African Literature in Portuguese

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course aims to provide students with a general understanding of historical, political and literary evolution of luphone african cultures. An introduction to formation («formação») of african national literatures in portuguese is offered, with a specific attention to complex colonial and political history. An introduction will be given to the historical study of Africa and to the theoretical problems related with the analysis of postcolonial literatures in portuguese.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: outline of african history and of portuguese colonialism in Africa; formation of african colonies, development of national literatures , main authors and literary movements from Colonial Literature to the postcolonial contemporary era with a specific attention to Angola, Cap-Vert and Mozambique; fundamental elements of history of ideas and conceptual history that help analyze the societies and cultures of these countries. Applying knowledge and understanding: ability to read and contextualize some paradigmatic works of african thought and postcolonial literatures in portuguese; understanding of historic, cultural, and social implications of literary texts; ability to place authors, movements and works in their context; ability to analyze literary texts through the application of ideas and concepts borrowed from literary criticism, post-colonial theory, cultural studies and historiography.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
The 60-hours course is held in second semester (Febraury 2022)

More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.)
Course syllabus
The title of course is "The African Canon: the lusophone literatures of XX century" and consists of the following three teaching units:
A: Historical context: Africa from Third World to Indipendance
B: Pan-africanism, negritude and anti-colonialism between Europe and Africa
C: A canon of classics of Lusophone African literatures and thought

The course provides 9 credits. It is not possible to acquire only 6.

In unit A we will study the indipendance process of some African States subject of portuguese colonialism during the Decolonization Era. In Unit B, the formation of antic-colonialism between Africa and Europe, in particular in Italy. In Unit C, we will study some classics of Lusophone African literatures and thought of XX century.

The course program is valid until September 2021. From the summer session 2021 it will be possible to present exclusively 21 he A.A. 2020-21 program.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is held in Italian and there is no prerequisite.
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: lectures, practical activities, presentations.
Teaching Resources
he course has a site on the online platform Ariel (https://, to which reference is made for lecture notes and other materials provided by the teacher. For each teaching unit, specific critical essays on individual works or on general questions will be made available on the site. The following are the mandatory reading materials for the various teaching units.

Examination program for attending students:
V. Russo, La Resistenza continua. Colonialismo portoghese, lotte di liberazione e gli intellettuali italiani, Meltemi, Milano, 2020.
Amilcar Cabral, Per una rivoluzione africana. Il ruolo della cultura nella lotta per l'indipendenza, a cura di Livia Apa, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2019.
Agostinho Neto, Obra Poética Completa, Fundação A. Neto, Luanda, 2016.
Pepetela, A Geração da Utopia, D. Quixote, Lisboa, 1992 (ed. it. La Generazione dell'utopia, 2009).

1) V. Russo, La Resistenza continua. Colonialismo portoghese, lotte di liberazione e gli intellettuali italiani, Meltemi, Milano, 2020.
2) P. Borruso, Il PCI e l'Africa indipendente. Apogeo e crisi di un'utopia socialista (1956-1989), LeMonnier, Firenze, 2009.

3. Amilcar Cabral, Per una rivoluzione africana. Il ruolo della cultura nella lotta per l'indipendenza, a cura di Livia Apa, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2019.

Examination program for non-attending students:
Teaching unit A and B, C:

V. Russo, La Resistenza continua. Colonialismo portoghese, lotte di liberazione e gli intellettuali italiani, Meltemi, Milano, 2020.
P. Borruso, Il PCI e l'Africa indipendente. Apogeo e crisi di un'utopia socialista (1956-1989), LeMonnier, Firenze, 2009.
Amilcar Cabral, Per una rivoluzione africana. Il ruolo della cultura nella lotta per l'indipendenza, a cura di Livia Apa, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2019.
Joyce Lussu, Tradurre Poesia, Robin Edizioni, Roma, 2013.
Agostinho Neto, Una vita senza tregua, TugaEdizioni, Bracciano (Rm), 2015.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral test with the teacher of the monographic course.
The oral exam with the teahcer of the course includes questions asked by the teacher and interactions between teacher and student. The exam takes place in Italian. The interview aims to verify the knowledge of the texts studied, the capacity for contextualization, the ability to expose, the precision in the use of specific terminology, the capacity for critical and personal reflection on the proposed themes.
All the results of the written tests will be announced on the Ariel page of the course.
The final grade is expressed in thirtieths, and the student has the right to refuse it.

International or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher promptly. The examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or with DSA must be established with the teacher, in agreement with the competent Office.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours
3-5 p.m. (every Tuesday)
Teams/ Department (Iberistica)