Training Course 09: Nutrition, Innovation and Security
A.Y. 2020/2021
Learning objectives
Modern nutrition is based on a proper balance between the quantity, quality and functionality requirements of the diet. Proper diet planning and management can be an important factor in improving health and preventing many diseases. In this training activity the main issues related to the modern nutrition of dogs and cats will be addressed in line with the changed life conditions of the animals, the nutritional dietary evaluation of the diets including the novel foods and the alternative diets, the evaluation of the status of nutrition through indicators and clinical evaluations. The training proposal therefore proposes an integrated approach to animal dietology.
Expected learning outcomes
The learning outcomes of the course are schematically identified as follows:
Knowledge and understanding - At the end of the course the student must have acquired the knowledge of the main topics related to modern nutrition of dogs and cats in line with the changed living conditions of animals, nutritional dietary assessment of diets, including novel feeds and alternative diets, evaluation of nutrition status through biomarkers and clinical evaluation.
Applying knowledge and understanding - At the end of the course the student must have acquired the necessary knowledge for a correct design and management of the diet, which is an important factor in improving the health status and preventing many diseases.
Making judgments - At the end of the course the student will have to show to be able to independently assess the dietary/nutritional characteristics of the diets, including the novel feeds and the alternative diets, the dog and cat nutritional status through biomarkers and clinical evaluations, as well to evaluate the best communication strategies to maximize the success of a diet within the animal-owner binomial.
Communication skills - The knowledge and understanding of communication strategies will allow the student to communicate correctly with the owner of the animal in order to maximize the success of a diet within the animal-owner binomial.
Knowledge and understanding - At the end of the course the student must have acquired the knowledge of the main topics related to modern nutrition of dogs and cats in line with the changed living conditions of animals, nutritional dietary assessment of diets, including novel feeds and alternative diets, evaluation of nutrition status through biomarkers and clinical evaluation.
Applying knowledge and understanding - At the end of the course the student must have acquired the necessary knowledge for a correct design and management of the diet, which is an important factor in improving the health status and preventing many diseases.
Making judgments - At the end of the course the student will have to show to be able to independently assess the dietary/nutritional characteristics of the diets, including the novel feeds and the alternative diets, the dog and cat nutritional status through biomarkers and clinical evaluations, as well to evaluate the best communication strategies to maximize the success of a diet within the animal-owner binomial.
Communication skills - The knowledge and understanding of communication strategies will allow the student to communicate correctly with the owner of the animal in order to maximize the success of a diet within the animal-owner binomial.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
During the emergency teaching phase, lectures will take place on Microsoft Teams in synchronous mode at established times and will be recorded and available on the platform itself in asynchronous mode.
The course will alternate different teaching techniques: lectures, exercises and seminars. Lessons may also include pre-recorded materials. Educational outings (visits to plants, farms), if organization is not made possible, will be replaced by remote seminars.
The program will remain unchanged, however the content of the individual lectures could be modified according to the teaching methods described above. Reference materials are unchanged. The teaching material will be uploaded to Ariel. The methods for verifying learning and the assessment criteria will not be subject to changes, it being understood that the exam will take place in person in writing or through the platforms made available by the University according to the directives in force at the time of the exam.
The course will alternate different teaching techniques: lectures, exercises and seminars. Lessons may also include pre-recorded materials. Educational outings (visits to plants, farms), if organization is not made possible, will be replaced by remote seminars.
The program will remain unchanged, however the content of the individual lectures could be modified according to the teaching methods described above. Reference materials are unchanged. The teaching material will be uploaded to Ariel. The methods for verifying learning and the assessment criteria will not be subject to changes, it being understood that the exam will take place in person in writing or through the platforms made available by the University according to the directives in force at the time of the exam.
Prerequisites for admission
To attend the elective course, the student must have passed all the exams of the third year and he must have attended the courses of the first semester of the 5th year.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning will be assessed during all the practical activities of the course. Clinical rotation and modules of elective activity contribute in a different way to the definition of the final mark.
In clinical rotation, assessment of skills will be carried out in itinere by each teacher during clinical and diagnostic practical activities. Each specific practical competence carried out by the student will be attested through the electronic logbook by the teacher in whose presence this will be carried out. The regular frequency of activities and the acquisition of skills that the student will have to learn and possess at the end of the activity will result in an "approved" assessment.
At the end of the course, for the elective modules of the course, a verification of on-going learning is foreseen through practical tests to control the learning process and a final to verify the skills acquired at the end of the modules through a written test with close questions (multiple choice) both theoretical and practical.
In clinical rotation, assessment of skills will be carried out in itinere by each teacher during clinical and diagnostic practical activities. Each specific practical competence carried out by the student will be attested through the electronic logbook by the teacher in whose presence this will be carried out. The regular frequency of activities and the acquisition of skills that the student will have to learn and possess at the end of the activity will result in an "approved" assessment.
At the end of the course, for the elective modules of the course, a verification of on-going learning is foreseen through practical tests to control the learning process and a final to verify the skills acquired at the end of the modules through a written test with close questions (multiple choice) both theoretical and practical.
Health Nutrition Counseling
Course syllabus
Clinical Nutrition service at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital: clinical examination, evaluation of laboratory findings and formulation of the diet (16 hours).
Nutritional approach in case of the most common diseases of dogs and cats: obesity, diabetes, cardiac, liver, kidney, urinary and gastrointestinal diseases and their prevention.
Nutritional approach in case of the most common diseases of dogs and cats: obesity, diabetes, cardiac, liver, kidney, urinary and gastrointestinal diseases and their prevention.
Teaching methods
Clinical nutritional visit (University Veterinary Hospital): discussion and formulation of the appropriate diet.
Teaching Resources
Didactic material available on ARIEL
Nutritional evaluation of food and pet food
Course syllabus
Provide information on the qualitative characteristics of foods according to the preparation of industrial feeds suitable and safe for the nutritional needs of pets.
- Nutritional evaluation (analytical indicators, digestibility, etc.), 2 hours
- Raw material characteristics for pet food production, 4 hours
- Alternative and innovative ingredients, 1 hour
- Dry food formulation, 3 hours
- Canned food formulation, 2 hours
- Quality control and product analysis, 4 hours
- Nutritional evaluation (analytical indicators, digestibility, etc.), 2 hours
- Raw material characteristics for pet food production, 4 hours
- Alternative and innovative ingredients, 1 hour
- Dry food formulation, 3 hours
- Canned food formulation, 2 hours
- Quality control and product analysis, 4 hours
Teaching methods
Lectures and practical teaching
Teaching Resources
Didactic material available on ARIEL
Food compliance
Course syllabus
Ideal food choice for the animal-owner pair. Communication strategies to maximize the success of a diet. The owner is also a customer. Listen to the customer. Owners' expectations regarding food. Customers are not all the same: types of customers. Adapt the proposal to the owner. The problem of compliance. How to influence behavior and retain customers.
- Choice of the ideal animal-owner pair food, 4 hours
- Customer loyalty, 4 hours
- Communication levers, 4 hours
- Nutrition compliance, 4 hours
- Choice of the ideal animal-owner pair food, 4 hours
- Customer loyalty, 4 hours
- Communication levers, 4 hours
- Nutrition compliance, 4 hours
Teaching methods
Lectures and practical teaching
Teaching Resources
Didactic material available on ARIEL
Food Safety
Course syllabus
Critical use of food in feeding animals for the prevention of diseases and for raising the longevity threshold: use of new molecular chemical markers for the diagnosis of the nutritional status of pets.
The program of the unit forsee:
The in vitro evaluation of functional molecules, 8 hours lecture and 8 hours training
The program of the unit forsee:
The in vitro evaluation of functional molecules, 8 hours lecture and 8 hours training
Teaching methods
Lectures and practical teaching
Teaching Resources
Didactic material available on ARIEL
Clinical Rotation
Course syllabus
In the document of the Day one competences "(DOCs), drawn up by the European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training, there is a list of knowledge and skills that the new graduate must possess. The electronic logbook lists the practical skills that the student must acquire to satisfy what is reported in the DOCs document. The hospital rotation is aimed at making the student acquire the skills and competences shown in the electronic logbook which from time to time it will be appropriate to apply on patients and case studies assigned.
Teaching methods
Practical work on referred for visit and hospitalized patients and on biological material provided for diagnostic purposes at the Teaching Veterinary Hospital. The work will be carried out by the students individually or in groups under the direct guidance of the teachers. All students will carry out activities in the Companion Animal Veterinary Teaching Hospital, in the Ruminant and Swine Clinic, in Equine Clinic and in the facilities of the diagnostic services.
Teaching Resources
No specific reference material is foreseen. In relation to the activities carried out from time to time, students may be asked to research and discuss scientific literature on specific cases observed.
Clinical Rotation
Practicals: 64 hours
Belloli Angelo, Cremonesi Fausto, Di Giancamillo Mauro, Ferrari Roberta, Giudice Chiara, Locatelli Chiara, Luvoni Gaia Cecilia Rita, Manfredi Maria Teresa, Martini Valeria, Perego Roberta, Ravasio Giuliano, Spada Eva, Stefanello Damiano, Zani Davide Danilo, Zucca Enrica
Food compliance
AGR/18 - ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Bontempo Valentino
Food Safety
AGR/18 - ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Rebucci Raffaella
Health Nutrition Counseling
AGR/18 - ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Fusi Eleonora
Nutritional evaluation of food and pet food
AGR/18 - ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDING - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Cheli Federica
by appointment
from Monday to Friday, on request
10 a.m. - 11,30 am. Every Wednesday
Ufficio-Settore didattico Palazzina Studi, I piano, Lodi (Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria)
on appointment
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, via dell'università 6, Lodi