German I
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Starting from the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, students will be expected to consolidate their receptive and productive skills in German and further develop their capacity for metalinguistic reflection, also from a contrastive perspective. In particular, in accordance with the Degree objectives, systematic treatment will be given, from both a theoretical and applied perspective, to lexical (also phraseological) knowledge and discursive skills, concerning specialist language as well. The course is annual and covers two semesters.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire the ability to use German structures of high lexical and morphosyntactic complexity (also from a contrastive and cognitive point of view) and to analyse the different types of (also specialized) text, corresponding to the level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Students will also deepen their knowledge in the field of phraseology and will be able to recognize in the lexicon cognitive phenomena such as metaphor and metonymy. The acquired skills will facilitate students in the written and oral production, giving them fluency, awareness and security in exposure.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Unit 1: Phraseology
Phraseology studies e.g. sayings, phrases, different types of formulas, and idiomatic expressions of a given language. The common thread of the course will be the recognition and classification of the phraseological units of German. After a brief description of the various types of phraseologisms we will focus on the analysis of metaphor (and metonymy) in idiomatic expressions in different textual genres and in different specialist languages, especially political, economic and advertising.
Unit 2: The language of advertising
In this form we will deal with the advertising language of German in all its forms, in particular the commercials. Particular emphasis will be given to the contrast analysis of the German and Italian "Webesprache". After a theoretical introduction the students will have to analyze, using the theoretical tools acquired, the various materials they have collected themselves.
Unit 3: Specialized Languages
The course is intended to be a deepening and broadening of the knowledge acquired on the specialist languages (Fachsprachen) of German. We will deal with "Fachsprachen" in the fields of tourism, economics, sport and art history. Special emphasis will also be placed on the so-called "leichte Sprache".
Phraseology studies e.g. sayings, phrases, different types of formulas, and idiomatic expressions of a given language. The common thread of the course will be the recognition and classification of the phraseological units of German. After a brief description of the various types of phraseologisms we will focus on the analysis of metaphor (and metonymy) in idiomatic expressions in different textual genres and in different specialist languages, especially political, economic and advertising.
Unit 2: The language of advertising
In this form we will deal with the advertising language of German in all its forms, in particular the commercials. Particular emphasis will be given to the contrast analysis of the German and Italian "Webesprache". After a theoretical introduction the students will have to analyze, using the theoretical tools acquired, the various materials they have collected themselves.
Unit 3: Specialized Languages
The course is intended to be a deepening and broadening of the knowledge acquired on the specialist languages (Fachsprachen) of German. We will deal with "Fachsprachen" in the fields of tourism, economics, sport and art history. Special emphasis will also be placed on the so-called "leichte Sprache".
Prerequisites for admission
Receptive and productive German language skills at B2 level (Common Framework of Reference for Languages). Basic metalinguistic knowledge.
Teaching methods
The official modules include both lectures and seminars with the active participation of students (through presentations and/or discussions of group work previously carried out). The official modules are accompanied by language exercises with native speakers (esercitazioni). Attendance at the courses, although not compulsory, is strongly recommended. At the end of each semester, for the "esercitazioni", and of each module, for the official courses, there will be tests in place of the official oral and written exams.
The language of instruction is German.
For units 1 and 2 the teaching uses e-learning tools on Moodle which will be supportive during the learning phase and which contain models of the final test.
The language of instruction is German.
For units 1 and 2 the teaching uses e-learning tools on Moodle which will be supportive during the learning phase and which contain models of the final test.
Teaching Resources
The preparation for the written grammar exam will be done using the following text:
Jin, Friederike; Voß, Ute (2020 ): Grammatik aktiv · Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1. Ausgabe · B2/C1 Verstehen, Üben, Sprechen Übungsgrammatik. Cornelsen.
For composition test material see Ariel
Didactic Unit 1: Phraseology
Benigni, Valentina/Cotta Ramusino, Paola M./Mollica, Fabio/Schafroth, Elmar (2015):"How to apply CxG to phraseology: a multilingual research project". In: Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 11/3, 275-288.
Burger, Harald (2015): Phraseologie - Eine Einführung am Beispiel des Deutschen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt.
Dobrovol'skij Dmitrij/ Piirainen (2010): "Cognitive Theory of metaphor and idioms analysis". Jezikoslovlie, 7-35.
Gläser, Rosemarie (2008):"Fachphraseologie" In Burger harald et al. (Hrsg.):Phraseologie: ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung, Volume 1. Berlin: De Gruyter, 482-505.
Konecny, Christine (2011): "Divergenze e convergenze in collocazioni lessicali italiane e tedesche". In: Lavric, Eva; Pöckl, Wolfgang; Schallhart, Florian (a cura di): Comparatio delectat. Akten der VI. Internationalen Arbeitstagung zum romanisch-deutschen und innerromanischen Sprachvergleich, Innsbruck, 3.-5. September 2008. Teil 1 und 2. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 295-309.
Slides and exercises published on Ariel
Didactic Unit 2: The language of advertising
Janich, Nina (2013): Werbesprache. Ein Arbeitsbuch. 6. Auflage. Narr: Tübingen. (capitoli scelti)
Teaching Unit 3: Specialist Languages
Fluck, Hans-Rüdiger (1996): Fachsprachen. Einführung und Bibliographie. Stugggart: UTB
Kontutyt, Eglė (2017): Einführung in die Fachsprachenlinguistik. Vilniaus: Vilniaus universitetas
Leichte Sprache. Ein Ratgeber:
Roelcke, Thorsten (2010): Fachsprachen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.
Material published on Moodle,
Jin, Friederike; Voß, Ute (2020 ): Grammatik aktiv · Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1. Ausgabe · B2/C1 Verstehen, Üben, Sprechen Übungsgrammatik. Cornelsen.
For composition test material see Ariel
Didactic Unit 1: Phraseology
Benigni, Valentina/Cotta Ramusino, Paola M./Mollica, Fabio/Schafroth, Elmar (2015):"How to apply CxG to phraseology: a multilingual research project". In: Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 11/3, 275-288.
Burger, Harald (2015): Phraseologie - Eine Einführung am Beispiel des Deutschen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt.
Dobrovol'skij Dmitrij/ Piirainen (2010): "Cognitive Theory of metaphor and idioms analysis". Jezikoslovlie, 7-35.
Gläser, Rosemarie (2008):"Fachphraseologie" In Burger harald et al. (Hrsg.):Phraseologie: ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung, Volume 1. Berlin: De Gruyter, 482-505.
Konecny, Christine (2011): "Divergenze e convergenze in collocazioni lessicali italiane e tedesche". In: Lavric, Eva; Pöckl, Wolfgang; Schallhart, Florian (a cura di): Comparatio delectat. Akten der VI. Internationalen Arbeitstagung zum romanisch-deutschen und innerromanischen Sprachvergleich, Innsbruck, 3.-5. September 2008. Teil 1 und 2. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 295-309.
Slides and exercises published on Ariel
Didactic Unit 2: The language of advertising
Janich, Nina (2013): Werbesprache. Ein Arbeitsbuch. 6. Auflage. Narr: Tübingen. (capitoli scelti)
Teaching Unit 3: Specialist Languages
Fluck, Hans-Rüdiger (1996): Fachsprachen. Einführung und Bibliographie. Stugggart: UTB
Kontutyt, Eglė (2017): Einführung in die Fachsprachenlinguistik. Vilniaus: Vilniaus universitetas
Leichte Sprache. Ein Ratgeber:
Roelcke, Thorsten (2010): Fachsprachen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.
Material published on Moodle,
Assessment methods and Criteria
The achievement of the expected results will be verified through a written and an oral examination.
Written examination: It is divided into two parts. In the first part students will have to carry out grammar and vocabulary exercises (filling in, reformulation and multiple response) following the model of those proposed during the exercises (25 minutes). The use of mono- and bilingual dictionaries is not allowed for this test.
In the second part the students will have to write a composition (about 250 words) on a topic dealt with during the course (advertising, literature, technique, economics, tourism and job application). The type of text required will follow the models of those practised in class (e.g. the writing of a cover letter, the creation of an advertisement, the description of a graphic or a technological object). The choice of topic is at the discretion of the professor. The time required for composition is 80 minutes and the use of mono- and bilingual dictionaries is allowed. Preparation for the written exam will take place during tutorial hours, attendance of which, while not mandatory, is strongly recommended.
Students will be given the opportunity to take two end-of-course tests instead of the official written exam.
The examinations of the three official modules may be taken during the official oral exams in the manner described herein. The oral exam includes an analysis of the subjects dealt with in teaching units 1, 2 and 3. Students must be able to answer questions of a theoretical and practical nature and recognize and comment (on material provided by the teacher during the exam) on the phenomena studied. For the unit about Phraseology the test is computerised, with closed questions of a theoretical and practical nature (duration: 25 minutes per unit). The course on the language of advertising involves the description of a commercial in German (time 30 minutes). For the module on specialised languages, students should be able to answer (open and closed) questions of a theoretical and practical nature (time 40 minutes). The questions are formulated in German.
At the end of each course, students (attending or not) will be given the opportunity to take (as an alternative to the oral exam) an end-of-module test.
Attendance is intended as active participation in the lessons and includes activities such as: reading at home the bibliography recommended by the teacher for each lesson, carrying out exercises, preparing any oral and/or written presentations, etc..
In order to be able to participate in the parts of the official modules and tutorials, it is necessary to complete 85% of the activities for each Moodle course.
The oral exam can be taken after passing the written test. If no exams have been taken at the end of the module, the marks for the oral exams are valid only on the day the exam was taken and cannot be "kept" for subsequent sessions.
The final grade for "German Language I" is made up as follows: average of the marks for the three official modules (provided that all marks are sufficient - at least 18/30) - to which the marks for the Exercises are added if necessary.
In the case of the Exercises, the assessment will be by the following grades: insufficient, sufficient, good, excellent. The grade obtained will affect the final grade.
The grades for the written test, the partials as well as the individual programs are valid within the three sessions for the academic year 20243-2025
At the beginning of the semester an intensive grammar course will be offered, in which the participation of all first year students is recommended (for more information see Ariel towards mid/end of September).
Written examination: It is divided into two parts. In the first part students will have to carry out grammar and vocabulary exercises (filling in, reformulation and multiple response) following the model of those proposed during the exercises (25 minutes). The use of mono- and bilingual dictionaries is not allowed for this test.
In the second part the students will have to write a composition (about 250 words) on a topic dealt with during the course (advertising, literature, technique, economics, tourism and job application). The type of text required will follow the models of those practised in class (e.g. the writing of a cover letter, the creation of an advertisement, the description of a graphic or a technological object). The choice of topic is at the discretion of the professor. The time required for composition is 80 minutes and the use of mono- and bilingual dictionaries is allowed. Preparation for the written exam will take place during tutorial hours, attendance of which, while not mandatory, is strongly recommended.
Students will be given the opportunity to take two end-of-course tests instead of the official written exam.
The examinations of the three official modules may be taken during the official oral exams in the manner described herein. The oral exam includes an analysis of the subjects dealt with in teaching units 1, 2 and 3. Students must be able to answer questions of a theoretical and practical nature and recognize and comment (on material provided by the teacher during the exam) on the phenomena studied. For the unit about Phraseology the test is computerised, with closed questions of a theoretical and practical nature (duration: 25 minutes per unit). The course on the language of advertising involves the description of a commercial in German (time 30 minutes). For the module on specialised languages, students should be able to answer (open and closed) questions of a theoretical and practical nature (time 40 minutes). The questions are formulated in German.
At the end of each course, students (attending or not) will be given the opportunity to take (as an alternative to the oral exam) an end-of-module test.
Attendance is intended as active participation in the lessons and includes activities such as: reading at home the bibliography recommended by the teacher for each lesson, carrying out exercises, preparing any oral and/or written presentations, etc..
In order to be able to participate in the parts of the official modules and tutorials, it is necessary to complete 85% of the activities for each Moodle course.
The oral exam can be taken after passing the written test. If no exams have been taken at the end of the module, the marks for the oral exams are valid only on the day the exam was taken and cannot be "kept" for subsequent sessions.
The final grade for "German Language I" is made up as follows: average of the marks for the three official modules (provided that all marks are sufficient - at least 18/30) - to which the marks for the Exercises are added if necessary.
In the case of the Exercises, the assessment will be by the following grades: insufficient, sufficient, good, excellent. The grade obtained will affect the final grade.
The grades for the written test, the partials as well as the individual programs are valid within the three sessions for the academic year 20243-2025
At the beginning of the semester an intensive grammar course will be offered, in which the participation of all first year students is recommended (for more information see Ariel towards mid/end of September).
L-LIN/14 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - GERMAN - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Arendt Christine, Mollica Fabio
Educational website(s)
Piazza Indro Montanelli -Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature, Culture e Mediazioni- V piano - studio 5012