Economy of the Publishing Industry
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the knowledge and understanding of the business systems of the publishing industry. During the course, students will be confronted with different business situations, cases, and testimonies, through which they will acquire the necessary knowledge to give effective answers to the emerging needs of publishing companies.
In addition, students will acquire the ways of building, analyzing and interpreting management summary results through the understanding of the operating budget.
In addition, students will acquire the ways of building, analyzing and interpreting management summary results through the understanding of the operating budget.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- analyze the operations of publishing houses from a management point of view;
- assess the specificity of high-yield securities from an economic and management point of view;
- link the management of a business to financial results;
- build and analyze a budget as a basic tool for assessing the management and sustainability of a business over time;
- assess the impact of new technologies on the economy of publishing houses;
- examine the supply chain and the book markets;
- Evaluate the main competitive and brand promotion strategies in the publishing industry.
- analyze the operations of publishing houses from a management point of view;
- assess the specificity of high-yield securities from an economic and management point of view;
- link the management of a business to financial results;
- build and analyze a budget as a basic tool for assessing the management and sustainability of a business over time;
- assess the impact of new technologies on the economy of publishing houses;
- examine the supply chain and the book markets;
- Evaluate the main competitive and brand promotion strategies in the publishing industry.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Didactic method:
Lectures will be delivered remotely, principally in synchronous format via Teams. Some of the lectures will be provided asynchronously and will be available on the Ariel website of the course.
Study materials:
On the course page on Ariel, students will be able to find all the information on the lectures and any changes to the programme and its related documents (bibliography etc) in case of lockdown.
Method and type of examination:
The examination will be in oral form. In case it proves impossible to hold the exam face to face, the exam will take place remotely, in ways which will be communicated on the course page on Ariel at the end of the course.
Lectures will be delivered remotely, principally in synchronous format via Teams. Some of the lectures will be provided asynchronously and will be available on the Ariel website of the course.
Study materials:
On the course page on Ariel, students will be able to find all the information on the lectures and any changes to the programme and its related documents (bibliography etc) in case of lockdown.
Method and type of examination:
The examination will be in oral form. In case it proves impossible to hold the exam face to face, the exam will take place remotely, in ways which will be communicated on the course page on Ariel at the end of the course.
Course syllabus
After the introduction of the main elements of company, we will analyze the functioning of the publishing company from the managerial point of view, through the analysis of balance sheet. The production and the market analysis of a book, will be examined, also considering the assessment of the competitive and promotional strategies in the publishing sector.
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites
Teaching methods
Course attendance is not compulsory, but is strongly recommended, because the languages and logics typical of the course are very different from those of the other subjects within the degree course. As part of the course case studies will be discussed, the balance sheet of publishing companies will be analyzed and comparisons will be made with entrepreneurs and managers of publishing companies.
Teaching Resources
Part A
Dubini P., Management, II Ed., Egea, 2017
Dubini P., Voltare Pagina? Le trasformazioni del libro e dell'editoria, Pearson, 2013
Part B
Gunelius S., Harry Potter. Come creare un business da favola, Egea, 2008.
Part A
Dubini P., Management, II Ed., Egea, 2017
Dubini P., Voltare Pagina? Le trasformazioni del libro e dell'editoria, Pearson, 2013
Part B
Gunelius S., Harry Potter. Come creare un business da favola, Egea, 2008.
Giarratana M., Essential of Strategy, Egea, 2016 (english)
Part A
Dubini P., Management, II Ed., Egea, 2017
Dubini P., Voltare Pagina? Le trasformazioni del libro e dell'editoria, Pearson, 2013
Part B
Gunelius S., Harry Potter. Come creare un business da favola, Egea, 2008.
Part A
Dubini P., Management, II Ed., Egea, 2017
Dubini P., Voltare Pagina? Le trasformazioni del libro e dell'editoria, Pearson, 2013
Part B
Gunelius S., Harry Potter. Come creare un business da favola, Egea, 2008.
Giarratana M., Essential of Strategy, Egea, 2016 (english)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral exam is focused on the topics contained in the program, aimed at ascertaining the knowledge of the functioning of a publishing company, from a managerial point of view, and the ability to read and analyze a balance sheet of a publishing company, in a specific competitive context.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours