Languages and Cultures for International Communication and Cooperation (LIN)

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Languages and Cultures for International Communication and Cooperation (LIN)
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Master programme
LM-38 - Modern languages for internat. communication and cooperation
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
International title
Double Degree
The post-graduate degree course in Languages and Cultures for International Communication and Co-operation aims to provide specialized training for language mediators and to hone their language skills and cultural expertise though the wide range of language and culture courses offered. Students will also develop carefully selected skills in the fields of law, economics, sociology, psychology and anthropology, all essential to develop highly qualified professionals in the sphere of Intercultural communication and international cooperation.
In an international perspective, thanks to the advanced skills and knowledge acquired, will graduates will be well-placed to find positions, and fill high responsibility posts, within international institutions and bodies, in both the public and corporate spheres. Opportunities also exist in the directorates of international bodies and in international cooperation and development organisations. Their advanced and highly specific skill set means they are ideally placed to work with bodies and organizations directly involved in the processes of cultural, linguistic, economic and social integration, where it is crucial to understand the need to protect immigrants? languages and other core issues of integration, especially in the light of European Union language policies. Graduates will also find places in teaching. This degree course trains graduates to understand the issues related to the dynamics of intercultural and interethnic relations in such sectors as public and private companies, public institutions, cultural organisations, environmental agencies, tourist boards, publishing and journalism. To sum up, graduates will acquire the ability to apply their expertise in communication and information in contexts in which it essential to have a thorough grounding in the multicultural issues involved in the processes affecting contemporary societies, particularly at an international level.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Within the framework of the Erasmus programme, 58 exchange agreements are in place, covering 19 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Rumania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, plus Switzerland, which participates in the Erasmus + programme as a partner country. Additionally, Erasmus traineeship agreements have also been signed with companies and institutions in some of the above-mentioned countries.

Additionally, a number of exchange agreements are in place with partner universities in non-European countries. Under these agreements, students have the opportunity to attend classes and take exams at partner institutions. Such activities and exam results may be validated in full or in part, with the corresponding credits concurring to fulfil the requirements for the attainment of the degree. Courses are typically offered in the areas of languages and the humanities, and are available in the following partner institutions:

- ARGENTINA: Universidad Nacional de Villa María (Córdoba); Universidad Nacional de La Plata (La Plata)
- CANADA: Université de Moncton
- CILE: Pontificia Universidad Católica, Universidad Autónoma de Chile
- CINA: Liaoning Normal University
- COLOMBIA: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá), Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
- COREA: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies della Corea (HUFS)
- CUBA: Universidad de Oriente (Santiago de Cuba)CUBA Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas - UCLV
- FEDERAZIONE RUSSA: LUNN - Linguistic University (Ni nij Novgorod), Novosibirsk Pedagogical State University (Novosibirsk), Istituto Pu kin (Mosca), RGGU (RSUH) Russian Universities for the Humanities (Mosca), MGPU Moscow Pedagogical University (Mosca), HSE High School of Economics (Mosca) [in conseguenza delle sanzioni nei confronti della Federazione Russa, gli accordi sono attualmente sospesi]
- GIAPPONE: Doshisha University (Kyoto), Meiji University (Tokyo), Waseda University (Tokyo), Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Ibaraki Christian University, Osaka University
- INDIA: Manipal (Karnataka)
- MESSICO: Universidad de Guadalajara (Guadalajara), Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana (Città del Messico), UNAM - Universidad Autonoma de Mexico
- PERÙ: Pontificia Universidad Católica
Besides the Erasmus exchange agreements, the Course also has one double degree program in place whereby participating students earn degrees from both institutions:

Joint degree with the MA programme in "Russia and Europe: linguistic and cultural interaction" offered by the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) in Moscow. UNIMI students accepted in the programme spend the second year of their course at RSUH, while Russian students spend their second and third terms at UNIMI; students who successfully complete the prescribed courses laid out in the joint degree agreement are awarded degrees by both universities. For further information please contact Prof. Paola Cotta Ramusino ([email protected]).
Attendance is strongly recommended.
Applicant to the Master's degree programme in Languages and Cultures for International Communication and Cooperation, students must meet the following requirements:

a) have earned 147 credits (CFU), excluding any 'off-plan' credits, by the application deadline;
b) meet curricular requirements as set out below by 31 December 2024;
c) for EU citizens or residents, pass an Italian language proficiency test;
d) obtain their Bachelor's degree no later than 31 December 2024.

Minimum requirements
a) for students with class L-12 degrees,

applicants to the curriculum "Intercultural communication and integration for institutional and corporate organisations" must have earned at least 60 CFU as follows:
- 18 CFU (= 2 years) for one language;
- 18 CFU (= 2 years) for another language;
- 18 CFU (= 2 years) for the two corresponding literatures and cultures;
- 6 CFU in an academic field (SSD) included in the class L-12 table.

applicants to the curriculum "Italian as L2 for intercultural communication and integration" must have earned at least 72 CFU as follows:
- 18 CFU (= 2 years) for a foreign language + 18 CFU (= 2 years) for the corresponding literature and culture;
- 18 CFU (= 2 years) in Italian + 12 CFU in the corresponding literature and culture;
- 6 CFU in an academic field (SSD) included in the class L-12 table.

b) for students from classes other than L-12,

applicants to the curriculum "Intercultural communication and integration for institutional and corporate organisations" must have earned at least 90 CFU as follows:
- 18 CFU (= 2 years) for one language;
- 18 CFU (= 2 years) for another language;
- 18 + 18 CFU (= 4 years) for the two corresponding literatures and cultures;
- 18 CFU in one or more academic fields (SSD) included in the class L-12 table.

applicants to the curriculum "Italian as L2 for intercultural communication and integration" must have earned at least 90 CFU as follows:
- 18 CFU (= 2 years) for a foreign language + 18 CFU (= 2 years) for the corresponding literature and culture;
- 18 CFU (= 2 years) in Italian + 18 CFU (= 2 years) in the corresponding literature and culture;
- 18 CFU in one or more academic fields (SSD) included in the class L-12 table.

The class L-12 table is available on the degree programme website (

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the following languages are available: Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, Hindi, English, Italian (for non-Italian native speakers only), Russian, Spanish, German.

Skills assessment
Non-EU candidates residing abroad and applying for a student visa are waived from the test requirement and will be assessed based on their qualifications only.

On the other hand, EU citizens or residents must prove sufficient language skills for successfully completing advanced courses as part of this Master's degree programme. To this end, they will be required to take a test in each of their two curricular languages.

Non-Italian mother tongue EU citizens or residents applying for the Italian as L2 curriculum must choose, in addition to Italian, a second language for which they meet curricular requirements and take the test in both languages.

Please note that the language must be chosen from those studied in the previous programme.

Further practical information on the admission test is provided below in the admissions section. On the degree programme website (How to enrol section), you will find useful information for a preliminary self-assessment of admission requirements, including specific language skills and tests.

Admission procedures
For admission and enrolment opening and closing dates, see the call for applications on the programme website.

Applicants must meet the requirements specified in the admission requirements section above. Undergraduate applicants, from this or other universities, must graduate by 31 December 2024.

The online application must attach the candidate's qualification, as well as the list of exams taken and to be taken. For upcoming graduates and graduates from this university, such documents will be obtained internally. When completing the application, candidates must indicate the two languages in which they intend to take the test. This choice cannot be changed later.

International candidates may produce the documents in English, French, Spanish, German. Documents in other languages must be translated into Italian.

For candidates meeting qualification requirements, curricular requirements will be assessed by a special commission appointed by the Academic Board. The commission will meet on a regular basis in order to provide timely feedback, especially regarding any curricular gaps that may affect admission, in order to allow candidates to fill them in time.

Only the qualifications and self-certifications submitted through the standard admission procedure will be evaluated. On the degree programme website (, you will find useful information for a preliminary self-assessment of requirements.

NOTE: Candidates who pass the requirements assessment are eligible to take the test. Candidates who fail the test will not be admitted into the programme, even if they meet curricular requirements.

Test date
The test will take place at the University of Milan. Date, place and time will be posted to the programme website.

Candidates who, in the commission's opinion, meet all requirements must take the language test. Please check the call for applications and the degree programme website for test delivery modes.

For more info on specific language skills requirements and tests, please refer to the study programme website (

Test results
The results of the test will be posted to the programme website (

Transfers and second degrees
All students who intend to apply for transfer must meet the curricular admission requirements and take the test, including candidates from class LM-38. The same requirements apply to students already holding a Master's degree who intend to obtain a second degree. For transfer and second-degree application procedures, please refer to the Student Registrar.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2024 to 31/07/2024

Application for matriculation: from 08/04/2024 to 15/01/2025

Admissions A.Y. 2025/2026

Admission applications for Academic Year 2025/2026 are now open. Non-EU students visa applicants are required to apply for admission no later than 30 April 2025.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Italian for Foreign Students I 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/12
Arabic I 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese I 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English I 9 60 English L-LIN/12
French I 9 60 French L-LIN/04
German I 9 60 German L-LIN/14
Hindi I 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese I 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian I 9 60 Russian L-LIN/21
Spanish I 9 60 Spanish L-LIN/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Information Technology 6 40 Italian INF/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cultural Geography 6 40 Italian M-GGR/01
Transcultural Psychology 6 40 Italian M-PSI/05
Optional activities and study plan rules
- First year Language courses - Students must obtain 18 credits (9+9 credits) by choosing two Language courses from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic I 9 60 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese I 9 60 Italian year L-OR/21
English I 9 60 English year L-LIN/12
French I 9 60 French year L-LIN/04
German I 9 60 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi I 9 60 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese I 9 60 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian I 9 60 Russian year L-LIN/21
Spanish I 9 60 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 6 credits by choosing one of the Culture options corresponding to one of the foreign languages chosen, from those listed. For the order in which they must be studied, please see the appropriate section (course progression requirements).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anglo-American Cultures I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultures I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/21
Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries I 6 40 Spanish First semester L-LIN/06
English Culture I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
French Culture I 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
German Culture I 6 40 Italian First semester L-LIN/13
Indian Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 6 40 Italian First semester L-OR/22
Russian Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 6 40 Spanish Second semester L-LIN/05
- Students must obtain 6 credits in one of the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Cultural Geography 6 40 Italian Second semester M-GGR/01
Transcultural Psychology 6 40 Italian Second semester M-PSI/05
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic Ii 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Ii 9 60 L-OR/21
English Ii 9 60 English L-LIN/12
French Ii 9 60 French L-LIN/04
German Ii 9 60 German L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Ii 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Ii 9 60 Russian L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii 9 60 Spanish L-LIN/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian L-OR/12
Comparative Social Systems 9 60 Italian SPS/07
Cultural Anthropology (advanced) 6 40 Italian M-DEA/01
Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries Ii 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/06
Francophone Cultures Ii 6 40 French L-LIN/03
French Culture Ii 6 40 French L-LIN/03
German Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/13
Japanese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/22
Japanese Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Specialised Translation 6 40 Russian L-LIN/21
Spanish Specialised Translation 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/07
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Literary Culture and Media Studies 6 40 Italian L-FIL-LET/11
Anglo-American Cultures Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultures Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Arab Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/21
Chinese Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian L-OR/21
Contemporary European History 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
English Culture Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
English Specialised Translation 6 40 English L-LIN/12
French Specialised Translation 6 40 French L-LIN/04
German Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian L-LIN/14
Hindi Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian L-OR/19
History of Great Britain and of the Commonwealth 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
History of Slavic Countries 6 40 Italian M-STO/03
History of Spain and Latin America 6 40 Italian M-STO/02
Indian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/19
North American History and Institutions 6 40 Italian SPS/05
Russian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/21
Sociology of Migration 6 40 Italian SPS/10
Spanish Culture Ii 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/05
Second trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Asian History and Institutions 6 40 Italian SPS/14
History and Institutions of Islamic Countries 6 40 Italian SPS/14
Third trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
African History and Institutions 6 40 English SPS/13
International Humanitarian Law 9 60 Italian IUS/13
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 24 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Second year Language courses - Students must complete the second year (9 credits) of one of the language options listed and chosen in the first year
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic Ii 9 60 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese Ii 9 60 year L-OR/21
English Ii 9 60 English year L-LIN/12
French Ii 9 60 French year L-LIN/04
German Ii 9 60 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii 9 60 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese Ii 9 60 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian Ii 9 60 Russian year L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii 9 60 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 6 credits by choosing one of the Culture options or specialised translation corresponding to one of the two foreign languages chosen. As regards Culture, students can complete the second year of the Culture option chosen in the first year or the first year of the Culture option corresponding to the other foreign language. For information on the order in which the options must be taken please see the relevant section
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anglo-American Cultures I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/11
Anglo-American Cultures Ii 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultures I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
Anglophone Cultures Ii 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/12
Arab Culture Ii 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/12
Arabic Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian First semester L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/21
Chinese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/21
Chinese Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/21
Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries I 6 40 Spanish First semester L-LIN/06
Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries Ii 6 40 Spanish First semester L-LIN/06
English Culture I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
English Culture Ii 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
English Specialised Translation 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/12
Francophone Cultures I 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
Francophone Cultures Ii 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
French Culture I 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
French Culture Ii 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
French Specialised Translation 6 40 French Second semester L-LIN/04
German Culture I 6 40 Italian First semester L-LIN/13
German Culture Ii 6 40 Italian First semester L-LIN/13
German Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian Second semester L-LIN/14
Hindi Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/19
Indian Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/19
Indian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 6 40 Italian First semester L-OR/22
Japanese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian First semester L-OR/22
Japanese Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian First semester L-OR/22
Russian Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-LIN/21
Russian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian Second semester L-LIN/21
Russian Specialised Translation 6 40 Russian First semester L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 6 40 Spanish Second semester L-LIN/05
Spanish Culture Ii 6 40 Spanish Second semester L-LIN/05
Spanish Specialised Translation 6 40 Spanish First semester L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 6 credits in one of the following subjects. The History option must as a rule correspond to one of the language/culture areas chosen and must not repeat an option previously chosen in the three-year degree course
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
African History and Institutions 6 40 English Third trimester SPS/13
Asian History and Institutions 6 40 Italian Second trimester SPS/14
Contemporary European History 6 40 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
Cultural Anthropology (advanced) 6 40 Italian First semester M-DEA/01
History and Institutions of Islamic Countries 6 40 Italian Second trimester SPS/14
History of Great Britain and of the Commonwealth 6 40 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
History of Slavic Countries 6 40 Italian Second semester M-STO/03
History of Spain and Latin America 6 40 Italian Second semester M-STO/02
North American History and Institutions 6 40 Italian Second semester SPS/05
Sociology of Migration 6 40 Italian Second semester SPS/10
- Students must obtain 9 credits in one of the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Comparative Social Systems 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/07
International Humanitarian Law 9 60 Italian Third trimester IUS/13
- Students must obtain 9 credits by completing a subject of their own choice
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries I 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/06
Francophone Cultures I 6 40 French L-LIN/03
French Culture I 6 40 French L-LIN/03
German Culture I 6 40 Italian L-LIN/13
Japanese Culture I 6 40 Italian L-OR/22
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Anglo-American Cultures I 6 40 English L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultures I 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 6 40 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 6 40 Italian L-OR/21
Critical Thinking: Foundations of Critical Thinking for the Study of the Humanities 3 20 Italian
Dubbing as 'audiovisual Translation' of Language, History and Culture 3 20 Italian
English Culture I 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Food and Wine: Cultures, Practices and Professions 3 20 Italian
Indian Culture I 6 40 Italian L-OR/19
Quando la medicina e la letteratura collaborano: le medical humanities 3 20 Italian
Research Sources and Methods: Applications in the Field of Public History 3 20 Italian
Russian Culture I 6 40 Italian L-LIN/21
Social Research in Practice 3 20 Italian
Spanish Culture I 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/05
The Changing Faces of Latin America (19th to 21st Centuries) 3 20 Italian
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Work Placements and Internships 6 0 Italian
In their first year students choose two languages and their respective cultures, which they will study for the two years of the degree course. To sit the exams of the following year (Language II or Culture II), students must have passed the exams of the preceding year (Language I or Culture I).

As regards the choice of the Culture components, note that:
1. French language students can choose between French Culture and Francophone cultures. This choice has to be made starting in the first year and adhered to for the two years of the degree course;
2. Students of English language can choose between Anglo-American Culture, Anglophone cultures and British culture . This choice has to be made starting in the first year and adhered to for the two years of the degree course;
3. Students of Spanish can choose between Spanish Culture and Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries. The choice must be made in the first year and maintained for the two years of the degree course.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic I 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese I 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English I 9 60 English L-LIN/12
French I 9 60 French L-LIN/04
German I 9 60 German L-LIN/14
Hindi I 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese I 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian I 9 60 Russian L-LIN/21
Spanish I 9 60 Spanish L-LIN/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Information Technology 6 40 Italian INF/01
Comparative Commercial Law 9 60 Italian IUS/02
Comparative Social Systems 9 60 Italian SPS/07
Cultural Anthropology (advanced) 6 40 Italian M-DEA/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Corporate Organisational Theory 6 40 Italian SECS-P/10
Cultural Geography 6 40 Italian M-GGR/01
History of Contemporary Art 6 40 Italian L-ART/03
International and Development Economics 6 40 Italian SECS-P/01
Literary Culture and Media Studies 6 40 Italian L-FIL-LET/11
Political and Economic Geography (advanced) 6 40 Italian M-GGR/02
Sociology of Migration 6 40 Italian SPS/10
Transcultural Psychology 6 40 Italian M-PSI/05
Third trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
International Humanitarian Law 6 40 Italian IUS/13
Optional activities and study plan rules
- First year Language courses - Students must obtain 18 credits (9+9 credits) by choosing two Language courses from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic I 9 60 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese I 9 60 Italian year L-OR/21
English I 9 60 English year L-LIN/12
French I 9 60 French year L-LIN/04
German I 9 60 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi I 9 60 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese I 9 60 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian I 9 60 Russian year L-LIN/21
Spanish I 9 60 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 6 credits by choosing one of the Culture options (corresponding to one of the foreign languages chosen) from those listed. For the order in which they must be studied, see the appropriate section (course progression requirements)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anglo-American Cultures I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultures I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/21
Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries I 6 40 Spanish First semester L-LIN/06
English Culture I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
French Culture I 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
German Culture I 6 40 Italian First semester L-LIN/13
Indian Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 6 40 Italian First semester L-OR/22
Russian Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 6 40 Spanish Second semester L-LIN/05
- Students must obtain 6 credits in one of the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Corporate Organisational Theory 6 40 Italian Second semester SECS-P/10
International and Development Economics 6 40 Italian Second semester SECS-P/01
International Humanitarian Law 6 40 Italian Third trimester IUS/13
Sociology of Migration 6 40 Italian Second semester SPS/10
- Students must obtain 6 credits in one of the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Cultural Anthropology (advanced) 6 40 Italian First semester M-DEA/01
Cultural Geography 6 40 Italian Second semester M-GGR/01
History of Contemporary Art 6 40 Italian Second semester L-ART/03
Literary Culture and Media Studies 6 40 Italian Second semester L-FIL-LET/11
Political and Economic Geography (advanced) 6 40 Italian Second semester M-GGR/02
Transcultural Psychology 6 40 Italian Second semester M-PSI/05
- Students must obtain 9 credits in one of the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Comparative Commercial Law 9 60 Italian First semester IUS/02
Comparative Social Systems 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/07
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic Ii 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Ii 9 60 L-OR/21
English Ii 9 60 English L-LIN/12
French Ii 9 60 French L-LIN/04
German Ii 9 60 German L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Ii 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Ii 9 60 Russian L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii 9 60 Spanish L-LIN/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian L-OR/12
Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries Ii 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/06
Francophone Cultures Ii 6 40 French L-LIN/03
French Culture Ii 6 40 French L-LIN/03
German Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/13
Japanese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/22
Japanese Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Specialised Translation 6 40 Russian L-LIN/21
Spanish Specialised Translation 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/07
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Anglo-American Cultures Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultures Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Arab Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/21
Chinese Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian L-OR/21
Contemporary European History 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
English Culture Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
English Specialised Translation 6 40 English L-LIN/12
French Specialised Translation 6 40 French L-LIN/04
German Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian L-LIN/14
Hindi Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian L-OR/19
History of Great Britain and of the Commonwealth 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
History of Slavic Countries 6 40 Italian M-STO/03
History of Spain and Latin America 6 40 Italian M-STO/02
Indian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/19
North American History and Institutions 6 40 Italian SPS/05
