Cultural Anthropology (advanced)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with a solid knowledge of the basic concepts, theoretical frameworks and methodological instruments of Cultural Anthropology.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the study path, the graduate: a) has a thoroughly adequate knowledge of the theories and themes dealt with in anthropological domain, and can identify and discuss its crucial points; b) understands the vocabulary and the arguments that can be found in anthropological fields of reflection concerning culture, worldviews, cultural diversity; c) has proficient knowledge of the bibliographic resources and methodological tools characterising Cultural Anthropology.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course introduces students to main theories and research methods in Social Anthropology, with special reference to ethnographic fieldwork and analysis of cultural dimension. In its focus on the details of everyday activities across a number of communities, it is meant to provide a bridge between social anthropology and ethnography through the introduction of concepts and analytical techniques that privilege observation, participation, recording and transcription of spontaneous interaction. Topics include theory and practices of ethnography (part 1); memory, time, travel and mobility (part 2); imagination, the power of communication, agency and aspiration with a special focus on the impacts of social media diffusion in contemporary societies (part 3).
Prerequisites for admission
The course is in Italian; materials and bibliography for the examination require a basic knowledge of cultural anthropology and some basic skill in reading english texts.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures, in-depth seminars, debates and exercises.
Teaching Resources
1. Papers presented in classroom.
2. Matera V. & Biscaldi A., 2021, Eds., Ethnography. A theoretically Oriented Practice. Palgrave - Macmillan.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination. The examination consists of an oral test. Students are required to prepare the entire program. Students who prepared just a part of the program will not be admitted to the examination.

The test requires the full knowledge of the texts in the program and consists of an evaluation of the student's critical and argumentative capacity. Results will be: insufficient in case of a lack of expressive ability, as well as a lack of or incorrect critical analysis of the texts; sufficient in case of correct expression, possession of a basic knowledge and understanding of the specific lines of research and analysis of linguistic anthropology; good in case of expressive ability and knowledge of the texts; very good in case of excellent expressive and critical ability, together with in-depth knowledge of the texts.

Students who would like further clarifications may contact the professor by e-mail and/or request a meeting. The teacher will also be available to answer students' questions at the beginning and end of each lesson.
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Matera Vincenzo
Professor: Matera Vincenzo