Contemporary Italian Literature and Publishing System
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
Consistent with the objectives of the Master's course in ECCM, and in particular with the aim of providing more in-depth study on the editorial culture in its various aspects, the course aims to provide students with a broad historical picture on the relationship between Italian literature and the publishing system in the twentieth century. Special attention will be paid to the literary models developed and formed by the decisions of the publisher based on their identity and the readers they hope to reach. Along the same lines, some prestigious figures of editorial directors and series directors of the past who interwove the literary system and publishing system will be presented, demonstrating how their idea of literature manifests itself in the publications of the editors for which they work, and vice versa how the appearance of the publishers imposes, even to men-of-letters, choices according to the readers wishes. With regard to the situation of the publishing within the present time, some active publishing operators (editorial directors, editors, press editors) will be invited to present in the course of the lessons the manner of today's editorial work.
Expected learning outcomes
The very specific re-reading from a publishing perspective of the events of literary culture of the twentieth century will lead to the deepening of knowledge of both literature and editorial work. By focusing on the characteristics and reasons behind editorial decision-making and the way in which many twentieth-century publishers are published, the student will eventually be able, moving from the historical plan of the interweaving between the literary system and the publishing system, to also achieve a theoretical awareness of the relationship between the two systems. At the same time, the student will acquire a particular competence on the editorial characteristics of a book, which will allow them, in the professional field, to recognize the problems posed by the production of different types of publications in relation to the different groups of readers, and to identify the ways in which to deal with different editorial dynamics.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
* The lessons of the course will take place according to the indications given by the university. Therefore, if possible, mainly in presence and, if necessary, also in synchronous form, through the TEAMS platform. Any lessons with different methods will be reported on ARIEL, on the pages of the course ( Course materials, images and videos will also be uploaded to these pages.
Course syllabus
The publication of the book of literature in the twentieth century
The course, of 60 hours, 9 cfu, is ideally divided into three parts, represented by the first ten lessons (20 hours, 3 cfu), the second ten (20 hours, 3 cfu), the last ten (20 hours, 3 cfu).
Students who have 6 cfu in their curriculum take lessons 1-20; students who have 9 cfu in their curriculum take all 30 lessons.
At the centre of the course is the literary system and the twentieth-century publishing system, explored through three axes of discourse: the presence of publishing in the cultural panorama of the twentieth century (lessons 1-10); the figures of the literati in the publishing house (lessons 10-20); the making of the book: from the author's writing to the reader's book (lessons 21-30).
The 30 lessons will be divided as follows
1. Course presentation. What is meant by the literary system and the publishing system
2 Between the two centuries: a new publishing system and new readers. The example of Treves
3. The publishing landscape of the early twentieth century, between niche and cultural publishers and publishers "for everyone".
4. The Mondadori case: identifying authors and readers for a new publishing space
5. Meeting with people working in publishing houses: the figure of the publisher
6. The protagonists of the publishing system between the two wars
7. Publishing in the immediate post-war period: the search for new readers
8. Meeting those who work in publishing houses: the figure of the editor
9. From the artisan publisher to the industrial publisher
10. Insights into the first 10 lessons and clarification of students' questions
11. The literary system at the beginning of the twentieth century and the literati who became publishers
12. Working in a publishing house between the two wars. The role of Luigi Rusca
13. The problems after the Second World War.
14. Meeting those who work in publishing houses: the figure of the press office
15. The new fiction series and the role of the literati
16. Intellectual Vittorini and publisher Vittorini
17. More on Vittorini editore
18. Calvino the writer and Calvino the publisher
19. More on Calvino publisher
20. Further reading on lessons 11-20 and clarification of students' questions
21. From the writer's table to the editor's table
22. Thinking about a book: the choice
23. Thinking about a book: the series
24. What revolves around the book: between peritest and epitest
25. The title
26. The cover and its illustration
27. Fourth and back covers
28. Advertisements
29. Insights into epistles
30. Clarification of students' questions
The publication of the book of literature in the twentieth century
The course, of 60 hours, 9 cfu, is ideally divided into three parts, represented by the first ten lessons (20 hours, 3 cfu), the second ten (20 hours, 3 cfu), the last ten (20 hours, 3 cfu).
Students who have 6 cfu in their curriculum take lessons 1-20; students who have 9 cfu in their curriculum take all 30 lessons.
At the centre of the course is the literary system and the twentieth-century publishing system, explored through three axes of discourse: the presence of publishing in the cultural panorama of the twentieth century (lessons 1-10); the figures of the literati in the publishing house (lessons 10-20); the making of the book: from the author's writing to the reader's book (lessons 21-30).
The 30 lessons will be divided as follows
1. Course presentation. What is meant by the literary system and the publishing system
2 Between the two centuries: a new publishing system and new readers. The example of Treves
3. The publishing landscape of the early twentieth century, between niche and cultural publishers and publishers "for everyone".
4. The Mondadori case: identifying authors and readers for a new publishing space
5. Meeting with people working in publishing houses: the figure of the publisher
6. The protagonists of the publishing system between the two wars
7. Publishing in the immediate post-war period: the search for new readers
8. Meeting those who work in publishing houses: the figure of the editor
9. From the artisan publisher to the industrial publisher
10. Insights into the first 10 lessons and clarification of students' questions
11. The literary system at the beginning of the twentieth century and the literati who became publishers
12. Working in a publishing house between the two wars. The role of Luigi Rusca
13. The problems after the Second World War.
14. Meeting those who work in publishing houses: the figure of the press office
15. The new fiction series and the role of the literati
16. Intellectual Vittorini and publisher Vittorini
17. More on Vittorini editore
18. Calvino the writer and Calvino the publisher
19. More on Calvino publisher
20. Further reading on lessons 11-20 and clarification of students' questions
21. From the writer's table to the editor's table
22. Thinking about a book: the choice
23. Thinking about a book: the series
24. What revolves around the book: between peritest and epitest
25. The title
26. The cover and its illustration
27. Fourth and back covers
28. Advertisements
29. Insights into epistles
30. Clarification of students' questions
Prerequisites for admission
It needs a knowledge of Italian Literature of the last decades of XIX century and all XX century.
Teaching methods
This course is based on frontal lessons, during which textual and visual materials are presented, which will be available in Ariel, on the teaching site. The last lesson of each block will be set so that those who have attended the lessons can ask questions and ask for clarifications, which can also be anticipated to the teacher by email. Attendance, although not compulsory, is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Lessons 1-20
For students who have attended to all lessons:
* Notes of the lessons
* teaching materials uploaded in ARIEL
Irene Piazzoni, Il Novecento dei libri. Una storia dell'editoria in Italia, Rome, Carocci, 2021, chapters: 2, 3, 4 (the latter up to p. 244). A guide to reading the volume will be uploaded on Ariel in the course pages.
For students who had not attended to the lessons:
* teaching materials uploaded in ARIEL
Irene Piazzoni, Il Novecento dei libri. Una storia dell'editoria in Italia, Rome, Carocci, 2021, chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4. A guide to reading the volume will be uploaded on Ariel in the course pages.
Lesson 11-20
Knowledge of twentieth-century Italian fiction is required, which can be reached or deepened by using the twentieth-century part of the Italian literature manual.
For students who have attended to all lessons
* notes of lessons
* teaching materials uploaded in ARIEL
* Alberto Cadioli, Letterati editori, il Saggiatore, 2017, chapters 2, 5, 6, 9
One of these novels:
Slataper, Il mio Carso
Moravia, Gli indifferenti
Calvino, Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno
Calvino, Il visconte dimezzato
Calvino, Il barone rampante
Primo Levi, Se questo è un uomo
For students who had not attended to the lessons:
* Alberto Cadioli, Letterati editori, il Saggiatore, 2017, chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 9
Two of these novels:
Slataper, Il mio Carso
Moravia, Gli indifferenti
Calvino, Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno
Calvino, Il visconte dimezzato
Calvino, Il barone rampante
Primo Levi, Se questo è un uomo
Lessons 21-30
For students who had attended to the lessons:
* notes of lessons
* teaching materials uploaded in ARIEL
Roberto Cicala, I meccanismi dell'editoria, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021, le seguenti parti e capitoli:
1° part, chapter I e II
2° part, chapter IV/3 (Lettori e giudizi di lettura)
2° part, chapter VI
For students who had not attended to the lessons:
Roberto Cicala, I meccanismi dell'editoria, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021, le seguenti parti e capitoli:
1° part, chapter I e II
2° part, chapter IV/3 (Lettori e giudizi di lettura)
2° part, chapters V, VI, VII.
For students who have attended to all lessons:
* Notes of the lessons
* teaching materials uploaded in ARIEL
Irene Piazzoni, Il Novecento dei libri. Una storia dell'editoria in Italia, Rome, Carocci, 2021, chapters: 2, 3, 4 (the latter up to p. 244). A guide to reading the volume will be uploaded on Ariel in the course pages.
For students who had not attended to the lessons:
* teaching materials uploaded in ARIEL
Irene Piazzoni, Il Novecento dei libri. Una storia dell'editoria in Italia, Rome, Carocci, 2021, chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4. A guide to reading the volume will be uploaded on Ariel in the course pages.
Lesson 11-20
Knowledge of twentieth-century Italian fiction is required, which can be reached or deepened by using the twentieth-century part of the Italian literature manual.
For students who have attended to all lessons
* notes of lessons
* teaching materials uploaded in ARIEL
* Alberto Cadioli, Letterati editori, il Saggiatore, 2017, chapters 2, 5, 6, 9
One of these novels:
Slataper, Il mio Carso
Moravia, Gli indifferenti
Calvino, Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno
Calvino, Il visconte dimezzato
Calvino, Il barone rampante
Primo Levi, Se questo è un uomo
For students who had not attended to the lessons:
* Alberto Cadioli, Letterati editori, il Saggiatore, 2017, chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 9
Two of these novels:
Slataper, Il mio Carso
Moravia, Gli indifferenti
Calvino, Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno
Calvino, Il visconte dimezzato
Calvino, Il barone rampante
Primo Levi, Se questo è un uomo
Lessons 21-30
For students who had attended to the lessons:
* notes of lessons
* teaching materials uploaded in ARIEL
Roberto Cicala, I meccanismi dell'editoria, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021, le seguenti parti e capitoli:
1° part, chapter I e II
2° part, chapter IV/3 (Lettori e giudizi di lettura)
2° part, chapter VI
For students who had not attended to the lessons:
Roberto Cicala, I meccanismi dell'editoria, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021, le seguenti parti e capitoli:
1° part, chapter I e II
2° part, chapter IV/3 (Lettori e giudizi di lettura)
2° part, chapters V, VI, VII.
Assessment methods and Criteria
* Assessment consists of an oral interview on the topics covered in the lectures. Those who have not attended the lectures must have knowledge of the same topics, studied in the publications indicated in the programme. The assessment aims to test the student's ability to demonstrate the knowledge acquired and to explain it accurately.
Assessment result will be in Thirtieths.
The Erasmus incoming students and international students are invited to contact as soon as possible the teacher.
Assessment result will be in Thirtieths.
The Erasmus incoming students and international students are invited to contact as soon as possible the teacher.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor Cadioli receives students in his office by appointment. Please write and the day and time will be arranged.
In the teacher's office.