Training Course 07: Wildlife Management I
A.Y. 2020/2021
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the specific basic knowledge necessary for the veterinary surgeon to address the problems of wildlife management with specific reference to the diagnosis and epidemiology of both diffusive diseases (in particular zoonoses and diseases transmissible between domestic and wild animals), and non-diffusive diseases (toxic, dysmetabolic, etc.)
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course the student should know the main regulatory aspects that govern the management and rescue of wild animals. He should also know the main diseases and health problems of the most common wild animals (ungulates and wild carnivores, birds.
Applying knowledge and understanding
The student must be able to carry out basic diagnostic investigations and carry out samplings of the appropriate material to be submitted to the diagnostic laboratory. He / She should also be able to adequately use epidemiological and biomolecular data to define prevention and control strategies.
Making judgments
Indipendently, the student must know how to use the information obtained from scientific databases on the main pathologies of wild animals and indicate the pathologies to be subjected to surveillance and the way they should be carried out.
Communication skills
The student must be able to communicate adequately to his / her companions the contents of scientific works related to the management and pathology of wild animals
At the end of the course the student should know the main regulatory aspects that govern the management and rescue of wild animals. He should also know the main diseases and health problems of the most common wild animals (ungulates and wild carnivores, birds.
Applying knowledge and understanding
The student must be able to carry out basic diagnostic investigations and carry out samplings of the appropriate material to be submitted to the diagnostic laboratory. He / She should also be able to adequately use epidemiological and biomolecular data to define prevention and control strategies.
Making judgments
Indipendently, the student must know how to use the information obtained from scientific databases on the main pathologies of wild animals and indicate the pathologies to be subjected to surveillance and the way they should be carried out.
Communication skills
The student must be able to communicate adequately to his / her companions the contents of scientific works related to the management and pathology of wild animals
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Teaching methods
If the current condition will remain, all teaching activities will be held in the presence.
In the event of a health emergency involving the impossibility of accessing the educational facilities, all teaching will be held using the Microsoft Teams (MT) platform in synchronous form based on the scheduled time. All activities will be recorded and left available to students on the same platform.
In the event of a health emergency involving the impossibility of accessing the educational facilities, the part of the program to be carried out in the dissection room will be replaced by examining images of anatomical-pathological lesions of wild animals and by seminars. The reference material will not change.
Assessment methods and criteria
Students will be asked to deepen and illustrate to their classmates and the teacher a topic related to the pathology of wild animals with a Power Point presentation.
If the current condition will remain, all teaching activities will be held in the presence.
In the event of a health emergency involving the impossibility of accessing the educational facilities, all teaching will be held using the Microsoft Teams (MT) platform in synchronous form based on the scheduled time. All activities will be recorded and left available to students on the same platform.
In the event of a health emergency involving the impossibility of accessing the educational facilities, the part of the program to be carried out in the dissection room will be replaced by examining images of anatomical-pathological lesions of wild animals and by seminars. The reference material will not change.
Assessment methods and criteria
Students will be asked to deepen and illustrate to their classmates and the teacher a topic related to the pathology of wild animals with a Power Point presentation.
Prerequisites for admission
To attend the elective course, the student must have passed all the exams of the third year and he must have attended the courses of the first semester of the 5th year.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning will be assessed during all the practical activities of the course. Clinical rotation and modules of elective activity contribute in a different way to the definition of the final mark.
In clinical rotation, assessment of skills will be carried out in itinere by each teacher during clinical and diagnostic practical activities. Each specific practical competence carried out by the student will be attested through the electronic logbook by the teacher in whose presence this will be carried out. The regular frequency of activities and the acquisition of skills that the student will have to learn and possess at the end of the activity will result in an "approved" assessment.
At the end of the course, anyway, there will be a 2-hour written test with two open or multiple choice questions for each of the four modules of the elective course, for a total of 8 questions. For each module the grade is expressed in 30/30 and the final grade is the result of the average of the marks obtained.
In clinical rotation, assessment of skills will be carried out in itinere by each teacher during clinical and diagnostic practical activities. Each specific practical competence carried out by the student will be attested through the electronic logbook by the teacher in whose presence this will be carried out. The regular frequency of activities and the acquisition of skills that the student will have to learn and possess at the end of the activity will result in an "approved" assessment.
At the end of the course, anyway, there will be a 2-hour written test with two open or multiple choice questions for each of the four modules of the elective course, for a total of 8 questions. For each module the grade is expressed in 30/30 and the final grade is the result of the average of the marks obtained.
Wildlife management
Course syllabus
The course illustrates in practice the necropsy techniques applied to wild animals and macro and microscopic investigations of the main diseases of free-living fauna (6 - 8 hours). The main aspects of the most important diffusive diseases of wild animals (ungulates and wild carnivores) are discussed in seminars (4 hours). A seminar is dedicated to rabies in wild animals (2 hours). Students will also be asked to read recent scientific publications on the pathology of wild animals and will be asked to report briefly and discuss critically the contents to their classmates with a Power Point presentation (4 hours).
Teaching methods
Practices in the necropsy room, seminars and collegial discussions (rabies, diffusive and transboundary diseases and monitoring plans), reading, exposition and collegial discussion of the contents of recent publications on topics related to the pathology of wild animals.
Teaching Resources
Students are provided with the pdf files of the slides used in seminar discussions and publications to be read and discussed.
Pathophysiology of wild animals and capture
Course syllabus
Stress: physiopathology, freezing, antropic stress
Shock and capture myopathy
Use of laboratory tests for monitoring wild animals
Shock and capture myopathy
Use of laboratory tests for monitoring wild animals
Teaching methods
The course will have mainly a practical approach with a minimal part of theoric lectures, seminars with external lecturers, and some in field experience to better deepen the role of veterinary professional in management of wild animals
Teaching Resources
Projected slides and articles for deepening the main issues will be provided
Ecoparasitology and management of disease in wild animals
Course syllabus
- Principles of population ecology and dynamics of infections in wild populations
- Management of infections in wild populations
- Health monitoring and surveillance in wildlife
- Health interaction between wildlife, livestock and humans
- Management of infections in wild populations
- Health monitoring and surveillance in wildlife
- Health interaction between wildlife, livestock and humans
Teaching methods
Interactive learning and practices in the laboratory and in the field aimed at the development of the health management of wildlife.
Teaching Resources
The material presented and developed during the teaching activities, and the bibliography will be electronically available on the Ariel platform.
Emerging infectious diseases and zoonosis of wild animals
Course syllabus
Priority infectious diseases at national and European level
Factors driving emerging infectious diseases in wildlife
Biological samples collection, handling and diagnosis of infectious diseases
Factors driving emerging infectious diseases in wildlife
Biological samples collection, handling and diagnosis of infectious diseases
Teaching methods
Active learning through case studies and discussion, seminars and practical lessons in laboratory/ field
Teaching Resources
Slides and bibliography will be available in electronic format on the Ariel platform.
Clinical Rotation
Course syllabus
In the document of the Day one competences "(DOCs), drawn up by the European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training, there is a list of knowledge and skills that the new graduate must possess. The electronic logbook lists the practical skills that the student must acquire to satisfy what is reported in the DOCs document. The hospital rotation is aimed at making the student acquire the skills and competences shown in the electronic logbook which from time to time it will be appropriate to apply on patients and case studies assigned.
Teaching methods
Practical work on referred for visit and hospitalized patients and on biological material provided for diagnostic purposes at the Teaching Veterinary Hospital. The work will be carried out by the students individually or in groups under the direct guidance of the teachers. All students will carry out activities in the Companion Animal Veterinary Teaching Hospital, in the Ruminant and Swine Clinic, in Equine Clinic and in the facilities of the diagnostic services.
Teaching Resources
No specific reference material is foreseen. In relation to the activities carried out from time to time, students may be asked to research and discuss scientific literature on specific cases observed.
Clinical Rotation
Practicals: 64 hours
Acocella Fabio, Di Giancamillo Mauro, Faverzani Stefano, Ferrucci Francesco, Giordano Alessia, Grieco Valeria, Groppetti Debora, Lauzi Stefania, Pecile Alessandro, Pravettoni Davide, Ravasio Giuliano, Scarpa Paola, Stefanello Damiano, Zani Davide Danilo
Ecoparasitology and management of disease in wild animals
Practicals: 16 hours
Ferrari Nicola
Emerging infectious diseases and zoonosis of wild animals
Practicals: 16 hours
Luzzago Camilla
Pathophysiology of wild animals and capture
VET/03 - VETERINARY PATHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Comazzi Stefano
Wildlife management
VET/03 - VETERINARY PATHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Sironi Giuseppe
to be arranged by phone or e-mail
Lodi Campus. Office n. T024
Monday to friday, on request (via e-mail)
Teacher's office
every day (with previous appointment by e-mail)
Lodi, Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (DIVAS)
Wednesday, 11.00-13.00 a.m., by appointment
Clinica dei Ruminanti e del Suino - Via dell'Università, 6 26900 LODI
10 a.m. - 11,30 am. Every Wednesday
Ufficio-Settore didattico Palazzina Studi, I piano, Lodi (Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria)