Spanish Specialised Translation

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide a solid theoretical and practical foundation in specialized translation within the fields of law, economics, sociology, and psycho-anthropology. Through the study of key translation theories and practical exercises with authentic texts, participants will acquire the skills necessary to meet the challenges of the profession. The goal of the course is to develop advanced skills in specialized translation.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, participants will have gained an in-depth understanding of specialized translation techniques through practical exercises and simulations of practical scenarios. This knowledge will provide them with the essential tools to enter the profession or to pursue advanced studies in translation theories.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course emphasizes both theoretical instruction and practical experience in translating texts in the Spanish-Italian language combination, focusing on the development of active and passive translation skills. Starting with the consultation of terminological and lexicographic resources, parallel corpora, and other linguistic databases, participants will be able to create a termbase and produce a translation project, working both individually (as professional translators) and in groups to simulate a company workflow.
Additionally, topics related to translation technologies will be covered, including computer-assisted translation, machine translation, and pre-editing and post-editing systems.
Prerequisites for admission
Participants are required to have an advanced level of proficiency in Spanish (C1) and a level of proficiency in Italian equivalent to that of a native speaker (or at least C1 level). A good understanding of the main characteristics of Spanish specialized discourse is also necessary. If participants lack this knowledge, preliminary reading of the recommended reference material is advised:
Hurtado Albir, A. (2004). Traducción y traductología. Madrid: Cátedra (pp. 25-93, 201-302, 507-521)
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
For Attending Students:
Hurtado Albir, A. (2004). Traducción y traductología. Madrid: Cátedra. (pp. 25-93, 201-302, 507-521)
Nergaard, S. (Cur.). (2014). Teorie contemporanee della traduzione (3ª ed.). Bompiani. (pp. 1-47, 51-223)
Osimo, B. (2011). Manuale del traduttore: Guida pratica con glossario (3ª ed.). Hoepli. (pp. 1-142)
Scarpa, F. (2001). La traduzione specializzata. Milano: Hoepli.
Vazquez-Ayora, G. (1977). Introducción a la traductología: Curso básico. Georgetown University School of Language. (pp.8-67, 251-403)
For Non-Attending Students:
Eco, U. (2013). Dire quasi la stessa cosa: Esperienze di traduzione. Bompiani. (pp. 25-194, 213-224)
Hurtado Albir, A. (2004). Traducción y traductología. Madrid: Cátedra. (pp. 25-93, 201-302, 507-521)
Nergaard, S. (Cur.). (2014). Teorie contemporanee della traduzione (3ª ed.). Bompiani. (pp. 1-47, 51-223)
Osimo, B. (2011). Manuale del traduttore: Guida pratica con glossario (3ª ed.). Hoepli. (pp. 1-142)
Scarpa, F. (2001). La traduzione specializzata. Milano: Hoepli.
Vazquez-Ayora, G. (1977). Introducción a la traductología: Curso básico. Georgetown University School of Language. (pp.8-67, 163-187, 251-403)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment consists of two parts: a written exam and an oral exam.
Passing the written exam is mandatory to access the oral exam.
The written exam, which lasts two hours, involves translating a specialized text from Italian to Spanish, approximately 250 words in length. Candidates may use terminological and lexicographical resources, as well as other translation-related sources, in both paper and electronic formats.
The assessment will evaluate the application of translation practices learned during the course.
The oral exam includes a discussion of the most authoritative translation theories and the practices covered during the course.
The assessment will focus on the candidate's ability to express a critical analysis.
L-LIN/07 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Gobbi Ilaria