Icelandic Language and Literature
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course is an introduction to the study of the Icelandic language and literature. The linguistic part focuses on basic notions of Icelandic grammar, vocabulary and language use. The literary part offers an overview of Icelandic literary history with special focus on significant authors, works and genres.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will develop basic communicative skills in Icelandic. They will be able to understand and use simple sentences in everyday contexts. They will know the most important aspects of the Icelandic literary history, will be able to analyse texts in the Italian translation and discuss them with reference to the historical and cultural background.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on theevolution of the public health situation.
Course syllabus
Aimed at absolute beginners, the course consists in two sections, dedicated respectively to Icelandic literature (part A) and to Icelandic language (parts B and C). Part A consists of 10 lessons in the course of the term. Part B and C are one after the other, with two lessons per week (10 lessons for each part).
Students will attend parts A+B for 6 ECTS; they will add part C for 9 ECTS. MA students who take the course for the second time are required to contact the teacher for an individual syllabus.
Part A is conceived as an introduction and provides a general overview of the social, cultural and literary development of Iceland, through literary works available in Italian translation.
Parts B and C aim to present the morphological, grammatical and syntactic aspects of Icelandic, to stimulate linguistic understanding in the reading process and build an essential vocabulary for everyday usage.
This course programme is valid until February 2023.
There's a specific programme for students who do not attend.
Students will attend parts A+B for 6 ECTS; they will add part C for 9 ECTS. MA students who take the course for the second time are required to contact the teacher for an individual syllabus.
Part A is conceived as an introduction and provides a general overview of the social, cultural and literary development of Iceland, through literary works available in Italian translation.
Parts B and C aim to present the morphological, grammatical and syntactic aspects of Icelandic, to stimulate linguistic understanding in the reading process and build an essential vocabulary for everyday usage.
This course programme is valid until February 2023.
There's a specific programme for students who do not attend.
Prerequisites for admission
None. Classes and exams are in Italian. The reading list is partially in English.
Teaching methods
Teaching methodologies: frontal and online lessons; exercises to develop listening and speaking skills; short home assignments; reading and analysis of literary works both during classes and individually; individual study of critical contributions.
Teaching Resources
Reading list and materials for part A:
NB Detailed and complete information will be available on the Ariel platform at the beginning of the course.
- M. Ciaravolo (ed.), "Storia delle letterature scandinave", Iperborea 2019, all the paragraphs on Iceland: pp.19-104; 132-137; 195-201; 238-247; 371-377; 489-510; 719-729; 842-844; 881-884; 936-940.
- P. Scardigli cur., Il canzoniere eddico, Garzanti, Milano 1982 (introduction pp. VII-XXXVII and Canzone dell'Eccelso p. 18; stanzas 3, 4, 5, 21, 25, 27, 43, 47, 76, 77; stanzas in the original language provided)
L. Koch, Gli scaldi, Einaudi, Torino 1984 (introduction pp. VII-XXXVI; pp. 185-191; the first stanza by Hallfreðr pp. 226-227)
- Ólason V., The Traditional Ballads of Iceland, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, Reykjavík 1982 (pp. 52-78)
- Cosimini S., "Hallgrímur Pétursson e i Salmi", in Del Zotto C. ed., La letteratura cristiana in Islanda, Carocci, Roma 2010, pp. 55-86
- Pétursson H., Passíusálmar, Ariele, Milano 1998, pp. 26-32 (psalm I)
- Benediktsson E., Hvarf séra Odds frá Miklabæ, original text and Italian translation provided on Ariel
- Thorarensen B., Ísland, original text and Italian translation provided on Ariel
- Hallgrímsson J., Ísland, original text and Italian translation provided on Ariel
- Steinn Steinarr, Il tempo e l'acqua, in «Testo a fronte» 27:2002, pp. 141-161, original text and Italian translation provided on Ariel; stanzas 1, 10, 18, 19, 20)
- some poems to choose among those provided: Sigurður Pálsson, Gyrðir Elíasson, Vilborg Dagbjartsdóttir, Einar Már Guðmundsson.
