Francophone Cultures I

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Through a transdisciplinary approach, the course aims to give the students an extensive knowledge of the cultural practices in the main French-speaking areas. To this purpose, various media (literary texts, critical texts, images, videos) will be used to understand the cultural and transcultural dynamics set up in those areas.
Expected learning outcomes
The ability, through specific critical tools, to understand, analyse and compare different cultural phenomena, sociological dynamics of relationship, intercultural and transcultural connections. More specifically, the student should get a wider vision of the multiple diversity of contemporary society and develop possible answers to the issues that will arise during this socio-cultural research.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Title: "From immigration to globalisation: the French-speaking presence in Paris between the 19th and 21st centuries (Africa, the Mediterranean, the Americas, Asia)" Through the study of places, symbols and images of the French capital (taken from documentaries, but also from fiction, cinema, advertising, the media and the visual arts), we will analyse the cultural presence and social impact of Africa, the Mediterranean countries, America and French-speaking Asia in Paris between the end of the 19th century and today. Such a study will allow us to observe, from time to time, the clash, ambiguity and exchange between different cultures that found themselves living together. The course will pay particular attention to current affairs, also from a comparative perspective with the Italian situation. Since visual materials and documentaries will be offered during the course, regular attendance is absolutely necessary for those who wish to take the exam as attending students. Attending students (and only them) may agree with the lecturer on a programme suited to their specific interests.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the French language is mandatory. A general knowledge of French history and the ability to grasp specific cultural themes and motifs through critical analysis tools is required.
Teaching methods
The course will not only be face-to-face but will also have a seminar-style interaction with learners.
Teaching Resources
Part 1 Universal Expositions, Modernism, Imperial Culture (1867-1960) Text: - Some articles from P. Blanchard, S. Lemaire, Culture coloniale. La France conquise par son Empire (1871-1931), Editions Autrement, coll. " Mémoires " no. 86, 2003 and from P. Blanchard, S. Lemaire, Culture impériale (1931-19610). Les colonies au cœur de la République, Editions Autrement, coll. " Mémoires " no. 102, 2004 (available in PDF on the Ariel Platform from October)
Part 2: Immigrations, banlieues and diasporic cultures (1960-XXI century): Maghrebi, African, Antilles and Asian communities in Paris Texts: - P. Blanchard, N. Bancel, De l'indigène à l'immigré, Paris, Gallimard, coll. "Découverte/Histoire", 1999
- Amin Maalouf, Le dérèglement du monde : Quand nos civilisations s'épuisent, Paris, Le Livre de Poche. 2010 Students are required to attend the course regularly and keep up-to-date on everything related to it (lecturer's reception, supplementary materials, etc.) by consulting la Piattaforma Ariel
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination will be oral, in French, and consists of an interview to test the skills and knowledge acquired.
L-LIN/03 - FRENCH LITERATURE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Riva Silvia
Professor: Riva Silvia