Single courses

It is possible to enrol on one or more courses of interest from the various bachelor's, master's or single-cycle degree programmes. Enrolled students may attend classes, sit the final exam and obtain a certificate. 

Single courses are useful for those who:

  • wish to keep abreast of certain topics or supplement their professional competencies,

  • have already graduated but must take extra courses for admission to public competitions or postgraduate schools, etc.,

  • must meet the curricular requirements for admission to a master's degree programme,

  • are university students, in Italy or abroad, who wish to attend certain classes in the context of programmes and mobility agreements or out of personal interest.

Requirements and limitations

Those who wish to enrol on single courses must have at least an upper secondary school diploma (or equivalent qualification).

It is possible to attend up to 4 courses.

You can enrol in single courses even if you are enrolled in:

  • Post-graduate schools;
  • Doctoral programmes;
  • Vocational masters and advanced courses.

You cannot enrol in single courses if you are:

  • enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme of this University;
  • a student of this University and have interrupted your studies;
  • a student of this University and have suspended your studies.
Available courses

It is possible to enrol to almost all courses of the degree, single-cycle and master's degree programmes of the current academic year. See below to find out the courses that are not available to enrolment as single courses or that require prior authorization to enrolment.

Search the course catalogue to find:

  • syllabus
  • teacher
  • university credits (CFU) 
  • Scientific Disciplinary Sector/s (SSD)
  • related degree programme
Degree courses

Consult the list of all degree courses by academic year.

Enrolment in single courses is not available for:

  • language assessments managed by SLAM - University of Milan Language Centre
  • all courses belonging to the Medicine and Surgery degree programme
  • all courses belonging to the Dental Medicine degree programme
  • all the following Biological Sciences courses: Organic Chemistry and Chemistry Laboratory, Physics and Physics Laboratory, General Mathematics, Laboratory of Mathematical and Statistical Methods (12 CFU), Computer Laboratory (9 CFU).
  • all courses belonging to the Bioinformatics for Computational Genomics degree programme;
  • all courses belonging to the Cosmetic Industrial Science (CosmIS) master's degree programme.

To enrol on some of the single courses, students must obtain prior authorization from the academic bodies. By confirming your application you are requesting authorization, therefore don’t pay until the registrar has contacted you to notify the result of your request.

Healthcare professions, Medical biotechnology, Biomedical Omics and Medical Biotechnolgy and Molecular Medicine: all degree courses require prior authorization that must be submitted in the following periods:

  • within 15 September 2023 for first semester or yearly courses
  • within 30 December 2023 for second semester courses (the deadline has been moved up because Healthcare professions will anticipate second semester courses)

Application examination will start at the end of the application period for each semester. Any enrolment requests submitted after the indicated deadline will not be considered.

Exercise, sport and health sciences: it is possible to enrol, with prior authorization, only in theoretical degree courses by submitting the application in the following periods: 

  • within 15 September 2023 for first semester or annual degree courses
  • within 30 December 2023 for second semester degree courses

Application examination will start at the end of the application period for each semester. Any enrolment requests submitted after the indicated deadline will not be considered.

Veterinary medicine: t is possible to enrol, with prior authorization, only in the degree courses that don't require previous exams by submitting the application in the following periods:

  • from 18 July to 23 September 2023 for first semester degree courses
  • from 5 December 2023 to 31 January 2024 for second semester degree courses

Environmental science and policy, Chemistry (F5X), Industrial Chemistry (F6X) and Chemical safety and toxicological environmental science: all degree courses require prior authorization.


Enrolment on single courses is open from 15 July 2024, notwithstanding the exceptions for courses that require prior authorization (see box above).

Those who enrol on more than one single course need to submit only one application for enrolment each academic year, which cannot be modified or updated.

The application for enrolment must always be submitted in time for the student to access the teaching materials useful for studying and preparing for exams made available by the teachers on the e-learning platform Ariel. After the online enrolment, the application is verified and confirmed by the student registrar within the following 10 working days. Prior said validation, it’s not possible to access Ariel and register for exams.

Students must sit the final exams by the end of February of the year subsequent to the academic year of enrolment (example: students who enrolled in 2024/25 must sit the exams by February 2026).

How to enrol

Enrolment on single courses at the University of Milan is completed online. Before starting the enrolment procedure, choose in the Degree programme courses list which courses you would like to enrol on and prepare a picture of yourself and a scanned copy of your identity document (JPG, PNG, BMP format).

  1. Log in with your credentials to the online service of Enrolment on single courses;
  2. Fill the online form with your data and qualifications;
  3. Select faculty and degree programme and choose the course;
  4. Confirm your application;
  5. Download the receipt of enrolment and pay the appropriate fee using the online payment services.

Enrolment on single courses doesn't envisage the release of the badge Carta La Statale.

It is not possible to enrol in courses that are not present in the list contained in the online service Enrolment on single courses.

You can find all the information (university ID number, credentials etc.) required to attend the single courses of your choice in the enrolment receipt.


The registration fee for single courses, including the accident insurance fee and € 16 stamp duty, is:

  • € 180 for the first single course;
  • € 126 for any other single courses.

Tax exemptions

You will be waived from the enrolment fee and will only pay the € 16 stamp duty if you are:

  • a foreign student enrolled in a university with which we have a mobility agreement or programme in place;
  • the recipient of a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • a student with a handicap (pursuant to art. 3(1) Law 104/1992) or a disability equal to or greater than 66%.

In order to obtain the waiver, please contact the Student Registrar through the InformaStudenti service before completing your enrolment.


The InformaStudenti service is available for information or help