French I

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The monographic course aims to provide students with the basic notions of theory and method of translation from French into Italian. The theoretical notions are completed by exercises in contrasting grammar and by a practical laboratory focused on translation of prose works texts (Literature and Humanities).
The exercises, dedicated to the technique of compte-rendu d'écoute and synthèse, as well as the preparation of the Diplôme de français des affaires C1, aim to develop oral and written comprehension and expression skills in the students.
By the end of the course, students are expected to reach C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the monographic course, the student will have acquired the tools to deal with the translation from French into Italian of a contemporary text into prose of medium difficulty with method and critical spirit.
Through the work carried out during the exercises, the student will also have developed oral and written comprehension and expression skills, equal to level C1 of the Common European Framework (CEFR).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The monographic course is organised in three modules and a cycle of exercises

Modules I-II (Prof. Bramati, 40 hours) provide students with the basic notions of theory and method of translation from French into Italian. The theoretical notions are supplemented by exercises in contrastive grammar and a practical workshop on the translation of prose texts (literature and non-fiction).

Module III (Prof. Rossi, 20 hours) will provide basic notions of political discourse analysis through fundamental theoretical references of the discipline and their practical application to the institutional and insurrectional discourse of the Algerian war.

The exercises, devoted to the compte-rendu d'écoute and synthèse techniques, aim at developing students' oral and written comprehension and expression skills. Special attention will be paid to the vocabulary and forms of français des affaires.

Modules I and II - Theory and method of translation from French into Italian (40 hrs.)
Lecturer: Prof. Alberto Bramati

The course involves the analysis of theoretical texts and practical exercises in translation from French into Italian.
In particular, the following points will be addressed
- translation of the sense and translation of the letter
- the four problems of the letter translator
- the translation of expressions figées
- the translation of verbal constructions
- translation of the clitic pronoun on
- translation of the participe présent
- translation of dislocations
- translation of phrases clivées
- translation of structures containing the group c'est
- the translation of the word bien
The course also includes a translation workshop from French into Italian of contemporary texts belonging to the humanities.

At the end of the lessons there will be an intermediate test of translation from French into Italian of a contemporary prose text of a non-fiction nature.

Module III (20 hrs.)
Lecturer: Prof. Giuliano Rossi

The course will focus on the analysis of the political discourse of the Algerian war starting from real documents of different nature: institutional speeches, French media of different orientations, insurrectional discourse of the Front de Libération Nationale.

The language exercises are divided into four modules, distributed as follows:

1) Production orale finalisée français des affaires (niveau C1)
There are 20 hours of exercises dedicated to oral production and centred on the lexical and formal aspects of français des affaires (niveau C1). The course is designed to enable students to prepare for the Diplôme de français des affaires issued by the Chambre de Commerce de Paris-Ile de France.
2) Le compte-rendu d'écoute
20 hours of exercises dedicated to the compte-rendu d'écoute technique.

3) La technique de la synthèse
20 hours of exercises devoted to the synthesis technique.
4) Oral production
20 hours are provided for refining oral presentation skills, also with a view to accompanying students in more effective preparation for the oral part of the exam.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have a knowledge of French equivalent to level B2 of the CEFR.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with the active participation of the students.
Practical laboratory of translation from French into Italian.

The exercises are aimed at learning and maintaining the morphosyntactic structures of the French language, initiating written production and developing linguistic and communicative skills.

The courses are annual. There are two internal tests, at the end of the first and the end of the second semester, as indicated above.
Teaching Resources

Modules I-II
In order to actively follow the lectures, students will need to retrieve the bibliographic material before the start of the course. The material indicated will in fact be necessary to carry out the translation exercises that will be commented and corrected in the course of the lessons.

1. Bramati A., Le trappole del francese. Una grammatica per i traduttori dal francese all'italiano, Libreria Cortina, Milan 2019 [].
2. Bramati A. (ed.), Théorie et pratique de la traduction du français vers l'italien, Lumi, Milano 2024 [handout available at Libreria LUMI in Sesto San Giovanni. Mail: [email protected]; tel. or 338.995508].

For the translation exercises, the use of:
- a large-format monolingual French dictionary (recommended text: Le Nouveau Petit Robert de la langue française);
- a large-format bilingual French-Italian dictionary (recommended texts: DIF Hachette Paravia or Il Boch Zanichelli or Garzanti)
- a large-format bilingual French-Italian dictionary (recommended texts: Devoto-Oli (new edition edited by Serianni-Trifone) or DISC Sabatini-Coletti or Zingarelli);
- a university-level grammar of the French language (recommended text: RIEGEL M. , PELLAT J.-C., RIOUL R., Grammaire méthodique du français, PUF, Paris).

Module III
In order to actively follow the lectures, students will have to retrieve the bibliographic material before the start of the course.
1. Stora B., Histoire de la guerre d'Algérie, Paris, La Découverte, 2004
2. A. Krieg-Planque, Analyser les discours institutionnels, Armand Colin, 2017 [2012] (only for chapters that will be specifically indicated during the course)
3. Rossi G. (ed.), Discours politique et médiatique de la guerre d'Algérie (1954-1962), Lumi, Milano 2024 [handout available at Libreria LUMI in Sesto San Giovanni. Mail: [email protected]; tel. or 338.995508].
4. The audiovisual material indicated during the course.

For the first semester exercises:
- L. Penfornis, B2-C1, 3ème edition, CLE international, Paris 2017
- Réussir le résumé et le compte-rendu, Editions Tegos, 2020 (pdf en libre accès en ligne) ;
- Chovelon Bernadette, Barthe Marie, Expression et style. Perfectionner son expression en français, PUG, 2015, ISBN 978-2-7061-2491-4.

For the second semester exercises:
- Édito C1 - Livre + cahier +, édition 2022-2024, Didier, Paris
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of a written part (A) and an oral part (B), both of which are compulsory.

The student's final assessment will take into account the marks obtained in the two written tests corresponding to the linguistic exercises and in the French-to-Italian translation test. The oral test will assess the student's ability to navigate through the notions acquired during the course, as well as the competence with which he/she is able to deal with them and to present them critically and pertinently, also from a theoretical point of view.

Written tests are valid for three sessions (May, September, January)

The written part for attending students consists of two intermediate tests corresponding to the language exercises that will take place at the end of the first and second semester.

I semester
1. Compte-rendu d'écoute test (duration 60'): students will be given 60' after listening to the audio reference file and will have to produce a text of approximately 300 words (with a 10% tolerance) in which they will set out the salient features of the audio they have listened to.

II semester
2. Technique de la synthèse test (duration 90'): students will have 90' to synthesise in 200/240 words a text provided to them, respecting the type of structure and formal characteristics that a synthèse requires.

Only those students who have taken both intermediate tests and obtained a sufficient final mark in each will be allowed to take the oral test.
Those who, despite having attained a sufficiency grade, refuse the final grade in the three intermediate tests will have to repeat all the tests in one of the scheduled appointments during the academic year (May, September, January).

A written translation test (duration 90') is also scheduled for attending students at the end of modules I-II of Prof. Bramati's monographic course (i.e. at the end of the first semester). Only students who have obtained a sufficient average between the marks obtained in the two written tests and the translation mark may take the oral test.

The written part for non-attending students consists of two tests:
1. a compte-rendu d'écoute test (duration 60')
2. a synthèse test (duration 90')

In order to pass the written part of the course, a sufficient mark must be obtained in both tests. In addition to these two tests corresponding to the language exercises, for non-attending students, or for those who did not obtain a sufficient final average in the intermediate tests, a French-to-Italian translation test (duration 90') will be held immediately after the other two tests in the appointments reserved for the written tests held in May, September and January.
Only students who have obtained a sufficient average mark between the marks obtained in the two written tests and the translation mark will be allowed to take the oral test.

For all students (attending and non-attending), the oral test consists of an interview in French on the texts indicated in the bibliography of modules I-II (Prof. Bramati) and module III (Prof. Rossi).The oral test is aimed at verifying linguistic-communicative skills and the ability to apply the theoretical-methodological tools of the official course to reference texts.
L-LIN/04 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - FRENCH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours