Catalan Language and Literature

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to offer an introductory approach to Catalan language, culture and literature. Basic grammar of Catalan language will be provided and basic skills in speaking, writing, listening and reading comprehension will be developed. As to the literary field, it will be given a general overview of Catalan literature, from its beginnings in the 13th century to the 20th century, paying particular attention to its most representative authors and its principal literary movements, focussing on some extremely significant works.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: Students will achieve a basic knowledge of Catalan grammar and culture. As to the literary field, they will be conscious of the diachronic evolution of Catalan literature from the Middle Ages to Postmodernism, learning which are its main authors, works and movements, also understanding the tight relationships that artistic texts establish with history, society and, more generally, with the cultural environment in which they have been written. Applying knowledge and understanding: During the course, autonomous use of catalan language in speaking, writing, listening and reading will be constantly stimulated, particularly referring to some everyday life situations. In the literary field, students will learn to move autonomously through the history of Catalan literature, noticing links between social environment and artistic writing so that they will be able to establish connections on their own between cultural movements, authors, works, etc. and to contextualize them correctly.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
With regard to the way in which lectures will be provided for the 2021/2022 academic year, more specific informations will be given in the next months, depending on how the pandemic situation evolves.
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three parts, some of which (A and B, B and C) will be developed at the same time:

A: Basic elements of Catalan language
B: Catalan literature from Middle Ages to nowadays
C: In-depth analysis of some aspects of Catalan language, culture and literature

Students can apply for 6 CFU (in this case they are required to focus only on parts A and B, having to take an exam in Catalan language and another one in Catalan literature) or 9 CFU, focussing on the whole course (parts A, B and C).
In part A students will achieve a basic knowledge of Catalan grammar and culture, developing primary skills of Catalan language in speaking, writing, listening and reading, particularly referring to some everyday life situations. In part B it will be given a general overview of Catalan literature, from its beginnings in the 13th century to the 20th century, paying particular attention to its most representative authors and its principal literary movements, focussing on some extremely significant works. Finally, in part C students will have a closer look to some specific grammar aspects, fundamental writers and significant literary and cultural phenomena, having the opportunity to read in Catalan some short texts that will be commented and discussed.

The syllabus is valid until September 2023.
Prerequisites for admission
The course will be held in Italian and Catalan (most of all, Catalan language will be used in reading some excerpts from original texts during the lessons). Materials and bibliography will require some knowledges about the history of literature, the use of a specific terminology and critical skills developed in the former courses.
Teaching methods
As for the part A the course adopts the following teaching methods: frontal lessons, working groups and written papers.
For parts B and C, primarily dedicated to literature, the course adopts the following teaching methods: frontal lessons, reading and commentary of excerpts from literary works commented during the lessons.
Teaching Resources
Associated to the course there is also an online platform ( where students can find didactic materials related to themes explained during the lessons. For each part will be uploaded critical essays on writers, literary texts or general cultural phenomena.

Students who cannot attend the course
The syllabus for students that cannot attend the course is the same as that of those who can attend classes. Obviously, considering that students who do not attend classes have to rely just on their own resources, we do reccomend them to spend a reasonable amount of time studying and processing the syllabus contents, also consulting reliable online sources and books related to the course other than those included in the bibliography. Students are invited to contact with the professors in case of any doubt or question inheret to the course.

As for the part A, students who cannot attend classes have to register themselves in the following website: There, they have access to a free (lliure/libre) online course of Catalan language, having the possibility to choose the language used by the platform between Spanish, Catalan and English. There they will have to complete the following units: Bàsic 1, Bàsic 2 and Bàsic 3. On the website there is also a great amount of different useful materials such as dictionaries, grammars, literay works, videos, links to multimedia contents, etc. On Ariel platform ( they will also find the grammar book Llengua Catalana. Nivell llindar 1 (Edicions L'Àlber, 2006) by Dolors Badia with grammar rules and exercises. Students will have to study units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Assessment methods and Criteria
On one hand, the exam of Catalan language, relating to part A, consists of a written test in which grammatical rules, reading comprehension and written skills will be tested. Students will have to complete a newspaper article in Catalan by filling in the blanks with the correct verbal forms. After that, reading comprehension will be verified with a True/False test and open-ended questions. Finally, students will be required to produce a short script in Catalan of at least 120 words choosing between two or three possible themes. The grade scale goes from 0 to 30 and it is calculated by summing the points obtained in each part of the exam (12 for the grammar part, 6 for the reading comprehension and 12 for the written production). It is necessary to reach at least 18 points to pass the exam. The total duration of the test is 2 hours and students are not allowed to use any kind of dictionary or device.
The exam for parts B and C, on the other hand, consists of an individual interview with questions asked by the professor, interaction between professor and students and the analysis and commentary of one or more passages taken from the literary works listed in the syllabus. The interview has a variable duration depending on the amount of credits requested by the student and is held in Italian. The interview also aims to verify the knowledge of the literary works read, the capability to contextualize authors and works, the accuracy in the use of specific terminology, critical skills and personal reflections on the themes studied. The final mark, again on a scale up to 30, is given by the average between the marks obtained in the Catalan language test and in the interview. The student has the right to refuse it (in this case it will be recorded as "withdrawn"). International students or incoming Erasmus students are invited to contact with the professor as soon as possible. The examination modalities for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be discussed with the professor and in agreement with the competent Office.
Unita' didattica A
L-LIN/05 - SPANISH LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Cattaneo Simone
Unita' didattica B
L-LIN/05 - SPANISH LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Benvenuti Anna
Unita' didattica C
L-LIN/05 - SPANISH LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Vacalebri Lloret Ursula
Tuesday: from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Piazza S. Alessandro 1, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, 2nd floor. It is also possible to arrange a meeting on the platform Microsoft Teams by sending an e-mail to the following address: [email protected]