Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries I

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the critical tools that allow them to deepen their knowledge of the different socio-cultural dynamics of Latin American modernity. The use of the various textual and audiovisual materials should foster critical thinking, while stimulating the delineation of autonomous research processes.
Expected learning outcomes
Consolidation of knowledge of multiple cultural aspects - literature, visual art, music - featuring the contemporary Latin America scene. The application of the theory and practice of Cultural Studies in socio-historical and linguistic contexts, allows to develop an autonomous research paths in specific aspects of the Hispanic modernity.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
"Latin America: contexts, social movements and contemporary cultural objects."
This interdisciplinary course brings together different categories in order to reflect upon Latin America. It also addresses the colonial substrate that has determined relations of power, exploitation, discrimination and constructions of otherness. To this end, it seeks to relate these categories to 21st-century cultural objects that reflect social, cultural and historical contexts. Different text types will be analyzed: chronicle, essay, novel, short story and film. The goal is to provide tools for the interpretation of Spanish American cultures in close relation to their past and their 'situated' enunciation.
The program is as follows:
1. Approaching Latin America: basic concepts and categories (coloniality of power and knowledge, decoloniality, 'gore capitalism', 'necroescrituras', 'pedagogías de la crueldad', acts of resistance)
2. Narrating migration: novel Los documentados (2005) by Yolanda Arroyo; essay Los niños perdidos (2016) by Valeria Luiselli.
3. Communitarian feminism in Bolivia and Guatemala: Julieta Paredes, María Galindo, Lorena Cabnal. The counterpoint: María Lugones and Aura Cumes.
4. Narrating gender violence: essay "Los noriginales: desedimentar un feminicidio" (in Escrituras geológicas, 2022) by Cristina Rivera Garza; novel Tomar tu mano (2021) by Claudia Hernández.
5. Prolonged exploitation: seamstress worker: novel Advertencias de uso para una máquina de coser (2017) by Eugenia Prado Bassi; domestic worker: films La nana (Chile, 2009) and La llorona (Guatemala, 2020); call center: short story "Por motivos de control de calidad" (in Sustancia de higado, 2023) by Michelle Recinos.
6. Revisiting Argentina's dictatorial past: film Argentina, 1985 (2022); chronicle La llamada. Un retrato (2024) by Leila Guerriero.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have adequate command of oral and written Spanish and awareness of its American variants. They must also have a competent knowledge of the complex Latin American reality and of some historical and cultural turning points. The course will be conducted in Spanish.
Teaching methods
The lessons will take the form of a seminar-workshop. In each session, the topic will be contextualized using different cultural objects and text analysis methods. Student participation will be encouraged in each session to promote exchange, discussion and debate. This will be done through group comments in the classroom, which will then be presented orally.
Teaching Resources
Alfaro, Raquel. "Mujeres Creando Comunidad: Feminización de la comunidad". Bolivian Studies / Revista de Estudios Bolivianos 15-17 (2008-2010), pp. 211-236.

Arroyo, Yolanda. Los documentados. Puerto Rico: Publicaciones Boreales, [2005] 2017.

Cabnal, Lorena. "Acercamiento a la construcción de la propuesta de pensamiento epistémico de las mujeres indígenas feministas comunitarias de Abya Yala". Feminismos diversos: el feminismo comunitario. ACSUR-Las Segovias, 2010.

Cumes, Aura. "Mujeres indígenas, patriarcado y colonialismo: un desafío a la segregación comprensiva de las formas de dominio". Anuario de Hojas de Warmi 17 (2012), pp. 1-16.

Cumes, Aura. "Patriarcado, dominación colonial y epistemologías mayas", MACBA, 2019.

Curiel, Ochy y Falconí, Diego. Feminismos decoloniales y transformación social. Barcelona: Icaria, 2021.

Curiel, Ochy. "Construyendo metodologías feministas desde el feminismo decolonial". Otras formas de (re)conocer. Reflexiones, herramientas y aplicaciones desde la investigación feminista (Eds. Irantzu Mendia Azkue Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, 2015, pp. 45-60.

Gil, Yásnaya Elena A. y Aura Cumes. "Entrevista con Aura Cumes: la dualidad complementaria y el Popol vuj". Revista de la Universidad de México (abril 2021).

Guerriero, Leila. La llamada. Un retrato. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2024.

Hernández, Claudia. Tomar tu mano. Barbarie Editora

Lugones, María. "Colonialidad y género". Tabula Rasa 9 (julio-diciembre. 2008), pp. 73-101.

Luiselli, Valeria. Los niños perdidos. Madird: Sexto Piso, 2016

Mujeres Creando,

Prado Bassi, Eugenia. Advertencias de uso para una máquina de coser. Santiago de Chile, Palabra Editorial, 2017.

Quijano, Aníbal. "Colonialidad del poder, eurocentrismo y América Latina". Cuestiones y horizontes: de la dependencia histórico-estructural a la colonialidad/descolonialidad del poder. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2014, pp. 777-832.

Recinos, Michelle. Sustancia de hígado. Madrid: altamarea ediciones, 2023.

Rivera Garza, Cristina. "Introducción", "Los noriginales: desedimentar un feminicidio". Escrituras geológicas. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2022, pp. 9-18, 179-187.

Rivera Garza, Cristina. Los muertos indóciles. Necroescrituras y desapropiación. Ciudad de México: Penguin Random House, 2019.

Segato, Rita. Contra-pedagogías de la crueldad. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2018.

Segato, Rita. La guerra contra las mujeres. Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños, 2016.

Valencia, Sayak. Capitalismo gore: control económico, violencia y narcopoder. Ciudad de México: Paidós, 2016.

Riferimenti complementari

Espinosa Miñoso, Yuderkys. De por qué es necesario un feminismo decolonial. Barcelona: Icaria, 2022.

Gall, Olivia. "Racismos y xenofobias mexicanos frente a los migrantes: 1910-2018". REMHU 26(53) (agosto 2018): 115-134:

Oyhantcabal, Laura-Mercedes. "Los aportes de los feminismos decolonial y latinoamericano". ANDULI. Revista Andaluza De Ciencias Sociales 20 (2021), pp. 97-115.

Restrepo, Eduardo. "Cuerpos racializados". Revista Javeriana 146.770 (2010), pp. 16-23.

Ugarte Undurraga, María Francisca. Trabajo doméstico, colonialismo y representaciones, cuando cuestionar no es suficiente: trabajadores domésticos poderosos en el cine latinoamericano contemporáneo. Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 2017.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an individual interview - about 20 minutes - in Spanish, which includes questions asked by the teacher, interactions between teacher and student, and the analysis and commentary of the works in the program. The interview aims to verify the knowledge of the topics covered in class in relation to the texts and their contexts. The exam will evaluate the student's ability to analyze the socio-cultural aspects represented in the texts, oral skills, precision in the use of specific terminology, and critical and personal reflection on the proposed themes. The final grade is expressed out of thirty, and the student has the right to refuse it (in this case it will be recorded as "withdrawn").
Lessons: 40 hours
Professors: PaviÉ Santana Fernanda HaydeÉ, Pleitez Vela Tania Raquel