Second Language Teaching
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course is aimed at analyzing the processes involved in the acquisition of a second/foreign language, the main teaching methods according to a linguistic and a communicative approach, and the practical aspects related to the planning and implementation of a teaching sequence (needs analysis, syllabus design, task implementation, testing and evaluation).
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will demonstrate a clear understanding of the constructs related to: - second language acquisition processes (input, output, interaction, feedback) - the description of an L2 and the communication processes involved (language ability, communicative competence, communicative language activity, context of language use) - the planning and implementation of an L2 teaching sequence (needs analysis, language aims, language levels, learning outcomes, approach, method, syllabus, procedure, technique, task, testing, assessment). By the end of the course, students will be able to analyze (with the support of questions): - L2 learning contexts - the implementation of linguistic and communicative methods for L2 teaching - tools for the identification of L2 language needs - the implementation of techniques and tasks in L2 teaching materials - types and formats of L2 tests and evaluation methods.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of the teaching activities for the academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.
Updates and teaching materials will be available on the course website (Ariel Platform) Please, check the website regularly.
Updates and teaching materials will be available on the course website (Ariel Platform) Please, check the website regularly.
Course syllabus
1. L2 learning: input, output, interaction, feedback
2. L1 and L2: features and learning processes
3. L2 learning: theoretical perspectives and applications
4. Linguistic methods (Grammar-translation, Oral Situational)
5. Communicative methods (Notional- Functional, Task-based Learning and Teaching)
6. Description of an L2: language skills, communicative competence, communicative activities, strategies,
7. The planning of an L2 course: learners' factors and needs
8. The planning of an L2 course: learning aims and outcomes, syllabus
9. The planning and implementation of an L2 course: tasks, techniques, materials
10. L2 testing and assessment: test types, assessment criteria and methods.
2. L1 and L2: features and learning processes
3. L2 learning: theoretical perspectives and applications
4. Linguistic methods (Grammar-translation, Oral Situational)
5. Communicative methods (Notional- Functional, Task-based Learning and Teaching)
6. Description of an L2: language skills, communicative competence, communicative activities, strategies,
7. The planning of an L2 course: learners' factors and needs
8. The planning of an L2 course: learning aims and outcomes, syllabus
9. The planning and implementation of an L2 course: tasks, techniques, materials
10. L2 testing and assessment: test types, assessment criteria and methods.
Prerequisites for admission
The course can be introductory and complementary to the courses of Teaching English/French/German/ Spanish as a foreign language. It is taught in Italian. Some reading materials are in English and require a B2-C1 level.
Teaching methods
The course aims to combine theory and practice. Different methods will be implemented: short lectures by the teacher and hands-on tasks for the analysis of teaching materials and planning and assessment tools .
Lesson slides, handouts and short reading texts will be available on the course website (Ariel Platform)
Lesson slides, handouts and short reading texts will be available on the course website (Ariel Platform)
Teaching Resources
Part A
- Ciliberti, A. (2012) Glottodidattica. Per una cultura dell'insegnamento linguistico. Roma: Carocci.
(Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12)
- Lesson slides, handouts and short reading texts in Italian and English for Part A are available on the course website (Ariel Platform).
Part B
- Ciliberti, A. (2012) Glottodidattica. Per una cultura dell'insegnamento linguistico. Roma: Carocci.
(Chapters 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
- Lesson slides, handouts and short reading texts in Italian for Part B are available on the course website (Ariel Platform).
The topics in Chapters 6, 7 and 13 will not be addressed explicitly in class.
Additional reading list for students who do not attend classes
The students who cannot attend classes regularly are requested to contact the lecturer before taking the exam. They are also requested to read five additional articles (available on the online library resources); the titles of the articles will be specified on course website (Ariel Platform).
Part A
- Ciliberti, A. (2012) Glottodidattica. Per una cultura dell'insegnamento linguistico. Roma: Carocci.
(Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12)
- Lesson slides, handouts and short reading texts in Italian and English for Part A are available on the course website (Ariel Platform).
Part B
- Ciliberti, A. (2012) Glottodidattica. Per una cultura dell'insegnamento linguistico. Roma: Carocci.
(Chapters 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
- Lesson slides, handouts and short reading texts in Italian for Part B are available on the course website (Ariel Platform).
The topics in Chapters 6, 7 and 13 will not be addressed explicitly in class.
Additional reading list for students who do not attend classes
The students who cannot attend classes regularly are requested to contact the lecturer before taking the exam. They are also requested to read five additional articles (available on the online library resources); the titles of the articles will be specified on course website (Ariel Platform).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of two written papers, each related to the parts A and B of the course. Each paper consists of two open-ended questions. Types of questions:: extended definition of key constructs/concepts; description of language acquisition theories/ teaching methods/ techniques; analysis/evaluation of teaching activities/self-assessment and assessment tools. The written exam is in Italian and lasts two hours.
Each exam paper is assessed with a mark out of 30, which is given by the sum of the marks of each answer. The pass mark for each paper is 18/30. The final mark of the written exam is given by the average of the marks students get in each paper.
Assessment for students who do not attend classes
The students who cannot attend classes regularly are also requested to take an oral exam on the additional reading list assigned. The final mark of their exam is given by the average of the marks they get in the written and oral exams.
Students with disabilities or specific learning difficulties are requested to contact the lecturer before taking the exam.
Each exam paper is assessed with a mark out of 30, which is given by the sum of the marks of each answer. The pass mark for each paper is 18/30. The final mark of the written exam is given by the average of the marks students get in each paper.
Assessment for students who do not attend classes
The students who cannot attend classes regularly are also requested to take an oral exam on the additional reading list assigned. The final mark of their exam is given by the average of the marks they get in the written and oral exams.
Students with disabilities or specific learning difficulties are requested to contact the lecturer before taking the exam.
Unita' didattica A
L-LIN/02 - EDUCATIONAL LINGUISTICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-LIN/02 - EDUCATIONAL LINGUISTICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours