History of Printing and Publishing Systems
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course aims to address the theme of the recognition of the creative personality of authors, what is generically called authorship and which has been established since the eighteenth century, associated with the broadening of the book market and the recognition (first in England, then in France, and from the nineteenth century in Italy) of copyright. The course is divided into three teaching units: the first is dedicated to the construction of authorship and the laws concerning authors between the 18th and 20th centuries; the second enters into the merits of how publishing was transformed between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Italy, and the third addresses the types of mediums which transform text into a book, from institutions such as censorship to those internal to the publishing process like proofing and translating.
The teaching is fully consistent with the objectives of the Course of Studies, and in particular the publishing curriculum, which aims to ensure the acquisition of solid historical, literary and legal knowledge in the field of the production and circulation of the book, with the identification of all social actors involved in the publishing system.
The teaching is fully consistent with the objectives of the Course of Studies, and in particular the publishing curriculum, which aims to ensure the acquisition of solid historical, literary and legal knowledge in the field of the production and circulation of the book, with the identification of all social actors involved in the publishing system.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: They should be able to master the historic transformations of the Italian publishing system with a focus on the European context, and the different editorial functions in the transition from text to book; they will need to know different research methodologies, with attention to the complexity of the sources and the different types of archives (with all the possible figures and functions of publishing mediums).
Skills: The student will need to be able to analyze the historical contexts in which cultural projects and publishing activities develop; they should understand the types of sources used; they will have to be able to compare different publishing strategies through the analysis of catalogues and to demonstrate that they have a critical capacity regarding different documentary sources (memories, autobiographies, reading opinions, censored texts, etc.).
Skills: The student will need to be able to analyze the historical contexts in which cultural projects and publishing activities develop; they should understand the types of sources used; they will have to be able to compare different publishing strategies through the analysis of catalogues and to demonstrate that they have a critical capacity regarding different documentary sources (memories, autobiographies, reading opinions, censored texts, etc.).
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Teaching methods
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.
On the course page on Ariel, students will be able to find all the information on the lectures and any changes to the programme and its related documents (bibliography etc).
The lesson calendar will be published by the beginning of the lessons on the ARIEL teaching website.
Reference materials
On the course page on Ariel, students will be able to find all the information on the lectures and any changes to the programme and its related documents (bibliography etc).
Students attending, in addition to the bibliography already reported in the program, will obviously have to know the contents of the lessons, as well as the materials and resources published in the online course.
For students who decide not to make use of the lessons uploaded on the platform, the program for non-attendants will be valid.
Assessement methods and criteria
The examination consists of an oral interview on the scheduled subjects. In case it proves impossible to hold the exam face to face, the exam will take place remotely, in ways which will be communicated on the course page on Ariel at the end of the course.To pass the examination, a sure knowledge of the topics covered during the course is required as well as of the texts indicated.
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.
On the course page on Ariel, students will be able to find all the information on the lectures and any changes to the programme and its related documents (bibliography etc).
The lesson calendar will be published by the beginning of the lessons on the ARIEL teaching website.
Reference materials
On the course page on Ariel, students will be able to find all the information on the lectures and any changes to the programme and its related documents (bibliography etc).
Students attending, in addition to the bibliography already reported in the program, will obviously have to know the contents of the lessons, as well as the materials and resources published in the online course.
For students who decide not to make use of the lessons uploaded on the platform, the program for non-attendants will be valid.
Assessement methods and criteria
The examination consists of an oral interview on the scheduled subjects. In case it proves impossible to hold the exam face to face, the exam will take place remotely, in ways which will be communicated on the course page on Ariel at the end of the course.To pass the examination, a sure knowledge of the topics covered during the course is required as well as of the texts indicated.
Course syllabus
Between anonymity and authorship. The different ways of affirming and denying the author's name (18th-20th C.).
The course intends to present, in the first part, the historiographical debate born around the intellectual history and the socio-cultural history of the last forty years. It will identify both the variety of forms that the socio-cultural history has taken from time to time (history of ideas and concepts, mentality, discourses and representations) and the contribution that this variety of approaches has given to the history of the book. The second part of the cours is centred on the evolution and the perception of authorship in 18th-20th centuries. It focuses on both the affirmation of the 'author function' (defined as such by Foucault) and on its paradoxical opposite:the choice made by many authors to publish their works anonymously or behind a pseudonym. Anonymity is indeed a practice that has been used throughout the centuries in Europe and the world, but its importance has been rarely considered by scholars of literary criticism, intellectual history, or history of the book. The aim is also to analyse the culture of attribution that led to the emergence of national dictionaries of anonymous authors during the 19th C.;
The third part will focus on the different ways in which authors, male and female, and translators, male and female, have used authorial silence (or a pseudonym), or, on the contrary, their name, in different publishing genres (novels, children's literature, school books).
Part A (20 hours; 3 cfu): Between Social History and Cultural History. The approaches of book history in the studies of the last decades.
Part B (20 hours; 3 cfu): Anonymity, pseudonymity and authorship in publishing between the 18th and 19th C.
Part C (20 hours; 3 cfu): Perceptions of authorship among male and female authors and translators between 19th and 20th C.
The course intends to present, in the first part, the historiographical debate born around the intellectual history and the socio-cultural history of the last forty years. It will identify both the variety of forms that the socio-cultural history has taken from time to time (history of ideas and concepts, mentality, discourses and representations) and the contribution that this variety of approaches has given to the history of the book. The second part of the cours is centred on the evolution and the perception of authorship in 18th-20th centuries. It focuses on both the affirmation of the 'author function' (defined as such by Foucault) and on its paradoxical opposite:the choice made by many authors to publish their works anonymously or behind a pseudonym. Anonymity is indeed a practice that has been used throughout the centuries in Europe and the world, but its importance has been rarely considered by scholars of literary criticism, intellectual history, or history of the book. The aim is also to analyse the culture of attribution that led to the emergence of national dictionaries of anonymous authors during the 19th C.;
The third part will focus on the different ways in which authors, male and female, and translators, male and female, have used authorial silence (or a pseudonym), or, on the contrary, their name, in different publishing genres (novels, children's literature, school books).
Part A (20 hours; 3 cfu): Between Social History and Cultural History. The approaches of book history in the studies of the last decades.
Part B (20 hours; 3 cfu): Anonymity, pseudonymity and authorship in publishing between the 18th and 19th C.
Part C (20 hours; 3 cfu): Perceptions of authorship among male and female authors and translators between 19th and 20th C.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of the historical-cultural context of the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries; good knowledge of the interpretative instruments (useful) for the reading of methodological and critical contributions.
Teaching methods
On the course page on Ariel, students will be able to find all the information on the lectures and any changes to the programme and its related documents (bibliography etc).
Teaching Resources
Part A (20 hours; 3 cfu): Between social history and cultural history. The approaches of book history in the studies of the last decades.
One book among the followings:
P. Burke, La storia culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004 o edizioni successive.
R. Chartier, La mano dell'autore, la mente dello stampatore. Cultura e scrittura nell'Europa moderna, Roma, Carocci, 2015.
R. Darnton, Il futuro del libro, Milano, Adelphi, 2011.
A book on the history of Italian publishing to choose from among the followings:
Storia dell'editoria nell'Italia contemporanea, a cura di G. Turi, Firenze, Giunti, 1997 (o edizioni successive)
I. Piazzoni, Il Novecento dei libri. Una storia dell'editoria in Italia, Roma, Carocci, 2021
G. Ragone, Un secolo di libri. Storia dell'editoria in Italia dall'Unità al post-moderno, Torino, Einaudi, 1999 (o edizioni successive)
N. Tranfaglia, A. Vittoria, Storia degli editori italiani, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2000 (o edizioni successive).
Part B (20 hours; 3 cfu): From the construction of authorship to the sacralization of the author (18th-20th C.).
One book among the followings:
L. Braida, L'autore assente. L'anonimato nell'editoria italiana del Settecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2019.
C. Charle, Gli intellettuali nell'Ottocento. Saggio di storia comparata europea, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002.
N. J. Watson, The Author's Effects: On Writer's House Museums, Oxford University Press, 2020.
H. Hendrix, Writers' Houses and the Making of Memory, Routledge, 2008.
Part C (20 hours; 3 cfu): Perceptions of authorship among male and female authors and translators between 19th and 20th C.
One book among the followings:
A.Ferrando, Cacciatori di libri. Gli agenti letterari durante il fascismo, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2019.
Stranieri all'ombra del duce. Le traduzioni durante il fascismo, a cura di A. Ferrando, Milano, F. Angeli, 2019.
E. Marazzi, Libri per diventare Italiani. L'editoria per la scuola a Milano nel secondo Ottocento, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2014.
T. Plebani, Le scritture delle donne in Europa. Pratiche quotidiane e ambizioni letterarie (sec. XIII-XX), Roma, Carocci, 2019.
E. Rebellato, "La Scala d'oro". Libri per ragazzi durante il fascismo, Milano, Unicopli, 2016.
NON ATTENDING STUDENTS: for 9 cfu teaching they have to bring the texts provided by the teaching parts A, B and C plus a book of their choice in the following list; those for 6 cfu they have to bring the texts provided by the teaching parts A and B plus a book in the following list:
G. Albergoni, I mestieri delle lettere tra istituzioni e mercato. Vivere e scrivere a Milano nella prima metà dell'Ottocento, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2006.
Archivi editoriali. Tra storia del testo e storia del libro, a cura di V. Brigatti, A. L. Cavazzuti, E.Marazzi, S. Sullam, Milano, Unicopli, 2018.
R. Cesana, Libri necessari. Le edizioni letterarie Feltrinelli (1955-1965), Milano, Unicopli, 2010.
R. Darnton, Censors at Work: How States Shaped Literature, New York, Norton, 2014.
I.Piazzoni, Valentino Bompiani. Un editore italiano tra fascismo e dopoguerra, Milano, LED Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere, Economia, Diritto, 2007.
Valentino Bompiani. Il percorso di un editore artigiano, a cura di L. Braida, Milano, Sylvestre Bonnard, 2003.
Giulio Einaudi nell'editoria italiana di cultura del Novecento italiano, a cura di P. Soddu, Firenze, Olschki, 2015.
Part A (20 hours; 3 cfu): Between social history and cultural history. The approaches of book history in the studies of the last decades.
One book among the followings:
P. Burke, La storia culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004 o edizioni successive.
R. Chartier, La mano dell'autore, la mente dello stampatore. Cultura e scrittura nell'Europa moderna, Roma, Carocci, 2015.
R. Darnton, Il futuro del libro, Milano, Adelphi, 2011.
A book on the history of Italian publishing to choose from among the followings:
Storia dell'editoria nell'Italia contemporanea, a cura di G. Turi, Firenze, Giunti, 1997 (o edizioni successive)
I. Piazzoni, Il Novecento dei libri. Una storia dell'editoria in Italia, Roma, Carocci, 2021
G. Ragone, Un secolo di libri. Storia dell'editoria in Italia dall'Unità al post-moderno, Torino, Einaudi, 1999 (o edizioni successive)
N. Tranfaglia, A. Vittoria, Storia degli editori italiani, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2000 (o edizioni successive).
Part B (20 hours; 3 cfu): From the construction of authorship to the sacralization of the author (18th-20th C.).
One book among the followings:
L. Braida, L'autore assente. L'anonimato nell'editoria italiana del Settecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2019.
C. Charle, Gli intellettuali nell'Ottocento. Saggio di storia comparata europea, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002.
N. J. Watson, The Author's Effects: On Writer's House Museums, Oxford University Press, 2020.
H. Hendrix, Writers' Houses and the Making of Memory, Routledge, 2008.
Part C (20 hours; 3 cfu): Perceptions of authorship among male and female authors and translators between 19th and 20th C.
One book among the followings:
A.Ferrando, Cacciatori di libri. Gli agenti letterari durante il fascismo, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2019.
Stranieri all'ombra del duce. Le traduzioni durante il fascismo, a cura di A. Ferrando, Milano, F. Angeli, 2019.
E. Marazzi, Libri per diventare Italiani. L'editoria per la scuola a Milano nel secondo Ottocento, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2014.
T. Plebani, Le scritture delle donne in Europa. Pratiche quotidiane e ambizioni letterarie (sec. XIII-XX), Roma, Carocci, 2019.
E. Rebellato, "La Scala d'oro". Libri per ragazzi durante il fascismo, Milano, Unicopli, 2016.
NON ATTENDING STUDENTS: for 9 cfu teaching they have to bring the texts provided by the teaching parts A, B and C plus a book of their choice in the following list; those for 6 cfu they have to bring the texts provided by the teaching parts A and B plus a book in the following list:
G. Albergoni, I mestieri delle lettere tra istituzioni e mercato. Vivere e scrivere a Milano nella prima metà dell'Ottocento, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2006.
Archivi editoriali. Tra storia del testo e storia del libro, a cura di V. Brigatti, A. L. Cavazzuti, E.Marazzi, S. Sullam, Milano, Unicopli, 2018.
R. Cesana, Libri necessari. Le edizioni letterarie Feltrinelli (1955-1965), Milano, Unicopli, 2010.
R. Darnton, Censors at Work: How States Shaped Literature, New York, Norton, 2014.
I.Piazzoni, Valentino Bompiani. Un editore italiano tra fascismo e dopoguerra, Milano, LED Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere, Economia, Diritto, 2007.
Valentino Bompiani. Il percorso di un editore artigiano, a cura di L. Braida, Milano, Sylvestre Bonnard, 2003.
Giulio Einaudi nell'editoria italiana di cultura del Novecento italiano, a cura di P. Soddu, Firenze, Olschki, 2015.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an oral interview on the scheduled subjects. In case it proves impossible to hold the exam face to face, the exam will take place remotely, in ways which will be communicated on the course page on Ariel at the end of the course.To pass the examination, a sure knowledge of the topics covered during the course is required as well as of the texts indicated. The vote is expressed in 30th.
Erasmus students will have the possibility, if they request so, to take the exam in English, according to a syllabus agreed with the teacher.
The examination arrangements for students with disabilities and/or DSA will have to be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the DSA office.
Erasmus students will have the possibility, if they request so, to take the exam in English, according to a syllabus agreed with the teacher.
The examination arrangements for students with disabilities and/or DSA will have to be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the DSA office.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours