Italian Contemporary Literature

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide a first overview of contemporary Italian literature, according to three perspectives. The first one is critical and methodological: it is designed to ensure the knowledge of the contemporary literary institutions. The second one is historical: it offers an overview of the changing relationships between writers and readers during the Twentieth century. The third one provides a training in close reading of a selection of literary works and exemplary authors.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: 1) Essential historical overview of Italian literature from Unity to the present day (major works and authors, main genres and trends, time frames). 2) Understanding roles and functions of the literary system: author, audience, critical and publishing mediation. 3) Textual analysis techniques (narrative structures; stylistic, rhetorical and metric devices); awareness of the multiple research perspectives on literary works. 4) Criteria for bibliographical tagging.

Skills: 1) Ability to identify main textual features (structural, thematic, stylistic) and to interpret them. Ability to describe textual choices as a result of the author-readers interaction. 2) Ability of setting appropriate chronological sequences and to correctly attribute individual works to a genre. Ability to illustrate the essential data of a historical framework. 3) Ability to sort through literary functional relationships that define the modern literary system and shape the texts. Ability to use bibliographical references for close reading. Ability to handle a basic critical glossary 4) Ability to connect the reading list to its bibliographical reference; ability to identify bibliographical data in order to describe, interpret and evaluate texts and their reliability.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
Second semester
In-person classes, in compliance with campus regulations:
The lessons will be available on streaming on MT and registered. Registered lessons will remain available for one week.
Course syllabus

Unit A
- Distinctive features of the Nineteenth-Twentieth century literary system
- Relationships between authors, readers, publishers
- Genres dynamics
- Literary analysis tools applied to fiction and poetry
- Criteria for bibliographic identification

Unit B
- Knowledge of prominent figures and moments of Twentieth-century Italian literary history
- Overview on the Twentieth-century Italian short story, through the analysis of exemplary texts

Unit C
- Close reading of Federico De Roberto's "I Viceré" (English trans. "The Viceroys", Verso Books 2016)
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Italian history and literature from the Unification to the mid-20th century
Basic skills to read literary texts and critical literature
Teaching methods
Lectures, slides, audio-visual contents.
Dialogic learning
Clarification of learning assessment methods and evaluation criteria
Teaching Resources
Unit A
-V. Spinazzola, "L'esperienza della lettura", Unicopli 2010 (chapt. 3. "Generi letterari e successo editoriale", pp. 35-59; 5. "Le coordinate del sistema letterario", pp. 84-98; 7. "La valorizzazione del testo", p. 137-170)
-F. Brioschi, C. Di Girolamo, M. Fusillo, "Introduzione alla letteratura", Carocci 2003, chapt. "Modi della poesia" (pp. 81-134) e "Modi della narrativa" (pp. 135-180).

Unit B
- A. Casadei, Il Novecento, Il Mulino 2013.
- Short stories uploaded to the Ariel course site

Unit C

Primary literature:
F. De Roberto, "I Viceré", Einaudi 2020 (English trans. "The Viceroys", Verso Books 2016)

Secondary literature:
- V. Spinazzola, "La provocazione mancata dei Viceré", in "Il romanzo antistorico", Editori Riuniti 1990, open access download:, pp. 31-79
- R. Chianura, "Un romanzo in costruzione: i Viceré e il tema dell'improduttività", in F. Gobbo, I. Muoio, G. Scarfone (eds) "Non poteva staccarsene senza lacerarsi". Per una genealogia del romanzo familiare italiano, Pisa University Press, pp. 75-95, open access download:

Non attending students are required to prepare additional readings:

Unit A
- P. Giovannetti, Il racconto, Carocci 2012, pp. 41-57; 97-201 (chapt. 2 Perché il narratore è diverso dall'autore; chapt. 5, Se il tempo domina: gli eventi; chapt. 6, Se lo spazio domina: personaggi e ambienti).
English speakers students can replace the previous reference with
The living Handbook of Narratology,, the following articles:
J. Schönert, Author
H. Schwalm, Autobiography
F. Jannidis, Character
D. Herman, Cognitive Narratology
S. Halliwell, Diegesis-Mimesis
P. Hühn, Event and Eventfullness
W. Schmid, Implied Author
Schmid, Implied Reader

Unit B
- R. Luperini, Il modernismo italiano esiste, in L. Luperini, M. Tortora (eds.) Sul modernismo italiano, Liguori 2012, pp. 3-12*.

Unit C
- P. Giovannetti, "Verifiche su Manzoni e De Roberto, in Id. "The lunatic is my head. L'ascolto come istanza letteraria e mediale", Biblion, 2021 , pp. 157-171*

Texts marked * will be made available on the Ariel course platform.

Unit C
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test
Students who take the exam for 9 CFU (both attending and non-attending) must take a written test, which is held twice a year (May, September). The test consists of closed questions and focuses on teaching units A and B. It assesses knowledge and skills related to the following topics:

- Characteristics of the twentieth-century literary system;
- Text and paratext analysis tools;
- Elements of bibliographic identification;
- Essential knowledge on periods, authors, genres and trends of Twentieth century Italian literature

The written test assessment, expressed through a 30 points grade scale, is worth 50% of the final grade.
The results of written test will be communicated to students through the Ariel teaching platform.
A sample test will be made available on the same platform.

Oral exam
For students who pass the written test, the oral exam consists of an interview focusing on the texts presented in class during teaching unit B (available on Ariel) and on the entire program of teaching unit C.
Students who do not pass the written test will take an oral exam focused on the entire course syllabus (teaching units A, B, C).
Students who take the exam for 6 CFU access directly the oral exam.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours


Lesson period
Second semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation
Course syllabus
The course syllabus includes the presentation and discussion of the following topics:

Teaching unit A
- Distinctive features of the Nineteenth-Twentieth century literary system
- Relationships between authors, readers, publishers
- Dynamics of the genres system and literary levels
- Criteria for bibliographic identification
- Tools for literary analysis of poetry and fiction

Teaching unit B:
- Knowledge of prominent figures and moments of Twentieth-century Italian literary history
- Overview of Twentieth-century Italian poetry, through the analysis of exemplary authors and texts

Teaching unit C:
- Close reading of "Casa e campagna" and "Trieste una donna" by Umberto Saba: poetic voice, space and time structures, metrical and stylistic devices.
Prerequisites for admission
An essential knowledge of Italian literary history from the Unification to the mid-Twentieth century.
Ability to use basic tools for text analysis and for reading critical contributions.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with use of telematics tools, slides, audio-visual contents.
Dialogic teaching moments.
Illustration of the learning assessment methods and evaluation criteria.
Attendance is optional, but strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Teaching unit A:
- V. Spinazzola, L'esperienza della lettura, Milano, Unicopli, 2010 (limitedly to chapters 3. Generi letterari e successo editoriale, pp. 35-59; 5. Le coordinate del sistema letterario, pp. 84-98; 7. La valorizzazione del testo, p. 137-170);
- F. Brioschi, C. Di Girolamo, M. Fusillo, Introduzione alla letteratura, Roma, Carocci, 2003, limitedly to the chapters Modi della poesia (pp. 81-134) and Modi della narrativa (pp. 135-180).

Teaching unit B:
- A. Casadei, Il Novecento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013.
- Students must also study 12 italian poems of the first half of Twentieth Century which will be presented and analyzed by the professor during the lessons.

Teaching unit C:
- U. Saba, Casa e campagna and Trieste e una donna, in Id., Tutte le poesie, Milano, Mondadori, I Meridiani, pp. 71-144 (oppure in Id., Il canzoniere (1900 - 1954), Torino, Einaudi, pp. 61-130).

- N. Scaffai, Il 'vero' e il 'pensato': lettura di Trieste e una donna, «Italianistica», 3, 2004, pp. 43-65
- M. Lavagetto, La gallina, in Id., La gallina di Saba, Torino, Einaudi, 1989, pp. 61-108.
- A. Cadioli, Il romanzetto di Trieste e una donna, «Moderna», 2000, 2, pp. 71-92; .

Supplementary bibliography for non-attending students.

Teaching unit A:
- P. Beltrami, Gli strumenti della poesia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002.

Teaching unit B:
- Non-attending students will integrate the study of the 12 texts presented during the lessons with the slides that will be made available for them on the Ariel website of the course.

Teaching unit C:
- F. Brugnolo, Il "Canzoniere" di Umberto Saba, in Letteratura italiana. Le Opere, IV. Il Novecento, Torino, Einaudi, 1995, pp. 497-559.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test
Students who take the exam for 9 CFU (both attending and non-attending) must take a written test, which is held twice a year (May, September). The test consists of closed questions and focuses on teaching units A and B. It assesses knowledge and skills related to the following topics:

- Characteristics of the twentieth-century literary system;
- Text and paratext analysis tools;
- Elements of bibliographic identification;
- Essential knowledge on periods, authors, genres and trends of Twentieth century Italian literature

The written test assessment, expressed through a 30 points grade scale, is worth 50% of the final grade.
The results of written test will be communicated to students through the Ariel teaching platform.
A sample test is available on the same platform.

Oral exam
For students who pass the written test, the oral exam consists of an interview focusing on the poetic texts presented in class during teaching unit B (attending students), or listed in the additional bibliography for non-attending students (in the section related to teaching unit B), and on the entire program of teaching unit C. The texts presented in class during teaching unit B are available for attending students on the Ariel platform.
For students who do not pass the written test, oral examination focuses on the entire course program (teaching units A, B, C).
Students who take the exam for 6 CFU access directly the oral exam.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours


Lesson period
Second semester
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours
Mondays, 10:00AM - 1:00 PM. Please contact me to schedule an appointment.