Polish 2 (MA)
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course, consisting of lectures and practical classes, is aimed at first- and second-year MA students who have attained respectively vantage (B2) and advanced (C1) level in Polish language. The lectures, common for both classes, aim to develop advanced translation skills in the field of sectorial languages - chosen by the students between legal, financial, technical-scientific, political, advertising - and their main goal is to improve translation techniques from Polish to Italian and vice versa.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: 1) Appropriate knowledge of one or more sectorial languages chosen by the student and analysed during the course; 2) Ability to translate complex sectorial texts and to reflect on the translation techniques and strategies.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course will focus on lexical, stuctural and morphosyntactic peculiarities of various styles in contemporary Polish. We will address some of the most important specialized languages in contemporary Polish: legal, economic, technical-scientific, political and advertising. We will also analyze the phenomenon of the "Polish school" in advertising, focusing on types and functions of advertising languages, on rhetoric of persuasion, on "Linguism" in contemporary Polish advertising and on its presence in literary texts.
Prerequisites for admission
The course will be held entirely in Polish; textbooks and bibliography for the exam assume that students already have a linguistic competence in Polish of level B2 (1st-year students) and C1 (2nd-year students). Furthermore, it is necessary to have the access requirements to the LM C73 related to the Polish language, as indicated in the Manifesto degli Studi.
Teaching methods
The following teaching methods will be applied during the course: frontal lesson, seminar (translation workshops). The course is supplemented by practical classes, described in a separate form.
Teaching Resources
1. Grammar textbooks:
- P.H. Lewiński (2004), Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua polacca. Università degli Studi di Napoli. L'Orientale, Napoli.
- T. Strutyński (1999), Gramatyka polska, Wyd. T. Strutyński, Kraków.
2. Exercise textbooks:
- A. Ruszer (2010), Oswoić tekst. Podręcznik kompozycji i redakcji tekstów użytkowych dla poziomów B2 i C1, Universitas, Kraków.
- A. Seretny (2007), Kto czyta, nie błądzi. Podręcznik do nauki języka polskiego - ćwiczenia rozwijające sprawność czytania, Universitas, Kraków.
- A. Seretny (2008), Per aspera ad astra. Podręcznik do nauki jęyka polskiego - ćwiczenia rozwijające sprawność czytania, Universitas, Kraków.
3. Studies:
- K. Albin (2002), Reklama. Przekaz. Odbiór. Interpretacja, PWN, Warszawa-Wrocław.
- J. Bralczyk (1995), Język na sprzedaż, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk.
- P.H. Lewiński (1999), Retoryka reklamy, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław.
- K. Skowronek (2001), Reklama. Studium pragmalingwistyczne, Rabid, Kraków.
- A. Wilkoń (2000), Typologia odmian językowych współczesnej polszczyzny, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice.
- P.H. Lewiński (2004), Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua polacca. Università degli Studi di Napoli. L'Orientale, Napoli.
- T. Strutyński (1999), Gramatyka polska, Wyd. T. Strutyński, Kraków.
2. Exercise textbooks:
- A. Ruszer (2010), Oswoić tekst. Podręcznik kompozycji i redakcji tekstów użytkowych dla poziomów B2 i C1, Universitas, Kraków.
- A. Seretny (2007), Kto czyta, nie błądzi. Podręcznik do nauki języka polskiego - ćwiczenia rozwijające sprawność czytania, Universitas, Kraków.
- A. Seretny (2008), Per aspera ad astra. Podręcznik do nauki jęyka polskiego - ćwiczenia rozwijające sprawność czytania, Universitas, Kraków.
3. Studies:
- K. Albin (2002), Reklama. Przekaz. Odbiór. Interpretacja, PWN, Warszawa-Wrocław.
- J. Bralczyk (1995), Język na sprzedaż, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk.
- P.H. Lewiński (1999), Retoryka reklamy, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław.
- K. Skowronek (2001), Reklama. Studium pragmalingwistyczne, Rabid, Kraków.
- A. Wilkoń (2000), Typologia odmian językowych współczesnej polszczyzny, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test + oral exam. The exam consists of a written and an oral test, both compulsory. The written exam, which lasts four hours, includes: a lexical-grammar test (exercises on topics focused during the lectures: multiple choice, completion, grammatical concordance within the sentence, lexical exercises - 100 points), a comprehension test of written text (50 points) and a composition (150 words, with the use of vocabulary) - total score: 200 points.
The oral exam with the mother-tongue teacher, aimed to verify student's practical skills, will consist of a language interview on focused topics, aimed at ascertaining student's theoretical and practical skills: the student will be asked to converse in Polish on a topic assigned on the spot. The topics will require knowledge of the vocabulary learned during the practical classes. The second part of the oral exam, carried out in Italian with the teacher of the course, includes discussion on written test and aims at ascertaining student's theoretical grammatical knowledge.
The oral exam's score (max 100 points), together with that of the written test (max 200 points), will be converted in a final grade expressed in thirtieths.
The oral exam with the mother-tongue teacher, aimed to verify student's practical skills, will consist of a language interview on focused topics, aimed at ascertaining student's theoretical and practical skills: the student will be asked to converse in Polish on a topic assigned on the spot. The topics will require knowledge of the vocabulary learned during the practical classes. The second part of the oral exam, carried out in Italian with the teacher of the course, includes discussion on written test and aims at ascertaining student's theoretical grammatical knowledge.
The oral exam's score (max 100 points), together with that of the written test (max 200 points), will be converted in a final grade expressed in thirtieths.