Anglo-American Cultures Ii

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding: students, who are expected to know and be able to apply basic cultural studies methodologies, will be led to better define and analyse the relationships between culture, discursive strategies, social phenomena, mass communication, production and consumption of cultural products, and to analyze them from the perspective of ideology and their social, spatial, historical and political contexts. Within the frame of their improved language competences and awareness , they will be led to gain an improved awareness of the relationship between language and cultures within the US context and in connection with the chosen syllabus. MA courses are meant for qualitative, more than quantitative, study and tends to privilege a limited number of texts that must be read and analyzed with sophisticated skills.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will be required to be fluent in both written and spoken English in approaching texts and topics of relevant complexity and belonging to the field of culture, society and literature, managing the required critical lexis and organizing contents coherently. They must prove familiar with the texts proposed in the syllabus and they must be able to analyse them both at the syntagmatic level and at the paradigmatic one.
Moreover they must prove able to approach texts and topic autonomously, exploiting the methodological tools acquired during their MA training and perfected during their first-year course, therefore completing their language training through the cultural one.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Southern Gothic and the grotesque: from Flannery O' Connor to True Detective
Southern Gothic is associated with cultural narratives that combine the landscapes of the South of the United States and their history with Gothic imagination. These narratives are imbued with a doomed sense of history and are crowded with grotesques whose physical and emotional eccentricities eventually paralyze any possibility of social and individual change. In this light, we will contextualize the cultural representations of Southern Gothic in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. More specifically, we will read Carson McCullers' The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (1940) and Flannery O' Connor's short stories (A Good Man is Hard To Find and Other Stories, 1955), two Southern women writers, while also considering some filmic representations and True Detective (Season 1).
Prerequisites for admission
Students should be able to read and understand complex texts in English and express a critical opinion on the proposed content, while also demonstrating good methodological competence.
Teaching methods
Classes will develop partly on a lecture-based method and partly as a seminar. Guest speakers on specific topics will be invited.
Teaching Resources
Required texts:
Carson McCullers, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (1940),
Flannery O' Connor, A Good Man is Hard To Find and Other Stories (1955),
8 essays to be defined.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Attending students will have the opportunity to write a final essay that will be agreed upon in detail (topic, bibliography, length). The overall assessment will be communicated at the end of the oral examination. For non-attending students (and attending students who do not opt for the essay) there will be a final oral examination.
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Scarpino Cinzia
Sesto San Giovanni, studio del docente (4015), o teams