Digital Publishing

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is divided into two parts, one institutional in nature, aimed at providing the student with an introduction to the discipline considered in its fundamental aspects, and another monographic, which will be dedicated from year to year to topics of particular relevance in the field of multimedia publishing. On the one hand, the sociological, technical-informatic and humanistic aspects of the discipline, which are dealt with in Unit A, are decisive; on the other hand, an all-round in-depth study of individual topics with the support of projects will be carried out by the instructor and some of his students in Unit B. Both modules aim to offer the student an articulated, multidisciplinary, comprehensive and up-to-date view of the discipline: which, by its peculiar nature, is particularly subject to change.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course the student will have to have an adequate measure of Knowledge and Skills and will be able to use some work tools, now essential:
Knowledge: HTML, XML, and CSS encoding fundamentals; DTD, XML, and Namespace formats; Academic coding languages: TEI, EAD. Languages for commercial publishing: Epub3. How to manage and display a dataset (from excel/CSV to view). Web Writing and SEO Copywriting Bases. Web Design Fundamentals: Usability, Information Architecture, Responsive Web Design.
Skills: design and implementation of static and dynamic websites, design of eBooks and multimedia magazines; design and implementation of Data Visualization from data collection.
Tools: Encoding: HTML, CSS, and XML Editors; Web Design: WordPress; EBook: PubCoder, ViewPorter, or IbooksAuthor2; Data Visualization: Tableau Public.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Lectures will be delivered partly live with simultaneous streaming online, and partly remotely, according to a timetable that each lecturer will publish on the course page on Ariel.
In case of Lockdown, Lectures will be delivered remotely, principally in synchronous format via Microsoft Teams.
On the course page on Ariel, students will be able to find all the information on the lectures and any changes to the programme and its related documents (bibliography etc) in case of lockdown.
The means and criteria for participation in the live lectures, which will need booking through a specific app, will be indicated on the University website.
Finally, in case it proves impossible to hold the exam face to face, the exam will take place remotely, in ways which will be communicated on the course page on Ariel at the end of the course.
Course syllabus
In the general part it is planned to deal with the following topics: Data Visualization Fundamentals; Web Writing (hypertext, writing techniques for readers and search engines (SEO); Web design fundamentals (web usability, accessibility, HTML, XML and CSS, information architecture, responsiveness, use of CMS) We will also deal with academic multimedia publishing and Videogame Storytelling: the level of in-depth analysis of these latter subjects will also depend on the interest shown by those attending.
In the monographic part, the topic "Digital Gardens, Personal Wikis and Experimental Knowledge Systems in Literature" will be dealt with. Case studies will be examined (some carried out by graduate students) and professional software (free or freemium) will be used.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites, because the course is aimed at an audience of humanities students. What is required is the desire to develop one's own attitude towards digital (Digital Attitude) which consists in using consciously the digital hardware and software tools. The knowledge of the main coding languages (HTML and XML) is preferential.
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures, within which a specific space is regularly dedicated to soliciting comments, observations and questions from the students. For the lessons, the teacher uses digital tools, hardware and software, which in some cases will be illustrated to the class. The chosen software will be free, open source or freemium.
Given the technical nature of this course, attendance is particularly recommended. Students who attend at least two thirds of the lessons are considered attending students.
Teaching Resources

Attending students will have to know adequately the topics covered during the lectures and study:

01. F. Tissoni, Il web dei dati fra intelligenza artificiale e semantica, Milano, Unicopli 2022 (FORTHCOMING)

02. F. Tissoni, Social Network: comunicazione e marketing, NUOVA EDIZIONE AMPLIATA E RIVEDUTA Milano, Apogeo, 2021, in press

03. M. Pometti - F. Tissoni, Comunicare con i dati, Milano, Ledizioni, 2018

04. J. Lambert, H. Brooke Hessler, Digital Storytelling. Story Work for Urgent Times, 2020:


Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher before taking the exam.

01. F. Tissoni, Il web dei dati fra intelligenza artificiale e semantica, Milano, Unicopli 2022 (FORTHCOMING)

02. F. Tissoni, Social Network: comunicazione e marketing, NUOVA EDIZIONE AMPLIATA E RIVEDUTA Milano, Apogeo, 2021, in press

03. F. Franchi, Designing News, Gestalten, Berlin, 2013

04. J. Lambert, H. Brooke Hessler, Digital Storytelling. Story Work for Urgent Times, 2020:

05. M. Pometti - F. Tissoni, Comunicare con i dati, Milano, Ledizioni, 2018
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral exam consists of an interview on the program topics, aimed at ascertaining the knowledge acquired both from a theoretical and a technical point of view. If it is not possible to take the exam in attendance, the exam will be taken by students electronically on the Teams platform, according to the indications provided by the University and which will be communicated on the Ariel website of the course.
The vote will be expressed in thirtieths.
The incoming Erasmus students will have the opportunity, if they so request, to take the exam in English, according to a program to be agreed with the teacher.
Chinese students are invited to contact the teacher before taking the exam.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities and / or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent Office.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours