Sociology of Communications

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to transfer as widely as possible the knowledge of the current media system and its origin. Through an excursus of the main stages of communication within societies, in various historical moments, we will analyze the social, cultural and relational transformations in the articulated structures: nations, supranational bodies, companies and all complex entities, focusing mainly on the birth of professions and specializations related to the last fifty years of communication between organized groups. In particular, the goal is to bring to the attention of students the real backbones and communication chains of the past, but above all how the dynamics from today going forward could evolve in light of very rapid technological and cultural transformations. In order to achieve the objectives, real-life case analysis of communication dynamics will also be used.
Expected learning outcomes
The course will prepare students to gain the widest possible view of the world of communication by learning the many processes that govern its dynamics.
At the same time, students will be able to understand and approach the many current and potentially future professions of those who will have to think, produce and manage communication.
One of the non-secondary results of the course will be to neutralize all that series of clichés and false beliefs that often, both in the past but especially today, have created dangerous ambiguities and distorted opinions about the "crafts" of communication, too often transferred through cinematic or literary visions far from reality.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.
Course syllabus
Educational Programme A: as the aim of the course is to pass on the knowledge of the present media system and its origin in the widest way possible, the first lessons will be focused on historical and sociological aspects by an excursus of the milestone of the communication in the society, throughout the historical periods.
Educational Programme B: Social, cultural and relational transformation will be analysed within complex structures: countries, supranational organisations, companies and all the other types of complex entities, especially pausing on professions and specialisations origin connected to the last fifty years span of communication in organised groups. In particular, the focus will be the actual backbone and the chain of the communication of the recent past and above all how the dynamics might develop now on in the light of technological and cultural transformation. In order to achieve the predetermined targets, actual examples in communication dynamics will be analysed.
Prerequisites for admission
The knowledge of contemporary history is required, namely in its basic principles and a good knowledge of communication evolution in the centuries predating contemporary age.
Teaching methods
The course mainly provides professor-students classes, specific sessions will be dedicated to conversation, observation, questions raised by the students. Class will be held also by using images, audio material, audio-visual in order to increase subjects and contents of the programme.
Qualified guests are a key element of the course, this will allow specific case history analysis in various sectors of the communication, essential part of the training.
Attendance is strongly suggested and only students attending to at least 2/3 of the lessons will be defined as attending students.
Teaching Resources
Exam programme for attending students:
L. Paccagnella, Sociologia della comunicazione, Milano, Il Mulino, 2010
C. Seife, le menzogne del web Internet e il lato sbagliato dell'informazione, Bollati Boringheri, 2017

Attending students have to choose one text among the following:
P. Scannell, Media e comunicazione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009
F. Boni, Sociologia della comunicazione interpersonale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2007
M. Foa, Gli stregoni della notizia - atto secondo. Come si fabbrica informazione al servizio dei governi, Guerini e Associati, 2018

Exam programme for non attending studends:
L. Paccagnella, Sociologia della comunicazione, Milano, Il Mulino, 2010
C. Seife, le menzogne del web Internet e il lato sbagliato dell'informazione, Bollati Boringheri, 2017

Non attending students have to choose three texts among the following:
P. Scannell, Media e comunicazione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009
F. Boni, Sociologia della comunicazione interpersonale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2007
M. Foa, Gli stregoni della notizia - atto secondo. Come si fabbrica informazione al servizio dei governi, Guerini e Associati, 2018
Grandi e De Maria, Marketing e rappresentazioni dei conflitti. Media, opinione pubblica, costruzione del consenso, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2008
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists in an oral interview on the subjects included in the course, in addition to the subjects studied during classes, only for attending students. The aim of the exam is to assess student's ability in critical sensibility, logical thinking and dialectics.
With reference to the current pandemic situation, students who have also used the lessons recorded and uploaded to Ariel will also be considered attending. In this sense, therefore, they too will take the books provided for attending students to the exam.
The grades are given in thirtieths.
The exam method for students with disabilities and/or specific learning disorders will be agreed with the Professor, together with the specific Department.
Visiting students, both International and Erasmus ones, are invited to quickly get in touch with the regular Professor of the course.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours