Group 3
1 exam for 6 credits in "Italian Language and Literature"
1 exam for 6 credits in "Italian Language and Literature"
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
History of Italian Language | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/12 |
History of Literary Genres | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/10 |
Italian Contemporary Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/11 |
Italian Language and Communication | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/12 |
Italian Linguistics | 12 | 80 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/12 |
Italian Modern and Contemporary Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/11 |
Media Linguistics | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/12 |
Medieval, Humanistic and Renaissance Italian Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/10 |
3 exams for 6 credits; the vast majority of exams may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits. Following is a list of elective courses, divided into subgroups, each one with specific rules to be observed.
3 exams for 6 credits; the vast majority of exams may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits. Following is a list of elective courses, divided into subgroups, each one with specific rules to be observed.
d1 - Group 4a - Foreign Languages and Literatures
0 to 12 credits, distributed in a maximum of 2 exams for 6 credits. Almost all exams may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
0 to 12 credits, distributed in a maximum of 2 exams for 6 credits. Almost all exams may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Advanced English Linguistics | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/12 |
Advanced French Linguistics | 9 | 60 | French | Second semester | L-LIN/04 |
African Literature in Portuguese | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/08 |
American Literature Lm | 9 | 60 | English | First semester | L-LIN/11 |
Anglophone Literatures | 9 | 60 | English | Second semester | L-LIN/10 |
British Theatre Studies and Performance | 9 | 60 | English | Second semester | L-LIN/10 |
Catalan Language and Literature | 9 | 60 | Second semester | L-LIN/05 | |
Contemporary English Literature | 9 | 60 | English | First semester | L-LIN/10 |
Contemporary French Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/03 |
Contemporary German Literature | 9 | 60 | German | Second semester | L-LIN/13 |
Contemporary Russian Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/21 |
Contemporary Scandinavian Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/15 |
Contemporary Spanish Literature | 9 | 60 | Spanish | Second semester | L-LIN/05 |
English Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | English | Second semester | L-LIN/10 |
Francophones Literatures | 9 | 60 | French | First semester | L-LIN/03 |
French Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | French | First semester | L-LIN/03 |
French Theatre | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/03 |
German Linguistics | 9 | 60 | German | First semester | L-LIN/14 |
German Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | German | First semester | L-LIN/13 |
German Literature and Intermedial Studies | 9 | 60 | German | Second semester | L-LIN/13 |
German Literature of the Early and High Middle Ages | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/15 |
German Theatre | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/13 |
History of English Language | 9 | 60 | English | First semester | L-LIN/12 |
History of French Language | 9 | 60 | French | First semester | L-LIN/04 |
History of German Language | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/14 |
Icelandic Language and Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/15 |
Latin American Linguistics | 9 | 60 | Spanish | First semester | L-LIN/06 |
Latin American Spanish (MA) | 9 | 60 | Spanish | First semester | L-LIN/06 |
Medieval French Literature | 9 | 60 | French | First semester | L-LIN/03 |
Middle English Literature | 9 | 60 | English | First semester | L-LIN/10 |
Polish Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/21 |
Portuguese and Brazilian Studies (MA) | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/08 |
Pre-Columbian Civilizations | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/06 |
Russian Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/21 |
Russian Theatre | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/21 |
Scandinavian Linguistics | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/15 |
Scandinavian Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/15 |
Slavic Linguistics | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/21 |
Spanish Linguistic | 9 | 60 | Spanish | First semester | L-LIN/07 |
Spanish Literature (MA) | 9 | 60 | Spanish | Second semester | L-LIN/05 |
Spanish Theatre | 9 | 60 | Spanish | First semester | L-LIN/05 |
Theory and Techniques of English Translation | 9 | 60 | Italian | year | L-LIN/12 |
Theory and Techniques of French Translation | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/04 |
Theory and Techniques of German Translation | 9 | 60 | German | First semester | L-LIN/14 |
Theory and Techniques of Russian Translation | 9 | 60 | Italian | year | L-LIN/21 |
Theory and Techniques of Scandinavian Translation | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/15 |
Theory and Techniques of Spanish Translation | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/07 |
Ukrainian Language and Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | year | L-LIN/21 |
d2 - Group 4b - Linguistics and Philology
0 to 12 credits, distributed in a maximum of 2 exams for 6 credits. Each exam may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
Please note: Theoretical Linguistics is preparatory to Contact Linguistics; Germanic Philology is preparatory to Philology and Germanic Literaures
0 to 12 credits, distributed in a maximum of 2 exams for 6 credits. Each exam may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
Please note: Theoretical Linguistics is preparatory to Contact Linguistics; Germanic Philology is preparatory to Philology and Germanic Literaures
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/09 |
Contact Linguistics | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/01 |
Germanic Philology | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/15 |
History of Italian Language | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/12 |
History of Manuscript Book | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | M-STO/09 |
Italian Linguistics | 12 | 80 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/12 |
Philology and Germanic Literatures | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/15 |
Philosophy of Language | 9 | 60 | Italian | Over several sessions | M-FIL/05 |
Romance Philology | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/09 |
Slavic Philology | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/21 |
Textual Bibliography | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/13 |
Theoretical Linguistics | 6 | 40 | Italian | Second semester | L-LIN/01 |
d3 - Group 4c - Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature
0 to 12 credits, distributed in a maximum of 2 exams for 6 credits. Each exam may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
0 to 12 credits, distributed in a maximum of 2 exams for 6 credits. Each exam may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Comparative Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/14 |
Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/09 |
History of Literary Genres | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/10 |
Italian Contemporary Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/11 |
Italian Modern and Contemporary Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/11 |
Literary Theory and Criticism | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/14 |
Medieval, Humanistic and Renaissance Italian Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/10 |
Provencal Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/09 |
Textual Stylistics | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/14 |
Theory of Literature | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-FIL-LET/14 |
d4 - Group 4d - Teaching disciplines
0 to 18 credits, distributed in a maximum of 3 exams for 6 credits. Certain exams may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
0 to 18 credits, distributed in a maximum of 3 exams for 6 credits. Certain exams may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Cultural Anthropology | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | M-DEA/01 |
Didactic Methodologies and Technologies | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-PED/03 |
General Psychology | 6 | 40 | Italian | First semester | M-PSI/01 |
Linguistic Anthropology | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-DEA/01 |
Second Language Teaching | 6 | 40 | Italian | First semester | L-LIN/02 |
Social Anthropology | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-DEA/01 |
Teaching and Assessment Design | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | M-PED/03 |
Teaching English as a Foreign Language | 6 | 40 | English | Second semester | L-LIN/02 |
Teaching French as a Foreign Language | 6 | 40 | French | First semester | L-LIN/02 |
Teaching German as a Foreign Language | 6 | 40 | German | First semester | L-LIN/02 |
Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language | 6 | 40 | Spanish | Second semester | L-LIN/02 |
d5 - Group 4e - Geography and History in an International Perspective
0 to 18 credits, distributed in a maximum of 3 exams for 6 credits. Each exam may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
0 to 18 credits, distributed in a maximum of 3 exams for 6 credits. Each exam may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
African History and Institutions | 9 | 60 | Italian | Third trimester | SPS/13 |
Asian History and Institutions | 6 | 40 | Italian | Third trimester | SPS/14 |
Civilization and Culture in the Middle Ages | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/01 |
Cultural Geography | 6 | 40 | Italian | First semester | M-GGR/01 |
Cultural History of Modern Age | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/02 |
Development Geography | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | M-GGR/01 |
History of Colonialism and Decolonisation | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/04 |
History of Eastern Europe | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/03 |
History of European Integration | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/04 |
History of Great Britain and of the Commonwealth | 6 | 40 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/04 |
History of Spain and Latin America | 6 | 40 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/02 |
History of the Age of Enlightenment and Revolutions | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/02 |
History of the Age of Reformation and Counter-Reformation | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/02 |
History of the Renaissance | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/02 |
History of Women and Gender Identity | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/01 M-STO/02 M-STO/04 |
North American History and Institutions | 6 | 40 | Italian | First semester | SPS/05 |
Population Geography | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-GGR/01 |
d6 - Group 4f - Edition, Digital Humanities and Transmediality
0 to 18 credits, distributed in a maximum of 3 exams for 6 credits. Almost all exams may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
0 to 18 credits, distributed in a maximum of 3 exams for 6 credits. Almost all exams may be taken for 9 credits using the free choice credits.
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Aesthetics | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-FIL/04 |
Aesthetics of Music and Spectacle | 6 | 40 | Italian | Second semester | M-FIL/04 |
Basic Information Technology for the Humanities | 6 | 40 | Italian | Second semester | INF/01 |
Bibliography | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | M-STO/08 |
Contemporary Italian Literature and Publishing System | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-FIL-LET/11 |
Digital Humanities | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/08 |
Digital Publishing | 6 | 40 | Italian | Second semester | SPS/08 |
Economy of the Publishing Industry | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | SECS-P/07 |
Film History and Criticism | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-ART/06 |
History of Contemporary Drama | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | L-ART/05 |
History of Printing and Publishing | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | M-STO/08 |
History of Printing and Publishing Systems | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | M-STO/08 |
History of Radio and Television | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-STO/04 |
History of Theatre and Performing Arts | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-ART/05 |
Information and Web Communication Science | 6 | 40 | Italian | Second semester | INF/01 |
Librarianship | 9 | 60 | Italian | First semester | M-STO/08 |
Poetics and Rhetoric | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | M-FIL/04 |
Representation and Image Theories | 9 | 60 | English | Second semester | M-FIL/04 |
Sociology of Communications | 6 | 40 | Italian | Second semester | SPS/08 |
Theory and Analysis of Cinematographic Language | 9 | 60 | Italian | Second semester | L-ART/06 |
Students are free to use 9 credits, allocating them to take any of the courses offered by the University, whether at B.A. or M.A. level, while observing the general maximum amount of 18 credits for each course.
Students can allocate the 9 credits in one of the following way:
- 1 exam for 9 credits: in this case, the 6 credits exams chosen among the Core and Elective Courses will count for 6 credits. The total number of exams to be taken in the study plan will ascend to 12.
- 1 exam for 6 credits: in this case, the remaining 3 credits must be allocated to one of the 6 credits exams chosen among the Core and Elective Courses. The total number of exams to be taken in the study plan will ascend to 12.
- no exam: in this case, the 9 credits must necessarily be allocated to three of the 6 credits exams chosen among the Core and Elective Courses. The total number of exams to be taken in the study plan will ascend to 11.
Although it is permitted to allocate the free choice credits to any exam offered by the University, it is strongly recommended to maintain a strict degree of coherence with the core of the M.A. programme in European and Extra-European Languages and Literatures.
Students are free to use 9 credits, allocating them to take any of the courses offered by the University, whether at B.A. or M.A. level, while observing the general maximum amount of 18 credits for each course.
Students can allocate the 9 credits in one of the following way:
- 1 exam for 9 credits: in this case, the 6 credits exams chosen among the Core and Elective Courses will count for 6 credits. The total number of exams to be taken in the study plan will ascend to 12.
- 1 exam for 6 credits: in this case, the remaining 3 credits must be allocated to one of the 6 credits exams chosen among the Core and Elective Courses. The total number of exams to be taken in the study plan will ascend to 12.
- no exam: in this case, the 9 credits must necessarily be allocated to three of the 6 credits exams chosen among the Core and Elective Courses. The total number of exams to be taken in the study plan will ascend to 11.
Although it is permitted to allocate the free choice credits to any exam offered by the University, it is strongly recommended to maintain a strict degree of coherence with the core of the M.A. programme in European and Extra-European Languages and Literatures.
As a general rule, "Other Activities" credits may be acquired attending one of the several "Laboratori" offered by the M.A. programme; further details can be found at a specific page on the M.A. website ( "Laboratori" are short or intensive workshops, either held in class (usually for a total of ten meetings), or in remote learning, with a restricted number of participants, specific aims not covered by standard courses, and a set of rules for enrolment. Workshops usually require regular attendance, since the 3 credits are earned through attendance alone and, in some cases, by taking a final examination, or by delivering reports, presentations or fulfilling other types of tasks. Workshops are not graded as normal courses; they are simply passed or failed.
All year long the M.A. programme offers conferences, activities in collaboration with external institutions (such as secondary schools, theatres, cultural organisations, etc.), work experiences and projects of cultural or social relevance. Participation in such initiatives may result in the recognition of 3 credits as "Attività Sostitutive di Laboratorio" (ASL); further details can be found at a specific page on the M.A. website (
Alternatively, "Other Activities" credits can be acquired also through certified proficiency in other languages, training and orientation courses, other knowledge considered useful for job placement, internships or apprenticeships in private or public companies or institutions. Requests for validation of these skills or experiences should be submitted to the appropriate Committee through the form provided on the University website ( and hand it in to the Student Registrar through InformaStudenti.
As a general rule, "Other Activities" credits may be acquired attending one of the several "Laboratori" offered by the M.A. programme; further details can be found at a specific page on the M.A. website ( "Laboratori" are short or intensive workshops, either held in class (usually for a total of ten meetings), or in remote learning, with a restricted number of participants, specific aims not covered by standard courses, and a set of rules for enrolment. Workshops usually require regular attendance, since the 3 credits are earned through attendance alone and, in some cases, by taking a final examination, or by delivering reports, presentations or fulfilling other types of tasks. Workshops are not graded as normal courses; they are simply passed or failed.
All year long the M.A. programme offers conferences, activities in collaboration with external institutions (such as secondary schools, theatres, cultural organisations, etc.), work experiences and projects of cultural or social relevance. Participation in such initiatives may result in the recognition of 3 credits as "Attività Sostitutive di Laboratorio" (ASL); further details can be found at a specific page on the M.A. website (
Alternatively, "Other Activities" credits can be acquired also through certified proficiency in other languages, training and orientation courses, other knowledge considered useful for job placement, internships or apprenticeships in private or public companies or institutions. Requests for validation of these skills or experiences should be submitted to the appropriate Committee through the form provided on the University website ( and hand it in to the Student Registrar through InformaStudenti.
As a general rule, the examinations are to be taken in no particular order, and students have considerable independence. The exams listed below must necessarily be taken in a specific order, under penalty of cancellation of those taken irregularly by the University Administration.
- General Linguistics must be taken before Interlinguistics
- Foreign language exams: all the exams of the first year (indicated as "LM1") are preparatory to those of the second (indicated as "LM2"); therefore, before taking a second year Language exam, it is necessary to have taken and registered the first year exam of that same Language.
- General Linguistics must be taken before Interlinguistics
- Foreign language exams: all the exams of the first year (indicated as "LM1") are preparatory to those of the second (indicated as "LM2"); therefore, before taking a second year Language exam, it is necessary to have taken and registered the first year exam of that same Language.
Course location
Presidente del Collegio Didattico
Prof. Monica Barsi
Reference structures
- Student registrar
Via S. Sofia 9/1 - 20122 Milano (MI) Italia - Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Piazza Sant'Alessandro 1 - 20122 Milano (MI) Italia - Academic services - Joint Teaching Staff-Student Committee
V.Russo,E.DiVenosa,L.Rossi,M.Colombo,A.Nava,A.Di Bartolomeo,C.Cremonesi,M.Elio,A.Loggia,V.Mancini
A.Y. 2025/2026
A.Y. 2024/2025
A.Y. 2023/2024
A.Y. 2022/2023
A.Y. 2021/2022
A.Y. 2020/2021
A.Y. 2019/2020
A.Y. 2018/2019
Official documents