Italian Modern and Contemporary Literature

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide an advanced overview of the modern literary system in Italy, in its historical development to the present day, according to different perspectives. One perspective is critical and methodological: it aims to strengthen the comprehension of the functional relationships among the main actors of literary communication (authors, readers, publishers, critics). The other perspectives focus on specific literary periods, training students to the critical analysis of the authors' choices of genre and style.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: 1) Essential account of the raise and development of the modern bourgeois literary system: cultural trends, movements and conceptions of literature; genres and styles; analytical knowledge of significant works of Italian literary tradition from Unity to the present day. 2) Main issues related to the modern dynamics of literary experience: modes and forms of literary reading; the narrative pact; functions of publishing mediation.

Skills: 1) Ability to examine the reading list recognizing the authorship and audience features: reading pacts, role of paratexts, discursive regime, space-time narrative coordinates. 2) Ability to delineate the genre system and its main transformations; ability to place the individual works correctly; ability to describe and interpret the paratextual sections. 3) Ability to analyse the works comparing different critical interpretations, and to build up a streamlined bibliography.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
First semester
For the academic year 2021-'22 lessons will be held both in presence and on-line on Teams.
Course syllabus
Teaching part A: The modern literary system
- Teaching part A is meant to highlight dynamics and phases of the modern literary system, focusing on authors, intellectuals, horizon of expectation-related changes and the functional relationships between the main actors of literary communication (authors, readers, publishers, critics).

Teaching part B: The tradition of the novel in Italy
- Development of the novel in Italy from the beginning of the 18th century to the end of the 20th century.

Teaching part C: "Mondo piccolo" e mondo grande
- Close reading of two best-seller: Mondo piccolo by Giovannino Guareschi and L'oro di Napoli by Giuseppe Marotta.

In addition to the lessons, the didactic part B offers the opportunity of an optional Critical Writing Workshop, consisting in further seven lessons held by a teacher assistant. For students who decide to take the workshop, attendance is mandatory. The maximum number of participants is 35: enrolment will be possible within the first three lessons of the course.
During the workshop, students will be guided to the composition and discussion of a critical essay of 4/5 pages, about a twentieth-century Italian narrative text agreed with the teacher assistant. The evaluation of the paper will contribute to the final assessment of the exam. For students who will attend the Critical Writing workshop, the exam interview will focus on only one novel chosen by the student in the materials of Parts B and C together with the corresponding essay listed in the syllabus.
The positive evaluation of the workshop short essay favours the possibility of writing the Bachelor final paper in the discipline.
Prerequisites for admission
The students must have passed the exam in Italian contemporary literature.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with use of telematic tools, slides, audio-visual contents.
Dialogic teaching moments; explanation of the learning assessment methods and evaluation criteria.
If are difficult to find, the teaching materials will be available on ARIEL.
Attendance is optional, but strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Teaching unit A
- F. Brioschi, La letteratura e il suo doppio, in Critica della ragion poetica, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2002, pp. 21-78
- M. Bachtin, Epos e romanzo, in Estetica e romanzo, a c. di C. Strada Janovic, Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 445-482
- G. Rosa, Il patto narrativo e Ai margini del sistema, in Il patto narrativo. La fondazione della civiltà romanzesca in Italia, Milano, il Saggiatore, FAAM, 2008, pp. 9-92

Teaching unit B
- V. Spinazzola, L'egemonia del romanzo, in L'egemonia del romanzo, Milano, il Saggiatore, 2007, pp. 7-69
Testi: La lettura di una delle seguenti opere, accompagnata dai saggi critici indicati.
One of the following texts, and related critical essay:
-C. Levi, Cristo si è fermato a Eboli, Torino, Einaudi, 2020 - V. Spinazzola, Il movimento neorealista e Carlo Levi, in Letteratura e popolo borghese, Milano, Unicopli, 2000, pp. 274-282; F. Contorbia, M. Picciau, Levi, Carlo, in Dizionario biografico degli italiani, Volume 64 (2005) - reperibile online
-I. Calvino, Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno, a c. di M. Barenghi, Milano, Mondadori ("Oscar") - M. Barenghi, Postfazione, ivi, pp. 161-182; V. Spinazzola, Il movimento neorealista e Italo Calvino, in Letteratura e popolo borghese, Milano, Unicopli, 2000, p. 274- 278 e pp. 351-355; D. Scarpa, Calvino, Italo, in Dizionario biografico degli italiani, Volume (2013) - reperibile online

Teaching unit C:
One of the following texts, and related critical essay:
-G. Guareschi, Mondo piccolo, Milano, Rizzoli ("BUR"), 2009 - B. Pischedda, Giovanni Guareschi, Mondo piccolo. Don Camillo, 1948, in Dieci nel Novecento. Il romanzo italiano di largo pubblico dal Liberty alla fine del secolo, Roma, Carocci, 2919, pp. 106-130; D. Proietti, Guareschi, Giovannino, in Dizionario biografico degli italiani, Volume 60 (2003) - reperibile online
-G. Marotta, L'oro di Napoli, Milano, Rizzoli ("BUR"), 2013 - R. Nigro, Introduzione, ivi, pp. 5-12; Carlo Bo, Prefazione, in G. Marotta, L'oro di Napoli, Milano, Bompiani, 1967, pp. 5-7 e V. Gadddi, Introduzione, ivi, pp. 9-18; Marotta, Giuseppe, in Dizionario biografico degli italiani, Volume 70 (2008) - reperibile online
Assessment methods and Criteria
The overall evaluation consists of an oral exam on the issues and the texts included in the syllabus.
Students are expected to understand and explain correctly the issues addressed, and to properly analyse the relevant literary texts.
International or Erasmus incoming students are kindly requested to contact the teacher of the course. Also students with disabilities should contact the teacher of the course, in order to discuss alternative examination methods, in agreement with the competent Office.
The evaluation is expressed in 30 out of 30.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours


Lesson period
First semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation
Course syllabus
Students who plan to take this exam for 6 cfu are required to study the Third part and to choose one between the First part or the Second part.

The course syllabus includes the presentation and discussion of the following topics:

First part: The modern literary system
Teaching Unit A is meant to highlight dynamics and phases of the modern literary system, focusing on authors, intellectuals, horizon of expectation-related changes and the functional relationships between the main actors of literary communication (authors, readers, publishers, critics).

Second part: Italian poetry in the second half of Twentieth Century
A history of the development of Italian poetry from the Fifties to the end of the Twentieth century (with in-depth analysis of several poems).

Critical Writing Workshop
In addition to the lessons, the didactic unit B offers the opportunity of an optional Critical Writing Workshop, consisting in further seven on line lessons held by a teacher assistant (on Microsoft Teams). For students who decide to take the workshop, attendance is mandatory. The maximum number of participants is 35: enrolment will be possible within the first three lessons of the course.
During the workshop, students will be guided to the composition and discussion of a critical essay of 4/5 pages, about a twentieth-century Italian narrative text agreed with the teacher assistant. The evaluation of the paper will contribute to the final assessment of the exam. For students who will attend the Critical Writing workshop, the exam interview on Second part of the course will focus on six (instead of twelve) of the poems presented in the course and on two of the three essays listed in the syllabus.
The positive evaluation of the workshop short essay favours the possibility of writing the Bachelor final paper in the discipline.

Teaching unit C: "Dal cuore del miracolo": "Gli strumenti umani" by Vittorio Sereni and "La vita in versi" by Giovanni Giudici
In depth analysis of "Gli strumenti umani" by Vittorio Sereni and "La vita in versi" by Giovanni Giudici: genre features, voicing patterns, characters system, space and time structures, rhetorical and stylistic devices, macro-textual stuctures.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have passed the exam in Italian contemporary literature.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with use of telematic tools, slides, audio-visual contents.
Dialogic teaching moments; explanation of the learning assessment methods and evaluation criteria.
Attendance is optional, but strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
First part
- F. Brioschi, La letteratura e il suo doppio, in id., Critica della ragion poetica, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2002, pp. 20-78
- M. Bachtin, Epos e romanzo, in Id., Estetica e romanzo, Torino, Einaudi, 2001, pp. 445-483
- V. Spinazzola, Dal romanzo popolare alla narrativa di intrattenimento, in F. Brioschi, C. Di Girolamo, Manuale di letteratura italiana. Storia per generi e problemi, IV. Dall'Unità d'Italia alla fine del Novecento, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1996, pp. 634-700.

Second part
- E. Testa, Introduzione, in Dopo la lirica. Poeti italiani 1960-2000, Torino, Einaudi, 2005, pp. V-XXX
- P. Giovannetti, Modi della poesia italiana contemporanea. Forme e tecniche dal 1950 ad oggi, Roma, Carocci, 2005 (limitedly to chapters 1.Dal primo al secondo Novecento, pp. 15-39 and Appendice. Postmodernità?, pp. 145-154).
- L. Cardilli, S. Lombardo Vallauri (edited by), L'arte orale. Poesia, musica, performance, Accademia University Press, Torino, 2020 (limitedly to following chapters: S. Ghidinelli, Perdere la voce. Le metamorfosi della poesia letteraria, pp. 28-53; L. Zuliani, Sulle differenze fra poesia e canzone, pp. 107-127).
Students also have to study 12 of the italian poems of the second half of Twentieth century which will be presented and analyzed by the professor during the lessons.

Third part
- V. Sereni, Gli strumenti umani, Milano, Il Saggiatore, 2018
- G. Giudici, La vita in versi, Milano, Scalpendi, 2021

- N. Scaffai, «Il luogo comune e il suo rovescio»: effetti della storia, forma libro ed enunciazione negli Strumenti umani di Sereni, in Id., Il lavoro del poeta. Montale, Sereni, Caproni, Roma, Carocci, 2015,
- S. Morando, Vita con le parole. La poesia di Giovanni Giudici, Udine, Campanotto, 2014 (limitedly to chapters "Gli esordi: da Fiorì d'improvviso a L'intelligenza col nemico"; and "Gli anni della 'svolta': le poesie del 'Menabò', L'educazione cattolica, La vita in versi", pp. 11-44).
- E. Testa, Parole a prestito. Schede sulla lingua poetica di Giudici, «Nuova corrente», 44 (1997), n. 120, pp. 203-227.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The overall evaluation consists of an oral exam on the issues and the texts included in the syllabus.
Students are expected to understand and explain correctly the issues addressed, and to properly analyse the relevant literary texts.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours