German Specialised Translation
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide:
- skills in specialiazed translation (German - Italian);
- translation skills in 'Leichte Sprache' and 'Einfache Sprache' (German).
- skills in specialiazed translation (German - Italian);
- translation skills in 'Leichte Sprache' and 'Einfache Sprache' (German).
Expected learning outcomes
- Understand specialised texts in German (working areas: economic-business, legal).
- Produce an adequate translation into Italian (interlingual translation).
- Translate a text in "Leichte Sprache" and in "Einfache Sprache" (intralingual translation).
- Produce an adequate translation into Italian (interlingual translation).
- Translate a text in "Leichte Sprache" and in "Einfache Sprache" (intralingual translation).
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course offers:
1. an introduction to specialized translation (German-Italian) at both theoretical and application level:
- on a theoretical level, the main aspects of specialized translation will be analysed: the characteristics of texts belonging to the business and legal fields, the production of translation, translation quality;
- at the application level, we analyse texts translated from German into Italian. In addition, we translate German texts mainly concerning business and legal topics.
2. an introduction to intralinguistic translation (German) with a focus on the variety of 'Easy Language' ('Leichte Sprache').
1. an introduction to specialized translation (German-Italian) at both theoretical and application level:
- on a theoretical level, the main aspects of specialized translation will be analysed: the characteristics of texts belonging to the business and legal fields, the production of translation, translation quality;
- at the application level, we analyse texts translated from German into Italian. In addition, we translate German texts mainly concerning business and legal topics.
2. an introduction to intralinguistic translation (German) with a focus on the variety of 'Easy Language' ('Leichte Sprache').
Prerequisites for admission
- C1 (German)
- C2 (Italian)
- Word processing softwares
- C2 (Italian)
- Word processing softwares
Teaching methods
Lectures with the use of multimedia supports
Teaching Resources
1. Crestani, Valentina (2022): Die periphere Übersetzung Deutsch-Italienisch. Audiovisuell und Leicht. FrancoAngeli (chapter 4 "Übersetzung und Leichte Sprache")
2. Scarpa, Federica (2008): La traduzione specializzata. Hoepli (chapter 4 "La produzione della traduzione"; chapter 5 "La qualità traduttiva").
4. Slides and exercises available on Moodle (Traduzione specialistica Lingua Tedesca (a.a. 2024-25)
2. Scarpa, Federica (2008): La traduzione specializzata. Hoepli (chapter 4 "La produzione della traduzione"; chapter 5 "La qualità traduttiva").
4. Slides and exercises available on Moodle (Traduzione specialistica Lingua Tedesca (a.a. 2024-25)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Intermediate written (or computer-based) test or official written (or computer-based) exam:
1. Translation of a short German text (150-170 words) into "Leichte Sprache" and writing of a brief translation commentary in Italian.
2. Translation of a legal text (of about 250 words) from German into Italian and writing of a short translation commentary in Italian.
1. Translation of a short German text (150-170 words) into "Leichte Sprache" and writing of a brief translation commentary in Italian.
2. Translation of a legal text (of about 250 words) from German into Italian and writing of a short translation commentary in Italian.
L-LIN/14 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - GERMAN - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Educational website(s)