Spanish Ii

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course is designed to deepen the study of specialized communication in the Hispanic context through the analysis of written and oral discursive genres. It aims to develop critical reading skills and metalinguistic reflection. In particular, the pragmalinguistic strategies of certain discursive genres from the political, journalistic and corporate spheres will be analyzed.
At the same time, the acquisition of advanced grammatical and syntactic structures of the Spanish language will be promoted until the attainment of level C2 of the European Framework, which involves oral and written advanced skills in a wide range of specialized topics.
Expected learning outcomes
The course is designed to the acquisition of oral and written expression skills in specialized areas through critical analysis of the textual genres covered. By the end of the course, the student should demonstrate good oral and written language comepetence in complex situations (level C2). In particular, he or she will be able to recognize and analyze the syntactic and lexical structures of a political, journalistic, legal and business text and to effectively expose his or her arguments on the topics under study.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
- Unit 1: "Specialised information on Spanish press" (20 hours)
Specialised discourse in the Spanish press will be analysed in areas such as: economy, health sciences, science, environment, culture. Current texts representative of these sections will be analysed, paying particular attention to lexical, discursive and stylistic aspects.
Unit 2: "The Political Discourse in Spanish" (20 hours).
The unit aims at exploring the different kinds of political communication from a pragmatic, discoursive and linguistic perspective. Through a critical approach to political discourse, the strategies of argumentation and construction of identities, relations and ideologies in different textual genres (interviews, speeches, debates, press conference, social networks, etc.) will be examined.

Unit 3: "Advertising communication and digital marketing in Spanish" (20 hours).
The unit aims at exploring the digital communication strategies from a pragmalinguistic and multimodal point of view of some Spanish and Latin American companies. The unit will especially focus on advertising discourse, understood as a semiotic product aimed at persuading and influencing behaviors. Different advertising genres belonging to the vast geography of the Spanish language will be analysed.

The first semester (40 hours) will focus on lexical, grammatical and syntactic consolidation, communicative awareness and reading comprehension at C1+ level.
The second semester (40 hours) will focus on the development of recognition, transformation and mediation strategies between two types of written text genres: the legal judgment and the press article.

The program is valid both for attending and non-attending students.
No attendings students are advised to go at least once during office hours
Prerequisites for admission
In order to take Spanish Language II exam students must have passed successfully Spanish Language I examination.
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical language lessons, persanal essays.
Teaching Resources
Unit 1:
- Real Academia Española, Libro de estilo de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa, 2018 (disponible en

Unit 2:
- Fuentes Rodríguez, C. (ed.). 2016. Estrategias argumentativas y discurso político. Madrid. Arco/Libros. Chapters 1,2,4,6,8.

Unit 3:
-Adam, Jean-Michel & Bonhomme, Marc (2000). La argumentación publicitaria. Madrid: Cátedra.
- Romero Gualda, Ma. Victoria (coord.) (2005). Lenguaje publicitario. Barcelona: Ariel.

Practical lessons:
Martínez, M.J., Sánchez, D., Soria, M. P., Las claves del nuevo DELE C1, Barcelona, Difusión.
Giovanni Garofalo, Géneros discursivos de la justicia penal, Milano, FrancoAngeli.

I materiali sono validi sia per gli studenti frequenti sia per i non frequentanti.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam includes a series of written tests and an interview on the topics of the official course, which will take place as follows:
WRITTEN EXAMINATION: it takes place three times a year (May, September, January) and includes the following tests:
Students can take a mid-term test focusing on communicative awareness, textual comprehension, the use of connectors and coherence and cohesion strategies according to the DELE C1 criteria.
The final test consists on writing a news story from a discursive genre of the legal sphere.
The final written examination lasts two hours. For those who have taken the first part during the course, the second test lasts 1.15 hours.

ORAL EXAM: takes place six times a year and includes the following parts:
- In-depth work related to unit 1, the details of which will be provided in class.
- Written essay (3-5 pages) relating to unit 1, focused on a linguistic and discursive analysis of a political discourse in Spanish. The linguistic and discursive analysis must be based on the methodological tools presented in class and in the reference bibliography, and must be submitted in paper format at least 15 days before the date of the oral exam.

- a teamwork carried out throughout the course relating to unit 3

- a final interview on the topics of the course, aimed at verifying the acquisition of the contents and the ability of metalinguistic reflection, as well as grammatical correctness and language property.

Attending students will be able to take mid-term tests during the year,
L-LIN/07 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours