Russian 2 (MA)

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course consists of lectures (corso monografico) and practical language classes (esercitazioni). Lectures aim to present the main features of the functional styles of Russian language and to analyze, according to a pragmalinguistic approach, Russian texts of different styles. In a part of the course the main types of subordinate sentences encountered in the analyzed texts will be deepen. Practical language classes will develop the skills to understand oral texts of different styles, as well as to produce oral and written texts in different styles at C1 level.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: introduction to the concept of stylistics and to the linguistic styles in Russian language; lexical, structural, morphological, syntactic and pragmatic peculiarities of scientific/critical, literary, publicistic, colloquial, official and business texts; development of the vocabulary and structures necessary to analyze texts of different styles; deepening of the main types of subordinate sentences of the Russian language. Applying knowledge and understanding: at the end of lectures students will be able to identify the texts of the different considered styles and to analyze them from lexical, morphological, syntactic, structural and pragmatic point of view. They will be also able to use correctly the typical structures of the different styles and the main types of analyzed subordinates. The practical language classes will develop in students the skills to listen, understand and produce in Russian language oral and written texts of the different styles analyzed during the lecturers. The developed linguistic skills will correspond to the fifth level (C1) of the official standard established by the Council of Europe for the knowledge of foreign languages.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/2022 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the publich health situation.
Course syllabus
The course "Stiylistics and linguistic analysis of the text" is composed by the following teaching units.
A: Introduction to Stylistics and Functional Styles. Scientific and literary styles in Russian language.
B: Advertising style in Russian language.
C: Colloquial style in Russian language. Official and business styles in Russian language.
The teaching unites will be carried out in sequence as regards to the styles.

The course provides 9 credits. It is not possible to acquire only 6.
In unit A linguistic styles of Russian language will be presented. Lexical, structural and morphosyntactic peculiarities of scientific and literary texts will be focused. Vocaboulary and linguistic structures necessary to describe such texts will be studied.
Structural elements and linguistic forms characterizing "referat" will be analyzed.

In unit B we will study lexical, stuctural and morphosyntactic peculiarities of Russian advertising style. We will also focus on some elements of differentiation of text within the same style.

Unit C will present colloquial style, and official and business style, their structural, lexical and morphosyntactic characteristics.

The course program is valid until September 2023.
Prerequisites for admission
The course, which is held entirely in Russian, the examination materials and bibliography presuppose an start level B2. In addition, the student must have the requirements for access to the LM C73 relating to the Russian language, as indicated in the Manifesto of Studies.
Teaching methods
Lecturers, reading and analysis of texts in the different styles, analysis of video referred to the different styles.
The course is integrated with practical classes for which students are invited to refer to the specific form.
Teaching Resources
The course has a site on "Ariel", the online platform for teaching, ( Students are invited to consult it for information and materials given by the teacher.
Bibliography for lectures:
1. Materials/texts given during the lecturers (they will be published on Ariel platform).
2. 70 pages (totally) for self-study, which the student will choose by himself and will agree with the teacher. Choosen texts must refer to al least two different styles among those studied in the course.

Additionally texts for support (non-obbligatory, recommended):
1. G. Solganik, Stilistika russkogo jazyka. Učebnoe posobie dlja bakalavrov, Flinta Nauka, Moskva
2. O.I. Lytkina, L.V. Selezneva, E.JU. Skorochova, Praktičeskaja stilistika russkogo jazyka, Flinta Nauka, Moskva 2013.
3. A.G. Krotova, Stilistika russkogo jazyka v zadanijach i upražnenijach, NGTU, Novosibirsk 2014.

Bibliography for prectical classes:
Audio and video texts and materials that will be distributed during practical classes (they will be published on Ariel platform).

Information for non-attending students
The program is the same for both attending and non-attending students. Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and oral exams: the exam consists of a written test and of a oral test. The final grade will be the average of the grades obtained in written ad in oral exams, expressed in thirtieths. The student has the right to refuse the vote and to repeat the exam.
The written exam can be taken starting from May 2022. The oral exam from June 2022.

Attending students (active participation in at least 75% of the practice sessions and the theory lessons) can have access to the partial tests (replacing only the general written test) which take place at the end of the first semester and at the end of the second semester. In this case, the final mark of the written examination is given by the average of the two partial tests of the first and second semester. In order to take the second partial, in addition to having attended at least 75% of the lessons and exercises of the second semester, it is essential to have passed the first partial. In the event of failing one of the two partial tests, students must take the entire general written examination during the official appeals (May, September, January).

The first partial examination will include the viewing of a Russian-language video related to one of the functional styles studied during the first semester. After watching the video twice, students will have to write a summary in Russian. A minimum length of the summary is not required, but it should contain all the information presented in the videos. Bilingual and monolingual dictionaries may be used for the summary.

The second partial examination will include the viewing of a Russian-language video related to one of the functional styles studied during the second semester. After having watched the video twice, students will be asked to write a text in Russian language in which they will be asked to identify the style and analyse it from a lexical, morphological, syntactic, structural and pragmatical point of view. The minimum length of the theme should be about 350 words. Bilingual and monolingual dictionaries may be used to develop the theme.

General Writing (for those who will not support the partials or who have not passed one of them):
· Viewing/listening of a video and writing a summary and a composition referred to the video in one of the styles examined during the course (minimum 350 words). For this part of the exam monolingual dictionary and Italian/Russian-Russian/Italian dictionary are allowed.

Oral exam:
The teacher will evaluate correctness and fluency of expression in Russian, the ability to expose in a logical and complete way the contents of the course and to apply them to the analysis of original Russian texts of different styles.

Oral exam includes:
· conversing in Russian on a topic assigned directly at the exam,
· a detailed presentation, in Russian, of minimum 15 minutes, of pragmalinguistic analysis of the 50 pages chosen by the student for self-work and agreed with the teacher,
· recognition in the chosen texts for self-study of the syntactic structures deepened in the lecturers,
· answers to theoretical questions referred to the styles deepened in the course (in Russian),
· pragmalinguistic analysis of the texts analyzed during the course.
Language in which the student is required to take the exam: Russian.

International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher. Assessments methods for students with disabilities and/or with DSA have to be agreed with the teacher together with the competent office.
L-LIN/21 - SLAVIC STUDIES - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours