Linguistic Anthropology
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
Starting from an idea of communication as a multimodal and multisensorial mode of human interconnection, the course proposes a critical reflection on the semiotic resources - primarily linguistic - that human beings use in their communicative acting and interacting, according to historical and cultural models and within sociopolitical and economic frameworks.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will know the theoretical foundations of the discipline, will handle the specific terminology, and will be able to reflect critically on examples of field research and concrete case studies.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The first part of the course (Unit 1) is devoted to a presentation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of linguistic anthropology, along the two lines of ethnolinguistics (intertwining of linguistic categories, conceptual categories and experience) and communication ethnography (uses and pragmatic aspects of words and linguistic acts); the second part (Unit 2) consists of an analysis of ethnographic cases drawn from different contexts representative of the close relationship between communication and culture (Unit 1 and 2 is the 6 cfu program). The third part of the course (Unit 3) focuses on the transformations (and continuities) that social media bring to our social, cultural and communicative life (Unit 1, 2, and 3 is the 9 cfu program).
Prerequisites for admission
The course is in Italian; materials and bibliography for the examination require some knowledge of linguistics, sociolinguistics and cultural anthropology.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures, in-depth seminars, debates and exercises.
Teaching Resources
The 6 cfu exam program consists of the volumes pointed at 1 and 2; the 9 cfu exam program consists of the volumes pointed at 1, 2, and 3; both the programs include also one of the volumes (2 volumes for non attending students) pointed at 4:
1. Finnegan R., Comunicare, Utet università, 2008
2. Biscaldi A., Matera V., Antropologia della comunicazione, Carocci, 2017.
3. Biscaldi A., Matera V., Antropologia dei social media, Carocci, 2019.
4. One book (two for non-attending students) selected from:
- Cardona G. R., Introduzione all'etnolinguistica, Utet università, 2006.
- Cardona G. R., I linguaggi del sapere, Laterza, 1991.
- Duranti A., Etnografia del parlare quotidiano, Carocci, 1992.
- Duranti A. Etnopragmatica. La forza nel parlare, Carocci, 2009.
- Iannaccaro G., Matera V., La lingua come cultura, Utet Università, 2009.
- Miller D., Come il mondo ha cambiato i social media, Ledizioni 2018.
- Tedlock D., Verba Manent. L'interpretazione del parlato, L'Ancora del Mediterraneo, 2002.
1. Finnegan R., Comunicare, Utet università, 2008
2. Biscaldi A., Matera V., Antropologia della comunicazione, Carocci, 2017.
3. Biscaldi A., Matera V., Antropologia dei social media, Carocci, 2019.
4. One book (two for non-attending students) selected from:
- Cardona G. R., Introduzione all'etnolinguistica, Utet università, 2006.
- Cardona G. R., I linguaggi del sapere, Laterza, 1991.
- Duranti A., Etnografia del parlare quotidiano, Carocci, 1992.
- Duranti A. Etnopragmatica. La forza nel parlare, Carocci, 2009.
- Iannaccaro G., Matera V., La lingua come cultura, Utet Università, 2009.
- Miller D., Come il mondo ha cambiato i social media, Ledizioni 2018.
- Tedlock D., Verba Manent. L'interpretazione del parlato, L'Ancora del Mediterraneo, 2002.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination. The examination consists of an oral test. Students are required to prepare the entire program. Students who prepared just a part of the program will not be admitted to the examination.
The test requires the full knowledge of the texts in the program and consists of an evaluation of the student's critical and argumentative capacity. Results will be: insufficient in case of a lack of expressive ability, as well as a lack of or incorrect critical analysis of the texts; sufficient in case of correct expression, possession of a basic knowledge and understanding of the specific lines of research and analysis of linguistic anthropology; good in case of expressive ability and knowledge of the texts; very good in case of excellent expressive and critical ability, together with in-depth knowledge of the texts.
Students who would like further clarifications may contact the professor by e-mail and/or request a meeting. The teacher will also be available to answer students' questions at the beginning and end of each lesson.
The test requires the full knowledge of the texts in the program and consists of an evaluation of the student's critical and argumentative capacity. Results will be: insufficient in case of a lack of expressive ability, as well as a lack of or incorrect critical analysis of the texts; sufficient in case of correct expression, possession of a basic knowledge and understanding of the specific lines of research and analysis of linguistic anthropology; good in case of expressive ability and knowledge of the texts; very good in case of excellent expressive and critical ability, together with in-depth knowledge of the texts.
Students who would like further clarifications may contact the professor by e-mail and/or request a meeting. The teacher will also be available to answer students' questions at the beginning and end of each lesson.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours