Physiology and Endocrinology of Domestic Animals

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is formed by two parts. The first (6 CFU) provides students with an overview of the physiology of the digestive system,
reproduction and lactation, kidneys and respiratory system of domestic animals. The second part (3 CFU) provides students with
fundamental information about endocrinology of domestic animals and its application in Veterinary Medicine. The course provide to the students foundamental information to adequately deal with the studies of pathology, veterinary clinic, animal husbandry, genetics, animal nutrition, infectious diseases, immunology and biotechnology.
Expected learning outcomes
Goals to achieve:
1) knowledge and understanding: the student must demonstrate knowledge of the basic physiological functions related to the digestive
system, reproduction and lactation, kidneys and respiratory system of domestic animals, as well as the knowledge of the physiological
bases of domestic animal endocrinology.
2) Applied knowledge and understanding skills: the student must demonstrate to possess the indispensable concepts to establish links
between the various topics covered, and in particular between physiology and animal endocrinology, in order to adequately deal with
the studies of pathology, veterinary clinic, animal husbandry, genetics, animal nutrition, infectious diseases, immunology and biotechnology.
3) Communication skills: the student must demonstrate to be able to use an appropriate terminology, which allows him / her to express
the acquired knowledge in an appropriate manner.
4) Ability to learn: the student must demonstrate to be able, in total autonomy, to increase and integrate his knowledge of topics related to the
physiology and endocrinology of small and large animals
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Lessons will be held in the classroom, according to the teaching calendar, in alternating groups of students, ensuring adequate spacing and maintaining personal protective equipment as required by current regulations. The same lessons can be followed in sync by students not present in the classroom, via the Microsoft Teams (MT) platform. If it is not possible to use the classroom, all students will be able to follow the lesson in sync, on the Teams platform.
In-person exercises are provided, in the classroom and at farms. The aforementioned activities will be carried out in small groups, always in compliance with current regulations. If this is not possible, the practical lessons will be reduced in number and will be carried out through appropriate tutorials. Students will be informed of these activities by means of notices on the Ariel website of the teachings.
The program and reference material will not change.
The exam will take place in written form, if in the classroom, or in written form using Microsoft Teams and Moodle with SEB or in oral form using Teams, if remotely.
In-person exercises are provided, in the classroom and at farms. The aforementioned activities will be carried out by small groups, always in compliance with current regulations. If this is not possible, the practical lessons will be reduced in number and will be carried out through appropriate tutorials. Students will be informed of these activities by means of notices on the Ariel website of the teachings.
The program and reference material will not change.
The exam will take place in written form, if in the classroom, or in written form using Microsoft Teams and Moodle with SEB or in oral form using Teams, if will be done in remotely.
Prerequisites for admission
The prerequisites necessary for passing the exam are knowledge of the anatomy of the respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems, as well as biochemistry basics.
The exam consists of a written physiology test, consisting of 30 questions with 4 possible answers, true or false, and an endocrinology test, consisting of 15 questions with 4 answers, one of which is exact. The two tests take place simultaneously. The exam is considered passed if a sufficient grade has been obtained in both tests, which proves adequate knowledge and understanding of the subjects under study. To obtain a sufficient grade, the student must correctly answer at least 50% of the questions of the physiology test and 60% of the questions of the endocrinology test. Otherwise both tests will have to be repeated. The final grade is the weighted average of the grade shown on each form.

[Prerequisites and exam procedures for non-attending students, with reference to descriptors 1 and 2]:
Attendance is mandatory so this item is not covered

[Recommended preparatory steps]:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (compulsory)
Systematic and comparative veterinary anatomy (recommended)
Systematic and topographical veterinary anatomy (recommended)
Pet Physiology and Ethology (recommended)
Assessment methods and Criteria
As for physiology, the exam consists of a written test, composed of 30 multiple choice questions with 4 possible answers, which may be either wrong or correct. As for endocrinology, there is a written test composed of 15 questions with 4 answers, and only one correct. The two tests take place at the same time. The exam is considered to have been passed if the student correctly answers at least 50% of the physiology test questions and 60% of the endocrinology test questions, thus proving adequate knowledge and understanding of all topics under study. Otherwise, both tests must be repeated. The final vote results from the weighted average of the vote reported in each module.
Fisiologia veterinaria 2
Course syllabus
Introduction to the course; indications on exams, exercises, didactic material; organization of educational groups: 1 hour

Physiology of the extracellular matrix: 2 hours

Physiology of the male reproductive system: seminology; male sexual behavior: 4 hours

Physiology of the female reproductive system: functional evaluation of the extrous cycles in different domestic species: 3 hours; ovulation, fertilization, pregnancy: 3 hours; birth and post-partum physiology: 3 hours

Physiology of the respiratory system: gas exchange; acid base balance control; secondary functions of the respiratory system (defense mechanisms, metabolic functions of the lungs, exchange and production of lung fluids, vocalizations): 4 hours

Physiology of digestive system and difference between mono gastric: 2 hours, and poly gastric animals: 4 hours; liver and pancreatic physiology: 2 hours

Physiology of mammary gland: 2 hours; lactation and milk: 4 hours

Urinary system physiology; secondary functions of urinary system: 4 hours; species-specific differences in urine composition: 2 hours
Didactic visits in pigs and cattle breeding: 12 hours
laboratory analysis on milk: 2 hours
Laboratory monitoring techniques on male and female gametes development: 2 hours
For all the exercises the students are divided into groups of 5/6 students each.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons in classrom.
Exercises in classroom, in laboratory and in livestock
Topics covered:
Safety in the farm
Restraint of animals and their protection
Laboratory exercises on samples of milk, rumen fluid, semen.
Exercises in the livestock of cattle and pig.
Both in the laboratory and in the stable, the exercises are given to students divided into groups of 5/6 students each.
The slides of the part of Endocrinology are available on the Ariel site: endocrinology of domestic animals
Teaching Resources
. Avallone, Caola, Clement et al., Fisiologia Veterinaria. Point Veterinaire Italie; 2010.
. Sjaastad, Sand e Hove, Fisiologia degli animali domestici. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
. Cunningham James G. - Manuale di fisiologia veterinaria. Delfino Antonio Editore; 2005
. G. Aguggini, V. Beghelli, L.F. Giulio - Fisiologia degli Animali Domestici con elementi di Etologia. UTET; 1998
Endocrinologia degli animali domestici
Course syllabus
Intercellular communication and membrane receptors: 2 hours
Characteristics of endocrine functions: 2 hours
Synthesis and mechanical action of peptide hormones: 2 hours
Synthesis and mechanical action of steroid hormones: 2 hours
Hypothalamic hormones: 2 hours
Pituitary hormones: 2 hours
Thyroid hormones: 2 hours
Adrenocortical hormones: 2 hours
Adrenal medullary hormones: 2 hours
Hormonal Control of Carbohydrate Metabolism: 2 hours
Hormonal Control of Calcium homeostasis: 2 hours
Hormonal Control of energy metabolism: 2 hours
Teaching methods
Frontal lessions
Teaching Resources
. Avallone, Caola, Clement et al., Fisiologia Veterinaria. Point Veterinaire Italie; 2010.
. Sjaastad, Sand e Hove, Fisiologia degli animali domestici. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
. Cunningham James G. - Manuale di fisiologia veterinaria. Delfino Antonio Editore; 2005
. G. Aguggini, V. Beghelli, L.F. Giulio - Fisiologia degli Animali Domestici con elementi di Etologia. UTET; 1998
Endocrinologia degli animali domestici
VET/02 - VETERINARY PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours
Fisiologia veterinaria 2
VET/02 - VETERINARY PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Vigo Daniele
Turno 1 per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Vigo Daniele
Turno 10 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Brecchia Gabriele
Turno 11 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Brecchia Gabriele
Turno 12 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Brecchia Gabriele
Turno 13 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Brecchia Gabriele
Turno 14 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Brecchia Gabriele
Turno 2 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Vigo Daniele
Turno 3 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Vigo Daniele
Turno 4 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Vigo Daniele
Turno 5 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Vigo Daniele
Turno 6 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Vigo Daniele
Turno 7 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Brecchia Gabriele
Turno 8 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Brecchia Gabriele
Turno 9 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Brecchia Gabriele
Monday 12-14
Room of the teacher
Appointment by email