Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course provides basic understanding of the principles of drug administration, pharmacokinetics, biotransformation, pharmacodynamics and drug receptor interaction. The course emphasizes drugs belonging to the main pharmacological and chemotherapeutic classes. The pharmacological bases of veterinary therapy are also provided.Knowledge in veterinary toxicology is also provided with information on sources of intoxications, acute and chronic toxicity, toxicokinetic, metabolism and mechanism of actions of toxic substances, considering species-specific differences.
Expected learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and toxicology. Know the mechanisms of action of drugs, their use and safety. Know the main toxicants responsible for acute and chronic poisoning, in the various animal species, and their mechanisms of action.
2) Appling knowledge and understanding: to be able to choose an appropriate drug, to know the rules for its prescription and administration and to consider the risks and benefits of the treatment, as well as assess the kinetic profile and manage pharmacovigilance. Acquiring skills to evaluate poisoning episode in the different animal species, associating it with the main toxic agents.
3) Making judgments: will have to develop critical and judgmental skills by critically addressing the frontal and practical lessons and the study of the various topics on the material provided by the teacher and on the textbooks.
4) Communication skills: being able to expose the notions acquired with an appropriate terminology consistent with the terminology used in the other disciplines both during lectures, when intervening during classroom discussions, and during practical lessons.
5) Life long learning skills: being able to effectively face the study of professionalizing subjects in order to have a complete preparation to enter the world of work.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
DIDACTIC METHODS The lectures will be held partly in person and partly online (using the Microsoft Teams platform), according to the published calendar and the indications given by the University. The exercises will take place face to face and partly online (seminars) and face-to-face (practical part) (the teaching material will be available on the Ariel website).
Information on the organization of lessons and how to access Microsoft Teams and any other information on teaching will be available on the ARIEL website of the course: it is therefore recommended to consult it regularly. Based on the evolution of the epidemic and in compliance with the relevant regulations, it will be possible to modify the modalities of the activities planned in the classroom, informing the students through ARIEL.
The teaching program and reference material will not be affected.
LEARNING VERIFICATION METHOD Learning is verified through a written test in presence where possible, otherwise it will be verified through an oral exam using the Microsoft Teams platform.
Prerequisites for admission
In order to take the Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology exam, the student must have passed the General Pathology and Microbiology and Veterinary Immunology exams.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written Exam of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Four questions open for the part of Pharmacology and four questions open for the part of Toxicology.
To pass the exam it is necessary to have enough in both modules (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
The exam does not include an oral exam
Eight annual appeals are made
Veterinary Pharmacology
Course syllabus
The course provides basic understanding of the principles of drug administration, pharmacokinetics, biotransformation, pharmacodynamics and drug receptor interaction. The course emphasizes drugs belonging to the main pharmacological and chemotherapeutic classes. The pharmacological bases of veterinary therapy are also provided.
Frontal teaching: 32 hours
Exercise teaching: 8 hours for the whole class
History of pharmacology (2 hours)
Kinetics, mechanisms of absorption and distribution of drugs (2 hours)
Metabolism and elimination of drugs (2 hours)
Dynamics, dose response curves, agonists and antagonists (3 hours)
Regulatory Pharmacology, Maximum Residue Limits (2 hours)
Pharmaceutical, routes of administration (1 hour)
Special pharmacology
Autonomic nervous system (1 hour)
Drugs active on adrenergic and cholinergic transmission (2 hours)
CNS active drugs (1 hour)
Local anesthetics (1 hour)
General anesthetics and major tranquilizers (2 hours)
Opioid analgesics (1 hour)
Pharmacology of autacoids (2 hours)
Medicines to control inflammation (2 hours)
Cardiovascular pharmacology (2 hours)
Diuretic and antihistamine drugs (2 hours)
Antibacterial and antiparasitic drugs (2 hours)
Drugs active on the gastrointestinal tract (1 hour)
Respiratory Drugs (1 hour)
Exercises for the whole class (Seminars)
Seminar - Pharmacology Lexicon (2 hours)
Seminar - Veterinary Pharmacovigilance System (2 hours)
Seminar - Pharmaceutical preparations (2 hours)
Seminar - Regulatory (2 hours)
Prof. Petra P. Cagnardi
Exercise teaching in groups of 20 students: 32 total hours divided into 2 exercise blocks of 4 h each to be repeated 4 times.
Block 1
Analytical and extractive methods for the research of drugs from biological matrices (4h)
Block 2
Pharmacokinetic study, Prescription, Pharmacovigilance activity (4h)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons in pharmacology (4CFU) through presentations of slides and exercises in repeated groups (1CFU) in the laboratory with the use of analytical techniques and software for pharmacokinetic analysis. Practice on prescription and reporting pharmacovigilance.
Teaching Resources
Course slides available on the Teacher's ARIEL website.
Farmacologia Veterinaria - Carli-Ormas-Re-Soldani - Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi
Per consultazione:
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics - Jim E. Riviere and Mark G. Papich - 9^ Ed. Wiley-Blackwell
A cura di Alfredo Gorio e Anna Maria Di Giulio - Rang & Dale Farmacologia - 8^ Ed. Masson
Veterinary toxicology
Course syllabus
General Toxicology
Introduction to Veterinary Toxicology course and classification of toxic compounds (1 hour)
Factors affecting toxicity (1 hour)
Acute and chronic toxicity; Toxicokinetic and Toxicodynamic (2 hours)
3Rs in Toxicology (1 hour)
Epidemiology of Poisonings in different animal species ( 3 hours)
Mutagenesis, cancerogenesis, teratogenesis e reproductive effects (3 hours)
Endocrine Disruptor: definition, effects and toxicity of Endocrine Disruptors (1 hour)
Poisoning in domestic animals by:
Poisonous Plants: alkaloids, glycosides, oxalates containing plants and more, responsible of animal intoxication (4 hours)
Mycotoxins: afaltoxins, ochratoxins and fusariotoxins (fumonisins, trichothecens, zearalenone) (4 hours)
Pesticides and intoxications in domestic animals: herbicides, fungicides, insecticides molluscicides rodenticides (4 hours)
Metals: cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead (4 hours)
Industrial Toxicants: ethylene glycol, petroleum (2 hours)
Miscellaneous (2 hours)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons in toxicology (4CFU) through slides presentations
Teaching Resources
Didactic materiali is available on ARIEL
GUPTA R.C. Veterinary toxicology Basic and Clinical principles Third Edition - edited by Elsevier Academic press, 2018
Veterinary Pharmacology
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Turno 1 per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Villa Roberto Edoardo
Turno 2 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Cagnardi Petra Pico'
Turno 3 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Cagnardi Petra Pico'
Turno 4 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Cagnardi Petra Pico'
Turno 5 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Cagnardi Petra Pico'
Veterinary toxicology
Lessons: 32 hours
Professor: Caloni Francesca
By appointment via mail
Via Celoria 10 - Milano
By appointment from Monday to Friday
Dep. DIVAS Lodi