History of Literary Genres
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
Aim of the course is to provide students, through an intensive analysis of works and texts, with an in-depth ability to acquire methodological and critical tools to understand the diacrony of one or more genres in their interaction with the system of literary forms.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have to know, from a critical and methodological point of view and deepening the notions acquired in the first cycle, the main issues concerning the system of literary genres, their constitution and development, their historical-cultural context and their relationship with the Italian literary and linguistic history. The student will also have to show an adequate knowledge of the bibliography and of the critical methodologies to analyze and understand the texts, as well as the history of criticism related to the period. Furthermore, the student will have to show his ability to communicate clearly and correctly with appropriate use of scientific terminology, as well as to understand and accurately analyse literary texts through comparisons and critical judgments. Eventually, the student will have to prove his ability to conduct a research using the acquisitions acquired in the course and preparing a critical bibliography.
Non-attending students, in addition to the materials expressly indicated in this program or possibly uploaded on Ariel, will have to ask the teacher for advice either by e-mail or during office hours.
Non-attending students, in addition to the materials expressly indicated in this program or possibly uploaded on Ariel, will have to ask the teacher for advice either by e-mail or during office hours.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
The course is in a lecture format; seats have to be reserved through the LezioniUnimi app. Lessons will be accessible only to students holding a Covid-19 certificate (green pass). The use of face masks is mandatory. Classes will be streamed on Teams (codes are available on Ariel).
Course syllabus
Course title (60 hours, 9 cfu): Comical poetry between XIIIth and XVIth Century
Unit A (20 hours, 3 ECTS): Comic-realistic Poetry of the Origins (Guglielmo Barucci)
Unit B (20 hours, 3 ECTS): Rustic Poetry and Carnival Songs (Cristina Zampese)
Unit C (20 hours, 3 ECTS): Comic and Bernesque poetry (Guglielmo Barucci)
The course is addressed to graduate (MA) students in Modern Humanities (9 cfu: units A, B, and C; 6 cfu units A and B) and, as an optional exam, to students in other master degree programmes.
Teaching unit A will deal with the following topics: mediaeval comic poetry, between XIIIth and early XIVth Century, with an in-depth analysis and interpretation of themes, style, relationship with high poetry. Unit B will focus on the tradition and the critical interpretation of two parodic genres, the "poemetto rusticale" and the "canto carnascialesco" (e.g. Lorenzo de Medici's "Nencia da Barberino" and "Canzona di Bacco"). Unit C will instead be dedicated, as first, to Francesco Berni and his works, in relationship with both the satire and petrarchist poetry, as well as with the issue of imitation (style and language). Furthermore, in the Unit special attention will be paid to the most important Bernesque poets (Della Casa, D'Arcano, Mauro).
Unit A (20 hours, 3 ECTS): Comic-realistic Poetry of the Origins (Guglielmo Barucci)
Unit B (20 hours, 3 ECTS): Rustic Poetry and Carnival Songs (Cristina Zampese)
Unit C (20 hours, 3 ECTS): Comic and Bernesque poetry (Guglielmo Barucci)
The course is addressed to graduate (MA) students in Modern Humanities (9 cfu: units A, B, and C; 6 cfu units A and B) and, as an optional exam, to students in other master degree programmes.
Teaching unit A will deal with the following topics: mediaeval comic poetry, between XIIIth and early XIVth Century, with an in-depth analysis and interpretation of themes, style, relationship with high poetry. Unit B will focus on the tradition and the critical interpretation of two parodic genres, the "poemetto rusticale" and the "canto carnascialesco" (e.g. Lorenzo de Medici's "Nencia da Barberino" and "Canzona di Bacco"). Unit C will instead be dedicated, as first, to Francesco Berni and his works, in relationship with both the satire and petrarchist poetry, as well as with the issue of imitation (style and language). Furthermore, in the Unit special attention will be paid to the most important Bernesque poets (Della Casa, D'Arcano, Mauro).
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites for admission. Nevertheless, a solid methodological and historical grounding in linguistic, philological and literary studies is the ideal prerequisite (the objective of the course is in any case also to make up for the lack of training in this particular field).
Teaching methods
The course is offered in a lecture format; attendance is not mandatory, though strongly recommended. Competences and abilities will be acquired through interaction with the teacher and through the critical and methodological study of the texts. Attending students will also be asked to present in-depth analysis on specific topics in class or, alternatively, to produce a short essay. Participation in workshops and conferences proposed (if possible) by the Department of Literary Studies, Philology and Linguistics will also be of great importance.
It should be noted that it is possible to download all the support materials for the course from the Ariel platform (http://ariel.unimi.it).
Non-attending students, in addition to the materials expressly indicated in this program or uploaded to Ariel, will have to contact the teacher for advice either by e-mail or during office hours.
It should be noted that it is possible to download all the support materials for the course from the Ariel platform (http://ariel.unimi.it).
Non-attending students, in addition to the materials expressly indicated in this program or uploaded to Ariel, will have to contact the teacher for advice either by e-mail or during office hours.
Teaching Resources
Teaching unit A
Poesia comica del Medioevo italiano, by M. Berisso, Milano, Mondadori, 2018
A catalogue with all the texts to be prepared will be provided on Ariel. On Ariel will be provided as well more texts to be prepared.
The students will study:
- the paratexts to the edition.
- C. Giunta, Versi a un destinatario. Saggio sulla poesia italiana del Medioevo, Bologna, il Mulino, 2002, pp. 267-321.
- F. Suitner, "Origine e carattere del «vituperium» in volgare", in La poesia satirica e giocosa nell'età dei comuni, Antenore, Padova 1983, pp. 30-74
Teaching unit B
All texts will be uploaded on the dedicated course website in the Ariel portal. More informations will also be available at the end of the lessons of the Part B.
Teaching unit C
Prior to the beginning of the Unit, a booklet of texts and the bibliography will be provided on Ariel.
Bibliography for not attending students
Teaching unit A
Poesia comica del Medioevo italiano, by M. Berisso, Milano, Mondadori, 2018
A catalogue with all the texts to be prepared will be provided on Ariel. On Ariel will be provided as well more texts to be prepared.
The students will study:
- the paratexts to the edition.
- C. Giunta, Versi a un destinatario. Saggio sulla poesia italiana del Medioevo, Bologna, il Mulino, 2002, pp. 267-321.
- P. Orvieto - L. Brestolini, La poesia comico-realistica, Carocci, Roma 2000, pp. 13-154
- F. Suitner, La poesia satirica e giocosa nell'età dei comuni, Antenore, Padova 1983 (per i capitoli "Origine e carattere del «vituperium» in volgare", pp. 30-74 e "I temi vitalistici", pp. 86-120).
- M. Zaccarello, L'uovo o la gallina? Purg. XXIII e la tenzone di Dante e Forese Donati, in «L'Alighieri», 22, 2003, pp. 1-22
Teaching unit B:
Non attending students are invited to contact the Teacher by email, at [email protected].
Teaching Unit C:
Prior to the beginning of the Unit, a booklet of texts and the bibliography will be provided on Ariel.
Poesia comica del Medioevo italiano, by M. Berisso, Milano, Mondadori, 2018
A catalogue with all the texts to be prepared will be provided on Ariel. On Ariel will be provided as well more texts to be prepared.
The students will study:
- the paratexts to the edition.
- C. Giunta, Versi a un destinatario. Saggio sulla poesia italiana del Medioevo, Bologna, il Mulino, 2002, pp. 267-321.
- F. Suitner, "Origine e carattere del «vituperium» in volgare", in La poesia satirica e giocosa nell'età dei comuni, Antenore, Padova 1983, pp. 30-74
Teaching unit B
All texts will be uploaded on the dedicated course website in the Ariel portal. More informations will also be available at the end of the lessons of the Part B.
Teaching unit C
Prior to the beginning of the Unit, a booklet of texts and the bibliography will be provided on Ariel.
Bibliography for not attending students
Teaching unit A
Poesia comica del Medioevo italiano, by M. Berisso, Milano, Mondadori, 2018
A catalogue with all the texts to be prepared will be provided on Ariel. On Ariel will be provided as well more texts to be prepared.
The students will study:
- the paratexts to the edition.
- C. Giunta, Versi a un destinatario. Saggio sulla poesia italiana del Medioevo, Bologna, il Mulino, 2002, pp. 267-321.
- P. Orvieto - L. Brestolini, La poesia comico-realistica, Carocci, Roma 2000, pp. 13-154
- F. Suitner, La poesia satirica e giocosa nell'età dei comuni, Antenore, Padova 1983 (per i capitoli "Origine e carattere del «vituperium» in volgare", pp. 30-74 e "I temi vitalistici", pp. 86-120).
- M. Zaccarello, L'uovo o la gallina? Purg. XXIII e la tenzone di Dante e Forese Donati, in «L'Alighieri», 22, 2003, pp. 1-22
Teaching unit B:
Non attending students are invited to contact the Teacher by email, at [email protected].
Teaching Unit C:
Prior to the beginning of the Unit, a booklet of texts and the bibliography will be provided on Ariel.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam consists of an in-depth interview on fundamental topics of the work dealt and on the critical bibliography. Students will be required to demonstrate a full ability in interpretation and comment of the texts in Program, with appropriate use of scientific terminology, as well as to analyse literary texts through comparisons and critical judgments. Eventually, the students will have to prove their ability to use the methods acquired in the course. These abilities will be acquired through the interaction with the teacher in the classroom and the critical and methodological work on the texts, and through individual in-depth studies (term papers, reports).
Assessments are marked out of thirty.
International students and Erasmus students are invited to contact the professor via email in office hours for further information on the exam.
Examination methods for students with disabilities or SLD must be defined with the teacher in agreement with the University Disability and SLD Services.
Assessments are marked out of thirty.
International students and Erasmus students are invited to contact the professor via email in office hours for further information on the exam.
Examination methods for students with disabilities or SLD must be defined with the teacher in agreement with the University Disability and SLD Services.
Unita' didattica A
L-FIL-LET/10 - ITALIAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Barucci Guglielmo
Unita' didattica B
L-FIL-LET/10 - ITALIAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Zampese Cristina Daisy Antonia
Unita' didattica C
L-FIL-LET/10 - ITALIAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Barucci Guglielmo
Office hours: wednesday 15.00-18.00, by appointment only. Nevertheless, due to multiple administrative tasks, appointments could be given in other days.
Department of Literary Studies, Philology and Linguistics; sector Modern Philology, 1st floor, via Francesco Sforza