History of Colonialism and Decolonisation
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide information regarding the elements of the long-term history of European colonization and decolonization from the early-modern period to the second half of the 20th century, the main historiographical interpretations of the theme, and the main forms of representation/narrative of colonialism in the cultures of the colonizing countries. The course also aims to provide lexical and conceptual tools suitable for both scientific and popular historical communication
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to introduce participants to the historical reflection on the phenomenon of colonialism from a long-term perspective, specifically from the early-modern period to the processes of decolonization in the second half of the twentieth century. This will be accomplished using the most accredited historiography, and with the proposal of research trails on published and unpublished sources, in Italian and foreign languages. Through the analysis of concrete examples, students will be introduced to different methodologies of historical investigation and the study of documentation.
At the end of the course, students will be able to critically read sources and historiographical texts relating to the period and the issues under consideration and develop independent reflections on the main historical issues related to colonialism - at various stages - and decolonization.
These skills will be acquired through direct contact with the instructor in the classroom: in particular, through critical reflection on texts/images/films and other forms of analysis, narration and representation about the phenomena covered by the course. Individual reflection will be stimulated and promoted through a seminar approach, which necessarily involves the interaction of students - with each other and with the instructor - particularly concerning the cultural history of colonial events, from the point of view of the colonizers as well as those of the colonized. These reflections will be articulated, during the course, in the presentation and discussion by the students - individually or in groups - of readings and proposals of analysis suggested by the instructor around the topics of the course and/or those which emerge from the collective discussion.
Students opting not to attend the lessons will find in their dedicated program a wide range of way to approach to the objects of the course, which allow an individual choice and that can possibly be discussed with the teacher himself or with his collaborators during the reception hours.
At the end of the course, students will be able to critically read sources and historiographical texts relating to the period and the issues under consideration and develop independent reflections on the main historical issues related to colonialism - at various stages - and decolonization.
These skills will be acquired through direct contact with the instructor in the classroom: in particular, through critical reflection on texts/images/films and other forms of analysis, narration and representation about the phenomena covered by the course. Individual reflection will be stimulated and promoted through a seminar approach, which necessarily involves the interaction of students - with each other and with the instructor - particularly concerning the cultural history of colonial events, from the point of view of the colonizers as well as those of the colonized. These reflections will be articulated, during the course, in the presentation and discussion by the students - individually or in groups - of readings and proposals of analysis suggested by the instructor around the topics of the course and/or those which emerge from the collective discussion.
Students opting not to attend the lessons will find in their dedicated program a wide range of way to approach to the objects of the course, which allow an individual choice and that can possibly be discussed with the teacher himself or with his collaborators during the reception hours.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
More specific information will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of public health situation.
Course syllabus
Title of the course: The colonialisms of Europeans between modern and contemporary age (XV-XX centuries): typologies, interpretations, consequences
Module 1: The colonialisms of the modern age and the first decolonization (XV-XIX centuries)
Module 2: Imperialism and great decolonization (19th-20th centuries)
Module 3: Materials for a cultural history of colonialism and post-colonialism
Module 1: The colonialisms of the modern age and the first decolonization (XV-XIX centuries)
Module 2: Imperialism and great decolonization (19th-20th centuries)
Module 3: Materials for a cultural history of colonialism and post-colonialism
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific requirements different from those requested for the admission to the MA degree in historical science
Teaching methods
Attendance to classes is strongly recommended although not compulsory. The teaching is delivered through frontal lectures aimed primarily at the acquisition of knowledge, competence and specific language of the subject. Discussion with the teacher in the classroom is integrant part of the didactic method and aims at promoting a critical attitude and the capacity to apply the acquired competence and knowledge.
The teaching is also based on multimedia material.
In addition to frontal lectures, team works and/or individual presentations are possible.
The teaching is also based on multimedia material.
In addition to frontal lectures, team works and/or individual presentations are possible.
Teaching Resources
Attending students:
- Programme for 6 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (modules 1 and 2)
Textbook: Wolfgang Reinhard, Storia del colonialismo, Einaudi; along with Michael Burleigh, La genesi del mondo contemporaneo. Il crollo degli imperi coloniali 1945-1965, Feltrinelli (or: Id., Small Wars, Far Away Places: The Genesis of the Modern World 1945-65, Macmillan)
Knowledge of one of the following volumes or groups of essays:
· Cemil Aydin, Il lungo Ottocento. Una storia politica internazionale, Einaudi
· David K. Fieldhouse, Western Imperialism in the Middle East 1914-1958, Oxford U.P.
· Daniel R. Headrick, Il predominio dell'occidente. Tecnologia, ambiente, imperialismo, Il Mulino
· Daniel Immerwahr, L'impero nascosto. Breve storia dei Grandi Stati Uniti d'America, Einaudi
· Herbert S. Klein, Il commercio atlantico degli schiavi, Carocci
· Nicola Labanca, Oltremare. Storia dell'espansione coloniale italiana, il Mulino
· Massimo Livi Bacci, Conquista. La distruzione degli Indios americani, Il Mulino
· Gilles Manceron, Marianne et les colonies: une introduction à l'histoire coloniale de la France, La Découverte
· Antonio Morone, a cura di, La fine del colonialismo italiano. Politica, società e memorie, Le Monnier, 2018
Benjamin Stora, La guerra d'Algeria, il Mulino, unitamente a Mitchell K. Hall, La guerra del Vietnam, il Mulino
· Thomas Turner, The Congo Wars. Conflicts, Myth & Reality, Zed Books
· Peter Wende, L'impero britannico. Storia di una potenza mondiale, Einaudi .
Programme for 9 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (modules 1, 2 and 3)
Textbook: Wolfgang Reinhard, Storia del colonialismo, Einaudi; along with Michael Burleigh, La genesi del mondo contemporaneo. Il crollo degli imperi coloniali 1945-1965, Feltrinelli (or: Id., Small Wars, Far Away Places: The Genesis of the Modern World 1945-65, Macmillan);
Knowledge of one of the following volumes or groups of essays:
Cemil Aydin, Il lungo Ottocento. Una storia politica internazionale, Einaudi
David K. Fieldhouse, Western Imperialism in the Middle East 1914-1958, Oxford U.P.
Daniel R. Headrick, Il predominio dell'occidente. Tecnologia, ambiente, imperialismo, Il Mulino
Herbert S. Klein, Il commercio atlantico degli schiavi, Carocci
Daniel Immerwahr, L'impero nascosto. Breve storia dei Grandi Stati Uniti d'America, Einaudi
Nicola Labanca, Oltremare. Storia dell'espansione coloniale italiana, il Mulino
Massimo Livi Bacci, Conquista. La distruzione degli Indios americani, Il Mulino
Gilles Manceron, Marianne et les colonies: une introduction à l'histoire coloniale de la France, La Découverte
Morone Antonio, a cura di, La fine del colonialismo italiano. Politica, società e memorie, le Monnier, 2018
Benjamin Stora, La guerra d'Algeria, il Mulino, unitamente a Mitchell K. Hall, La guerra del Vietnam, il Mulino
Thomas Turner, The Congo Wars. Conflicts, Myth & Reality, Zed Books
Peter Wende, L'impero britannico. Storia di una potenza mondiale, Einaudi
Knowledge of one of the following volumes:
Jean-Loup Amselle, Elikia M'Bokolo, a cura di, L'invenzione dell'etnia, Meltemi
Rikke Andreassen, Human Exhibitions. Race, Gender and Sexuality in Ethnic Displays, Routledge
Olivier van Beemen, Heineken in Africa. La miniera d'oro di una multinazionale europea, add Editore
Bethencourt F., Razzismi. Dalle crociate al XX secolo, Il Mulino, limitatamente all'Introduzione e alle parti 3, 4, 5 (pp. 7-32, 287-658 dell'edizione 2017)
Frantz Fanon, I Dannati della terra, con Prefazione di Jean-Paul Sartre, Einaudi
Frantz Fanon, Pelle nera, maschere bianche, ETS
Cyril L. R. James, I giacobini neri. La prima rivolta contro l'uomo bianco, DeriveApprodi, 2006
Jocelyn Hackforth-Jones and Mary Roberts, eds., Edges of Empire. Orientalism and Visual Culture, Blackwell Publishing
Ania Loomba, Colonialismo/postcolonialismo, Meltemi
Edward Said, Orientalismo. L'immagine europea dell'Oriente, Feltrinelli
Augustine Sedgewick, Coffeeland. Storia di un impero che domina il mondo, Einaudi
Neelam Srivastava, Italian Colonialism and Resistances to Empire, 1930-1970, Palgrave Macmillan.
All volumes can also be read in the original language.
Non-attending students:
- Programme for 6 cfu:
Textbook: Wolfgang Reinhard, Storia del colonialismo, Einaudi; along with Michael Burleigh, La genesi del mondo contemporaneo. Il crollo degli imperi coloniali 1945-1965, Feltrinelli (or: Id., Small Wars, Far Away Places: The Genesis of the Modern World 1945-65, Macmillan);
Knowledge of two of the following volumes:
Cemil Aydin, Il lungo Ottocento. Una storia politica internazionale, Einaudi
Olivier Pétré-Grenouilleau, La tratta degli schiavi. Saggio di storia globale, Il Mulino
Daniel Immerwahr, L'impero nascosto. Breve storia dei Grandi Stati Uniti d'America, Einaudi
Daniel R. Headrick, Il predominio dell'occidente. Tecnologia, ambiente, imperialismo, Il Mulino
Nicola Labanca, Oltremare. Storia dell'espansione coloniale italiana, il Mulino
Gilles Manceron, Marianne et les colonies: une introduction à l'histoire coloniale de la France, La Découverte
Morone Antonio, a cura di, La fine del colonialismo italiano. Politica, società e memorie, le Monnier, 2018
Peter Wende, L'impero britannico. Storia di una potenza mondiale, Einaudi .
Programme for 9 cfu:
Textbook: Wolfgang Reinhard, Storia del colonialismo, Einaudi; along with Michael Burleigh, La genesi del mondo contemporaneo. Il crollo degli imperi coloniali 1945-1965, Feltrinelli (or: Id., Small Wars, Far Away Places: The Genesis of the Modern World 1945-65, Macmillan);
Knowledge of two of the following volumes:
Cemil Aydin, Il lungo Ottocento. Una storia politica internazionale, Einaudi
Olivier Pétré-Grenouilleau, La tratta degli schiavi. Saggio di storia globale, Il Mulino
Daniel R. Headrick, Il predominio dell'occidente. Tecnologia, ambiente, imperialismo, Il Mulino
Daniel Immerwahr, L'impero nascosto. Breve storia dei Grandi Stati Uniti d'America, Einaudi
Nicola Labanca, Oltremare. Storia dell'espansione coloniale italiana, il Mulino
Gilles Manceron, Marianne et les colonies: une introduction à l'histoire coloniale de la France, La Découverte
Antonio Morone, a cura di, La fine del colonialismo italiano. Politica, società e memorie, le Monnier, 2018
Peter Wende, L'impero britannico. Storia di una potenza mondiale, Einaudi
Knowledge of one of the following volumes:
Rikke Andreassen, Human Exhibitions. Race, Gender and Sexuality in Ethnic Displays, Routledge
Olivier van Beemen, Heineken in Africa. La miniera d'oro di una multinazionale europea, add Editore
Bethencourt F., Razzismi. Dalle crociate al XX secolo, Il Mulino, limitatamente all'Introduzione e alle parti 3, 4, 5 (pp. 7-32, 287-658 dell'edizione 2017)
Edward Said, Orientalismo. L'immagine europea dell'Oriente, Feltrinelli
Augustine Sedgewick, Coffeeland. Storia di un impero che domina il mondo, Einaudi
Neelam Srivastava, Italian Colonialism and Resistances to Empire, 1930-1970, Palgrave Macmillan
All volumes can also be read in the original language
International and Erasmus students are invited to promptly get in touch with the professor in order to arrange a reading plan (available in English) for exam preparation.
- Programme for 6 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (modules 1 and 2)
Textbook: Wolfgang Reinhard, Storia del colonialismo, Einaudi; along with Michael Burleigh, La genesi del mondo contemporaneo. Il crollo degli imperi coloniali 1945-1965, Feltrinelli (or: Id., Small Wars, Far Away Places: The Genesis of the Modern World 1945-65, Macmillan)
Knowledge of one of the following volumes or groups of essays:
· Cemil Aydin, Il lungo Ottocento. Una storia politica internazionale, Einaudi
· David K. Fieldhouse, Western Imperialism in the Middle East 1914-1958, Oxford U.P.
· Daniel R. Headrick, Il predominio dell'occidente. Tecnologia, ambiente, imperialismo, Il Mulino
· Daniel Immerwahr, L'impero nascosto. Breve storia dei Grandi Stati Uniti d'America, Einaudi
· Herbert S. Klein, Il commercio atlantico degli schiavi, Carocci
· Nicola Labanca, Oltremare. Storia dell'espansione coloniale italiana, il Mulino
· Massimo Livi Bacci, Conquista. La distruzione degli Indios americani, Il Mulino
· Gilles Manceron, Marianne et les colonies: une introduction à l'histoire coloniale de la France, La Découverte
· Antonio Morone, a cura di, La fine del colonialismo italiano. Politica, società e memorie, Le Monnier, 2018
Benjamin Stora, La guerra d'Algeria, il Mulino, unitamente a Mitchell K. Hall, La guerra del Vietnam, il Mulino
· Thomas Turner, The Congo Wars. Conflicts, Myth & Reality, Zed Books
· Peter Wende, L'impero britannico. Storia di una potenza mondiale, Einaudi .
Programme for 9 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (modules 1, 2 and 3)
Textbook: Wolfgang Reinhard, Storia del colonialismo, Einaudi; along with Michael Burleigh, La genesi del mondo contemporaneo. Il crollo degli imperi coloniali 1945-1965, Feltrinelli (or: Id., Small Wars, Far Away Places: The Genesis of the Modern World 1945-65, Macmillan);
Knowledge of one of the following volumes or groups of essays:
Cemil Aydin, Il lungo Ottocento. Una storia politica internazionale, Einaudi
David K. Fieldhouse, Western Imperialism in the Middle East 1914-1958, Oxford U.P.
Daniel R. Headrick, Il predominio dell'occidente. Tecnologia, ambiente, imperialismo, Il Mulino
Herbert S. Klein, Il commercio atlantico degli schiavi, Carocci
Daniel Immerwahr, L'impero nascosto. Breve storia dei Grandi Stati Uniti d'America, Einaudi
Nicola Labanca, Oltremare. Storia dell'espansione coloniale italiana, il Mulino
Massimo Livi Bacci, Conquista. La distruzione degli Indios americani, Il Mulino
Gilles Manceron, Marianne et les colonies: une introduction à l'histoire coloniale de la France, La Découverte
Morone Antonio, a cura di, La fine del colonialismo italiano. Politica, società e memorie, le Monnier, 2018
Benjamin Stora, La guerra d'Algeria, il Mulino, unitamente a Mitchell K. Hall, La guerra del Vietnam, il Mulino
Thomas Turner, The Congo Wars. Conflicts, Myth & Reality, Zed Books
Peter Wende, L'impero britannico. Storia di una potenza mondiale, Einaudi
Knowledge of one of the following volumes:
Jean-Loup Amselle, Elikia M'Bokolo, a cura di, L'invenzione dell'etnia, Meltemi
Rikke Andreassen, Human Exhibitions. Race, Gender and Sexuality in Ethnic Displays, Routledge
Olivier van Beemen, Heineken in Africa. La miniera d'oro di una multinazionale europea, add Editore
Bethencourt F., Razzismi. Dalle crociate al XX secolo, Il Mulino, limitatamente all'Introduzione e alle parti 3, 4, 5 (pp. 7-32, 287-658 dell'edizione 2017)
Frantz Fanon, I Dannati della terra, con Prefazione di Jean-Paul Sartre, Einaudi
Frantz Fanon, Pelle nera, maschere bianche, ETS
Cyril L. R. James, I giacobini neri. La prima rivolta contro l'uomo bianco, DeriveApprodi, 2006
Jocelyn Hackforth-Jones and Mary Roberts, eds., Edges of Empire. Orientalism and Visual Culture, Blackwell Publishing
Ania Loomba, Colonialismo/postcolonialismo, Meltemi
Edward Said, Orientalismo. L'immagine europea dell'Oriente, Feltrinelli
Augustine Sedgewick, Coffeeland. Storia di un impero che domina il mondo, Einaudi
Neelam Srivastava, Italian Colonialism and Resistances to Empire, 1930-1970, Palgrave Macmillan.
All volumes can also be read in the original language.
Non-attending students:
- Programme for 6 cfu:
Textbook: Wolfgang Reinhard, Storia del colonialismo, Einaudi; along with Michael Burleigh, La genesi del mondo contemporaneo. Il crollo degli imperi coloniali 1945-1965, Feltrinelli (or: Id., Small Wars, Far Away Places: The Genesis of the Modern World 1945-65, Macmillan);
Knowledge of two of the following volumes:
Cemil Aydin, Il lungo Ottocento. Una storia politica internazionale, Einaudi
Olivier Pétré-Grenouilleau, La tratta degli schiavi. Saggio di storia globale, Il Mulino
Daniel Immerwahr, L'impero nascosto. Breve storia dei Grandi Stati Uniti d'America, Einaudi
Daniel R. Headrick, Il predominio dell'occidente. Tecnologia, ambiente, imperialismo, Il Mulino
Nicola Labanca, Oltremare. Storia dell'espansione coloniale italiana, il Mulino
Gilles Manceron, Marianne et les colonies: une introduction à l'histoire coloniale de la France, La Découverte
Morone Antonio, a cura di, La fine del colonialismo italiano. Politica, società e memorie, le Monnier, 2018
Peter Wende, L'impero britannico. Storia di una potenza mondiale, Einaudi .
Programme for 9 cfu:
Textbook: Wolfgang Reinhard, Storia del colonialismo, Einaudi; along with Michael Burleigh, La genesi del mondo contemporaneo. Il crollo degli imperi coloniali 1945-1965, Feltrinelli (or: Id., Small Wars, Far Away Places: The Genesis of the Modern World 1945-65, Macmillan);
Knowledge of two of the following volumes:
Cemil Aydin, Il lungo Ottocento. Una storia politica internazionale, Einaudi
Olivier Pétré-Grenouilleau, La tratta degli schiavi. Saggio di storia globale, Il Mulino
Daniel R. Headrick, Il predominio dell'occidente. Tecnologia, ambiente, imperialismo, Il Mulino
Daniel Immerwahr, L'impero nascosto. Breve storia dei Grandi Stati Uniti d'America, Einaudi
Nicola Labanca, Oltremare. Storia dell'espansione coloniale italiana, il Mulino
Gilles Manceron, Marianne et les colonies: une introduction à l'histoire coloniale de la France, La Découverte
Antonio Morone, a cura di, La fine del colonialismo italiano. Politica, società e memorie, le Monnier, 2018
Peter Wende, L'impero britannico. Storia di una potenza mondiale, Einaudi
Knowledge of one of the following volumes:
Rikke Andreassen, Human Exhibitions. Race, Gender and Sexuality in Ethnic Displays, Routledge
Olivier van Beemen, Heineken in Africa. La miniera d'oro di una multinazionale europea, add Editore
Bethencourt F., Razzismi. Dalle crociate al XX secolo, Il Mulino, limitatamente all'Introduzione e alle parti 3, 4, 5 (pp. 7-32, 287-658 dell'edizione 2017)
Edward Said, Orientalismo. L'immagine europea dell'Oriente, Feltrinelli
Augustine Sedgewick, Coffeeland. Storia di un impero che domina il mondo, Einaudi
Neelam Srivastava, Italian Colonialism and Resistances to Empire, 1930-1970, Palgrave Macmillan
All volumes can also be read in the original language
International and Erasmus students are invited to promptly get in touch with the professor in order to arrange a reading plan (available in English) for exam preparation.
Assessment methods and Criteria
- Method: oral exam
- Type of examination: oral interrogation
- Evaluation criteria: capacity to demonstrate and elaborate knowledge; capacity for critical reflection on the completed work; quality of exposition, competence in the use of specialised lexicon, efficacy, clarity.
- Type of evaluation method: mark in 30s
- Possible materials utilised to sustain the exam and allowed during the exam itself: program books and course notes
The format of the exam for students with disabilities should be arranged in advance with the professor, as well as the relevant office.
- Type of examination: oral interrogation
- Evaluation criteria: capacity to demonstrate and elaborate knowledge; capacity for critical reflection on the completed work; quality of exposition, competence in the use of specialised lexicon, efficacy, clarity.
- Type of evaluation method: mark in 30s
- Possible materials utilised to sustain the exam and allowed during the exam itself: program books and course notes
The format of the exam for students with disabilities should be arranged in advance with the professor, as well as the relevant office.
Unita' didattica A
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours