Inspection of Animal Source Foods 2

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide students with one day competences necessary to carry out the activities of the veterinary inspector, with special reference to meat and seafood. The teaching will provide the basic competences to perform:
- ante-mortem inspection of animals destined for the food-chain, including paying attention to welfare aspects; correctly identify conditions affecting the quality and safety of products of animal origin, to exclude those animals whose condition means their products are unsuitable for the food-chain.
- Perform a systematic gross post-mortem examination, record observations, sample tissues, store and transport them.
- Perform inspection of seafood including post-mortem inspection of seafood and inspection in the field of seafood technology.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding skills
the student must demonstrate knowledge of the notions concerning the main infectious and parasitic diseases and from unconventional agents of interest to the veterinary inspector, as well as the knowledge of the problems related to the use of drugs and anabolics in meat-producing animals. Particular attention is paid to the operational aspects and the rules that the veterinarian must apply in the inspection activity.
the student must possess the skills concerning the issues related to the production of fresh meat such as traceability, labeling, quality classification, hygiene and related control measures, management of meat (preservation, packaging) and by-products of slaughtering (health risk).
The student must demonstrate knowledge of the systematic of the main fish species marketed in Italy and in Europe, the knowledge of diseases transmissible from fishery products (viral, bacterial and parasitic), acute and chronic food poisoning (histamine, algae biotoxins, environmental contaminants ).
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The student must demonstrate that he is able to perform the inspection on meat and organs to establish suitability for consumption. Likewise, it will have to be able to assess the suitability for consumption of fishery products.
Autonomy of judgment and communication skills
The student must be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the proposed case studies, arguing the appropriate terminology with the appropriate terminology.
Demonstrate an ability of lifelong learning and a commitment to learning and professional development. This includes recording and reflecting on professional experience and taking measures to improve performance and competence.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Teaching methods
The lectures will be held synchronously based on the time of the first semester on the Teams platform, with the exception of the lectures of the teaching of Practical Jobs in slaughterhouses which will be recorded and made available on the Ariel platform.
The practical exercises include a blended mode with exercises in presence in small groups and with remote exercises on the Teams platform.

Study program and material
The program and study material will not change.

Verification of learning and evaluation criteria
The exam will take place in presence in the same way as in the past.
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have knowledge of the courses of: veterinary pathological anatomy, veterinary pharmacology and toxicology, infectious diseases of domestic animals, parasitology and parasitic diseases of domestic animals.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The integrated course includes a single written test; the written test is integrated with a practical test which includes the inspection of fish products (species recognition of fishery products) and the inspection of meat (solution of an inspective case).
Students to pass the exam must demonstrate knowledge of the main inspection issues of meat and fish products, know zoonoses and national and community legislation concerning food of animal origin.
The student must have acquired and applied the inspection method to assess the suitability for consumption of meat and fishery products.
It must know how to distinguish the main commercialized fish species, the toxic species and the forbidden species.

The final mark of the exam is given by the arithmetic mean of the written test and the practical test.
The partial mark of the written test is calculated from the weighted average of the part concerning the inspection of the meat (4 theoretical credits) and of the one concerning the fish products (2 theoretical credits). To pass the written test, it is mandatory to obtain a sufficient grade (18/30) in each of the two parts.
The partial mark of the practical test is calculated from the weighted average of the part concerning the inspection of the meat (1 practical CFU) and of that concerning the fish products (1 practical CFU).
To pass the practical test, it is mandatory to obtain a sufficient grade (18/30) in each of the two parts.
Ispezione e controllo delle carni
Course syllabus
Theoretical teaching

Topic Specific items Hours

·Bacterial diseases Veterinary procedures and judgement: 5
of intersest for septicaemia, anthrax, tuberculosis, brucellosis,
meat inspection glanders, pseudotuberculosis, contagious
bovine pleuropneumonia, salmonellosis,
campylobacteriosis, other "hidden zoonoses"

·Parasitic diseases Veterinary procedures and judgement: 4
of intersest for cysticercosis, echinococcosis, trichinosis,
meat inspection toxoplasmosis sarcosporidiosis

·Prionic diseases Regulations concerning the Transimissible 2
of intersest for Spongiphorm Encephalopaties (BSE - TSE)
meat inspection

·Chemicals of intersest Concerns for meat inspection related to 2
for meat inspection growth promoters and veterinary drugs

·Market perspectives Slaughter yield and primal cuts 1
of meat production Market classification of meats

·Traceability and Regulations concerning traceability 1
labeling of meat Labeling of meat

· Minced meat and Inspective rules concerning the production 1
meat preparations of minced meat, meat preparations and
mechanically separated meat

· Meat storage Meat packaging and storage 2
Spoilage of stored meat

·Animal by-products Mangement of slaughtering wastes and 1
by-products (health risk)

·Personnel involved in Safety rules for personnel in meat production plants 2
the slaughtering process Functions of the Official Ausiliaries
Zoonoses of concern for the slaughtering personnel

·Inspection of poultry, Inspection rules concerning poultry meat 3
rabbit and game meat Inspection rules concerning rabbit meat
Inspection rules concerning farmed game meat
Inspection rules concerning hunted game meat
Teaching methods
Theoretical lessons.
Teaching Resources
Manuale di Ispezione e Controllo delle Carni - S. Stella, E. Scanziani, G. Ghisleni, II ed. 2018, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano.
materiale didattico su Ariel:
Ispezione e controllo dei prodotti della pesca
Course syllabus
Topic Specific subject hours

Zoonoses Zoonose parasites in fresh water and marine fish. 4

Histamine Sgombroid syndrome: epidemilogy,
deasese in human, prevention and products at risk. 2

Contaminats Environmental contaminants and drug residues
in farming fish 2

Bivalve mollusks Farm, harvest, depuration and packacing.
Main inspection issues 4

Additives Additives in seafood. 2

Freshness Sensorial methods, chemical methods 2

Parasites non zoonotic, toxic fish, welfare in live seafoods 2

Training fish species identification

Shraks and Rays, Fish without ventral fins 1
Asymmetrical fish with ventral fins in jugular position 1
Symmetrical fish with ventral fins in jugular position 1
Fish with ventral fins in thoracic position 2
Fish with ventral fins in abdominal position 1
Crustaceans and mollusks 2
Case studies Case studies in seafood inspection 6
Teaching methods
Theoretical lessons (16 hours)
Pratica lessons (16 hours).

The course includes practical exercises in small groups with fishery products to acquire the ability to identify the different species and zoonotic and non-zoonotic parasites, the ability to evaluate the freshness of fishery products using the sensory method.
Teaching Resources
Teaching material: the texts of the lessons, exercises and insights provided by the teacher are available on the Ariel website.
Lavori pratici nei macelli
Course syllabus
Various aspects of practical activity of meat veterinary inspector are considered:
- Protection of animal welfare during slaughtering activities.
- Slaughtering procedures: Standard and special types of slaughtering.
- Ante mortem inspection.
- Post mortem inspection: refresh of anatomy; inspection procedures and tools; inspection procedure on tissues/organs with lesions; main pathological conditions in meat producing animals; acute/chronic inflammatory lesions; local/generalized lesions.
- Decision concerning meat and health marking.
- Laboratory tests in meat inspection: bacteriological and chemical analyses; examination for trichinosis; histological examination; other tests.

- Several inspection cases (organs with lesions) are faced, belonging to the main meat producing species (cattle, pig, sheep/goat, horse); health aspects are considered and decisions concerning meat are expressed.
- Problem solving exercices and discussion
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
- Classroom exercises on inspection cases
- Classroom exercises on inspection cases (with written paper and evaluation).
- Classroom exercises on complex inspection problems (with written paper and evaluation).
- Classroom exercises on complex inspection problems (work in small groups, with written work and evaluation).
Teaching Resources
Manuale di Ispezione e Controllo delle Carni - S. Stella, E. Scanziani, G. Ghisleni, IV ed. 2018, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano.
materiale didattico su Ariel:
Ispezione e controllo dei prodotti della pesca
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Turno 1 per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Bernardi Cristian Edoardo Maria
Turno 2 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Bernardi Cristian Edoardo Maria
Turno 3 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Bernardi Cristian Edoardo Maria
Turno 4 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Bernardi Cristian Edoardo Maria
Turno 5 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Bernardi Cristian Edoardo Maria
Turno 6 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Bernardi Cristian Edoardo Maria
Turno 7 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Bernardi Cristian Edoardo Maria
Ispezione e controllo delle carni
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Stella Simone
Lavori pratici nei macelli
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
Professors: Recordati Camilla, Scanziani Eugenio, Stella Simone
Professor: Scanziani Eugenio
Turno 1 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Recordati Camilla
Turno 10 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Recordati Camilla
Turno 11 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Recordati Camilla
Turno 12 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Recordati Camilla
Turno 13 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Recordati Camilla
Turno 14 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Scanziani Eugenio
Turno 15 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Scanziani Eugenio
Turno 16 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Scanziani Eugenio
Turno 17 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Scanziani Eugenio
Turno 18 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Scanziani Eugenio
Turno 19 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Scanziani Eugenio
Turno 2 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Stella Simone
Turno 3 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Stella Simone
Turno 4 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Stella Simone
Turno 5 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Stella Simone
Turno 6 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Stella Simone
Turno 7 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Stella Simone
Turno 8 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Scanziani Eugenio
Turno 9 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Recordati Camilla