French Ii

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to develop critical reading, comprehension and metalinguistic reflection skills. It is aimed at deepening the main tools of discourse analysis through the study of French-language press texts of a metalinguistic, sociological and anthropological nature. Particular attention will be paid to the argumentative text. We will focus on the discursive strategies specific to linguistic policy texts. The course also aims to develop analytical and written production skills in the tourism sector.
The course is annual and takes place in both semesters (1st semester: 40 hours; 2nd semester: 20 hours). Students who have completed the French Language 1 course can access it.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to use the main discursive and rhetorical strategies in order to produce written texts (even workshop are aimed at achieving this goal) and to develop critical and argumentative skills related to oral discourse.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course consists of a monographic course, divided into three teaching units, and a cycle of exercises.
The aim of the course is to strengthen skills in the field of discursive analysis applied to press texts relating to sociolinguistic issues in the Francophone space. The main theoretical and applied sociolinguistic tools necessary to analyze linguistic and sociolinguistic dynamics will also be presented.
The first teaching unit is aimed at acquiring textual analysis skills applied to media communication. In particular, the tools for the discourse analysis of press texts dedicated to the French language and its varieties present in the Francophone space will be provided. Texts of a socio-political nature will also be examined.
The second teaching unit will be dedicated to the geopolitics of Francophonie and will present the linguistic policies that characterize the Francophone space.
The third teaching unit will take up the main notions of discourse analysis presented during teaching unit 1 and will develop them in relation to tourism discourse.
Prerequisites for admission
In order to take the exam of Lingua Francese 2, students have to pass the Lingua Francese 1 exam.
Teaching methods
During the monographic course there are hours of frontal teaching aimed at learning and consolidating speech analysis strategies. Students will be an active part of the lesson as they will carry out exercises in order to enhance their skills.
The exercises are aimed at consolidating oral skills through the preparation of a) oral exposés and b) the preparation of the dissertation.
a) The oral exposé technique
These exercises, which will take place during the first semester, are aimed at learning the oral exposé technique starting from the reading of written texts.
Attending students will then present an oral exposé during the second semester as part of the master's course. The exposé will be evaluated as part of the oral exam.
Non-attending students will agree with Prof. Molinari on the topic of the exposé to be presented in the oral exam.
b) the dissertation (duration 3h00) - on topics of civilization and cultural themes linked to contemporary socio-economic contexts
Teaching Resources
Textbooks for attending students
Main course:
Module 1:
- C. MOLINARI, Recueil de textes, dispensa a cura del docente (Lumi, 2022).
- M.-A. PAVEAU, Les prédiscours. Sens, mémoire, cognition, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 2006.

Module 2:
- Les politiques linguistiques, dispensa a cura del docente (Lumi, in corso di stampa).

Module 3:
- C. MOLINARI, Cahier de textes, dispensa a cura del docente (Lumi, in corso di stampa).

Language classes for practical exercises:
- M. ECKENSCHWILLER, Réussir son exposé oral: prendre la parole avec aisance, Chronique sociale, Paris, 2019
- S. OSMU, La dissertation de culture générale, méthodologie et entraînement en 100 fiches, Ellipses, Paris, 2010
- Dizionario monolingue, Le Petit Robert

Textbooks for non attending students
Main course
Module 1:
- S. MOIRAND, Les discours de la presse quotidienne: observer, analyser, comprendre, Puf, Paris, 2007.

Module 2:
- BAIDER F., BURGER M., GOUTSOS D. (éds.), La communication touristique. Approches discursives de l'identité et de l'altérité, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2004.

Module 3:
- T. BULOT, P. BLANCHET, Une introduction à la sociolinguistique - Pour l'étude des dynamiques de la langue française dans le monde, Ed. des Archives Contemporaines, Paris, 2013.

Language classes for practical exercises:
- M. ECKENSCHWILLER, Réussir son exposé oral: prendre la parole avec aisance, Chronique sociale, Paris, 2019
- S. OSMU, La dissertation de culture générale, méthodologie et entraînement en 100 fiches, Ellipses, Paris, 2010
- A. LANDES, La dissertation de culture générale, Puf, Paris, 2007.
- Dizionario monolingue, Le Petit Robert
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test and an oral test. The written test corresponds to the dissertation (duration: 3 hours) on civilizational and cultural themes linked to contemporary socio-economic contexts. The use of the monolingual dictionary (Le Petit Robert) is permitted.
The oral exam, aimed at verifying linguistic-communicative skills and the ability to apply the theoretical-methodological tools of the official course to reference texts, consists of an interview in French on the topics in the program, aimed at ascertaining both linguistic and content. During the year, students will also present an oral exposé which will be evaluated for the final exam. Non-attending students will present the oral exposé during the oral exam, after having agreed on the topic with the teacher.
The written test grade is valid for three sessions.
L-LIN/04 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - FRENCH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Molinari Chiara