Welcome Desk - InformaStudenti

Contact us online

You can ask for the information you need by writing to the online Informastudenti service.

Access requires authentication: by logging in, you will be recognized by the system and will receive the answers you need in writing. Furthermore, the Informastudenti service allows you to send or receive documents and monitor the status of your request.

To access:

  • if you are not yet registered, use the registration credentials on the UNIMI portal
  • if you are already registered, use the credentials assigned by the University (@studenti.unimi.it)

As of 2024, you can access the University's information services by using your SPID identity. Further information is available on the Registration page.


Dirigente responsabile:
Emanuela Dellavalle

Other ways

To get information and telephone assistance you can contact the University contact center.

Dial +39 02 5032 5032. This number is active for both national and international calls. You will be charged for calling a fixed line, depending on your phone plan. 

Contact-center hours: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 4 pm


Personal and career data

Please note that, to protect your privacy, information regarding personal and career data is not provided over the phone but only by contacting the online InformaStudenti service.

Opening of Registrar offices

Registrar offices are open, by appointment only, in remote or in presence with the opening hours and modalities described in the page Student Desks - Locations and opening hours.

Remote appointment: when you book your appointment, please insert your telephone number and your Microsoft Teams account, the offices will contact you on the day and time reserved.

For further information on  location and opening hours of the secretarial offices in the various teaching areas and locations, please see the dedicated section.

The University offers useful materials, printed or downloadable online:

  • Vademecum and Guide to secretarial procedures: to help students with the main administrative procedures related to their university enrolment and career
  • Welcome Desk Guide, in Italian or English, that helps International students to discover how to obtain the documents they need, and use all the services and opportunities offered by the University

See also the introduction to University services and life in the section Your first steps new student

Filing a complaint is one of several ways to get your voice heard by those who have the authority and competence to respond immediately and effectively, and to solve problems.

A report on student complaints is regularly sent to the study programme boards, the Quality Assurance Board and the General Director.

Complaints must be submitted through an online procedure with separate forms for 4 macro areas of study.