Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals and Avian Pathology

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course of Infectious Diseases 1 and Avian Pathology is to offer to students the necessary concepts for:
Provide the essential information to understand the most important infectious diseases of domestic animals, including bird species and lagomorphs, in an epidemiological, diagnostic and preventive perspective.
The diseases are considered in the pathogen-host-environment relationship, considering the maintenance and diffusion connotations in the animal species in intensive farming and the epidemiological peculiarities in pets, considering their particular closeness to man.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected learning outcomes can be identified as follows:
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student must have acquired the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to organize an epidemiological and diagnostic analysis path and to manage the organization of the control and prevention of infectious diseases in the swine species, in the avian species and in pets.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The student, through the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the course must be able to formulate a suspicion of infectious disease through the necessary epidemiological assessments, to propose the most suitable diagnostic path to identify the problem and to propose the most appropriate measures of therapy, control and prevention.
Autonomy of judgment
At the end of the course, the student must be able to identify the direct and indirect risk factors linked to the appearance of an infectious pathology and suggest the most appropriate solutions, in compliance with current legislation.
Communication skills
The student will have to be able to expose what he has learned in a simple and clear way using a correct and appropriate terminology, in relation to the different operational areas.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Teaching methods
The course will be delivered in mixed mode. Lectures will be held at a distance, mainly in synchronous mode on Teams. The exercises will be held in mixed mode, in presence if addressed to groups of students, at a distance if addressed to all students of the course.

The reference material will not change.

Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam and short completion interview for both face-to-face teaching modules. The exams will be held on the platform
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of basic subjects is required, with particular regard to microbiology (bacteriology and virology) and general immunology.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam and short completion interview for both didactic modules in a single session.
Malattie infettive degli animali domestici 1
Course syllabus
Main multifactorial syndromes on infectious basis in intensive pig production: reproductive syndrome, weaning syndrome, multifactorial respiratory syndrome, enteropathies.
Diffusive diseases in pig farming: Classical swine fever and African swine fever.
Main infectious diseases of dogs and cats (virosis and bacteriosis).
Organization and application of a diagnostic pathway for infectious diseases.
Use and correct interpretation of laboratory reports.
General vaccinology and preparation of vaccination programs.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons and seminars
Classroom exercises
Teaching Resources
Slides of the lessons and bibliography of the treated topics on the Teacher's Ariel website.
Recommended texts: Le Malattie del Maiale - Ed. Point Veterinaire Italie; Diseases of Swine - 11th Edition. Wiley Blackwell
Patologia aviare
Course syllabus
Frontal lessons:
· Introduction to the course and the role of avian pathologist in modern poultry breeding - h 2
· Avian influenza virus - h 2
· Marek Disease - h 2
Laryngotracheitis (ILT)- Fowl pox virus (FPV), - h 2
· Newcastle Disease (NDV) - Infectious bronchitis (IB) - h 2
· Gumboro disease (IBDV)- Chicken Infectious Anemia - h 2
· Adenovirus infection - Avianencephalomyelitis - h 2
· Colibacillosis - Salmonella Infections - h 2
· Mycoplasmosis - Tuberculosis - h 2
· Clostridial Diseases, Fowl Cholera - h 2
· Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease and Myxomatosis - h 1
· EPEC, Clostridium spiroforme and Pasteurella multocida infection in rabbit - h 1
· Antimicrobial Therapy (Including Resistance) - h 2
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons
Classroom and Necrospy Unit Exercises
Teaching Resources
Slides of the lessons (ARIEL site of the Teacher)
Recommended Texts:: Manuale di patologia aviare, a cura di G. Asdrubali, A. Fioretti, Le Point Veterinaire Italie ed. (2009)
Manual of Poultry Diseases, Brugere-Picoux J., Vaillancoutr JP, Shivaprasad HL, Venne D., Bouzouaia M,. AFAS ed., (2015);
Diseases of Poultry, Swayne et. al., Wiley-Blackwell ed., 13th edition (2008)
Malattie infettive degli animali domestici 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Patologia aviare
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Grilli Guido
contact me by mail or phone
Thursday- 12.00 a.m.-15.00 p.m.
Lodi- Via dell'Università , 6