Veterinary Medicine (Classe LM-42)-Enrolled Since 2009/10 Academic Year

Single-cycle master
A.Y. 2020/2021
LM-42 - Medicina veterinaria (EN)
Single-cycle master
Limited enrolment with admission test
via dell'Università n. 6 LODI
This Manifesto deals with the Single‐Cycle Degree in Veterinary Medicine of the Università degli Studi di Milano.
In compliance with art. 11, comma 2, Law 19 November 1990, n. 341, with art. 12 , M.D. 22 October 2004, n. 270 and the policies in M.D. 26 July 2007, n. 386, and in the respect of teaching freedom as well as of rights and duties of professors and students, this Manifesto specifies the organization concerning the Single‐Cycle Degree in Veterinary Medicine, in relation to the connected Teaching Norms, as defined in University Teaching Regulations, according to Degree Class LM 42, as in M.D. 16 March 2007, and according to the rules defined in the General and Didactic Regulations of Veterinary Medicine Degree Course.

General and Specific Educational Goals
Pursuant to the provisions of M.D. 270 dated 22 October 2004 (Changes of Regulations as to University Teaching Autonomy approved by M.D. 3 November 1999, n.509 issued by the University, Scientific and Technological Research Ministry), and of M.D. 386 dated 26 July 2007 (Applied Policies), following the qualifying instructional aims given in a Class, the five‐year curriculum of the Single‐Cycle Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine focuses on the fundamental education and expertise necessary to graduates for their veterinary profession; thus, theoretical knowledge and skills indispensable to their professional practice will be acquired gradually through the culture‐related and professional disciplines identified below and within a clear, qualifying training design.
Career opportunities for a DVM refer to university curriculum information and are arranged in ISTAT classes (Group and Class: Life Sciences specialists; Category and Profession: veterinaries and assimilated). To practice as a veterinarian, most employments require a State License based on a public examination. Employments can be found firstly within specific areas of the National Health Service (Animal Health, Food, Environment, and Animal Welfare) and, after obtaining required qualifications, both in Local Health Services and in Experimental Zootechnic Institutes. Then, in the zootechnic industry (Animal Feed, Nutritional Supplements, Genetic Selection and Production Development), in the pharmaceutical industry (Consultancy, Technical Support, Research and Development, Regulation and Registration), and in the food industry (Production Hygiene, Processing Technologies and Animal Food Production Management). Last, in the traditional areas of private practice such as surgical and obstetrical‐gynaecological Clinics in private surgeries and on‐site for pets and livestock, but also in the la test field of behavioural sciences. New opportunities are to be found in international and EU organizations fostering cooperation and development.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Exchange opportunities
The Veterinary Medicine Degree Course offers educational opportunities abroad, within the Erasmus + project, with the possibility of stays of 3 to 9 months and with full recognition of the credits obtained at the host university. The foreign faculties with which bilateral exchange agreements are in place are numerous and located in the Iberian Peninsula (Barcelona, Leon, Santiago de Compostela, Zaragoza, Madrid, Cordoba, Porto and Lisbon), in Austria (Vienna), in Germany (Munich) , in Belgium (Ghent), in France (Paris) and in Romania (Cluj Napoca and Timisoara). Students participate in the selections starting from the second year of the course and can follow all the courses of the third, fourth and fifth year abroad and take the relative exams. Furthermore, Erasmus + is a good opportunity to acquire credits associated with practical and professional activities such as internships and those chosen by the student. A few months before departure, students are received by the Degree Course Erasmus tutor to evaluate which courses and practicals to follow abroad and fill in the learning agreement, the study program document that will accompany the student abroad. At return, the career is evaluated, the credits obtained are assessed with the same tutor and recognized by the Interdepartmental Degree Course Committee. The Erasmus + project then, through other types of stays abroad, such as Placements, allows internships even at the end of the course or during the first year after graduation. Placement grants support work placements at research centers or veterinary clinics, able to provide an international approach to the profession and often opening up good job opportunities. The Veterinary Medicine Degree Course participate also to other international programs such as the Erasmus Mundus Sigma Agile hosting students from the Balkans.

Courses list

course year not available
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biology, Histology and Embryology 10 88 Italian BIO/01 BIO/05 VET/01
- Biologia animale3
- Biologia vegetale3
- Istologia ed embriologia4
Physics, Chemistry, Informatics Biostatistics and English 14 128 Italian CHIM/03 CHIM/06 FIS/07 L-LIN/12 SECS-S/02
- Chimica3
- Fisica3
- Informatica e Biostatistica5
- Inglese3
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Agronomy, Crop Science, Rural Buildings and Economics 9 72 Italian AGR/01 AGR/02 AGR/10
- Agronomy3
- Animal Husbandry3
- Principles of Economics3
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 9 88 Italian BIO/10
- Biochimica metabolica3
- Biochimica strutturale3
- Propedeutic Biochmistry3
General Zootechnics and Genetic Improvement 7 64 Italian AGR/17
- General Zootechnics and Genetic Improvement4
- Veterinary Genetics3
Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy 11 104 Italian VET/01
- Systematic and comparative veterinary anatomy 16
- Systematic and comparative veterinary anatomy 25
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Physiology and Endocrinology of Domestic Animals 9 80 Italian VET/02
- Endocrinologia degli animali domestici3
- Fisiologia veterinaria 26
Physiology and Ethology of Domstic Animals 10 88 Italian VET/02
- Etologia veterinaria e benessere animale4
- Fisiologia veterinaria 16
Systematic and Topographic Veterinary Anatomy 8 72 Italian VET/01
- Anatomia topografica veterinaria3
- Anatomia veterinaria sistematica e comparata 35
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical Biochemistry 6 56 Italian BIO/12
General Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology 14 136 Italian VET/03 VET/05
- Fisiopatologia e immunopatologia4
- Immunologia veterinaria3
- Microbiologia veterinaria3
- Patologia generale veterinaria4
Special Husbandry and Animal Breeding 9 96 Italian AGR/19 AGR/20
- Produzioni animali3
- Tecnologie di allevamento3
- Zoocolture3
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Nutrition 10 104 Italian AGR/18
- Alimentazione degli animali da reddito: qualità e sicurezza alimentare3
- Alimentazione e dietetica degli animali da compagnia4
- Nutrizione e salute animale3
Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 1 5 48 Italian VET/03
- Histopathology and Cytopathology2
- Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 13
Veterinary Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases 9 88 Italian VET/06
- Malattie parassitarie4
- Parassitologia5
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology 9 80 Italian VET/07
- Veterinary Pharmacology5
- Veterinary toxicology4
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals 2 and Veterinary Epidemiology 9 88 Italian VET/05
- Epidemiologia veterinaria3
- Malattie infettive degli animali domestici 23
- Sanità pubblica veterinaria e patologia tropicale3
Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals and Avian Pathology 8 80 Italian VET/05
- Malattie infettive degli animali domestici 14
- Patologia aviare4
Veterinary Anatomic Pathology 2 8 88 Italian VET/03
- Autopsies3
- Veterinary Pathological Anatomy II3
- Veterinary oncology2
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Inspection of Animal Source Foods 1 9 88 Italian VET/04
- Igiene e tecnologia alimentare4
- Industrie e alimenti di origine animale5
Inspection of Animal Source Foods 2 8 80 Italian VET/04
- Ispezione e controllo dei prodotti della pesca3
- Ispezione e controllo delle carni3
- Lavori pratici nei macelli2
Veterinary Anesthesiology and Surgical Techniques 6 64 Italian VET/09
- Anestesiologia veterinaria3
- Medicina operatoria veterinaria3
Veterinary Obstetrics, Pathology and Reproductive Technologies 6 64 Italian VET/10
- Ostetricia veterinaria3
- Patologia della riproduzione e fecondazione artificiale3
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Surgical Pathology, Semeiotics and Veterinary Radiology 9 96 Italian VET/09
- Patologia chirurgica3
- Radiologia veterinaria e medicina nucleare3
- Semeiotica chirurgica3
Veterinary Medical Pathology and Clinical Epidemiology 6 64 Italian VET/08
- Epidemiologia clinica3
- Patologia medica veterinaria3
Veterinary Medical Semiotics and Legal Medicine 9 96 Italian VET/08
- Medicina legale veterinaria3
- Semeiotica medica veterinaria, diagnostica di laboratorio e per immagini dei grandi animali3
- Semeiotica medica veterinaria, diagnostica di laboratorio e per immagini dei piccoli animali3
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Andrology and Obstetrical-Gynecological Clinics 8 88 Italian VET/10
- Andrologia e clinica andrologica veterinaria3
- Clinica ostetrica e ginecologica veterinaria5
Veterinary Internal Medicine and Therapy 12 120 Italian VET/08
- Clinica medica veterinaria degli animali da reddito3
- Clinica medica veterinaria dei piccoli animali3
- Clinica medica veterinaria del cavallo3
- Terapia medica veterinaria3
Veterinary Surgical 8 80 Italian VET/09
- Clinica chirurgica dei piccoli animali3
- Clinica chirurgica veterinaria3
- Ortopedia e clinica traumatologica veterinaria2
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Approccio in campo ai sistemi di gestione della profilassi delle malattie infettive del bovino e del suino 1 16 Italian VET/05
Approccio pratico al management aziendale nell'allevamento della bovina da latte 1 16 Italian VET/08
Approccio pratico in campo alla visita ginecologica del cavallo 1 16 Italian VET/10
Bovine Assistance During Labor and Delivery: Practical Approach in the Field 1 16 Italian VET/10
Field Practical Approach in Podiatry and Veterinary Podiatric Surgery 1 16 Italian VET/09
Field Practical Approach to the Clinical Examination of the Horse 1 16 Italian VET/08
Field Practical Approach to the Clinical Examination of the Horse: Orthopedic Emergencies 1 16 Italian VET/08
Field Practical Approach to the Clinical-Surgical Examination of the Bovine 1 16 Italian VET/09
Nutrition for Prevention and Longevity 8 128 Italian AGR/17 AGR/18 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Clinical Rotation4
- Diagnosis and prevention of genetic diseases in dogs and cats1
- Horse nutrition1
- New frontiers in pets nutrition1
- Nutritional innovation for the prevention of active aging1
Training Course 01: Diagnostic Approach to Infectious Diseases of Pets 8 128 Italian VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Clinical Rotation4
- Diagnostic of bacterial and mycotic diseases of companion animals1
- Diagnostic virology1
- Immunology2
Training Course 02- Prophylactic Approach to Infectious Diseases of Pets 8 128 Italian VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Clinical Rotation4
- Emerging viral diseases and zoonosis of companion animals2
- Immunoprophylaxis2
Training Course 03: Bovine Health Management 8 128 Italian AGR/18 VET/02 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Breeding and nutrition of cattle1
- Clinical Rotation4
- Herd Health Management I1
- Parasitic diseases1
- Physiology of reproduction1
Training Course 04: Diagnosis and Therapy of the Soft Tissue Diseases in Dogs and Cats 8 128 Italian VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Clinical Rotation4
- Obstetrical-Gynecological Surgery1
- Special histopathology1
- Special surgery1
- Surgical oncology1
Training Course 05: Small Animal Internal and Behavioural Medicine 8 128 Italian AGR/19 VET/02 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Animal Communication1
- Behavioral analysis and behavioral disorders1
- Clinical Rotation4
- Safe management, training and behavioral problems of the horse2
Training Course 06: Genetics and Management of Companion Animals 8 128 Italian AGR/17 AGR/18 AGR/19 AGR/20 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Clinical Rotation4
- Companion animals' morphological evaluation, selection and husbandry1
- Companion animals' nutrition and dietary management1
- Genetic pathologies and their prevention1
- Small pets1
Training Course 07: Wildlife Management I 8 128 Italian VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Clinical Rotation4
- Ecoparasitology and management of disease in wild animals1
- Emerging infectious diseases and zoonosis of wild animals1
- Pathophysiology of wild animals and capture1
- Wildlife management1
Training Course 09: Nutrition, Innovation and Security 8 128 Italian AGR/18 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Clinical Rotation4
- Food Safety1
- Food compliance1
- Health Nutrition Counseling1
- Nutritional evaluation of food and pet food1
Training Course 10: Small Animal Internal and Behavioural Medicine 8 128 Italian AGR/19 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Behavioural medicine1
- Cardiology1
- Clinical Rotation4
- Microbiology1
- Radio-tomographic Diagnostic Techniques1
Training Course 12: Veterinary Oncology 8 128 Italian VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Clinical Rotation4
- Diagnostic immunohistochemistry in oncology1
- General and oncological cytology1
- Hemathologic tumors1
- Surgical and clinical oncology1
Training Course 13: Clinical Pathology 8 128 Italian VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Clinical Rotation4
- Dermatopathology1
- Diagnostic cytology1
- Haemathology and Clinical Biochemistry1
- Veterinary histopathology1
Training Course 14: Small Animal Reproduction 8 128 Italian VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Assisted Reproductive Techniques1
- Clinical Rotation4
- Neonatology1
- Obstetrical-Gynecological Clinics1
- Phisiopathology of Reproduction1
Training Course 15: Veterinarian's Role in Evaluating Farm Animal Welfare 8 128 Italian AGR/19 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Animal welfare aspects of management in cattle and during transport1
- Animal welfare aspects of management in pig production1
- Clinical Rotation4
- Welfare assessment at the slaughterhouse1
- Welfare of farmed animals: regulatory principles, ethical issues and professional responsibilities1
Training Course 16: Ultrasonography and Endoscopy in Companion Animals (small animals and sport horses) 8 128 Italian VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Clinical Rotation4
- Equine Ultrasonography1
- Equine endoscopy1
- Small animal endoscopy1
- Small animals Ultrasonography1
Wildlife Management Ii 8 112 Italian AGR/17 AGR/19 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/07 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
- Clinical Rotation4
- Conservation principles2
- Contaminants and toxicological effects in wildlife1
- Principles of wildlife management1
Conclusive activities
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Practical Training 30 0 Italian
Final Examination 7 0 Italian
Study plan rules
- Lo studente deve acquisire n. 8 cfu per attività a libera scelta selezionando uno dei percorsi sotto riportati.

Il modulo di Rotazione Ospedaliera (4cfu) è presente in tutti i percorsi e si compone come segue:

1cfu esercitativo relativo ai grandi animali (bovini, equini, piccoli ruminanti e suini, con le attività di medicina interna, chirurgia, anestesiologia, riproduzione, diagnostica per immagini e di laboratorio.

3cfu esercitativi relativi ai piccolo animali (attività di medicina interna, chirurgia, anestesiologia, riproduzione, diagnostica per immagini e di laboratorio
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Nutrition for Prevention and Longevity 8 128 Italian Second semester AGR/17 AGR/18 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 01: Diagnostic Approach to Infectious Diseases of Pets 8 128 Italian Second semester VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 02- Prophylactic Approach to Infectious Diseases of Pets 8 128 Italian Second semester VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 03: Bovine Health Management 8 128 Italian Second semester AGR/18 VET/02 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 04: Diagnosis and Therapy of the Soft Tissue Diseases in Dogs and Cats 8 128 Italian Second semester VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 05: Small Animal Internal and Behavioural Medicine 8 128 Italian Second semester AGR/19 VET/02 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 06: Genetics and Management of Companion Animals 8 128 Italian Second semester AGR/17 AGR/18 AGR/19 AGR/20 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 07: Wildlife Management I 8 128 Italian Second semester VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 09: Nutrition, Innovation and Security 8 128 Italian Second semester AGR/18 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 10: Small Animal Internal and Behavioural Medicine 8 128 Italian Second semester AGR/19 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 12: Veterinary Oncology 8 128 Italian Second semester VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 13: Clinical Pathology 8 128 Italian Second semester VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 14: Small Animal Reproduction 8 128 Italian Second semester VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 15: Veterinarian's Role in Evaluating Farm Animal Welfare 8 128 Italian Second semester AGR/19 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Training Course 16: Ultrasonography and Endoscopy in Companion Animals (small animals and sport horses) 8 128 Italian Second semester VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Wildlife Management Ii 8 112 Italian Second semester AGR/17 AGR/19 VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/07 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Course location
via dell'Università n. 6 LODI
Laboratories locations
Tutte le attività didattiche e di laboratorio si svolgono presso la sede del Corso di Laurea in Medicina Veterinaria a LODI in via dell'Università n. 6
Presidente del Collegio Didattico
prof. Giuseppe Sironi
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