Spanish Culture I

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to explore some of the phenomena at the centre of the social and cultural debate in contemporary Spain, from the so-called Transition to nowadays, with a multidisciplinary approach (literary works, films, television programmes, plays, other media, etc.) focussed on the plurality of cultures present in Spain.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to describe some of the main phenomena at the heart of the social debate in contemporary Spain, to illustrate properly how these issues appear in real contexts such as literary works, movies, television programmes, plays, media, etc., and to analyse critically and autonomously the content of the works and essays proposed.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course, entitled "La identidad cultural de la España democrática y la memoria postotalitaria europea", is divided into two parts. In the first (module A), we will focus on specific aspects of the political management of Spanish historical memory in relation to the period following the democratic transition process. In particular, emphasis will be placed on the moral and ideological debate concerning the international dimension of the Spanish Civil War as well as on the points of connection with the idea of a global postotalitarian culture forged as a consequence of the Second World War. These topics will be analysed through the study of a number of significant plays, films and graphic novels. In accordance with this type of theoretical framework, the second part (module B), will focus on the testimonial production of Spanish republicans in the Nazi concentration camps: also in this case, a reflection will be led on literary and cinematographic works that are to be considered exemplary.
Prerequisites for admission
The course, held entirely in Spanish, is reserved for students who have completed their three-year degree and who have already achieved good language skills and an overview of 20th century Spanish history and culture.
Teaching methods
The following teaching methods will be adopted: lectures; PowerPoint materials; reading and commentary on excerpts from the study corpus; analysis of fragments of film screenings; collaborative activities with students: classroom reflection and discussion on the topics covered in the course.
Teaching Resources
Reference material for attendees and non-attendees:

Module A:

Lecture notes and materials provided by the lecturer and made available on MyAriel.
Play by José Sanchis Sinisterra, "¡Ay, Carmela!" (1986) (text available on MyAriel).
Film version by Carlos Saura, "¡Ay, Carmela!" (1990) (link available on MyAriel).
Documentary by José Luis López and Javier Rioyo, "Extranjeros de sí mismos" (2001) (link available on MyAriel).
Graphic novel by Paco Roca, "Los surcos del azar" (2013) (available edition: Atisberri Ediciones, 2024).

Module B:

Lecture notes and materials provided by the lecturer and made available on MyAriel.
Work of testimonial literature by Neus Català, "De la resistencia y de la deportación" (1984) (text available on MyAriel).
Work of testimonial literature by Jorge Semprún, 'La escritura o la vida' (1994) (text available on MyAriel).

Further bibliographical support and critical materials will later be indicated by the lecturer and made available on MyAriel.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final examination will consist of an oral test and will be aimed at ascertaining the ability to describe the social, cultural and political phenomena addressed during the course, to be able to contextualise them historically and to explain how these issues are elaborated in the study corpus. The abilities to analyse the materials with a critical perspective and independently, to express with terminological precision and using an appropriate register will be assessed.

The test will be held in Spanish and the grade will be expressed in thirtieths. The student has the option of refusing it.

Examination arrangements for students with disabilities and/or DSA will have to be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the relevant department.
L-LIN/05 - SPANISH LITERATURE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Biffi Gaia
Educational website(s)