Special Husbandry and Animal Breeding
A.Y. 2020/2021
Learning objectives
The course provides knowledge on the characteristics of the animal production and husbandry systems (cattle, pigs, small ruminants, poultry) that provide the most relevant products of animal origin: meat, milk and eggs. Housing, behaviour and productive traits of different domestic animals (cattle, pigs, small ruminants, chickens) will be considered.
The student must build up knowledge on the organization of the animal production sectors, the husbandry systems and management guidelines according to the different animal physiological periods, the morphological and productive traits of different breeds/genetic lines within species reared for milk, meat and egg production. In particular, the student must know the cattle, pigs, small ruminants and poultry sectors, and understand the most important factors affecting productive performance. Furthermore, the student has to be conscious of the relevance to use appropriate terminology, fundamental for the correct professional communication.
The student must build up knowledge on the organization of the animal production sectors, the husbandry systems and management guidelines according to the different animal physiological periods, the morphological and productive traits of different breeds/genetic lines within species reared for milk, meat and egg production. In particular, the student must know the cattle, pigs, small ruminants and poultry sectors, and understand the most important factors affecting productive performance. Furthermore, the student has to be conscious of the relevance to use appropriate terminology, fundamental for the correct professional communication.
Expected learning outcomes
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student must be able to apply the theoretical knowledge for the identification of breeds within species and for the assessment of different factors according to the different productive systems: facilities, environment, critical/strength points.
Judgement autonomy: the student must acquire ability of critical analysis of the information studied and be able to relate different factors to provide correct assessments.
Communication skill: the student must have communication ability using the correct terminology peculiar to each animal productive sector, according to the information provided in lectures and practices.
Judgement autonomy: the student must acquire ability of critical analysis of the information studied and be able to relate different factors to provide correct assessments.
Communication skill: the student must have communication ability using the correct terminology peculiar to each animal productive sector, according to the information provided in lectures and practices.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Teaching methods - Students can attend the lectures in the classroom and also online using the Microsoft Teams platforms. Online lectures will be provided according to the weekly timetable of the first and second term. According to the future pandemic emergency, only online lectures will be allowed and provided.
Assessment method - The final written text will be performed in the classroom. However, according to the current coronavirus pandemic, it will be also available the online hub exam.net, described in www.unimi.it
Assessment method - The final written text will be performed in the classroom. However, according to the current coronavirus pandemic, it will be also available the online hub exam.net, described in www.unimi.it
Prerequisites for admission
Only students having already passed the compulsory preparatory exams of Physiology and Ethology of Domestic Animals and Physiology and Endocrinology of Domestic Animals are admitted to the written test.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is a written test about the topics included in the teaching programs of all modules.
The written test includes three sections (one section/module); each section includes 5 questions divided in 2 multiple-choice questions and 3 open questions according to the section; the multiple-choice questions consider only one correct answer. Each section has a separate mark and if one (or more) mark is lower than 18/30 than the written test of the corresponding section must be repeated.
The final mark (expressed in thirtieths) corresponds to the mathematical average of the three section marks.
In one Academic year, 8 exams are planned in the following months: January, February, April, June, July, September, October, December. The schedule of exams is available online at the SIFA web service (www.unimi.it) and the student must register at the chosen date to be admitted to the written test.
The written test includes three sections (one section/module); each section includes 5 questions divided in 2 multiple-choice questions and 3 open questions according to the section; the multiple-choice questions consider only one correct answer. Each section has a separate mark and if one (or more) mark is lower than 18/30 than the written test of the corresponding section must be repeated.
The final mark (expressed in thirtieths) corresponds to the mathematical average of the three section marks.
In one Academic year, 8 exams are planned in the following months: January, February, April, June, July, September, October, December. The schedule of exams is available online at the SIFA web service (www.unimi.it) and the student must register at the chosen date to be admitted to the written test.
Produzioni animali
Course syllabus
Aims - To provide knowledge on different animal production and animal husbandry systems, considering behaviour, and attitude of different productive species mainly cattle,and pig
Organization - The module comprises theoretical teaching ( 16hours) and practical training (16 hours) on topic related to animal production and animal welfare
Animal production systems related to different geographical areas
Population trends and present situation of dairy and meat industries
Animal growth from birth to carcass evaluation
Human-animal relationship from domestication up to intensive systems (including non food animals)
Assessing animal welfare at farm level
cattle and swine principal breed and production
Organization - The module comprises theoretical teaching ( 16hours) and practical training (16 hours) on topic related to animal production and animal welfare
Animal production systems related to different geographical areas
Population trends and present situation of dairy and meat industries
Animal growth from birth to carcass evaluation
Human-animal relationship from domestication up to intensive systems (including non food animals)
Assessing animal welfare at farm level
cattle and swine principal breed and production
Teaching methods
The module comprises 32 hours in total, divided as follows:
- theoretical teaching ( 16 hours) in classroom using multimedia support.
- practical training (16 hours) in classroom and farms; according to the activity, students can be divided in small groups (3 people) for practical training.
- theoretical teaching ( 16 hours) in classroom using multimedia support.
- practical training (16 hours) in classroom and farms; according to the activity, students can be divided in small groups (3 people) for practical training.
Teaching Resources
UniMI website http://ecanalizs.ariel.ctu.unimi.it/v3/home/Default.aspx
Francesco Bertacchini,Iller Campani 2013Manuale di allevamento suino. Vol. 1: L'azienda e l'impresa suinicola.Editore: Edagricole-New Business Media Francesco Bertacchini, Iller Campani Manuale di allevamento suino vol.2 2013 La gestione dei riproduttori e delle covate Edagricole-New Business Media
Francesco Bertacchini, Iller Campani Manuale di allevamento suino vol.3 2013 L'alimentazionee Edagricole-New Business Media
Bittante, Andrighetto, Ramanzin, Tecniche di produzione animale.2005 Liviana Scolastica
Francesco Bertacchini,Iller Campani 2013Manuale di allevamento suino. Vol. 1: L'azienda e l'impresa suinicola.Editore: Edagricole-New Business Media Francesco Bertacchini, Iller Campani Manuale di allevamento suino vol.2 2013 La gestione dei riproduttori e delle covate Edagricole-New Business Media
Francesco Bertacchini, Iller Campani Manuale di allevamento suino vol.3 2013 L'alimentazionee Edagricole-New Business Media
Bittante, Andrighetto, Ramanzin, Tecniche di produzione animale.2005 Liviana Scolastica
Tecnologie di allevamento
Course syllabus
The module 2 comprises one part of theoretical teaching ( 16 hours) and practical trainin (16 hours) also in farms.
Management and husbandry of animals for meat production: cattle ,swine, sheep and goat
Management and husbandry of animals for dairy production: cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat
Horse Managemnt and husbandry
Practical training: handling of different species from dog to horse; on farm welfare assessment.
Management and husbandry of animals for meat production: cattle ,swine, sheep and goat
Management and husbandry of animals for dairy production: cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat
Horse Managemnt and husbandry
Practical training: handling of different species from dog to horse; on farm welfare assessment.
Teaching methods
The module comprises 32 hours in total, divided as follows:
- theoretical teaching ( 16 hours) in classroom using multimedia support.
- practical training (16 hours) in classroom and farms; according to the activity, students can be divided in small groups (3 people) for practical training.
- theoretical teaching ( 16 hours) in classroom using multimedia support.
- practical training (16 hours) in classroom and farms; according to the activity, students can be divided in small groups (3 people) for practical training.
Teaching Resources
UniMI website http//ecanalizs.ariel.ctu.unimi.it/v3/home/Default.aspx
Francesco Bertacchini,Iller Campani 2013Manuale di allevamento suino. Vol. 1: L'azienda e l'impresa suinicola.Editore: Edagricole-New Business Media Francesco Bertacchini, Iller Campani Manuale di allevamento suino vol.2 2013 La gestione dei riproduttori e delle covate Edagricole-New Business Media
Bittante, Andrighetto, Ramanzin, Tecniche di produzione animale.2005 Liviana Scolastica
Francesco Bertacchini,Iller Campani 2013Manuale di allevamento suino. Vol. 1: L'azienda e l'impresa suinicola.Editore: Edagricole-New Business Media Francesco Bertacchini, Iller Campani Manuale di allevamento suino vol.2 2013 La gestione dei riproduttori e delle covate Edagricole-New Business Media
Bittante, Andrighetto, Ramanzin, Tecniche di produzione animale.2005 Liviana Scolastica
Course syllabus
Aim of the teaching module is to provide a basic knowledge on the peculiar characteristics of few anatomical systems in birds, on the poultry sector organization and the rearing systems for poultry meat and egg productions. The following lessons are planned:
Statistics on poultry production
Genetics and selection
Description of the reproductive and digestive systems
Artificial incubation
Poultry housing and equipments
Rearing system for meat production
Rearing systems for table egg production
Artificial insemination
Practical training on bird management and artificial insemination is also considered. The visit to a intensive poultry farm is planned for small groups of students (max 15 people).
Statistics on poultry production
Genetics and selection
Description of the reproductive and digestive systems
Artificial incubation
Poultry housing and equipments
Rearing system for meat production
Rearing systems for table egg production
Artificial insemination
Practical training on bird management and artificial insemination is also considered. The visit to a intensive poultry farm is planned for small groups of students (max 15 people).
Teaching methods
The module comprises 32 hours in total, divided as follows:
- theoretical teaching ( 16 hours) in classroom using multimedia support;
- practical training (16 hours) in classroom and farms; according to the activity, students can be divided in small groups (15 people) for practical training.
- theoretical teaching ( 16 hours) in classroom using multimedia support;
- practical training (16 hours) in classroom and farms; according to the activity, students can be divided in small groups (15 people) for practical training.
Teaching Resources
Avicoltura e Coniglicoltura (2015) Editors Cerolini S., Marzoni M., Romboli I., Schiavone A., Zaniboni L, Le Point Veterinaire Italie, Milano.
UniMI website https://sceroliniz.ariel.ctu.unimi.it/v5/home/Default.aspx
Avicoltura e Coniglicoltura (2015) Editors Cerolini S., Marzoni M., Romboli I., Schiavone A., Zaniboni L, Le Point Veterinaire Italie, Milano.
UniMI website https://sceroliniz.ariel.ctu.unimi.it/v5/home/Default.aspx
Produzioni animali
AGR/19 - ANIMAL SCIENCE - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Canali Elisabetta Maria Bianca Francesca A
Tecnologie di allevamento
AGR/19 - ANIMAL SCIENCE - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Canali Elisabetta Maria Bianca Francesca A
1 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Canali Elisabetta Maria Bianca Francesca A2 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Dalla Costa Emanuela
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Cerolini Silvia
Cerolini Silvia
1 turno per tutti gli studenti
Cerolini Silvia2 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Cerolini Silvia3 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Cerolini Silvia4 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Cerolini Silvia5 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Cerolini SilviaProfessor(s)
on appointment
Friday 9-13
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences