German 1 (MA)

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course, which is shared with German Language 2 (Master's Course) as far as the monographic classes are concerned, aims at improving linguistic skills as Schreiben and Sprechen both in oral communication and writing. Students are expected to analyse Sachtexte (essays and press articles) and literary texts.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: improvement and refinement of complex syntactical structures and vocabulary; acquirement of further "Sprachgefühl" in both oral and written language; attainment of strategies for oral presentations (Referat) to consolidate linguistic competences; comprehension and analysis of different textual forms (Sachtexte, above all wissenschaftliche Texte, and literarische Texte)

Applying knowledge and understanding: The course, which is complemented by exercise classes with native speakers, aims at obtaining safety in the language acquisition (sophisticated linguistic structures and vocabulary) at a C1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.
Course syllabus
The course is annual and provides 9 ECTS. It is not possible to acquire only 6 ECTS.

Course title: The German language: writing and oral communication.

In detail:

Part A (20 hrs, 3 ects): Sprache als Ausdruck von Kultur und Gesellschaft - Teil I (teacher to be defined)

Part B (20 hrs, 3 ects): Sprache als Ausdruck von Kultur und Gesellschaft - Teil II (teacher to be defined)

Part C (20 hrs, 3 ects): Die Sprache der Literatur - Beispiele aus dem 20. und 21. Jahrhundert (Moira Paleari)

The course, which is held entirely in German, is intended for students in their first year of the Master's Degree Course in European and Extra-European Languages and Literatures who have chosen German as their A or B language. It is held over two semesters and is divided into two parts: a monographic part divided into three parts (I and II semester: 20 + 40 hours) and a part of practical language classes that begin in the first semester and last one year.
The course programme runs until September 2023.

The monographic part, which takes place in German and is shared with German Language 2 LM, is made up of three didactic units that aim to refine language skills by taking into consideration some of the various key language learning abilities (in particular Schreiben and Sprechen) both from a theoretical point of view and from the point of view of writing and communicative practice.
The monographic part is accompanied by exercises (4 hours per week) with the mother tongue teacher (Dott.ssa Eleonora Dal Piaz).

Parts A and B:

Parts A and B focus on the German language of specific historical periods (e.g. National Socialism, BRD and DDR) - and its socio-cultural implications, analysing key texts of different types.
There will be lectures, individual and group work. The active participation of the students is foreseen through presentations in German.

Part C:

Part C consists of lectures and group works, in which the active participation of students is expected. The aim is to examine the literary language in fiction and essayistic texts of the 20th and 21st centuries, with particular attention to the functions of language and to the levels of semantic and stylistic analysis.
Prerequisites for admission
The course, which is held in German, the materials and the examination bibliography presuppose an initial competence of level B2.
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: lectures and lessons which imply the active partecipation of the students (for example with oral presentations), face-to-face activities. In addition, the course is supplemented by practical classes, for which please refer to the Esercitazioni form.
Teaching Resources
Bibliographical References:

Parts A and B:
to be defined

Part C:
- Materials to download from Ariel Lingua tedesca 1 e 2 LM;
- Bernhard Sowinski, Stilistik, Stuttgart, Metzler, 2., überarb. und aktualisierte Aufl., 1999ff.
- Hans-Werner Eroms, Stil und Stilistik: eine Einführung, Berlin, E. Schmidt, 2008.
- Anne Betten und Jürgen Schiewe, Sprache - Literatur - Literatursprache: linguistische Beiträge, Berlin, E. Schmidt, 2011.
(chosen parts, see Ariel)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of a written test (based on the exercise classes) and written and/or oral tests for the monographic part, all compulsory and marked in thirtieths. The mark for the Lingua examination will be a single one and will take into account the results of all the tests. The written test (on the part of the exercise classes) and the other tests, relating to the same year, may be taken in free succession.

WRITTEN EXAMINATION OF THE EXERCISES: from May/June 2022 there will be three examinations per year: May/June, September and January. No partial examinations will be held during the year, but mock examinations will be conducted in the 2nd semester for the purpose of self-examination.
The written examination is divided into two parts:
1) Test Wortschatz und Syntax: grammar and vocabulary check at C1 level, without the aid of dictionaries (30 minutes).
2) Textarbeit C1 (90 minutes) consisting of: A) Fragen zum Text (Zeitungsartikel) and B) Textproduktion (Erörterung) of at least 300 words. Only the paper version of the monolingual German dictionary may be used for this test.
The examination is only considered successful if both tests are sufficient.

The oral examination consists of two parts:
1) exercises: translation from Italian into German of a short text, without the aid of dictionaries. This is followed by an interview in German with the mother tongue expert on the topic dealt with in the text.
2) Examination for those attending the monographic course: for parts A and B, a Referat with a oral presentation will be held during the period of the lessons; for part C, a written test will be held at the end of the course and, to complete it, an oral interview on the contents of the lessons will be held during the 'appello d'esame'.
For the calculation of the final grade, the active participation of each student will also be taken into account.
Non-attending students are requested to contact the course lecturer.
L-LIN/14 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - GERMAN - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours