Veterinary Surgical
A.Y. 2020/2021
Learning objectives
The module aims to provide clinical-practical knowledge and skills in the management of surgical diseases, making use of the theoretical knowledge provided in previous courses. In particular, the objective of the module is that they acquire practical skills in diagnosis, staging, surgical therapy, communication of prognosis and possible alternative therapies of surgical lesions of dogs and cats. These skills will be acquired by attending the clinical care activity of the University Veterinary Hospital following the clinical diagnostic therapeutic path of the individual patient and discussing the diagnostic therapeutic choices made on a case-by-case basis. The student will acquire communication skills by interacting directly with the owner in all phases of the clinical management of the patient
Expected learning outcomes
The student will learn the main practical skills required in basic hospital activities, carried out in the various operating units of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, and should be able to evaluate clinical and diagnostic information related to the clinical cases addressed, in order to make a diagnosis and to set an adequate therapeutic plan. The student must also be able to interact and communicate correctly with the patient's owner.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
COVID situation as of September 2020:
All frontal lessons will be held online by means Microsoft Teams in the presence. The lesson will be recorded and uploaded on Microsoft Teams
Pratical rotation clinical course (16 hours- 1 CFU) will take place in presence for 8 hours directly in the hospital creating groups of 5 people per shift. The remaining 8 hours will be given in presence in the classroom with interactive discussion of clinical cases.
The examination test will consist of a written test with multiple-choice questions (20 questions for each individual module. Each question has 5 possible answers of which only one is correct). The exam will take place in a computer room of the Lodi Educational Centre using the Moodle platform. For students who could not reach the venue, the written exam can always be delivered online and remotely using the Moodle +SEB platform already widely used in the previous lockdown phase.
COVID situation with lockdown in progress
The lectures will be entirely delivered online in presence through Microsoft Teams. The lesson will be recorded and uploaded on the Ariel website and/ or Microsoft Teams. The recorded video of lessons will remain available for the entire semester.
The pratical rotation clinical course will take place entirely online in the presence of the students and will include discussion of clinical cases prepared ad hoc. If it will be possible for teachers to access the hospital facilities will be provided through the use of webcams to assist students directly to ambulatory visits and during surgeries in the surgical theatre.
The written exam will always be delivered online and remotely using the Moodle +SEB platform already widely used in the previous lockdown phase.
All frontal lessons will be held online by means Microsoft Teams in the presence. The lesson will be recorded and uploaded on Microsoft Teams
Pratical rotation clinical course (16 hours- 1 CFU) will take place in presence for 8 hours directly in the hospital creating groups of 5 people per shift. The remaining 8 hours will be given in presence in the classroom with interactive discussion of clinical cases.
The examination test will consist of a written test with multiple-choice questions (20 questions for each individual module. Each question has 5 possible answers of which only one is correct). The exam will take place in a computer room of the Lodi Educational Centre using the Moodle platform. For students who could not reach the venue, the written exam can always be delivered online and remotely using the Moodle +SEB platform already widely used in the previous lockdown phase.
COVID situation with lockdown in progress
The lectures will be entirely delivered online in presence through Microsoft Teams. The lesson will be recorded and uploaded on the Ariel website and/ or Microsoft Teams. The recorded video of lessons will remain available for the entire semester.
The pratical rotation clinical course will take place entirely online in the presence of the students and will include discussion of clinical cases prepared ad hoc. If it will be possible for teachers to access the hospital facilities will be provided through the use of webcams to assist students directly to ambulatory visits and during surgeries in the surgical theatre.
The written exam will always be delivered online and remotely using the Moodle +SEB platform already widely used in the previous lockdown phase.
Prerequisites for admission
The module, divided into 8 CFU, includes:
- Frontal teaching (5 CFU) dedicated to the clinic of the main surgical diseases of small and large animals. The main objective of frontal teaching is to provide the epidemiological, physiopathological, clinical diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic framework for each surgical disease.
- Practice 3 CFU (1 CFU = 16 hours/student)
The practice will be carried out in groups of 5/6 people directly at the Lodi University Veterinary Hospital both in small and large animal clinics, and in operating theaters. The practice will take place under the supervision of the teacher and with the possible collaboration of the structured and unstructured medical staff of the surgical clinic. Students will be directly involved in the clinical examination and in communication with the owner. During the practice the students will be admitted to the operating room and some will be directly involved in the execution of the operating procedures.
