History of French Language
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course aims to:
- enable students to acquire a basic knowledge of the historical evolution of the French language in its key stages;
- introduce students to the use of basic tools for linguistic and philological study of texts in Ancient and Middle French;
- raise awareness of the peculiarities linked to handwritten and printed transmission of medieval works.
- enable students to acquire a basic knowledge of the historical evolution of the French language in its key stages;
- introduce students to the use of basic tools for linguistic and philological study of texts in Ancient and Middle French;
- raise awareness of the peculiarities linked to handwritten and printed transmission of medieval works.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: to know the key stages of the historical evolution of French.
Skills: to be able to read and understand the original texts presented in class and to comment on linguistic aspects, as well as their cultural value.
Skills: to be able to read and understand the original texts presented in class and to comment on linguistic aspects, as well as their cultural value.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.
Course syllabus
The course, entitled "Fables du Moyen Âge français: un patrimoine à découvrir", is aimed at students of the Master's degree; it includes three units and it is held in the first semester.
Part A (20 hours, 3 ECTS): "Fables françaises du Moyen Âge - ancien français"
Part B (20 hours, 3 ECTS): "Fables françaises du Moyen Âge - moyen français"
Part C (20 hours, 3 ECTS): "Fables françaises du Moyen Âge - français de la Renaissance"
Students interested in acquiring 6 ECTS will adhere to the program of Parts A + B or A + C; students interested in acquiring 9 ECTS will follow the full program.
Part A constitutes an introduction to the collections of French fairy tales, through some representative texts and authors, including Marie de France.
Part B will focus on texts in Middle-French, in particular on a rich collection of the fifteenth century, Le Dialogue des créatures.
Part C will concern two authors of fables of the early 16th century, Pierre Sala and Gilles Corrozet.
The course programme is valid until February 2023.
Part A (20 hours, 3 ECTS): "Fables françaises du Moyen Âge - ancien français"
Part B (20 hours, 3 ECTS): "Fables françaises du Moyen Âge - moyen français"
Part C (20 hours, 3 ECTS): "Fables françaises du Moyen Âge - français de la Renaissance"
Students interested in acquiring 6 ECTS will adhere to the program of Parts A + B or A + C; students interested in acquiring 9 ECTS will follow the full program.
Part A constitutes an introduction to the collections of French fairy tales, through some representative texts and authors, including Marie de France.
Part B will focus on texts in Middle-French, in particular on a rich collection of the fifteenth century, Le Dialogue des créatures.
Part C will concern two authors of fables of the early 16th century, Pierre Sala and Gilles Corrozet.
The course programme is valid until February 2023.
Prerequisites for admission
The course, which is held in French, as well as examination materials and bibliography presuppose a solid language proficiency in French.
Teaching methods
The schedule of lessons, their modalities and any updates will be published in the website Ariel.
Teaching Resources
The course has a website Ariel, which can be consulted for information and teaching materials.
Bibliography (all the texts, except Fables françaises du Moyen Âge, will be made available on Ariel):
Part A
Jacques Chaurand, « Préhistoire, protohistoire et formation de l'ancien français », in Jacques Chaurand (dir.), Nouvelle histoire de la langue française, Paris, Seuil, 1999, p. 26-86
Fables françaises du moyen âge (Edition bilingue). Traduction, présentation et notes de Jeanne-Marie Boivin et Laurence Harf-Lancner, Paris, GF, 1996, « Introduction », p. 11-40 + the fables read during the course
Part B
Serge Lusignan, « Langue française et société du XIIIe au XVe siècle », in Jacques Chaurand (dir.), Nouvelle histoire de la langue française, Paris, Seuil, 1999, p. 93-138
Dialogue des créatures : Colard Mansion's translation: éd. Pierre Ruelle, Bruxelles, 1985 ; anonymous translation: ed. in progress by Maria Colombo (fables read during the course)
Nora Viet, « Une morale pour plaire ? Docere et delectare dans les recueils de récits brefs de la première Renaissance (1485-1521) », Paroles dégelées. Propos de l'Atelier XVIe siècle, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2016, p. 713-732
Part C
Geneviève Clerico, « Le français au XVIe siècle », in Jacques Chaurand (dir.), Nouvelle histoire de la langue française, Paris, Seuil, 1999, p. 147-217
Pierre Sala, Fables en quatrains: Yves Giraud, « Un album de fables au temps de François Ier », in Le Fablier, 13, 2001, p. 69-78 (fables read during the course)
Gilles Corrozet, Second livre des fables d'Esope, éd. Paola Cifarelli, Genève - Paris, Slatkine, 1992 (fables read during the course)
Bibliography (all the texts, except Fables françaises du Moyen Âge, will be made available on Ariel):
Part A
Jacques Chaurand, « Préhistoire, protohistoire et formation de l'ancien français », in Jacques Chaurand (dir.), Nouvelle histoire de la langue française, Paris, Seuil, 1999, p. 26-86
Fables françaises du moyen âge (Edition bilingue). Traduction, présentation et notes de Jeanne-Marie Boivin et Laurence Harf-Lancner, Paris, GF, 1996, « Introduction », p. 11-40 + the fables read during the course
Part B
Serge Lusignan, « Langue française et société du XIIIe au XVe siècle », in Jacques Chaurand (dir.), Nouvelle histoire de la langue française, Paris, Seuil, 1999, p. 93-138
Dialogue des créatures : Colard Mansion's translation: éd. Pierre Ruelle, Bruxelles, 1985 ; anonymous translation: ed. in progress by Maria Colombo (fables read during the course)
Nora Viet, « Une morale pour plaire ? Docere et delectare dans les recueils de récits brefs de la première Renaissance (1485-1521) », Paroles dégelées. Propos de l'Atelier XVIe siècle, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2016, p. 713-732
Part C
Geneviève Clerico, « Le français au XVIe siècle », in Jacques Chaurand (dir.), Nouvelle histoire de la langue française, Paris, Seuil, 1999, p. 147-217
Pierre Sala, Fables en quatrains: Yves Giraud, « Un album de fables au temps de François Ier », in Le Fablier, 13, 2001, p. 69-78 (fables read during the course)
Gilles Corrozet, Second livre des fables d'Esope, éd. Paola Cifarelli, Genève - Paris, Slatkine, 1992 (fables read during the course)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will take place in oral form. It will consist of an individual assessment, which includes questions about the contents of the course, reading, translation, linguistic, stylistic and literary commentary of one or more passages from the texts in the program. The assessment will be held in French for students of the Master's Degree in languages, in Italian or in French for students of the other Master's Degree Courses.
Non-attending students, international students or incoming Erasmus students are invited to contact the lecturer. The examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or with DSA must be agreed with the lecturer, in agreement with the relevant office.
Non-attending students, international students or incoming Erasmus students are invited to contact the lecturer. The examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or with DSA must be agreed with the lecturer, in agreement with the relevant office.
Unita' didattica A
L-LIN/04 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - FRENCH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-LIN/04 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - FRENCH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-LIN/04 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - FRENCH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9,30-10,30, by appointment
Platforms: Skype, Zoom, Times.