Russian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture Ii 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/05
Second trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Asian History and Institutions 6 40 Italian SPS/14
History and Institutions of Islamic Countries 6 40 Italian SPS/14
Third trimester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
African History and Institutions 6 40 English SPS/13
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 24 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Second year Language courses - Students must complete the second year (9+9 credits) of the two languages chosen in the first year from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic Ii 9 60 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese Ii 9 60 year L-OR/21
English Ii 9 60 English year L-LIN/12
French Ii 9 60 French year L-LIN/04
German Ii 9 60 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii 9 60 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese Ii 9 60 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian Ii 9 60 Russian year L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii 9 60 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 6 credits by choosing a Culture option corresponding to one of the two foreign languages chosen, or a History option. The History option must as a rule correspond to one of the language/culture areas chosen and must not repeat an option previously chosen in the three-year degree course. As regards Culture, students may complete the second year of the Culture option chosen in the first year or the first year of the Culture option corresponding to the other foreign language. For information on the order in which the options must be taken please see the relevant section (course progression requirements)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
African History and Institutions 6 40 English Third trimester SPS/13
Anglo-American Cultures I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/11
Anglo-American Cultures Ii 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultures I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
Anglophone Cultures Ii 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/12
Arab Culture Ii 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/12
Asian History and Institutions 6 40 Italian Second trimester SPS/14
Chinese Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/21
Chinese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/21
Contemporary European History 6 40 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries I 6 40 Spanish First semester L-LIN/06
Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries Ii 6 40 Spanish First semester L-LIN/06
English Culture I 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
English Culture Ii 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
Francophone Cultures Ii 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
French Culture I 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
French Culture Ii 6 40 French First semester L-LIN/03
German Culture I 6 40 Italian First semester L-LIN/13
German Culture Ii 6 40 Italian First semester L-LIN/13
History and Institutions of Islamic Countries 6 40 Italian Second trimester SPS/14
History of Great Britain and of the Commonwealth 6 40 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
History of Slavic Countries 6 40 Italian Second semester M-STO/03
History of Spain and Latin America 6 40 Italian Second semester M-STO/02
Indian Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/19
Indian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 6 40 Italian First semester L-OR/22
Japanese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian First semester L-OR/22
North American History and Institutions 6 40 Italian Second semester SPS/05
Russian Culture I 6 40 Italian Second semester L-LIN/21
Russian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian Second semester L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 6 40 Spanish Second semester L-LIN/05
Spanish Culture Ii 6 40 Spanish Second semester L-LIN/05
- Students must obtain 6 credits by choosing one of the Specialised Translation options corresponding to one of the two chosen foreign languages
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian First semester L-OR/12
Chinese Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/21
English Specialised Translation 6 40 English Second semester L-LIN/12
French Specialised Translation 6 40 French Second semester L-LIN/04
German Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian Second semester L-LIN/14
Hindi Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian Second semester L-OR/19
Japanese Specialised Translation 6 40 Italian First semester L-OR/22
Russian Specialised Translation 6 40 Russian First semester L-LIN/21
Spanish Specialised Translation 6 40 Spanish First semester L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 9 credits by completing a subject of their own choice
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries I 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/06
Francophone Cultures I 6 40 French L-LIN/03
French Culture I 6 40 French L-LIN/03
German Culture I 6 40 Italian L-LIN/13
Japanese Culture I 6 40 Italian L-OR/22
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Anglo-American Cultures I 6 40 English L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultures I 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 6 40 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 6 40 Italian L-OR/21
Critical Thinking: Foundations of Critical Thinking for the Study of the Humanities 3 20 Italian
Dubbing as 'audiovisual Translation' of Language, History and Culture 3 20 Italian
English Culture I 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Food and Wine: Cultures, Practices and Professions 3 20 Italian
Indian Culture I 6 40 Italian L-OR/19
Quando la medicina e la letteratura collaborano: le medical humanities 3 20 Italian
Research Sources and Methods: Applications in the Field of Public History 3 20 Italian
Russian Culture I 6 40 Italian L-LIN/21
Social Research in Practice 3 20 Italian
Spanish Culture I 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/05
The Changing Faces of Latin America (19th to 21st Centuries) 3 20 Italian
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Work Placements and Internships 6 0 Italian
In their first year students choose two languages and their respective cultures, which they will study for the two years of the degree course. To sit the exams of the following year (Language II or Culture II), students must have passed the exams of the preceding year (Language I or Culture I).

As regards the choice of the Culture components, note that:
1. French language students can choose between French Culture and Francophone cultures. This choice has to be made starting in the first year and adhered to for the two years of the degree course;
2. Students of English language can choose between Anglo-American Culture, Anglophone cultures and British culture . This choice has to be made starting in the first year and adhered to for the two years of the degree course;
3. Students of Spanish can choose between Spanish Culture and Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries. The choice must be made in the first year and maintained for the two years of the degree course.
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Head of study programme
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Study plan tutor
Internship tutor
Seminar and workshop tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Master's degree admission tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate
  • Part-time students
    Prof.ssa Giovanna Mapelli
  • Disability and SLD
    Prof. Paolo Caponi (coordinatore)
  • Course Administration Office
    Piazza Indro Montanelli 1 - 20099 Sesto S. Giovanni (MI) Italia
  • Student Office
    Via S. Sofia 9/1 - 20122 Milano (MI) Italia
  • Work experience placement
    Dott.ssa Lucia Berti
  • Erasmus programme and international mobility
    Prof. Fabio Mollica (coordinatore)
  • Academic recognition of workshops and extra-curricular activities
    Prof.ssa Bettina Mottura (coordinatore)
  • Transfers and second degrees
    Prof.ssa Nicoletta Vallorani

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more