History of Theatre and Performing Arts
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide an overview on the history of the Western theatre from ancient Greece up to the twentieth century, by referring to the typicality of national or better supranational situations of theatre. The second unit focuses on methods and tools of analysis of writing for the stage in XX century. The third unit deals with the evolution of the Italian contemporary show, with particular reference to directing theatre.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing the course students will have the historical and critical tools to understand the history of western theatre from antiquity up to 20th centuries, as well as through the knowledge of the historical-social context in which dramas and theatrical productions originated. In particular, the student is able to deal with critical awareness the analysis of 20Th century drama and the contemporary productions, especially with directing theatre
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Lesson period
Second semester
If the Covid-19 emergency should continue even in 2021, teaching will be delivered online, mainly asynchronously, through Ariel and Teams.
Students will find all the information to access the online lessons (links etc.) and any adjustment to the course program and bibliography by checking the course teaching site on Ariel, at the beginning of the 2nd semester.
If it will be required by health emergency, students will take the examination online, through the Teams platform, according to the procedures that will be notified on the Ariel page at the end of the course lessons.
Students will find all the information to access the online lessons (links etc.) and any adjustment to the course program and bibliography by checking the course teaching site on Ariel, at the beginning of the 2nd semester.
If it will be required by health emergency, students will take the examination online, through the Teams platform, according to the procedures that will be notified on the Ariel page at the end of the course lessons.
Course syllabus
Part A (20 hours - 3 cfu): Historical elements of Western Theatre from antiquity to twentieth century
Part B (20 hours - 3 cfu): The birth of direction theatre in Italy: the Piccolo Teatro example
Part C (20 hours - 3 cfu): Luca Ronconi at the Piccolo Theatre: a model of directing theatre since 2000
The course aims to provide an overview with adequate insights on the history of the theatre in Europe from ancient Greece up to the twentieth century, focusing not only on playwriting, but analysing the evolution of the space, the impact of actors, directors, designers, companies and organisation in the process of theatre-making. The second unit focuses on methods and tools of analysis of playwriting acting and direction for the stage during the twentieth century. The third unit deals with the evolution of the Italian contemporary direction theatre, with particular reference to some significant events, staged in Milanese theatres. Attending students will have the opportunity to meet theatrical artists and directors.
Part B (20 hours - 3 cfu): The birth of direction theatre in Italy: the Piccolo Teatro example
Part C (20 hours - 3 cfu): Luca Ronconi at the Piccolo Theatre: a model of directing theatre since 2000
The course aims to provide an overview with adequate insights on the history of the theatre in Europe from ancient Greece up to the twentieth century, focusing not only on playwriting, but analysing the evolution of the space, the impact of actors, directors, designers, companies and organisation in the process of theatre-making. The second unit focuses on methods and tools of analysis of playwriting acting and direction for the stage during the twentieth century. The third unit deals with the evolution of the Italian contemporary direction theatre, with particular reference to some significant events, staged in Milanese theatres. Attending students will have the opportunity to meet theatrical artists and directors.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the basic concepts of historical chronology and main movements of Italian and European literature and culture is recommended. Classes are in Italian language.
The course is addressed to students of Science of Cultural Heritage and is open to bachelor and master students of Humanities, History, Languages and Philosophy. Classes are reserved to students with surnames from A to F.
The course is addressed to students of Science of Cultural Heritage and is open to bachelor and master students of Humanities, History, Languages and Philosophy. Classes are reserved to students with surnames from A to F.
Teaching methods
The course aims to provide knowledge about the main issues related to history of the theatre, its tools of investigation and their application in different contests (playwriting, production, organization, scenery). Lessons aim to encourage the development of analytical and critical skills, in terms of analysis of dramas and shows. During the Unit C attending students taking the 9 cfu exam will have the opportunity to meet artists and directors of some productions staged in Milanese theatres.
Teaching Resources
Bibliography for attending students
6 cfu programme: Part A + part B
9 cfu programme : Part A+ part B+ part C
Part A
Topics presented during classes of part A
M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020.
Part B
Topics presented during classes of part B
A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler Imola, Cuepress, 2020.
Part C
Topics presented during classes of part C
M. Lenti, Luca Ronconi. Un'idea di teatro, Milano, Mimesis, 2011.
Bibliography for not attending students
6 cfu Programme not attending students:
1) M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020;
2) A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler, Imola, Cuepress, 2020
3) I. Gavazzi (a cura di), Paolo Grassi, una vita dedicata alla cultura, Imola, Cuepress, aprile 2022.
9 cfu Programme not attending students:
1) M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020.
2) A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler, Imola, Cuepress, 2020
3) M. Lenti, Luca Ronconi. Un'idea di teatro, Milano, Mimesis, 2011.
4) I. Gavazzi (a cura di), Paolo Grassi, una vita dedicata alla cultura, Imola, Cuepress, aprile 2022.
6 cfu programme: Part A + part B
9 cfu programme : Part A+ part B+ part C
Part A
Topics presented during classes of part A
M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020.
Part B
Topics presented during classes of part B
A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler Imola, Cuepress, 2020.
Part C
Topics presented during classes of part C
M. Lenti, Luca Ronconi. Un'idea di teatro, Milano, Mimesis, 2011.
Bibliography for not attending students
6 cfu Programme not attending students:
1) M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020;
2) A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler, Imola, Cuepress, 2020
3) I. Gavazzi (a cura di), Paolo Grassi, una vita dedicata alla cultura, Imola, Cuepress, aprile 2022.
9 cfu Programme not attending students:
1) M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020.
2) A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler, Imola, Cuepress, 2020
3) M. Lenti, Luca Ronconi. Un'idea di teatro, Milano, Mimesis, 2011.
4) I. Gavazzi (a cura di), Paolo Grassi, una vita dedicata alla cultura, Imola, Cuepress, aprile 2022.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test that aims to assess the students' knowledge of the history of the Western theatre and of the subjects on the programme, with particular attention to disciplinary terminology, argumentation skills and explanatory precision. Information about written test will be given only during the lessons.
International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher in charge of the course in a timely manner.
International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher in charge of the course in a timely manner.
Unita' didattica A
L-ART/05 - PERFORMING ARTS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-ART/05 - PERFORMING ARTS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-ART/05 - PERFORMING ARTS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Lesson period
Second semester
Lessons will be given primarily in presence in the classroom and in streaming on the TEAMS platform of the Course. Access registration to the classroom has to follow procedures given by the University.
Course syllabus
Part A (20 hours - 3 cfu): Historical elements of Western Theatre from antiquity to twentieth century
Part B (20 hours - 3 cfu): The birth of direction theatre in Italy: the Piccolo Teatro example
Part C (20 hours - 3 cfu): Luca Ronconi at the Piccolo Theatre: a model of directing theatre since 2000
The course aims to provide an overview with adequate insights on the history of the theatre in Europe from ancient Greece up to the twentieth century, focusing not only on playwriting, but analysing the evolution of the space, the impact of actors, directors, designers, companies and organisation in the process of theatre-making. The second unit focuses on methods and tools of analysis of playwriting acting and direction for the stage during the twentieth century. The third unit deals with the evolution of the Italian contemporary direction theatre, with particular reference to some significant events, staged in Milanese theatres. Attending students will have the opportunity to meet theatrical artists and directors.
Part B (20 hours - 3 cfu): The birth of direction theatre in Italy: the Piccolo Teatro example
Part C (20 hours - 3 cfu): Luca Ronconi at the Piccolo Theatre: a model of directing theatre since 2000
The course aims to provide an overview with adequate insights on the history of the theatre in Europe from ancient Greece up to the twentieth century, focusing not only on playwriting, but analysing the evolution of the space, the impact of actors, directors, designers, companies and organisation in the process of theatre-making. The second unit focuses on methods and tools of analysis of playwriting acting and direction for the stage during the twentieth century. The third unit deals with the evolution of the Italian contemporary direction theatre, with particular reference to some significant events, staged in Milanese theatres. Attending students will have the opportunity to meet theatrical artists and directors.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is addressed to students of Science of Cultural Heritage and is open to bachelor and master students of Humanities, History, Languages and Philosophy. Classes are reserved to students with surnames from G to Z. Knowledge of the basic concepts of historical chronology and main movements of Italian and European literature and culture are recommended. Classes are all in Italian language.
Teaching methods
The course aims to provide knowledge about the main issues related to history of the theatre, its tools of investigation and their application in different contests (writing, production, organization, scenery). Lessons aim to encourage the development of analytical and critical skills, in terms of analysis of dramas and shows. During the part C attending students taking the 9 cfu exam will have the opportunity to meet artists and directors of some productions staged in Milanese theatres.
Teaching Resources
Bibliography for attending students
6 cfu programme: Part A + part B
9 cfu programme : Part A+ part B+ part C
Part A
Topics presented during classes of part A
M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020.
Part B
Topics presented during classes of part B
A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler Imola, Cuepress, 2020.
Part C
Topics presented during classes of part C
M. Lenti, Luca Ronconi. Un'idea di teatro, Milano, Mimesis, 2011.
Bibliography for not attending students
6 cfu Programme not attending students:
1) M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020;
2) A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler, Imola, Cuepress, 2020
3) I. Gavazzi (a cura di), Paolo Grassi, una vita dedicata alla cultura, Imola, Cuepress, aprile 2022.
9 cfu Programme not attending students:
1) M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020.
2) A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler, Imola, Cuepress, 2020
3) M. Lenti, Luca Ronconi. Un'idea di teatro, Milano, Mimesis, 2011.
4) I. Gavazzi (a cura di), Paolo Grassi: cento anni di palcoscenico Imola, Cuepress, 2022.
6 cfu programme: Part A + part B
9 cfu programme : Part A+ part B+ part C
Part A
Topics presented during classes of part A
M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020.
Part B
Topics presented during classes of part B
A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler Imola, Cuepress, 2020.
Part C
Topics presented during classes of part C
M. Lenti, Luca Ronconi. Un'idea di teatro, Milano, Mimesis, 2011.
Bibliography for not attending students
6 cfu Programme not attending students:
1) M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020;
2) A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler, Imola, Cuepress, 2020
3) I. Gavazzi (a cura di), Paolo Grassi, una vita dedicata alla cultura, Imola, Cuepress, aprile 2022.
9 cfu Programme not attending students:
1) M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020.
2) A. Bentoglio, 20 lezioni su Giorgio Strehler, Imola, Cuepress, 2020
3) M. Lenti, Luca Ronconi. Un'idea di teatro, Milano, Mimesis, 2011.
4) I. Gavazzi (a cura di), Paolo Grassi: cento anni di palcoscenico Imola, Cuepress, 2022.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test that aims to assess the students' knowledge of the history of the Western theatre and of the subjects on the programme, with particular attention to disciplinary terminology, argumentation skills and explanatory precision. Information about written test will be given only during the lessons.
International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher in charge of the course in a timely manner.
International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher in charge of the course in a timely manner.
Unita' didattica A
L-ART/05 - PERFORMING ARTS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-ART/05 - PERFORMING ARTS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-ART/05 - PERFORMING ARTS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours