Veterinary Medical Pathology and Clinical Epidemiology
A.Y. 2020/2021
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the student to the notions about the dysfunctions and diseases, which are prevalent in Veterinary Medicine. The course should give the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the pathologies commonly involving the hematopoietic, gastroenteric, respiratory, urinary and endocrine system, pointing out the aetiology, signs and symptoms, the clinical course and the procedures needed for the diagnosis.
The course of Clinical Epidemiology aims to provide the student with the knowledge of deciding the most appropriate study design and the organization of the diagnostic work-up. The meaning of prognostic variables, the measures of risk to describe the clinical events and/or the outcome of the chronic-degenerative disease will be analyzed as well. The canine and feline cardiac diseases will be utilized to introduce survival and prognostic studies. The uses of the main electronic database (eg Scopus, Pubmed, WOS, Google Scholar), will be recommended to deepen the topics dealt with in lesson.
The attention will be focused on the scientific and practical usefulness of the use of medical record, of the anamnestic and clinical data organization, finalized on the optimization of the diagnostic workup.
The course of Clinical Epidemiology aims to provide the student with the knowledge of deciding the most appropriate study design and the organization of the diagnostic work-up. The meaning of prognostic variables, the measures of risk to describe the clinical events and/or the outcome of the chronic-degenerative disease will be analyzed as well. The canine and feline cardiac diseases will be utilized to introduce survival and prognostic studies. The uses of the main electronic database (eg Scopus, Pubmed, WOS, Google Scholar), will be recommended to deepen the topics dealt with in lesson.
The attention will be focused on the scientific and practical usefulness of the use of medical record, of the anamnestic and clinical data organization, finalized on the optimization of the diagnostic workup.
Expected learning outcomes
Expected learning outcomes (nuovo testo da inserire in W4)
At the end of the course the student must have acquired the skills listed below:
1- Knowledge and understanding:
Students should demonstrate the knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms, clinical symptoms, and the diagnostic procedures (including the laboratory tests and imaging) useful for the diagnosis of the more common internal medicine diseases in domestic animals (infectious, parasitic, metabolic or chronic degenerative). The aetiological aspects will not be underestimated.
The student should be able to undertand the different studies utilized in clinical research (case report, studies of cohort, case / control studies, clinical trials, metanalysis and the systematic revisions), and the statistic tests generally employees in epidemiological and clinical studies as the survival analysis with the method of Kaplan Maier, log rank test and model of the proportional risks of Cox. The lectures will deal with the epidemiological, pathophysiological and clinical aspects related to the pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
2- Ability to apply knowledge:
The student should demonstrate that he / she will able to apply the acquired knowledge to frame the pathologies described above. Moreover, the student should also demonstrates to have acquired the knowledge to understand the survival studies, and the different study designs used in the scientific literature.
3- Autonomy of judgment:
The student should learn critically and proactively both the information provided by the teacher and those derived from the recommended textbooks. Furthermore he/she should be able to identify and use properly the web's scientific scientific sources.
He/she will be able to formulate diagnostic hypotheses based on clinical signs, symptoms, outcome and the results of the collateral tests carried out.
The students should be able to judge the font of the literature. Moreover, the predictivity value of the laboratory parameters and the normal/abnormal electrocardiographic and echocardiographic features should be recognized
4- Communication skills:
The student should be able to display the concepts acquired with appropriate and updated terminology, updated and consistent with the terminology used in other disciplines, during the lectures and the practical lessons. In addition, the student must acquire the ability to communicate these concepts to common people (eg pet's owner, breeders, etc.) . The final target will be the ability not only to communicate, but also to write the concepts studied, as well as to share the results of a clinical study
At the end of the course the student must have acquired the skills listed below:
1- Knowledge and understanding:
Students should demonstrate the knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms, clinical symptoms, and the diagnostic procedures (including the laboratory tests and imaging) useful for the diagnosis of the more common internal medicine diseases in domestic animals (infectious, parasitic, metabolic or chronic degenerative). The aetiological aspects will not be underestimated.
The student should be able to undertand the different studies utilized in clinical research (case report, studies of cohort, case / control studies, clinical trials, metanalysis and the systematic revisions), and the statistic tests generally employees in epidemiological and clinical studies as the survival analysis with the method of Kaplan Maier, log rank test and model of the proportional risks of Cox. The lectures will deal with the epidemiological, pathophysiological and clinical aspects related to the pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
2- Ability to apply knowledge:
The student should demonstrate that he / she will able to apply the acquired knowledge to frame the pathologies described above. Moreover, the student should also demonstrates to have acquired the knowledge to understand the survival studies, and the different study designs used in the scientific literature.
3- Autonomy of judgment:
The student should learn critically and proactively both the information provided by the teacher and those derived from the recommended textbooks. Furthermore he/she should be able to identify and use properly the web's scientific scientific sources.
He/she will be able to formulate diagnostic hypotheses based on clinical signs, symptoms, outcome and the results of the collateral tests carried out.
The students should be able to judge the font of the literature. Moreover, the predictivity value of the laboratory parameters and the normal/abnormal electrocardiographic and echocardiographic features should be recognized
4- Communication skills:
The student should be able to display the concepts acquired with appropriate and updated terminology, updated and consistent with the terminology used in other disciplines, during the lectures and the practical lessons. In addition, the student must acquire the ability to communicate these concepts to common people (eg pet's owner, breeders, etc.) . The final target will be the ability not only to communicate, but also to write the concepts studied, as well as to share the results of a clinical study
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
In case of emergency, if students will not allowed to attend front lessons in attendance, it is expected that:
- Lectures will be carried out in streaming respecting the academic year calendar (approved by the Veterinary Medicine Teaching Councile. Teams or Zoom platforms (if available) will be used.
All the slides and suggested papers will be uploaded on the Ariel website.
- Workshop will be carried out in streaming using the same platform as above. Students will be allocated into four groups. The calendar will be available during the month before the beginning of the course, and it will be in accordance with the academic year calendar .
The exam will not be changed in its framework, but will be performed online by the platforms provided by the University.
- Lectures will be carried out in streaming respecting the academic year calendar (approved by the Veterinary Medicine Teaching Councile. Teams or Zoom platforms (if available) will be used.
All the slides and suggested papers will be uploaded on the Ariel website.
- Workshop will be carried out in streaming using the same platform as above. Students will be allocated into four groups. The calendar will be available during the month before the beginning of the course, and it will be in accordance with the academic year calendar .
The exam will not be changed in its framework, but will be performed online by the platforms provided by the University.
Prerequisites for admission
Students should have passed the examinations of Veterinary Pathology 1 and Veterinary Pathology II, as well as having attended not less than 75% of the hours both theoretical and practices.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will provide thirty-four multiple choice questions (MCQ) with 4 answers and the possibility of choosing only one correct answer. In case of no answer or wrong answer.
The final mark is expressed in thirtieths. If the student responds positively to all 34 questions, his final grade will be 30 and full marks (30L). For each wrong or missing answer, the score of 0.88 (30/34 x number of correct answers) will be removed. In the case of decimal results, the vote is rounded up.
Exam sections are in number of 8 in the Academic year and take place in the months of January, February, April June, July, September, October and December with the frequency provided by the teaching college. There are no additional calls for out- of-course. To take the exam, it is essential to register for the exam through the ONLINE SIFA service of the University and must have passed the compulsory preparatory examinations of Veterinary Pathology 1 and Veterinary Pathology II, as well as having attended not less than 75% of the hours both theoretical and practices.
The final mark is expressed in thirtieths. If the student responds positively to all 34 questions, his final grade will be 30 and full marks (30L). For each wrong or missing answer, the score of 0.88 (30/34 x number of correct answers) will be removed. In the case of decimal results, the vote is rounded up.
Exam sections are in number of 8 in the Academic year and take place in the months of January, February, April June, July, September, October and December with the frequency provided by the teaching college. There are no additional calls for out- of-course. To take the exam, it is essential to register for the exam through the ONLINE SIFA service of the University and must have passed the compulsory preparatory examinations of Veterinary Pathology 1 and Veterinary Pathology II, as well as having attended not less than 75% of the hours both theoretical and practices.
Patologia medica veterinaria
Course syllabus
Introduction to the course (attendance, reference literature, procedure of examination): 10 minutes
Causes of increase or decrease of red blood cells (1 hour)
· Anaemia: classification, aetiology
· Polyglobulia: classification causes
Causes of laeukocytosis or laeukopenia (1 hour)
· Leucograms
· Lymphoma, Leukemia
· Enzootic bovine leucosis
Gastroenteric system (4 hours)
Oropharynx disorders
Esophagus disorders
Acute / chronic gastritis
Gastric ulcers
Acute / chronic diarrhoea
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Liver diseases: (2 hours)
· Acute and chronic hepatitis
· Colangitis, cholecystitis
· Lipidosis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, amyloidosis
Urinary system: (5 hours)
· Glomerular diseases
· tubulopathies
· Tubulointerstitial nephritis
· hydronephrosis
· Chronic nephropathy (CKD)
· Acute nephropathy (AKI)
· Urinary tract infections
· Urolithiasis
· Feline idiopathic cystitis
· Bladder neoplasms
Respiratory system (3 hours)
Respiratory failure: physiopathogenesis
· Bronchitis and pneumonia
· Emphysema, oedema and pulmonary embolism
· Exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage (horse)
· Recurrent airway obstruction (horse)
Workshop (clinical cases - problem solving):
1. The anaemic patient (1 hour)
2. The patient with lymphadenomegaly (1 hour)
3. The patient who vomits (1 hour)
4. The patient with diarrhoea (1 hour)
5. The patient with chronic diarrhoea (1 hour)
6. The patient with jaundice (1 hour)
7. The patient with abdominal effusion (1 hour)
8. The patient with hyperadrenocorticism (1 hour)
9. The patient with hyporadrenocorticism (1 hour)
10. The patient with diabetes mellitus (1 hour)
11. The patient with hyperthyroidism (1 hour)
12. The patient with hypothyroidism (1 hour)
13. The patient with chronic kidney disease (1 hour)
14. The patient with dysuria (1 hour)
15. Interpretation of urinalysis: clincal cases (1 hour)
16. The patient with cough (1 hour)
Causes of increase or decrease of red blood cells (1 hour)
· Anaemia: classification, aetiology
· Polyglobulia: classification causes
Causes of laeukocytosis or laeukopenia (1 hour)
· Leucograms
· Lymphoma, Leukemia
· Enzootic bovine leucosis
Gastroenteric system (4 hours)
Oropharynx disorders
Esophagus disorders
Acute / chronic gastritis
Gastric ulcers
Acute / chronic diarrhoea
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Liver diseases: (2 hours)
· Acute and chronic hepatitis
· Colangitis, cholecystitis
· Lipidosis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, amyloidosis
Urinary system: (5 hours)
· Glomerular diseases
· tubulopathies
· Tubulointerstitial nephritis
· hydronephrosis
· Chronic nephropathy (CKD)
· Acute nephropathy (AKI)
· Urinary tract infections
· Urolithiasis
· Feline idiopathic cystitis
· Bladder neoplasms
Respiratory system (3 hours)
Respiratory failure: physiopathogenesis
· Bronchitis and pneumonia
· Emphysema, oedema and pulmonary embolism
· Exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage (horse)
· Recurrent airway obstruction (horse)
Workshop (clinical cases - problem solving):
1. The anaemic patient (1 hour)
2. The patient with lymphadenomegaly (1 hour)
3. The patient who vomits (1 hour)
4. The patient with diarrhoea (1 hour)
5. The patient with chronic diarrhoea (1 hour)
6. The patient with jaundice (1 hour)
7. The patient with abdominal effusion (1 hour)
8. The patient with hyperadrenocorticism (1 hour)
9. The patient with hyporadrenocorticism (1 hour)
10. The patient with diabetes mellitus (1 hour)
11. The patient with hyperthyroidism (1 hour)
12. The patient with hypothyroidism (1 hour)
13. The patient with chronic kidney disease (1 hour)
14. The patient with dysuria (1 hour)
15. Interpretation of urinalysis: clincal cases (1 hour)
16. The patient with cough (1 hour)
Teaching methods
Frontal Lectures: During these lectures, the previous knowledge will be checked by question and interaction. Slides and movies will be used as didactic tools.
Workshop: Students will be divided into groups of 5/6 people and the will have to face problem solving sessions about clinical cases examined in the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital; they could work also autonomously through Kahoot sessions. Each student receive 16 hours of workshop.
Workshop: Students will be divided into groups of 5/6 people and the will have to face problem solving sessions about clinical cases examined in the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital; they could work also autonomously through Kahoot sessions. Each student receive 16 hours of workshop.
Teaching Resources
Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine VII ed
Saunders Elsevier, 2010.
Veterinary Medicine 10th Ed
A textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses
Saunders Elsevier, 2007.
Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. II ed
Blackwell Publishing
Slides and other lecterature will be avaliable online in Ariel Website at the address:
Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine VII ed
Saunders Elsevier, 2010.
Veterinary Medicine 10th Ed
A textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses
Saunders Elsevier, 2007.
Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. II ed
Blackwell Publishing
Slides and other lecterature will be avaliable online in Ariel Website at the address:
Epidemiologia clinica
Course syllabus
1. Introduction to the course (attendance, reference literature, procedure of examination): the differences in meaning and application fields of clinical epidemiology and epidemiology, specific competences of the clinical epidemiology and a refresher of the terminology used in the epidemiological studies and meaning of the measurers of effect (2 hours)
2. Clinical records and their application in internal medicine and epidemiological studies.
3. Instrumental investigations used in the diagnostic work up in cardiology (ECG, Echo cardio Color Doppler) in term of sensibility and specificity of the diagnostic test and suitability of their use in t the clinical practice (4 hours)
4. Epidemiological, pathophysiological and clinical aspects of the acquired and congenital heart disease (5 hours)
a. Mitral valve disease
b. Cardiomyopathy
c. The most common congenital heart disease, with a specific reference to epidemiological aspects (Patent ductus arteriosus, Pulmonic stenosis, Sub aortic stenosis)
d. Pericardial disease
5. Diagnostic work up, probability pre and post-test, general criterions of choice of a diagnostic test (1 hour)
6. Clinical studies: case report, studies of cohort, case-control studies, clinical trials, metanalysis and systematic revisions (2 hours)
7. Prognostic studies and survival studies (2 hours)
Workshop (clinical cases - problem solving and analysis of the literature)
1. Recognize the physiologic electrocardiographic patterns (2 hours)
2. Identification of the most common alterations of the electrocardiographic patterns (2 hours)
3. Identification of the standard echo windows and normal echo images (2 hours)
4. Left heart failure (presentation and discussion of clinical cases) (4 hours)
5. Right heart failure (presentation and discussion of clinical cases) (4 hours)
6. Simulation of exam
2. Clinical records and their application in internal medicine and epidemiological studies.
3. Instrumental investigations used in the diagnostic work up in cardiology (ECG, Echo cardio Color Doppler) in term of sensibility and specificity of the diagnostic test and suitability of their use in t the clinical practice (4 hours)
4. Epidemiological, pathophysiological and clinical aspects of the acquired and congenital heart disease (5 hours)
a. Mitral valve disease
b. Cardiomyopathy
c. The most common congenital heart disease, with a specific reference to epidemiological aspects (Patent ductus arteriosus, Pulmonic stenosis, Sub aortic stenosis)
d. Pericardial disease
5. Diagnostic work up, probability pre and post-test, general criterions of choice of a diagnostic test (1 hour)
6. Clinical studies: case report, studies of cohort, case-control studies, clinical trials, metanalysis and systematic revisions (2 hours)
7. Prognostic studies and survival studies (2 hours)
Workshop (clinical cases - problem solving and analysis of the literature)
1. Recognize the physiologic electrocardiographic patterns (2 hours)
2. Identification of the most common alterations of the electrocardiographic patterns (2 hours)
3. Identification of the standard echo windows and normal echo images (2 hours)
4. Left heart failure (presentation and discussion of clinical cases) (4 hours)
5. Right heart failure (presentation and discussion of clinical cases) (4 hours)
6. Simulation of exam
Teaching methods
Frontal Lectures: During these lectures, the previous knowledge will be checked by question and interaction. Slides and movies will be used as didactic tools.
Workshop: Students will be divided into groups of 5/6 people and the will have to face problem solving sessions about clinical cases examined in the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital; they could work also autonomously through Kahoot sessions. Each student will be provide by printe ECG, in order to practice autonomously in reading and understanding the most common rythm alterations.
Each student receive 16 hours of workshop.
Workshop: Students will be divided into groups of 5/6 people and the will have to face problem solving sessions about clinical cases examined in the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital; they could work also autonomously through Kahoot sessions. Each student will be provide by printe ECG, in order to practice autonomously in reading and understanding the most common rythm alterations.
Each student receive 16 hours of workshop.
Teaching Resources
1)Smith R.D. - Veterinary Clinical Epidemiology - Taylor & Francis Ed. 2006
2)Straus S.E., Richardson W.S., Glaszious P., Haynes R.B. - Evidence-Based Medicine - Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2007
3)Bottarelli E, Ostanello F - Epidemiologia - Edagricole 2011
4)Santilli R,Bussadori C, et all. - Manuale di Cardiologia del cane e del gatto. Milano, Elsevier 2012
5)Radostis OM, Gay CC, et all. - A textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses Veterinary Medicine 10th Ed Saunders Elsevier, 2007
During the frontal lectures, the students will be provided with references about the topics of the lessons.Slides and other lecterature will be avaliable online in Ariel Website at the address:
2)Straus S.E., Richardson W.S., Glaszious P., Haynes R.B. - Evidence-Based Medicine - Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2007
3)Bottarelli E, Ostanello F - Epidemiologia - Edagricole 2011
4)Santilli R,Bussadori C, et all. - Manuale di Cardiologia del cane e del gatto. Milano, Elsevier 2012
5)Radostis OM, Gay CC, et all. - A textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses Veterinary Medicine 10th Ed Saunders Elsevier, 2007
During the frontal lectures, the students will be provided with references about the topics of the lessons.Slides and other lecterature will be avaliable online in Ariel Website at the address:
Epidemiologia clinica
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Brambilla Paola Giuseppina Maria, Locatelli Chiara
Brambilla Paola Giuseppina Maria
1 turno per gruppi di studenti
Brambilla Paola Giuseppina Maria2 turno per gruppi di studenti
Brambilla Paola Giuseppina Maria3 turno per gruppi di studenti
Brambilla Paola Giuseppina Maria4 turno per gruppi di studenti
Locatelli Chiara
Patologia medica veterinaria
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Locatelli Chiara, Scarpa Paola
Scarpa Paola
1 turno per gruppo di studenti
Scarpa Paola2 turno per gruppi di studenti
Scarpa Paola3 turno per gruppi di studenti
Scarpa Paola4 turno per gruppi di studenti
Locatelli ChiaraProfessor(s)