Chinese Culture I
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course offers a reflection on the specificities of contemporary Sinophone culture, both within and beyond the geopolitical borders of the People's Republic of China. Starting from the notions of "center" and "periphery," articulated in political, social, and aesthetic dimensions, a critical exploration of the diverse identity issues within the Sinophone universe will be unfolded. The course will adopt the perspective of Sinophone literary and cinematic productions to probe into some of the core themes of contemporary society, such as gender identity, situated at the margins of Chinese cultural hegemony. The intention is to provide the class with an overview of the complexity and polyphony of certain current cultural phenomena, as well as the conflicts with hierarchical structures of dominant discourse.
One of the primary objectives of the course is to stimulate critical, communicative, and research skills, including group work and discussions on selected topics.
One of the primary objectives of the course is to stimulate critical, communicative, and research skills, including group work and discussions on selected topics.
Expected learning outcomes
Attending the course, the class will have the opportunity to exercise their learning abilities by examining complex texts, including those in the Chinese language, and enhance their communication skills through presentations and public discussions of written works and multimedia materials. The formation of critical thinking will be encouraged through discussions, debates, and the organization of conferences and meetings with guest speakers. By the end of the course, the class will:
- Have gained familiarity with the concept of "Sinophone" and its manifestations in the framework of the contemporary cultural context, within the field of Sinophone Studies.
- Have developed a critical awareness of some of the historical and cultural issues occurring within the contemporary Sinophone world.
- Be able to articulate a conceptually and terminologically competent critical discourse on the main themes of contemporary Chinese culture covered during the course.
- Be capable of assessing their reflection within the context of literary and aesthetic production.
- Have gained familiarity with the concept of "Sinophone" and its manifestations in the framework of the contemporary cultural context, within the field of Sinophone Studies.
- Have developed a critical awareness of some of the historical and cultural issues occurring within the contemporary Sinophone world.
- Be able to articulate a conceptually and terminologically competent critical discourse on the main themes of contemporary Chinese culture covered during the course.
- Be capable of assessing their reflection within the context of literary and aesthetic production.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course consists of 20 lectures (40 hours, 6 credits) over one semester, and it will be divided into two sections.
The first one is related to the Chinese media context, divided into two topics
- the media in China and their role in relation to politics and society
- the media in China and the language
The second section focuses on the keyword Tianxia (Under the sky), which highlight the use of concepts from traditional Chinese culture in the reflection on the contemporary world
The first one is related to the Chinese media context, divided into two topics
- the media in China and their role in relation to politics and society
- the media in China and the language
The second section focuses on the keyword Tianxia (Under the sky), which highlight the use of concepts from traditional Chinese culture in the reflection on the contemporary world
Prerequisites for admission
Students are expected to possess a solid understanding of the cultural history of the People's Republic of China.
Teaching methods
Lectures (in Italian) and hosted seminars. During class, students are strongly invited to engage in active discussions with the instructor and classmates on relevant topics.
Participation in activities and events is strongly recommended. News and updates on events and teaching materials will be available on ARIEL.
Participation in activities and events is strongly recommended. News and updates on events and teaching materials will be available on ARIEL.
Teaching Resources
Bibliography for students who will attend the course:
1. B. Mottura, L. Osti, G. Riboni (eds.)(2017) Media & Politics. Discourses, Cultures, and Practices, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781527500228. (una selezione di contributi)
2. H. de Burgh, E. Lupano, B. Mottura (2018) "Emerging Chinese Theory and Practice of Media", Languages Cultures Mediations vol.5 n.2 [Emerging Chinese Theory and Practice of Media]. ISSN 2421-0293 (una selezione di contributi, in open access)
3. A.M. González Luna, K. Grego, G. Mapelli, B. Mottura (2022) "Parole, poteri e pandemie", Altre modernità vol.28 [Parole, poteri e pandemie]. ISSN 2035-7680. (una selezione di contributi, in open access)
4. Zhao T., Sotto il cielo. Tianxia, Ubaldini editore, Roma, 2024.
Bibliography for students who will not be able to attend the course:
1. B. Mottura, L. Osti, G. Riboni (eds.)(2017) Media & Politics. Discourses, Cultures, and Practices, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781527500228. (una selezione di contributi)
2. H. de Burgh, E. Lupano, B. Mottura (2018) "Emerging Chinese Theory and Practice of Media", Languages Cultures Mediations vol.5 n.2 [Emerging Chinese Theory and Practice of Media]. ISSN 2421-0293 (una selezione di contributi, in open access)
3. A.M. González Luna, K. Grego, G. Mapelli, B. Mottura (2022) "Parole, poteri e pandemie", Altre modernità vol.28 [Parole, poteri e pandemie]. ISSN 2035-7680. (una selezione di contributi, in open access)
4. Zhao T., Sotto il cielo. Tianxia, Ubaldini editore, Roma, 2024.
5. Yang Jisheng (2024) Lapidi, Adelphi, Milano.
Participation in activities and events is strongly recommended. News and updates on events and teaching materials will be available on ARIEL.
1. B. Mottura, L. Osti, G. Riboni (eds.)(2017) Media & Politics. Discourses, Cultures, and Practices, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781527500228. (una selezione di contributi)
2. H. de Burgh, E. Lupano, B. Mottura (2018) "Emerging Chinese Theory and Practice of Media", Languages Cultures Mediations vol.5 n.2 [Emerging Chinese Theory and Practice of Media]. ISSN 2421-0293 (una selezione di contributi, in open access)
3. A.M. González Luna, K. Grego, G. Mapelli, B. Mottura (2022) "Parole, poteri e pandemie", Altre modernità vol.28 [Parole, poteri e pandemie]. ISSN 2035-7680. (una selezione di contributi, in open access)
4. Zhao T., Sotto il cielo. Tianxia, Ubaldini editore, Roma, 2024.
Bibliography for students who will not be able to attend the course:
1. B. Mottura, L. Osti, G. Riboni (eds.)(2017) Media & Politics. Discourses, Cultures, and Practices, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781527500228. (una selezione di contributi)
2. H. de Burgh, E. Lupano, B. Mottura (2018) "Emerging Chinese Theory and Practice of Media", Languages Cultures Mediations vol.5 n.2 [Emerging Chinese Theory and Practice of Media]. ISSN 2421-0293 (una selezione di contributi, in open access)
3. A.M. González Luna, K. Grego, G. Mapelli, B. Mottura (2022) "Parole, poteri e pandemie", Altre modernità vol.28 [Parole, poteri e pandemie]. ISSN 2035-7680. (una selezione di contributi, in open access)
4. Zhao T., Sotto il cielo. Tianxia, Ubaldini editore, Roma, 2024.
5. Yang Jisheng (2024) Lapidi, Adelphi, Milano.
Participation in activities and events is strongly recommended. News and updates on events and teaching materials will be available on ARIEL.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment is based on an oral exam. In the discussion, space will be given to the ability to contextualize and discuss the contents of the course.
Class attendance, active participation, as well as group work, and the elaboration of reports or short papers on films or conferences, are also duly taken into consideration for the final assessment.
Class attendance, active participation, as well as group work, and the elaboration of reports or short papers on films or conferences, are also duly taken into consideration for the final assessment.
Lessons: 40 hours
Mottura Bettina Marta Rosa