Japanese Specialised Translation

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
At least 460 hours of previous Japanese language formal education (reaching to the intermediate level) are required for attendance. This course deals with Japanese-Italian translation; therefore a good command of the Italian language is considered to be an absolute requirement. The overall purpose of this course is for the students to learn the most efficient strategies for analyzing simple and complex sentences as found in several kinds of written Japanese texts, of increasing syntactic complexity and difficulty, in order to translate those texts into Italian. In more detail, the students will learn to distinguish the different types of coordinate and subordinate propositions on the basis of their joining elements, in order to accurately ascertain the logic and semantic relationships between the sentential components, and in the event to decide the best sequence in which those elements are to be translated into Italian.
Expected learning outcomes
As a result, by the end of this course the students will have acquired a robust comprehension of the syntax of complex Japanese clauses, and will easily understand a specialized written text of medium-to-high complexity. This in turn will enable them to translate that text into Italian while accurately rendering its general sense and its concrete information, with no factual mistakes, in an easily understandable, grammatically and lexically correct Italian output of high communicative value, which will share with the original the same linguistic style, without necessarily mirroring the syntactic structure of the source text.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The translation activity, both in class and at home, will be carried out using materials selected by the instructor and made available in class and on the platform used.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is aimed at students specializing in the Japanese language who have already acquired solid language skills through four years of university education, equivalent to no less than 460 total hours of formal Japanese language instruction. A good level of proficiency in either Italian or English is also required.
Teaching methods
In class, we will translate sociological and bureaucratic texts of a normative and expository nature, taken from scientific publications, government documents, textbooks, newspapers, magazines, online publications, and original documents. These texts will be analyzed and translated during lessons. Collaboration and active participation are of fundamental importance for the success of the course.
Teaching Resources
(Japanese - English)
Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary (Latest edition), Tokyo, Kenkyusha.

(Japanese - Italian)
Nishikawa, Ichiro, Dizionario giapponese - italiano, Tokyo, Shogakukan, 1993 (ISBN 9784095154510).

(Kanji - English)
Haig, John H. (a cura di), The New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary: Based on the Classic Edition by Andrew N. Nelson, Tokyo e Rutland, Vermont, Tuttle, 1997 (ISBN 9780804820363).
Assessment methods and Criteria
There will be no midterm exams or partial assessments. The course will conclude with an exam consisting of a translation test into Italian or English of some passages related to the topics covered in class. The text to be translated will be provided along with the transliteration of some kanji. This test aims to assess the student's ability to translate specialized texts, as well as the clarity and accuracy of the version in Italian or English. During the exam, the use of paper and electronic dictionaries that do not have internet access or web browsing capabilities is allowed.
The evaluation criteria include: Accuracy of the translated terms and grammatical structures; Accuracy/consistency of the rendering in Italian/Japanese or Japanese/English; Knowledge of the specialized language/lexicon of the discipline and the ability to render a new text using terms studied during the course
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Cavaliere Paola
Student consultation is every Tuesday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., only by appointment to be made in advance by e-mail: [email protected]
DLLCM Room 5007