I vincitori dei bandi dello European Research Council trovano nell’Università Statale di Milano il giusto contesto per sviluppare tutte le potenzialità dei loro progetti.
Doing research with us
All members of the scientific community of the University of Milan, from winners of prestigious European Research Council competitions to students, are working to produce new knowledge. Research opportunities are many and can be found throughout the period of education and in university careers.
La Statale promotes excellence in research and attracts talent nationally and internationally through investment in specific actions that range from fostering the careers of researchers and research personnel, to support in competitions for research funds, with support structures created especially to consolidate and implement all research activities.
The University promotes and enhances specific training of young researchers in different cultural and scientific fields, offering doctoral grants and scholarships intended to recruit and place young scholars in the world of university research and foster the professional growth of those already with experience in scientific studies.
The University favours participation in research groups and projects through periodic offers of research fellowships and scholarships for promising graduates with a view to specific training and research in its many departments.

All information for those who do research in the University of Milan
Qualifications and experience
PhD/Specialisation or Master's degree
Documented postgraduate scientific curriculum
No limit
Gross annual amount
Social security and taxation
Social security (INPS gestione separata)
Exempt from income tax (IRPEF)
Qualifications and experience
Degree earned not earlier than 3 years prior to application
Up to 30 years
Gross annual amount
€1000 to €2000 per month
Social security and taxation