Inspection of Animal Source Foods 1
A.Y. 2020/2021
Learning objectives
To provide the main principles of hygiene and technology in animal food processing, in order to prevent and control food borne diseases. Study of the main microbiological, chemical and physical hazards related to food, of the main food preservation and transformation techniques, of health and hygiene issues, with references to community and national legislation.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: the student will have to demonstrate adequate skills in the field of hygiene and food technologies of animal origin, in food safety legislation, in risk assessment and management in the various food productions of oa and in application of the HACCP system to the production of foods of animal origin.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student will have to demonstrate knowledge and useful concepts in order to establish correlations between conservation method, specific dangers and their control, in compliance with EU standards.
Making judgments: the student must demonstrate that he is able to critically examine and argue the information acquired
Communication skills: the student must demonstrate the ability to communicate the skills acquired with appropriate terminology.
Learning skills: the student will have to demonstrate the ability to learn useful in order to independently increase the knowledge of emerging risks in the food chain and to consult and understand the EU legislation on food safety.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student will have to demonstrate knowledge and useful concepts in order to establish correlations between conservation method, specific dangers and their control, in compliance with EU standards.
Making judgments: the student must demonstrate that he is able to critically examine and argue the information acquired
Communication skills: the student must demonstrate the ability to communicate the skills acquired with appropriate terminology.
Learning skills: the student will have to demonstrate the ability to learn useful in order to independently increase the knowledge of emerging risks in the food chain and to consult and understand the EU legislation on food safety.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Teaching methods
The lectures will be held synchronously based on the time of the first semester on the Teams platform, with the exception of the lectures of the teaching of Practical Jobs in slaughterhouses which will be recorded and made available on the Ariel platform.
The practical exercises include a blended mode with exercises in presence in small groups and with remote exercises on the Teams platform.
Study program and material
The program and study material will not change.
Verification of learning and evaluation criteria
The exam will take place in presence in the same way as in the past.
The lectures will be held synchronously based on the time of the first semester on the Teams platform, with the exception of the lectures of the teaching of Practical Jobs in slaughterhouses which will be recorded and made available on the Ariel platform.
The practical exercises include a blended mode with exercises in presence in small groups and with remote exercises on the Teams platform.
Study program and material
The program and study material will not change.
Verification of learning and evaluation criteria
The exam will take place in presence in the same way as in the past.
Prerequisites for admission
Previous basic knowledge of veterinary pharmacology, veterinary toxicology and Infectious animal diseases is advised. Knowledge of muscle structure and biochemistry and of basic microbiology is also needed.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is made of a written test, followed by a practical test. The written test includes questions in the form of closed-answer quizzes and open-ended questions on the two subjects. To access the practical test the student must have reached the sufficiency (18/30) in each of the two modules.
Practical test: consists of two tests. The first will require detailed description and meaning of the mandatory and voluntary information on a label of a food of animal origin; in the second the student will have to evaluate a food of animal origin with respect to the Regulation on microbiological criteria applicable to food products, demonstrating to identify the preservation and technological characteristics of the food and to orientate himself in the Regulation, indicating and explaining the most pertinent microbiological criteria.
The final mark is calculated as a weighed mean obtained form the evaluation of the written test and the practical test.
Practical test: consists of two tests. The first will require detailed description and meaning of the mandatory and voluntary information on a label of a food of animal origin; in the second the student will have to evaluate a food of animal origin with respect to the Regulation on microbiological criteria applicable to food products, demonstrating to identify the preservation and technological characteristics of the food and to orientate himself in the Regulation, indicating and explaining the most pertinent microbiological criteria.
The final mark is calculated as a weighed mean obtained form the evaluation of the written test and the practical test.
Industrie e alimenti di origine animale
Course syllabus
Introduction: General food law principles: Introduction to the EU integrated approach to food safety. Reg 178/2002, EFSA, RASFF, precautionary principle. 2 hours
1) Meat composition and nutritional value: Meat in the human diet. Composition; Quality and properties: PSE and DFD meats; Water Holding Capacity; Hour 4
2) The colour of meat: Colour of meat and meat products and factors influencing colour. Hours 2
3) Food Preservation techniques: Basic principles; Hurdle technology; chilling and freezing; deep freezing. Legislation in force. Hours 4
4) Food preservation techniques: Thermal treatments and other techniques; Pasteurization, canning; Salting, curing, smoking, liquid smoking, irradiation, other new technologies. Hours 4
5) Examples of Meat products: raw ham, cooked ham, mortadella, wurstel, dry fermented sausages: technology, inspection. Hours 2
6) Food additives, regulations and use in foods of animal origin. Hours 4
7) Labelling and information to consumers (Regulation 1169/2011) and traceability Hours 3
8) Chemical safety: contaminants and Regulation 1881/2006. Radioactive contamination and legislation in force. Hours 3
9) Food packaging; food contact materials and legislation in force . Hours 2
10) Eggs and egg products; characteristics and hygiene; regulations, labelling. Hours 2
1) Meat composition and nutritional value: Meat in the human diet. Composition; Quality and properties: PSE and DFD meats; Water Holding Capacity; Hour 4
2) The colour of meat: Colour of meat and meat products and factors influencing colour. Hours 2
3) Food Preservation techniques: Basic principles; Hurdle technology; chilling and freezing; deep freezing. Legislation in force. Hours 4
4) Food preservation techniques: Thermal treatments and other techniques; Pasteurization, canning; Salting, curing, smoking, liquid smoking, irradiation, other new technologies. Hours 4
5) Examples of Meat products: raw ham, cooked ham, mortadella, wurstel, dry fermented sausages: technology, inspection. Hours 2
6) Food additives, regulations and use in foods of animal origin. Hours 4
7) Labelling and information to consumers (Regulation 1169/2011) and traceability Hours 3
8) Chemical safety: contaminants and Regulation 1881/2006. Radioactive contamination and legislation in force. Hours 3
9) Food packaging; food contact materials and legislation in force . Hours 2
10) Eggs and egg products; characteristics and hygiene; regulations, labelling. Hours 2
Teaching methods
Lectures (32 hours)
Practices (16 hours)
Practices (16 hours)
Teaching Resources
Supplied in the teacher Ariel website
Igiene e tecnologia alimentare
Course syllabus
Introduction: Biological safety and European Union legislation. Hours 2
1) Factors affecting the growth and survival of microorganisms in foods. Food spoilage. Temperature; water activity; pH and acidity; atmosphere; redox potential; vacuum and protective atmosphere packaging. Hours 4
2) Food borne diseases: infection, intoxication and toxin mediated infections. Introduction. Gram negative bacteria. Salmonella spp, Shigella spp, Escherichia coli O157:H7, other STEC, Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter spp, Cronobacter sakazakii. Hours 3
3) Food borne diseases: Other pathogenic microorganisms and virus. Bacillus cereus, Clostridium botulinum Clostridium perfringens, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Brucella species, Hepatitis Virus A and E, Norovirus, Rotavirus . Hours 3
4) Biological safety: Food hygiene, legal basis. Regulation EC 852/2004. Microbiological criteria for foodstuffs. Hours 3
5) Principles and requirements of food hygiene, prerequisites, Hours 3
6) HACCP system. Theoretical basis. Hours 3
7) Hygiene and technology of milk and dairy products. Legislation in force. Hours 4
1) Factors affecting the growth and survival of microorganisms in foods. Food spoilage. Temperature; water activity; pH and acidity; atmosphere; redox potential; vacuum and protective atmosphere packaging. Hours 4
2) Food borne diseases: infection, intoxication and toxin mediated infections. Introduction. Gram negative bacteria. Salmonella spp, Shigella spp, Escherichia coli O157:H7, other STEC, Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter spp, Cronobacter sakazakii. Hours 3
3) Food borne diseases: Other pathogenic microorganisms and virus. Bacillus cereus, Clostridium botulinum Clostridium perfringens, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Brucella species, Hepatitis Virus A and E, Norovirus, Rotavirus . Hours 3
4) Biological safety: Food hygiene, legal basis. Regulation EC 852/2004. Microbiological criteria for foodstuffs. Hours 3
5) Principles and requirements of food hygiene, prerequisites, Hours 3
6) HACCP system. Theoretical basis. Hours 3
7) Hygiene and technology of milk and dairy products. Legislation in force. Hours 4
Teaching methods
Lectures (24 hours)
Practices (16 hours)
Practices (16 hours)
Teaching Resources
Supplied in the teacher's Ariel website
Igiene e tecnologia alimentare
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Stella Simone
Industrie e alimenti di origine animale
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Stella Simone