Reading list and materials for parts B and C:
- A. Einarsdóttir, G. Theodórsdóttir, M. Garðarsdóttir e S. Þorvaldsdóttir, Learning Icelandic, Reykjavík, Mál og menning 2001 (and reprints), + exercise book
Part B: chapters 1-8; Part C: chapters 9-15
- Additional materials available on the Ariel platform
The complete reading list will be available on the Ariel platform at the beginning of the course.
Programme for students who do not attend (working students, etc.)
Units B+C are the same.
Unit A:
History of Icelandic Literature, history, criticism:
- M. Ciaravolo (cur.), Storia delle letterature scandinave, Iperborea 2019, all the sections related to Iceland: pp. 19-104; pp. 132-137; pp. 195-201; pp. 238-247; pp. 371-377; pp. 489-510; pp. 719-729; pp. 842-844; pp. 881-884; pp. 936-940.
- K. Hastrup, A Place Apart, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2204 (1st ed. 1998)
- G. Karlsson, A Brief History of Iceland, Mál og Menning, Reykjavík 2000 (and reprints)
Novels (including prefaces and/or afterwords):
- Halldór Laxness, Independent People, London, Vintage Books, 1997 (and reprints)
- Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Heaven and Hell, London, MacLehose Press, 2011 (and reprints)
- Arnaldur Indriðason, Jar City, London, Vintage Books 2009 (and reprints)
NB Detailed and complete information will be available on the Ariel platform at the beginning of the course.
- M. Ciaravolo (ed.), "Storia delle letterature scandinave", Iperborea 2019, all the paragraphs on Iceland: pp.19-104; 132-137; 195-201; 238-247; 371-377; 489-510; 719-729; 842-844; 881-884; 936-940.
- P. Scardigli cur., Il canzoniere eddico, Garzanti, Milano 1982 (introduction pp. VII-XXXVII and Canzone dell'Eccelso p. 18; stanzas 3, 4, 5, 21, 25, 27, 43, 47, 76, 77; stanzas in the original language provided)
L. Koch, Gli scaldi, Einaudi, Torino 1984 (introduction pp. VII-XXXVI; pp. 185-191; the first stanza by Hallfreðr pp. 226-227)
- Ólason V., The Traditional Ballads of Iceland, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, Reykjavík 1982 (pp. 52-78)
- Cosimini S., "Hallgrímur Pétursson e i Salmi", in Del Zotto C. ed., La letteratura cristiana in Islanda, Carocci, Roma 2010, pp. 55-86
- Pétursson H., Passíusálmar, Ariele, Milano 1998, pp. 26-32 (psalm I)
- Benediktsson E., Hvarf séra Odds frá Miklabæ, original text and Italian translation provided on Ariel
- Thorarensen B., Ísland, original text and Italian translation provided on Ariel
- Hallgrímsson J., Ísland, original text and Italian translation provided on Ariel
- Steinn Steinarr, Il tempo e l'acqua, in «Testo a fronte» 27:2002, pp. 141-161, original text and Italian translation provided on Ariel; stanzas 1, 10, 18, 19, 20)
- some poems to choose among those provided: Sigurður Pálsson, Gyrðir Elíasson, Vilborg Dagbjartsdóttir, Einar Már Guðmundsson.
Reading list and materials for parts B and C:
- A. Einarsdóttir, G. Theodórsdóttir, M. Garðarsdóttir e S. Þorvaldsdóttir, Learning Icelandic, Reykjavík, Mál og menning 2001 (and reprints), + exercise book
Part B: chapters 1-8; Part C: chapters 9-15
- Additional materials available on the Ariel platform
The complete reading list will be available on the Ariel platform at the beginning of the course.
Programme for students who do not attend (working students, etc.)
Units B+C are the same.
Unit A:
History of Icelandic Literature, history, criticism:
- M. Ciaravolo (cur.), Storia delle letterature scandinave, Iperborea 2019, all the sections related to Iceland: pp. 19-104; pp. 132-137; pp. 195-201; pp. 238-247; pp. 371-377; pp. 489-510; pp. 719-729; pp. 842-844; pp. 881-884; pp. 936-940.
- K. Hastrup, A Place Apart, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2204 (1st ed. 1998)
- G. Karlsson, A Brief History of Iceland, Mál og Menning, Reykjavík 2000 (and reprints)
Novels (including prefaces and/or afterwords):
- Halldór Laxness, Independent People, London, Vintage Books, 1997 (and reprints)
- Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Heaven and Hell, London, MacLehose Press, 2011 (and reprints)
- Arnaldur Indriðason, Jar City, London, Vintage Books 2009 (and reprints)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an individual discussion with questions by the teacher, student/teacher interaction, and comment and analysis of texts included in the reading list and materials.
Before the oral exam, there will be a short preliminary written test in order to assess the student's knowledge of the Icelandic language. The written test lasts ca. 90 minutes and consists of a reading comprehension test, a short composition (max 200 words) and/or question/answer exercises to assess linguistic skills at level A1.
The written test will take place during the course (at the end of units B and C; exact dates will be made known during the course) or immediately before the oral exam, on the same day. Students must pass the written test (18/30) in order to access the oral exam. Students can reject the mark of the written test and repeat it on a following occasion.
In case a written test in class is not feasible, students will be tested orally also in the language part (Units B and C).
The discussion is in Italian and its duration varies according to the number of didactic units. The aim of the discussion is to ascertain: 1) that the student knows the Icelandic literary history and distinguisches the various aspects of Icelandic history, culture and society presented during classes, as well as being able to analyse the literary texts of the syllabus with reference to their authors and contexts; 2) that the student possesses adequate presentation and discussion skills, uses technical terminology correctly, is able to discuss themes critically and in a personal way.
The final mark follows the 30-point system and is calculated on the basis of the results of the written test and the oral exam, approximately in the following ratio:
exam for 6 ECTS: 30% written test, 70% oral exam.
exam for 9 ECTS: 50% written test, 50% oral exam.
The student can reject the final mark (which will be registered as "ritirato" in this case).
International or Erasmus incoming students are required to contact the teacher as soon as possible. Students with SLD are required to contact the teacher to plan specific exam activities according to the instructions of the office in charge.
Before the oral exam, there will be a short preliminary written test in order to assess the student's knowledge of the Icelandic language. The written test lasts ca. 90 minutes and consists of a reading comprehension test, a short composition (max 200 words) and/or question/answer exercises to assess linguistic skills at level A1.
The written test will take place during the course (at the end of units B and C; exact dates will be made known during the course) or immediately before the oral exam, on the same day. Students must pass the written test (18/30) in order to access the oral exam. Students can reject the mark of the written test and repeat it on a following occasion.
In case a written test in class is not feasible, students will be tested orally also in the language part (Units B and C).
The discussion is in Italian and its duration varies according to the number of didactic units. The aim of the discussion is to ascertain: 1) that the student knows the Icelandic literary history and distinguisches the various aspects of Icelandic history, culture and society presented during classes, as well as being able to analyse the literary texts of the syllabus with reference to their authors and contexts; 2) that the student possesses adequate presentation and discussion skills, uses technical terminology correctly, is able to discuss themes critically and in a personal way.
The final mark follows the 30-point system and is calculated on the basis of the results of the written test and the oral exam, approximately in the following ratio:
exam for 6 ECTS: 30% written test, 70% oral exam.
exam for 9 ECTS: 50% written test, 50% oral exam.
The student can reject the final mark (which will be registered as "ritirato" in this case).
International or Erasmus incoming students are required to contact the teacher as soon as possible. Students with SLD are required to contact the teacher to plan specific exam activities according to the instructions of the office in charge.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours
on Fridays from 12:00 to 13:30
to be defined