- Frontal teaching (5 CFU) dedicated to the clinic of the main surgical diseases of small and large animals. The main objective of frontal teaching is to provide the epidemiological, physiopathological, clinical diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic framework for each surgical disease.
- Practice 3 CFU (1 CFU = 16 hours/student)
The practice will be carried out in groups of 5/6 people directly at the Lodi University Veterinary Hospital both in small and large animal clinics, and in operating theaters. The practice will take place under the supervision of the teacher and with the possible collaboration of the structured and unstructured medical staff of the surgical clinic. Students will be directly involved in the clinical examination and in communication with the owner. During the practice the students will be admitted to the operating room and some will be directly involved in the execution of the operating procedures.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The lectures are organized as indicated in the lists below, dealing with the most common surgical diseases of small and large animals. Epidemiological data, etiopathogenesis, the most frequent clinical presentation (signs and symptoms), possible differential diagnoses, diagnostic and laboratory tests necessary for its classification, possible therapeutic options and prognosis will be reported for each disease. In order to interact effectively with the teacher, the student must have acquired the knowledge and skills of the previous courses (anatomy, topographical anatomy, pathological anatomy and clinical pathology, surgical and medical semeiotics, surgical and medical pathology radiology, operative medicine and anesthesiology). The student will learn how to approach the patient suffering from surgical pathologies and manage the possible differential diagnoses, the possible therapeutic choices, the possible complications in the short, medium and long term and the prognosis.
Finally, the student will have to demonstrate ability to communicate the skills acquired with appropriate terminology and to independently develop the concepts and insights on the subject of surgery.
The exam will consist of a written test with multiple choice questions (20 questions for each individual module. Each question has 5 possible answers of which only one is correct). The exam will take place in a computer room of the Polo di Lodi.
Finally, the student will have to demonstrate ability to communicate the skills acquired with appropriate terminology and to independently develop the concepts and insights on the subject of surgery.
The exam will consist of a written test with multiple choice questions (20 questions for each individual module. Each question has 5 possible answers of which only one is correct). The exam will take place in a computer room of the Polo di Lodi.
Clinica chirurgica dei piccoli animali
Course syllabus
The course consists of 16 hours of frontal lessons and 16 hours of pratical rotation clinical course. The frontal lessons are structured as indicated in the list below, treating the most common soft tissue surgical diseases of dogs and cats. The main epidemiological data, the etiopathogenetic, the most frequent clinical presentation (signs and symptoms), the possible differential diagnoses, the diagnostic and laboratory examinations necessary for its classification, the possible therapeutic options and the prognosis will be repeated for each disease. In order to effectively interact with the lessons, the student needs to have acquired knowledge and skills from previous courses such as anatomy, topographic anatomy, pathology and clinical pathology, surgical and medical semeiotics, surgical pathology and medical pathology, diagnostic imaging , surgical techniques and veterinary anesthesiology The student learns how to approach the patient suffering from soft tissue surgical pathology and manage the possible differential diagnoses, the possible therapeutic choices, the possible short, medium and long term complications and the prognosis.
The student will have to demonstrate to own knowledge and concepts that lead him to a correct differential diagnosis in order to establish the correlations and the connections between the different topics covered.
The student must demonstrate the ability to critically analyze differential diagnoses.
Finally, the student will have to demonstrate the ability to communicate the skills acquired with appropriate terminology and to develop in an autonomous way the concepts and in-depth studies on dog and cat soft tissue surgery
Introduction Preoperative evaluation of the surgical patient 0.5h
Introduction to the course
Study material and its correct use
Introduction Clinical core practice in surgery
Problem-oriented medical history
Clinical examination and laboratory data
Diagnostic approach of surgical diseases and categorization of surgical prognosis
Communication with the owner
Introduction to oncologic surgery 1.5h
Definition of local, loco-regional, and distant disease
Examples of oncological staging in clinical practice
Classification of oncologic surgery techniques
Surgical biopsy for each anatomical site: techniques and equipment
Skin surgery 3h
Clinical management of skin wounds
Complications of healing of cutaneous wounds
Reconstruction of skin defects: stress release techniques; local flaps, myocutaneous axial flaps, free flaps.
Cutaneous oncological surgery: mast cell tumor and soft tissue sarcomas
Ear surgery 1h
Surgical therapy of external-medium and internal otitis
Surgical therapy of neoplasms of the external-internal ear
Surgical therapy of the pinna
Oral cavity and oropharynx surgery 1h
Congenital and acquired fistulas
Oral and pharyngeal tumors
Esophagus surgery 0,5h
Cricopharyngeal Dyshagia
Vascular Ring Anomalies
Foreign bodies and laceration
Stricture diverticula, fistulae
Gastric surgery 1h
Hiatal hernia
Gastroesophageal intussusception
Foreign bodies
Gastric Ulceration and perforation
Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus
Small intestinal surgery 0,5h
Foreign bodies: linear and no linear
Intussusception and mesenteric volvulus
Ciecum, Colon and rectum surgery 0,5 h
Surgical disease of ciecum
Neoplasia of the colon
Atresia ani
Rectal prolapse
Perineum surgery 1.5h
Perineal hernia
Perianal and perineal neoplasms
Perinal fistulas
Surgical diseases of the anal sacs
Upper respiratory tract surgery 1,5h
Brachycephalic dog syndrome
Laryngeal collapse
Laryngeal paralysis
Tracheal collapse
Nasal planum, nasal cavity and sinuses (tumors)
Rhinitis and nasal foreign body
Low respiratory tract surgery 1h
Chest wall
Thoracic cavity: pneumothorax, chylothorax , pyothorax tumor
Diaphragmatic hernia and Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia
Urinary and ureter bladder surgery 2 h
Ectopia ureters
Surgical management of bladder and urethral lithiasis
Urethral prolapse
Bladder rupture
Bladder and urethral neoplasms
Diseases of the cat's lower urinary tract
Abdominal surgery 1h
Ventral abdominal hernias
Inguinal, scrotal and femoral hernias
Pratical rotation clinical course (16 h)
a) Consultation rooms ((under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
First opinion vs specialized consultation vs postoperative recheck
- Recording of the patient
- Clinical History collection ( discussion)
- Physical examination vs specialized examination ( discussion)
- Proposal of differential diagnosis ( discussion)
- Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
- Follow the patient in the diagnostic procedures( X-rays, ultrasonography endoscopy etc..)
- provide a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
b) Surgical theatre (under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
- Recording the patient
- Clinical History collection ( Discussion)
- Clinical examination for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol ( Discussion)
- Explanation of surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol and possible complications ( Discussion)
- Cooperation in the owner consent taking for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol
- Discussion of the surgical treatment/technique, postoperative care and potential complications
- Discussion anesthesiologic and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus postoperative analgesic protocol
- Preoperative- procedures for patient:
Preparation of the surgical site involves a series of steps such as clipping of hair, removal of dirt and oils, and removal of microbes.
- Preoperative procedures- surgical staff
Scrubs, scrubs hands and applications of specific surgical dress
- Preparation of the surgical site
- Assistant at surgical procedures/ performing some surgical procedures
- Planning postoperative care and communication with hospitalization service
- Follow/ recheck the patient in hospitalization service
- Write the surgical report
- Write the form for histopathologic exam ( surgical biopsy)
- Discussion with clinical staff of the surgical case/ cases.
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
Students' reception: by appointment via e-mail
The student will have to demonstrate to own knowledge and concepts that lead him to a correct differential diagnosis in order to establish the correlations and the connections between the different topics covered.
The student must demonstrate the ability to critically analyze differential diagnoses.
Finally, the student will have to demonstrate the ability to communicate the skills acquired with appropriate terminology and to develop in an autonomous way the concepts and in-depth studies on dog and cat soft tissue surgery
Introduction Preoperative evaluation of the surgical patient 0.5h
Introduction to the course
Study material and its correct use
Introduction Clinical core practice in surgery
Problem-oriented medical history
Clinical examination and laboratory data
Diagnostic approach of surgical diseases and categorization of surgical prognosis
Communication with the owner
Introduction to oncologic surgery 1.5h
Definition of local, loco-regional, and distant disease
Examples of oncological staging in clinical practice
Classification of oncologic surgery techniques
Surgical biopsy for each anatomical site: techniques and equipment
Skin surgery 3h
Clinical management of skin wounds
Complications of healing of cutaneous wounds
Reconstruction of skin defects: stress release techniques; local flaps, myocutaneous axial flaps, free flaps.
Cutaneous oncological surgery: mast cell tumor and soft tissue sarcomas
Ear surgery 1h
Surgical therapy of external-medium and internal otitis
Surgical therapy of neoplasms of the external-internal ear
Surgical therapy of the pinna
Oral cavity and oropharynx surgery 1h
Congenital and acquired fistulas
Oral and pharyngeal tumors
Esophagus surgery 0,5h
Cricopharyngeal Dyshagia
Vascular Ring Anomalies
Foreign bodies and laceration
Stricture diverticula, fistulae
Gastric surgery 1h
Hiatal hernia
Gastroesophageal intussusception
Foreign bodies
Gastric Ulceration and perforation
Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus
Small intestinal surgery 0,5h
Foreign bodies: linear and no linear
Intussusception and mesenteric volvulus
Ciecum, Colon and rectum surgery 0,5 h
Surgical disease of ciecum
Neoplasia of the colon
Atresia ani
Rectal prolapse
Perineum surgery 1.5h
Perineal hernia
Perianal and perineal neoplasms
Perinal fistulas
Surgical diseases of the anal sacs
Upper respiratory tract surgery 1,5h
Brachycephalic dog syndrome
Laryngeal collapse
Laryngeal paralysis
Tracheal collapse
Nasal planum, nasal cavity and sinuses (tumors)
Rhinitis and nasal foreign body
Low respiratory tract surgery 1h
Chest wall
Thoracic cavity: pneumothorax, chylothorax , pyothorax tumor
Diaphragmatic hernia and Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia
Urinary and ureter bladder surgery 2 h
Ectopia ureters
Surgical management of bladder and urethral lithiasis
Urethral prolapse
Bladder rupture
Bladder and urethral neoplasms
Diseases of the cat's lower urinary tract
Abdominal surgery 1h
Ventral abdominal hernias
Inguinal, scrotal and femoral hernias
Pratical rotation clinical course (16 h)
a) Consultation rooms ((under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
First opinion vs specialized consultation vs postoperative recheck
- Recording of the patient
- Clinical History collection ( discussion)
- Physical examination vs specialized examination ( discussion)
- Proposal of differential diagnosis ( discussion)
- Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
- Follow the patient in the diagnostic procedures( X-rays, ultrasonography endoscopy etc..)
- provide a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
b) Surgical theatre (under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
- Recording the patient
- Clinical History collection ( Discussion)
- Clinical examination for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol ( Discussion)
- Explanation of surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol and possible complications ( Discussion)
- Cooperation in the owner consent taking for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol
- Discussion of the surgical treatment/technique, postoperative care and potential complications
- Discussion anesthesiologic and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus postoperative analgesic protocol
- Preoperative- procedures for patient:
Preparation of the surgical site involves a series of steps such as clipping of hair, removal of dirt and oils, and removal of microbes.
- Preoperative procedures- surgical staff
Scrubs, scrubs hands and applications of specific surgical dress
- Preparation of the surgical site
- Assistant at surgical procedures/ performing some surgical procedures
- Planning postoperative care and communication with hospitalization service
- Follow/ recheck the patient in hospitalization service
- Write the surgical report
- Write the form for histopathologic exam ( surgical biopsy)
- Discussion with clinical staff of the surgical case/ cases.
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
Students' reception: by appointment via e-mail
Teaching methods
The Module, divided into 3 CFU, includes:
- Frontal teaching (2 CFU - 16 hours) dedicated to the clinic of the main surgical diseases of small animals excluding orthopedic and neurological ones. The main objective of frontal teaching is to provide the epidemiological, physio-pathological, clinical diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic framework for each surgical disease.
- Pratical rotation clinical course (1 CFU - 16 hours)
The Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Lodi will be held in groups of 5-6 people both in the clinics and in the operating rooms. The exercise activity will take place under the supervision of the teacher and with the possible collaboration of the structured and unstructured medical staff of the surgical clinic. Students will be directly involved in the clinical examination and in communication with the owner. During the practical exercises the students will be admitted to the operating room and some will be directly involved in the execution of the operating procedures.
- Frontal teaching (2 CFU - 16 hours) dedicated to the clinic of the main surgical diseases of small animals excluding orthopedic and neurological ones. The main objective of frontal teaching is to provide the epidemiological, physio-pathological, clinical diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic framework for each surgical disease.
- Pratical rotation clinical course (1 CFU - 16 hours)
The Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Lodi will be held in groups of 5-6 people both in the clinics and in the operating rooms. The exercise activity will take place under the supervision of the teacher and with the possible collaboration of the structured and unstructured medical staff of the surgical clinic. Students will be directly involved in the clinical examination and in communication with the owner. During the practical exercises the students will be admitted to the operating room and some will be directly involved in the execution of the operating procedures.
Teaching Resources
1. Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal Karen Tobias & Spencer Johnston Ed.2012 Saunders ISBN 978-1-4377-0746-5 Part Vol 1: 9996073696; Part Vol 2: 9996073637 (Lingua Inglese)
2. Small Animal Surgery 5th Edition; Theresa Fossum Hardcover ISBN: 9780323443449
Imprint: MosbyPublished Date: 29th May 2018 Page Count: 1584
The student, at his discretion, can consult the following texts for further information regarding pathophysiology and surgical therapies of small animal diseases:
- Mechanisms of Disease in Small Animal Surgery di M. Joseph Bojrab (Autore), Eric Monnet
(Autore) Editore: Teton NewMedia; 3 edizione (1 gennaio 2010) Lingua: Inglese ISBN-13: 978-
- Current Techniques In Small Animal Surgery BOJRAB-WALDRON-TOOMBS 5° Ed., 1162
Pagg., 1000 Ill., TETON NEWMEDIA, Dicembre 2014 Lingua inglese ISBN 9781591610359
-Ariel: SI (pdf of the slide utilized during frontal teaching)
2. Small Animal Surgery 5th Edition; Theresa Fossum Hardcover ISBN: 9780323443449
Imprint: MosbyPublished Date: 29th May 2018 Page Count: 1584
The student, at his discretion, can consult the following texts for further information regarding pathophysiology and surgical therapies of small animal diseases:
- Mechanisms of Disease in Small Animal Surgery di M. Joseph Bojrab (Autore), Eric Monnet
(Autore) Editore: Teton NewMedia; 3 edizione (1 gennaio 2010) Lingua: Inglese ISBN-13: 978-
- Current Techniques In Small Animal Surgery BOJRAB-WALDRON-TOOMBS 5° Ed., 1162
Pagg., 1000 Ill., TETON NEWMEDIA, Dicembre 2014 Lingua inglese ISBN 9781591610359
-Ariel: SI (pdf of the slide utilized during frontal teaching)
Ortopedia e clinica traumatologica veterinaria
Course syllabus
Orthopedic examination - 1 h
Signalement, recent and past clinical history, general condition, specific orthopedic test
General introduction to fracture management and discussion of management of specific fracture - 3 h
Common joint diseases in dogs and cats - 5 h 30 min
Non-surgical joint diseases
Shoulder: Osteochondritis dissecans, shoulder joint instability/subluxation, dysplasia of the glenoid (congenital luxation), traumatic luxation, Biceps brachii tendinopath, Supraspinatus tendinopathy, muscles disorders
Elbow: dysplasia, traumatic luxation, congenital luxation
Coxo-femoral: hip dysplasia, luxation, Legg-Perthes disease
Stifle: cranial cruciate ligament disease, medial patellar luxation, lateral patellar luxation, collateral ligament injuries, osteonchondrosis.
Bone neoplasms - 30 min
Neurological examination and neuroanatomic diagnosis - 1 h 30 min
Signalement, recent and past clinical history, general condition, specific test to assess neurological defect .
Appendicular and
Common neurological disease of dogs and cats 3 h
Disc disease, atlantoaxial instability, cervical spondylomyelopathy (Wobbler syndrome), lumbosacral disease
Common traumatic injuries - 1 h 30 min
Multiple rib fracture (flail chest)
Soft tissue wound management
Orthopedic examination - 1 h
Signalement, recent and past clinical history, general condition, specific orthopedic test
General introduction to fracture management and discussion of management of specific fracture - 3 h
Common joint diseases in dogs and cats - 5 h 30 min
Non-surgical joint diseases
Shoulder: Osteochondritis dissecans, shoulder joint instability/subluxation, dysplasia of the glenoid (congenital luxation), traumatic luxation, Biceps brachii tendinopath, Supraspinatus tendinopathy, muscles disorders
Elbow: dysplasia, traumatic luxation, congenital luxation
Coxo-femoral: hip dysplasia, luxation, Legg-Perthes disease
Stifle: cranial cruciate ligament disease, medial patellar luxation, lateral patellar luxation, collateral ligament injuries, osteonchondrosis.
Bone neoplasms - 30 min
Neurological examination and neuroanatomic diagnosis - 1 h 30 min
Signalement, recent and past clinical history, general condition, specific test to assess neurological defect .
Appendicular and
Common neurological disease of dogs and cats 3 h
Disc disease, atlantoaxial instability, cervical spondylomyelopathy (Wobbler syndrome), lumbosacral disease
Common traumatic injuries - 1 h 30 min
Multiple rib fracture (flail chest)
Soft tissue wound management
Teaching methods
The module aims to provide students with basic, practical-applicative training for correct clinical management of the main orthopedic, neurological and traumatological diseases of dogs and cats. Specifically for each disease, the salient epidemiological data, the etiopathogenesis, the most frequent clinical presentation (signs and symptoms), the possible differential diagnoses, the diagnostic and laboratory tests necessary for their classification, the possible therapeutic options and the prognosis will be reported. Specifically, the student must learn, know how to apply, deal independently and communicate effectively to the owner, the basic knowledge of etiopathogenesis, the diagnostic process and the clinical and therapeutic management of the main orthopedic, neuorological and traumatological diseases of the dog and cat , the possible short, medium and long term complications and the relative prognosis. In order to be able to interact effectively with the lessons, the student needs to have acquired knowledge and skills from previous courses such as anatomy, topographical anatomy, pathological anatomy and clinical pathology, surgical and medical semiotics, surgical and medical pathology, radiology, operating medicine and veterinary anesthesiology
Teaching Resources
The teacher will make the PDF of the lectures available on the Ariel website ( The material updated for each new academic year will be available during the course period.
1. Small Animal Surgery 5th Edition; Theresa Fossum Hardcover ISBN: 9780323443449
Imprint: MosbyPublished Date: 29th May 2018 Page Count: 1584
2. Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal Karen Tobias & Spencer Johnston Ed.2012 Saunders ISBN 978-1-4377-0746-5 Part Vol 1: 9996073696; Part Vol 2: 9996073637 (Lingua Inglese)
The student, at his discretion, can consult the following texts for further information regarding pathophysiology and surgical therapies of small animal diseases:
- "Mechanisms of Disease in Small Animal Surgery". M. Joseph Bojrab, Eric Monnet Ed: Teton NewMedia; 3 eds (1 january 2010) English ISBN-13: 978-1591610380
1. Small Animal Surgery 5th Edition; Theresa Fossum Hardcover ISBN: 9780323443449
Imprint: MosbyPublished Date: 29th May 2018 Page Count: 1584
2. Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal Karen Tobias & Spencer Johnston Ed.2012 Saunders ISBN 978-1-4377-0746-5 Part Vol 1: 9996073696; Part Vol 2: 9996073637 (Lingua Inglese)
The student, at his discretion, can consult the following texts for further information regarding pathophysiology and surgical therapies of small animal diseases:
- "Mechanisms of Disease in Small Animal Surgery". M. Joseph Bojrab, Eric Monnet Ed: Teton NewMedia; 3 eds (1 january 2010) English ISBN-13: 978-1591610380
Clinica chirurgica veterinaria
Course syllabus
The lectures are organized as indicated in the list below, dealing with the most common surgical diseases of large animals. Epidemiological data, etiopathogenesis, the most frequent clinical presentation (signs and symptoms), possible differential diagnoses, diagnostic and laboratory tests necessary for its classification, possible therapeutic options and prognosis will be reported for each disease. In order to interact effectively with the teacher, the student must have acquired the knowledge and skills of the previous courses (anatomy, topographical anatomy, pathological anatomy and clinical pathology, surgical and medical semeiotics, surgical and medical pathology radiology, operative medicine and anesthesiology).
Surgical treatment of the equine limb wounds in the equine (1 hour)
Equine Hoof surgical diseases (1 hour)
Surgical aproach to horse abdominal diseases (2 hours)
Surgical aproach for equine tendon pathologies (1 hour)
Surgical aproach to the diseases of the horse's upper respiratory tract (2 hours)
Surgical aproach to dental pathologies in the equine (2 hours)
Surgical aproach to equine joint diseases (1 hour)
Surgical aproach for cattle foot lesions (2 hours)
Surgical aproach to bovine abdominal diseases (2 hours)
Surgical aproach to umbilical diseases in calf (2 hours)
Surgical aproach to ocular pathologies in domestic animals (2 hours)
B - VET LABS (1CFU - 16 hours / student)
Vet labs takes place at the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital with specific reference to:
- Patient registration
- Collection of anamnesis (discussion)
- Basic clinical examination vs specialist examination (discussion)
- Proposal for differential diagnosis (discussion)
- Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
- Follow the patient in diagnostic procedures - Issuing a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
- Preparation of the clinical report and prescription of drug therapies (if necessary)
- Clinical examination for the surgical and anesthesiological protocol (Discussion)
- Explanation of the surgical and anesthesiological protocol and possible complications (Discussion)
- Participation in the illustration of the informed consent to surgical and anesthesiological procedures to the owner
- Discussion on surgical / technical treatment, postoperative care and potential short, medium and long term complications
- Discussion of anesthesiological and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus discussion / choice of postoperative analgesic protocol
- Preoperative procedures for the patient:
- Patient preparation (trichotomy, cleaning and disinfection)
- Preoperative procedures - surgical staff (hand scrub and specific surgical clothing applications)
- Preparation of the surgical site
- Assistance to surgical procedures / execution of some surgical procedures
- Planning of postoperative assistance and communication with the hospitalization service
- Follow / recheck the patient in the ward
- Preparation of the surgical report
- Preparation of the form for the histopathological examination (surgical biopsy)
- Clinical discussion of the case / surgical cases.
- Preparation of the clinical report and prescription of drug therapies (if necessary)
The lectures are organized as indicated in the list below, dealing with the most common surgical diseases of large animals. Epidemiological data, etiopathogenesis, the most frequent clinical presentation (signs and symptoms), possible differential diagnoses, diagnostic and laboratory tests necessary for its classification, possible therapeutic options and prognosis will be reported for each disease. In order to interact effectively with the teacher, the student must have acquired the knowledge and skills of the previous courses (anatomy, topographical anatomy, pathological anatomy and clinical pathology, surgical and medical semeiotics, surgical and medical pathology radiology, operative medicine and anesthesiology).
Surgical treatment of the equine limb wounds in the equine (1 hour)
Equine Hoof surgical diseases (1 hour)
Surgical aproach to horse abdominal diseases (2 hours)
Surgical aproach for equine tendon pathologies (1 hour)
Surgical aproach to the diseases of the horse's upper respiratory tract (2 hours)
Surgical aproach to dental pathologies in the equine (2 hours)
Surgical aproach to equine joint diseases (1 hour)
Surgical aproach for cattle foot lesions (2 hours)
Surgical aproach to bovine abdominal diseases (2 hours)
Surgical aproach to umbilical diseases in calf (2 hours)
Surgical aproach to ocular pathologies in domestic animals (2 hours)
B - VET LABS (1CFU - 16 hours / student)
Vet labs takes place at the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital with specific reference to:
- Patient registration
- Collection of anamnesis (discussion)
- Basic clinical examination vs specialist examination (discussion)
- Proposal for differential diagnosis (discussion)
- Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
- Follow the patient in diagnostic procedures - Issuing a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
- Preparation of the clinical report and prescription of drug therapies (if necessary)
- Clinical examination for the surgical and anesthesiological protocol (Discussion)
- Explanation of the surgical and anesthesiological protocol and possible complications (Discussion)
- Participation in the illustration of the informed consent to surgical and anesthesiological procedures to the owner
- Discussion on surgical / technical treatment, postoperative care and potential short, medium and long term complications
- Discussion of anesthesiological and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus discussion / choice of postoperative analgesic protocol
- Preoperative procedures for the patient:
- Patient preparation (trichotomy, cleaning and disinfection)
- Preoperative procedures - surgical staff (hand scrub and specific surgical clothing applications)
- Preparation of the surgical site
- Assistance to surgical procedures / execution of some surgical procedures
- Planning of postoperative assistance and communication with the hospitalization service
- Follow / recheck the patient in the ward
- Preparation of the surgical report
- Preparation of the form for the histopathological examination (surgical biopsy)
- Clinical discussion of the case / surgical cases.
- Preparation of the clinical report and prescription of drug therapies (if necessary)
Teaching methods
The module is organized in 16 hours of lectures and 16 of wet labs for student. The student will learn how to approach the patient suffering from surgical pathologies and manage the possible differential diagnoses, the possible therapeutic choices, the possible complications in the short, medium and long term and the final prognosis.
Finally, the student must demonstrate the ability to communicate the skills acquired with appropriate terminology and to independently develop the concepts and insights on the subject of surgery.
Goals to be achieved
1) Knowledge and understanding:
The student will have to demonstrate knowledge of the pathogenetic basis of surgical diseases of domestic animals
2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
The student must demonstrate that he is able to possess knowledge and concepts that allow him to independently propose the differential diagnoses referring to the individual clinical patient.
3) Autonomy of judgment:
The student must demonstrate his ability to correctly describe the injuries found and the results of the collateral tests performed.
4) Communication skills:
The student must demonstrate the ability to communicate the skills acquired with appropriate terminology and to independently develop the concepts on the subject of Veterinary Surgery
The lectures are held in the classroom with the help of slides. Students are invited to actively participate in the lesson on the basis of the knowledge acquired in the propedeutic subjects. The wet labs are carried out in the structures of the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital in small groups of students with direct interaction with patients admitted under the supervision of the teacher.
Finally, the student must demonstrate the ability to communicate the skills acquired with appropriate terminology and to independently develop the concepts and insights on the subject of surgery.
Goals to be achieved
1) Knowledge and understanding:
The student will have to demonstrate knowledge of the pathogenetic basis of surgical diseases of domestic animals
2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
The student must demonstrate that he is able to possess knowledge and concepts that allow him to independently propose the differential diagnoses referring to the individual clinical patient.
3) Autonomy of judgment:
The student must demonstrate his ability to correctly describe the injuries found and the results of the collateral tests performed.
4) Communication skills:
The student must demonstrate the ability to communicate the skills acquired with appropriate terminology and to independently develop the concepts on the subject of Veterinary Surgery
The lectures are held in the classroom with the help of slides. Students are invited to actively participate in the lesson on the basis of the knowledge acquired in the propedeutic subjects. The wet labs are carried out in the structures of the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital in small groups of students with direct interaction with patients admitted under the supervision of the teacher.
Teaching Resources
Ross, Lameness in the horse Saunders 2nd ed. 2011
Auer Stick Equine Surgery Lea Febiger 2018
Dirksen, Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino Le point Veterinaire 2010
Auer Stick Equine Surgery Lea Febiger 2018
Dirksen, Medicina interna e chirurgia del bovino Le point Veterinaire 2010
Clinica chirurgica dei piccoli animali
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Stefanello Damiano
Stefanello Damiano
Turno 1 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello DamianoTurno 10 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello DamianoTurno 11 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello DamianoTurno 12 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello DamianoTurno 2 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello DamianoTurno 3 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello DamianoTurno 4 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello DamianoTurno 5 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello DamianoTurno 6 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello DamianoTurno 7 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello DamianoTurno 8 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello DamianoTurno 9 per un gruppo di studenti
Stefanello Damiano
Clinica chirurgica veterinaria
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Zani Davide Danilo
Zani Davide Danilo
Turno 1 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide DaniloTurno 10 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide DaniloTurno 11 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide DaniloTurno 12 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide DaniloTurno 2 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide DaniloTurno 3 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide DaniloTurno 4 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide DaniloTurno 5 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide DaniloTurno 6 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide DaniloTurno 7 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide DaniloTurno 8 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide DaniloTurno 9 per un gruppo di studenti
Zani Davide Danilo
Ortopedia e clinica traumatologica veterinaria
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Ferrari Roberta