Chinese Specialised Translation

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide some tools for understanding and engaging in the translation process in the literary context, from Chinese to Italian. The first part of the course will focus on an essential theoretical framework: concepts, theories, and approaches related to translation activities from contemporary translation studies will be introduced, along with the main challenges associated with translating from Chinese. Subsequently, significant emphasis will be placed on practical translation work. By dealing with various genres and types of texts, the class will be systematically encouraged to work cooperatively to identify and apply suitable translation strategies in response to specific case studies and to engage in dialogue to discuss translation issues. Finally, the class will be given an insight into other kinds of specialized translation.
The constant interaction with the class will give the students the chance to enhance their critical thinking and their ability to communicate within a formal framework.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be familiar with the specific challenges associated with translating specialized texts from Chinese to Italian, will be able to adopt effective strategies to render a Chinese text, and contextualize them using adequate concepts and terminology. The course therefore also aims to stimulate critical, communicative, and practical skills to enable students to approach translation exercises consciously in a professional context.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course consists of 40 hours of frontal teaching (20 lectures, 6 credits), divided into the following core areas:
1. Introduction to theoretical foundations of translation: variations, approaches, and methods.
2. Literary translation from Chinese: practices and strategies in context.
3. Specialized translation.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the grammatical and syntactical structures of contemporary Chinese. Proficiency in Italian.
Teaching methods
The lectures, as well as face-to-face, will also be interactive, with the presentation by students and the classroom discussion of translation exercises on assigned texts, both in groups and individually.

Participation in activities and events is considered an integral part of the study program. News and updates on events, teaching and materials will be available on the ARIEL platform.
Teaching Resources
For students attending the course:
1. Materials provided during classes, which will be promptly made available on the ARIEL platform.
2. Conferences with experts which will be offered during the course.
3. Pesaro, Nicoletta, a cura di. La traduzione del cinese. Riflessioni, strategie e tipologie testuali. Milano: Hoepli, 2023.

For students not attending the course:
1) Pesaro, Nicoletta, a cura di. La traduzione del cinese. Riflessioni, strategie e tipologie testuali. Milano: Hoepli, 2023.
2) Pozzi, Silvia. Il carattere e la lettera. Tradurre dal cinese all'italiano. Milano: Hoepli, 2022.
3) Berman, Antoine. La traduction et la lettre ou l'auberge du lointain. Paris: Seuil, 1999. Ed. It: La lettera e la traduzione, o l'albergo nella lontananza. Macerata: Quodlibet, 2003.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral test in which the student will undergo a translation exercise from Chinese into Italian, relevant to the course contents. Space will be given to the ability to contextualize and critically argue translation choices.
Active participation in the course, the drafting of group work, the exhibition of works on the issues addressed will also be evaluated.
Lessons: 40 hours