Latin American Spanish (MA)
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course offers an in-depth overview of the main literary phenomena in Hispano-American contexts, with particular attention to the relationship between aesthetics and politics, between literary and artistic texts, and historical-political contexts of reference. The aim is to provide highly innovative tools and models for the analysis of the structures and forms of narration, applied in particular to the problems of translation, including intersemiotics, and literature teaching.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and skills: the student acquires specialized skills in the analysis of contemporary Hispanic American texts and contexts, with particular attention to literary phenomena that intertwine the aesthetic and political dimensions. He or she recognizes independently the literary value of the main texts, in their structural, stylistic and gender specificities. Applied skills: the student is able to use the main critical analysis tools with properties, problematizing them and integrating them with the most current and innovative approaches. Moreover, he refines the communication and reworking skills of the acquired contents, both in written and oral form, he learns to work in a team also with the use of multimedia technologies, he develops the critical spirit and the ability to question traditional theories and methodologies.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
During the emergency teaching phase, the programme is maintained with the following modifications, for a good online use of the course originally designed for in-presence teaching:
The lessons, in collaboration with the course "Recursos de la memoria" of the Master in Art, Pensamiento y Cultura, IDEA, Instituto de Estudios Avanzados/ USACH, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, will be held mainly by videoconference using the Zoom platform, in which group activities will also be proposed -groups will be integrated by Chilean and Italian students and coordinated by tutors - Alternative online exercises will be arranged for students who do not participate in group activities, through the Classroom platform, which will also be used for the exchange of materials and exercises.
The lesson calendar and all the details of the activities will be published by the beginning of the lessons. Given the need to coordinate the timetable with the Chilean class, timetable flexibility will be required.
The lessons, in collaboration with the course "Recursos de la memoria" of the Master in Art, Pensamiento y Cultura, IDEA, Instituto de Estudios Avanzados/ USACH, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, will be held mainly by videoconference using the Zoom platform, in which group activities will also be proposed -groups will be integrated by Chilean and Italian students and coordinated by tutors - Alternative online exercises will be arranged for students who do not participate in group activities, through the Classroom platform, which will also be used for the exchange of materials and exercises.
The lesson calendar and all the details of the activities will be published by the beginning of the lessons. Given the need to coordinate the timetable with the Chilean class, timetable flexibility will be required.
Course syllabus
Artivism and feminist narratives in Latin America (21st century)
The aim of this course is to promote an interdisciplinary reflection on cultural, artistic and literary production related to gender issues.
In recent years, the struggle for the recognition of equality between men and women, the voice of sexual minorities, the claims related to the right to abortion, have been articulated in a series of demands and instances capable of resignifying the public space, and make visible corporealities excluded from political agendas.
In this context, literature, theatre, cinema and contemporary visual arts constitute a privileged scenario of struggle and resistance, a platform for social and civil transformation.
The course proposes to reflect on female/feminist artistic and literary production with particular emphasis on its capacity to transform racist and classist articulations of patriarchal-colonial marking and, at the same time, on its power to denounce the violence and discrimination that crosses bodies. The main nuclei of signification that will be dealt with are the following: maternity, memory and rewriting of the past, violence and feminicide.
The aim of this course is to promote an interdisciplinary reflection on cultural, artistic and literary production related to gender issues.
In recent years, the struggle for the recognition of equality between men and women, the voice of sexual minorities, the claims related to the right to abortion, have been articulated in a series of demands and instances capable of resignifying the public space, and make visible corporealities excluded from political agendas.
In this context, literature, theatre, cinema and contemporary visual arts constitute a privileged scenario of struggle and resistance, a platform for social and civil transformation.
The course proposes to reflect on female/feminist artistic and literary production with particular emphasis on its capacity to transform racist and classist articulations of patriarchal-colonial marking and, at the same time, on its power to denounce the violence and discrimination that crosses bodies. The main nuclei of signification that will be dealt with are the following: maternity, memory and rewriting of the past, violence and feminicide.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is held in Spanish. The materials and the bibliography of the examination presuppose skills in literary history, use of terminology and critical and textual analysis acquired in previous courses.
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: collaborative seminar lessons. The attending students, coordinated by tutors, will form working groups with foreign colleagues in order to produce texts and posters that will be evaluated by the teachers. The course is articulated through co-presence sessions (joint class) via Zoom, for which a particular flexibility of schedule is required.
Teaching Resources
Claudia Apablaza, Diario de quedar embarazada
Lina Meruane, Contra los hijos
Diamela Eltit, El cuarto mundo
Gabriela Wiener, Nueve Lunas
Diamela Eltit, Impuesto a la carne
Nona Fernández, Mapocho
Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Las aventuras de la china Iron
Cristina Rivera Garza, Nadie me verá llorar
Selva Almada, Chicas muertas
Claudia Salazar, La sangre de la aurora
Fátima Sime, Carne de perra
Rita Indiana, Papi
Lucía Guerra, La mujer fragmentada. Historia de un signo, Santiago de Chile, Cuarto Propio, 1994.
Silvia Federici, Calibán y la bruja. Mujeres, cuerpo y acumulación originaria,án%20y%20la%20bruja.pdf
Rita Segato, La guerra contra las mujeres, Buenos Aires Prometeo, 2016.
Francesca Gargallo, Feminismos desde Abya Yala,
Richard, Nelly, Masculino /femenino: prácticas de la diferencia y cultura democrática, Santiago, Chile, Francisco Zegers, 1993.
The bibliography will be made available in full through the Ariel and/or Teams platforms.
Claudia Apablaza, Diario de quedar embarazada
Lina Meruane, Contra los hijos
Diamela Eltit, El cuarto mundo
Gabriela Wiener, Nueve Lunas
Diamela Eltit, Impuesto a la carne
Nona Fernández, Mapocho
Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Las aventuras de la china Iron
Cristina Rivera Garza, Nadie me verá llorar
Selva Almada, Chicas muertas
Claudia Salazar, La sangre de la aurora
Fátima Sime, Carne de perra
Rita Indiana, Papi
Lucía Guerra, La mujer fragmentada. Historia de un signo, Santiago de Chile, Cuarto Propio, 1994.
Silvia Federici, Calibán y la bruja. Mujeres, cuerpo y acumulación originaria,án%20y%20la%20bruja.pdf
Rita Segato, La guerra contra las mujeres, Buenos Aires Prometeo, 2016.
Francesca Gargallo, Feminismos desde Abya Yala,
Richard, Nelly, Masculino /femenino: prácticas de la diferencia y cultura democrática, Santiago, Chile, Francisco Zegers, 1993.
The bibliography will be made available in full through the Ariel and/or Teams platforms.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an individual interview, which includes questions asked by the teacher, interactions between teacher and student and the analysis and commentary of one or more passages taken from the works in the program. The interview, in Spanish language, lasts about 20 minutes. The interview aims to verify the knowledge of the texts studied, the ability to contextualize authors and works, the ability to analyze the text, the ability to exposition, the accuracy in the use of specific terminology, the ability to reflect critically and personally on the proposed themes. The final grade is expressed in thirtieths, and the student has the right to reject it (in which case it will be recorded as "withdrawn"). For the students attending, there will be introduced in itinere tests, at the end of the different modules, and presentations of written and oral group work.
Other information:
International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher of the course in advance.
Examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent office. The course is valid until February 2023.
Other information:
International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher of the course in advance.
Examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent office. The course is valid until February 2023.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours